Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
will bite his heel, and He will crush your head.”
Satan got out of that snake’s body and ran out of
there as fast as he could go, but of course only the
Lord saw him go because he was invisible to Adam
and Eve. The snake fell down and started crawling
away. Satan found some of his demon buddies waiting
for him and told them what the Lord had said, but not
exactly as the Lord had said it.
Just Because
“This woman is going to have a child, He told
me, and He said I’m gonna fight Him and He is going
to win. How can a kid beat me? I’m the greatest.
I’m the king of this world now. Adam and Eve have
fol owed me, and God’s precious lit le people are
al going to die.” Satan was angry and screaming by
this time. “I’l make al people hate God. I’l make
them believe God doesn’t exist. I’l drag them into
hel , and God wil wish He had never made any of
them. I wil make God sad for His lit le creatures,
because He hates to see them hurt and sinning. I’ll
make them learn to hate and fight and kil . When
this kid who is supposed to beat me comes along,
I’l kil Him while He is stil a baby; He won’t have
a chance to beat me.”
Satan thought it might be Eve’s baby who was
going to fight him, but he was wrong. That special
baby wouldn’t be born for a very long time, and His
name would be Jesus.
Meanwhile back in the garden the Lord was
talking to Adam and Eve. He said to them, “Because
you have sinned, this whole world will be affected.
All the plants and animals and the ground also, every-
thing I gave you, will have death and disease because
you have made Satan the ‘god of this world,’ because
you have sinned like him. All people will sin because
of you, and only those children of yours who decide
to love and obey Me will escape from being Satan’s
children. All those who follow him and refuse to
change will end up destroyed in hell as he will.”
Just then they heard the roar of the lion and saw
him run from the garden with blood on his mouth.
Just Because
The killing had started. The little lamb that had
played with the lion was dead. The Lord watched all
of this. He knew this was the first little lamb to die,
but one day another lamb would die, one who would
be called the Lamb of God, Jesus, and He would die
for a good reason, to save the world from sin.
So terrible things happened because of Adam and
Eve’s sin. The Lord told them to leave the garden
because nothing with sin could stay in there and
survive, and the Lord put one of his sword-angels to
guard the gate. When they went outside the garden
they saw that thistles had begun to grow and the
animals were hunting each other. Adam noticed
that some of his hair had started to fall out, and Eve
thought she might have some wrinkles and a tooth-
ache. They were beginning to die.
The saddest thing was that when they were not
in the garden they could not hear the Lord as well as
when they were. Sin had made them separate from
God, and now it was much harder to hear His voice
and impossible to see Him. Not only were they dying
in their bodies, but worse than this their perfection
had died; they were not perfect anymore.
God forgave Adam and Eve for their sin, but as
when anyone sins, bad things happened that were
because of that sin. The Lord didn’t stop Satan from
tricking them, and He didn’t stop them from sinning;
He wanted them to choose whom they would follow.
If we couldn’t choose, then we couldn’t even choose
to love the Lord. So it is a good thing to have a choice
even if we make the wrong choice sometimes.
Just Because
Now Adam and Eve were out of Eden, and Satan
had power on the earth. The Lord had decided He
would let the world exist for a set number of years,
and then He would finish it. But only He would
know when that day would be. That day He would
take all the people who love Him home to His para-
dise. But those who hate Him, He would have to let
go with Satan and be destroyed forever at the end
of the world. But now the world would never be the
same, and there would be sadness and horrible things
happening. People would get sick and die, and people
would learn to hate and kill. But Jesus would also
come and save His people, and all this has happened
Just Because Adam and Eve sinned.
Chapter 4
Life outside the garden was much different for
Adam and Eve. They had to plant seeds and
grow their own food although the Lord had put many
fruit trees outside for them as well. Back at the gate
into Eden the sword-angel stood and stopped anyone
from going inside. He held a flaming sword in his
hand which looked like bright fire.
Satan and his buddies stayed away from him
because they knew God’s sword-angels were the
toughest angels in the galaxy. They found that out
when they tried to have a war in heaven and throw
the Lord out. They had been the ones thrown out. You
just don’t mess with the Lord’s angels—not that they
would ever hurt anyone who loves the Lord. In fact,
the Bible says God has one of these dudes keeping an
eye on every boy and girl.
The world was no longer perfect, but Adam and
Eve tried to make a new life and a new family. The
Lord told them to have lots of children, so that was
what they decided to do. Their first two boys were
Just Because
called Cain and Abel, and they were very different
guys. Abel really liked to look after sheep so he
became a shepherd, someone who looks after sheep.
That makes sense, doesn’t it? Cain liked to grow
things so he grew lots of wheat for making flour and
bread, and he grew vegetables and stuff.
One day Cain and Abel brought offerings to
give to the Lord to ask for the Lord’s blessing on
their work. Now Abel brought some meat, and Cain
thought, “I’m gonna bring whatever I want so I will
bring some wheat grain.” The Lord was pleased with
Abel’s offering but not with Cain’s, and Cain became
angry about this. So the Lord warned him to be careful
that his bad moods didn’t make him do evil things.
Cain didn’t listen; some people just never do.
Now Satan had heard what went on, and he decided
to put a few very nasty thoughts into Cain’s head.
Cain started thinking some very bad things such as
“the Lord likes my brother more than me so I think I
will try to get rid of him.” So Cain had a plan, a very
evil plan. He may have thought it up all by himself,
but I think perhaps he had some help from you-
know-who. Cain didn’t have to listen to these bad
ideas, but his anger started to control him. One day
Cain asked Abel to go out to the fields with him, and
Abel went. When Abel wasn’t looking Cain picked
up a big rock and smashed it down on Abel’s head,
and he fell to the ground and died. He had a big cut
on his head, and the blood went into the ground, and
the Lord knew Abel had died.
Cain went home, and the Lord went to him and
asked him, “Where is your brother Abel?”
Just Because
Cain said, “I don’t know where he is, and it isn’t
my job to look after him anyway.”
The Lord told Cain that Abel’s blood had called
to him from the ground, and this meant the Lord
knew that Cain had killed him. The Lord told Cain he
must be punished for killing his brother; now when
he tried to grow his vegetables and other produce he
would have heaps of weeds and stuff. The Lord also
sent him away from his family to live in the land of
Nod. Funny name, I reckon; but Nod was a real place
in those days, and that was where he went.
Old Satan was pleased, of course, because he
had seen the first person kill another person. Satan
loves to see evil things, especially people hurting
each other and rebelling against God. Cain left his
family, and he and his wife went to the land of Nod
and made a home there.
Now Adam lived to be a very old man; in fact he
lived to be 930 years old. People lived much longer
in those days because they didn’t get sick and didn’t
have any bad germs around.
One of Adam’s great-great-great-grandchildren
was called Enoch. Enoch lived until he was 365
years old, and he never ever died. That’s right, guys.
He never ever died because he always obeyed the
Lord, and one day the Lord just zapped him up to
heaven. He didn’t collect anything to take on the
journey; he just shot through, straight up. Must have
fairly freaked out Mrs. Enoch, eh? She was probably
walking around her kitchen calling out to Enoch to
come for dinner.
Just Because
“Hey, dear, why don’t you come for dinner?
You’ve been praying for ages, and your dinner
is going to get cold if you don’t stop soon. I can’t
understand why you love God so much when you
can’t even see Him.”
“Enoch!” she yelled. “Get in here, will you, man?
Enoch, why don’t you answer me?” Mrs. Enoch
walked outside just in time to see Enoch’s feet disap-
pearing through the clouds. She probably fainted or
something, and when she woke up she had twice as
much food to eat.
I’ll bet Satan was as mad as a donkey with its tail
on fire. Up until now he had watched everyone die
when they got old, but Enoch slipped right through
his fingers. Satan was still watching out for this
baby that was gonna fight him, but he wasn’t really
worried at the moment because things in the world
were becoming very, very bad.
After Cain killed Abel other people did that as
well, and things were going to get even worse. Some
of Satan’s demon buddies had decided they would
like to have children and their children would be
huge giants who would teach the people very evil
things. When you thought it couldn’t get any worse it
did—and Just Because only one man on earth really
loved the Lord now. His name was Noah. The other
one who really loved the Lord had just left through
the clouds before dinner. ZAP—gone.
Chapter 5
Now things were getting very bad in the world,
and people stopped believing in the Lord. One
man still believed in the Lord and also loved the Lord,
and his name was Noah. Near where Noah lived and
everywhere in the world, people had become very
evil. Some of Satan’s buddies married human girls
and had babies that grew into big giants. They were
called the Nephilim, and they were half demon. They
were very powerful and strong, and many people have
written stories about them. The Nephilim taught the
people evil things, like how to kill each other. They
made the people worship Satan. All the people except
a few were listening to Satan and his demon buddies
and not to God. People would do anything Satan
asked them to do, and they did terrible things to each
other. They were killing each other and stealing and
killing their children and burning people alive. They
built big buildings like pyramids and killed people
on top of these buildings. They told the people that
if they did this then the gods would help them. The
Just Because
gods they were talking about were their parents, the
demons, and especially Satan. It was a terrible time
to be alive in those days because you never knew
when terrible things might happen to you.
The Lord saw all the evil in the world, and He
decided to stop it. He decided to give the people a
chance to change; He would make a big flood, and
every evil person would drown. So the Lord told Noah
to build a huge boat called an ark. The Bible doesn’t
tell us how He spoke to Noah, but Noah heard Him
anyway. Now Noah decided to trust the Lord even
though he didn’t know for sure what would happen
in the future. The Lord was pleased with Noah for
trusting Him, because God loves people to have
faith. Faith just means to trust the Lord and do what
He asks, even when you don’t know for sure what
will happen.
The Lord told Noah exactly how to make the
ark and how many rooms to put into it. Noah drew a
picture of what the ark would look like, and he started
work. It was the first time anyone in the world had
ever built a big boat. It would be bigger than a whole
football field and take a very long time to build. Noah
was five hundred years old when he began to build
the ark, and it took one hundred years to build. But
he had some help because Noah had three sons called
Shem, Ham and Japheth.
While the ark was being built everyone in the