Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
Anyway they built these big statues of a man sitting
on the ground with his legs crossed and his hands
held out in front as though he was asking for some-
Just Because
thing. There were men called priests to look after
these statues, and they said the statues were their god
Molech. The people thought Molech was God and
that he was alive. Pretty silly, huh?
The priests of Molech told the people they must
bring food and stuff to give to Molech; in return
he would make it rain, and he would make the
sun shine to grow their cabbages and other foods.
They believed these lies and brought lots of food to
Molech. The priests would light a big fire under the
hands of Molech and then throw the food into the
hands. The hands would become very hot, and the
food was burned up. Those dummies thought Molech
had eaten it. Well, as I said, they were not too smart.
Problem was that it didn’t rain. The priests told
the people Molech was angry because they were
not bringing enough food for him. But there had
been no rain for a long time so the people didn’t
have very much food and were get ing very hungry.
But stil the priests told them they must bring more
food. Satan was enjoying al of this very much. The
people were worshipping his statue Molech and
were starving because of giving their food. They
were very unhappy.
But even after they gave nearly all their food it
did not rain. Satan cannot make it rain, and neither
can a silly statue of a fat guy sitting down. But the
priests of Molech told the people they must bring the
things which were the most important to them, or else
he would make them starve to death. So the priests of
Molech who worked for Satan lit a big fire under the
hands of Molech. When those big hands were red-hot
Just Because
from the flames, the people gave Molech the things
that were the most important to them. Yes, they gave
their children.
They put their little babies into those red-hot
hands, and they were burned to death. Satan was very
pleased, and the Lord was very sad they had done
such an evil thing. If only the people would believe
in the Lord instead of doing evil all the time, then the
world would be such a better place. But the people
obeyed their false god, even killing their own chil-
dren. So how could the Lord bless them with rain,
because they would think it was Molech and then kill
more children?
The Lord decided to test Abraham to see if he
loved Him as much as the other people obeyed their
false god Molech. He told Abraham to take Isaac to a
place in the hills and make a sacrifice, which means to
kill something to give to God. So Abraham left home
with his son Isaac, and they set off for the hills.
“Why are we going on a trip, Father?” asked
Isaac. “Are we going to hunt wild animals?”
“No, son, we are going to make a sacrifice to the
Lord our God,” replied Abraham.
“And what animal will we sacrifice, Father?”
Abraham thought about Isaac’s question for a
while, and then he said, “The Lord will provide the
sacrifice, son.” Abraham did not want Isaac to know
the Lord had told him Isaac would be the sacrifice.
Isaac carried the wood on his back, and when
they arrived up in the hills Abraham told Isaac to lie
down upon a large flat stone. He piled wood on the
stone to light a fire, put Isaac on top and tied him up
Just Because
with a rope. Isaac must have been very scared, and
Abraham didn’t want to sacrifice him, but he knew he
must obey the Lord. Abraham pulled a knife from his
belt. Just as he lifted it up to kill Isaac, the angel of
the Lord called out to him, “Abraham! Abraham!”
“Here I am,” replied Abraham, looking around
for the person who spoke.
Then the angel of the Lord spoke to Abraham.
“Do not hurt Isaac. Now I know you love the Lord
and will obey Him because you have been willing to
sacrifice your son, your only son whom you love.”
Then Abraham looked and saw a sheep caught
in the thorns, and the angel told him to sacrifice the
sheep to the Lord. So Abraham called that place in
the hills “the Lord provides” because the Lord had
provided for him just as he had told his son Isaac.
Now Abraham believed the Lord would bring Isaac
back to life again. He had promised that Isaac would
have children, and he couldn’t have children if he
was dead, could he? So Abraham and Isaac brought
the sheep out of the thorns and made a sacrifice to the
Lord, and then the angel of the Lord spoke again to
Abraham. The angel told Abraham again that because
he had obeyed the Lord from his sons would come a
nation of people.
From that nation of people would come God’s
only Son. God’s Son would be a miracle baby like
Isaac, and He would carry a cross of wood on His back
and go to the place of sacrifice, just as Isaac carried
the wood to the place of sacrifice. God would not
save His Son as He saved Isaac, but He would allow
His only Son to die, and three days later He would
Just Because
come alive again. God was showing us through Isaac
and Abraham what He was going to do many years
later, so we would know Jesus was truly God’s Son.
Abraham was very happy, and Isaac was very
happy he was alive. But Satan wasn’t happy because
the people were thinking Molech was a very bad
god who couldn’t make it rain. The Lord blessed
Abraham, and there was rain. Everyone’s vegeta-
bles grew, and the people were blessed because of
Abraham. I suppose the priests of Molech tried to
make people believe Molech had made it rain. And
some of them believed this Just Because some people
are really silly and will believe almost anything
except the truth.
Chapter 10
Now Isaac grew up to be a fine young man who
loved the Lord. When he was about forty
years old his mother Sarah died, and he was very
sad. Abraham and Isaac buried Sarah, and Abraham
thought it would be a good idea if Isaac had a wife to
make him happy.
So Abraham called one of his most trusted servants
and told him how to find Isaac’s new wife. Abraham
didn’t want Isaac to marry a girl from around their
town because the girls there didn’t love the Lord, so
he sent his servant back to his homeland. He told his
servant the angel of the Lord would go to their home-
town ahead of him and choose a wife for Isaac.
Now you might be wondering how Isaac was
gonna fall in love with this girl if he wasn’t going to
choose her himself. Good question. Well, Abraham
believed the Lord would choose Isaac’s wife for him.
Abraham reckoned the Lord knew what kind of lady
would be best for Isaac and what lady Isaac would fall
in love with, so he decided to let the Lord choose.
Just Because
Abraham’s servant was kinda worried about this.
He didn’t know the Lord very well, and Abraham had
told him to go and find the girl. “What if I bring home
the wrong one?” he thought. “What if I find a girl
and she won’t come back here with me? And what
if Isaac doesn’t like her?” He was a worried man.
Abraham told him not to worry, so off he went.
In those days people traveled by camel train.
Camel trains are much slower than normal trains,
and they don’t smell too good either. The servant had
ten camels in his train, each one tied behind the other
in a long line. He had tied many nice gifts and things
to the camels to give to the girl’s parents.
When he arrived at Abraham’s hometown he
stopped at the well. The well was a long hole in the
ground with water inside. Ladies would come to the
well, drop a bucket on a rope down into the well and
pull up buckets of water to take to their homes. It was
hard work to get water.
Now the servant wondered which one of these
ladies might be the right one. He thought about this
for a while and came up with a good plan. He prayed!
Praying is always a very good plan. He said to the
Lord, “God of my master Abraham”—remember
he didn’t know the Lord too well—“please give me
success today and bless my master Abraham.”
Then he reminded the Lord he was sitting near
the well and told the Lord his plan. “I will ask the
girls for a drink of water, and You get the right girl
to say to me, ‘Have a drink, and I will water your
camels also.’”
Just Because
A camel gets very, very thirsty and can drink about
ten buckets of water. So the servant was making a
very hard test. The right girl for Isaac would say she
was willing to pull up about a hundred buckets of
water from the well. She would have to be a very
nice person to offer to do such a big job for a stranger.
Well, as faith would have it, the servant had not even
finished praying when a beautiful girl walked up to
the well to get water.
He went over to her. When she had pulled up a
bucket of water he asked her for a drink.
“Yes, please have a drink, and then I will water
your camels for you, sir.”
Wel , the old servant almost fel over with delight
and surprise. He was so excited he told the girl his
whole story. Her name was Rebekah, and she believed
this man had come from the Lord. She took him and his
smel y old camels back to meet her family and told her
parents and brother the story. Everyone was excited,
especial y the servant because he had been successful
and Rebekah because she wanted to be married.
They set off to go back to Abraham and Isaac with
the camels. When they were almost there they saw
a man coming toward them. It was Isaac. Rebekah
jumped off her camel and covered up her face. In
those days a girl covered her face when she had been
chosen, so poor old Isaac still didn’t know what she
looked like until the day they were married. He must
have been praying about this. But I think Isaac was a
man who trusted the Lord and knew the Lord would
choose a girl who was perfect for him and only him.
God is like that, you know.
Just Because
On the day of the wedding Isaac stood in front
of Rebekah and lifted the cloth that was covering
her face. It was love at first sight. She was the most
beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was very cute,
and Isaac could see the Lord was a perfect chooser.
They had a big kiss and a cuddle and went for a little
honeymoon. Abraham was happy because now Isaac
wasn’t thinking so much about his mother, Sarah,
dying. Rebekah and Isaac were happy because they
were crazy about each other, and Abraham’s servant
was happy because he had found the girl the Lord
had chosen.
It goes to show that when people trust the Lord
they are happy. Rebekah and Isaac started their
married life together knowing God had chosen only
them to be married to each other Just Because the
Lord always knows best. Cool story, eh?
Chapter 11
Isaac and Rebekah had two sons. Actually they were
born at the same time because they were twins,
although they didn’t look like twins. The first one
born was a funny looking little guy because he was
covered in red hair. He was a hairy dude and maybe
looked like one of those cave man pictures when he
grew up. They called him Esau. The second one was
born straight after Esau because he was holding onto
his brother’s heel. They called him Jacob.
When they grew up they were different. Esau
liked to go away from home hunting wild animals,
and he would bring meat home for his father, Isaac,
to eat. Isaac liked the meat, and he decided he liked
Esau better than Jacob. Jacob didn’t like hunting; he
liked to stay at home and read a book and be with his
mother, so he became his mother’s favourite.
Now the boys had some big arguments. One day
Jacob tricked Esau into giving him the land his father
had promised him, and after that Esau married not
just one but two girls his mother didn’t like and left
Just Because
home. The Lord was not happy with Esau because
Esau never bothered to trust the Lord in his life and
he married not just one but two girls who didn’t care
to love the Lord. After Jacob had tricked his big
brother, Jacob was scared so he ran away to stay with
his uncle Laban.
One night on his journey he had a strange dream.
In his dream he saw this big long ladder going from
the ground right up through the clouds to heaven. He
also saw God’s angels going up and down the ladder.