Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
had finished having their babies by the time they went
to their houses. So the Lord blessed these nurses, and
they had babies of their own, and more children were
born to the Hebrew people.
Pharaoh was angry so he gave the Jews another
order. “Every boy that is born you must throw into
the river, but let every girl live.”
The Hebrews tried to hide their baby boys, but
sometimes the soldiers found them and drowned
their babies in the Nile river. The Lord decided it was
time to put His plan into action.
There was a lady who loved the Lord, and the
Lord told her His plan. After she had a baby boy, she
made a basket for him and covered the basket with
black tar so it would float. She put some soft cloth
inside and placed her baby boy in the basket. Then
she placed the basket on top of the water and let it
float into the long grass that grew on the banks of
the Nile river. Then she told her daughter to hide in
Just Because
the long grass and watch to see what happened to her
little brother.
After a while, who should come down to the river
but the daughter of the Pharaoh herself? She was a
princess, and she had come to take a bath in the warm
river. She had her servant girls with her. As they were
walking beside the river they saw the basket, and she
sent her slave to fetch it. When she opened it she saw
a beautiful baby boy, and he began to cry. She felt
sorry for him. She realised he was a Hebrew baby. As
she was standing looking at him and wondering what
to do, his sister ran over and asked her, “Shall I run
and get a Hebrew lady to feed the baby for you?”
The princess ordered her to get someone, and
so the girl ran and got his real mother. When she
arrived, the princess told her to take the baby boy
to her house and feed him for her, and she would be
paid money. So the baby’s real mother took the little
boy to her house and cared for him, and she was paid
money by the princess to look after her very own
baby. Cool plan, huh? When he was older she took
him to the princess, and the princess took him to be
her own son. The princess called him Moses, a name
that means to come from the water, and little Moses
grew up to be a prince of Egypt. Satan was angry
because he had been so busy trying to make sure all
the baby boys were killed, and now one of them was
going to be a prince in Egypt.
So Moses grew up living in the palace. He knew
he was a Hebrew because he often visited his mother
and she told him all about the Lord and His promise
to Israel. Moses had the very best teachers in all of
Just Because
Egypt so he learned to read and write. He didn’t
know he was being prepared by the Lord, and Satan
didn’t know either. Meanwhile the Jewish people
were forced to keep making large cities and build-
ings for Pharaoh. All day long they were forced to
make bricks. It was very hot in Egypt, and they had
to sweat in the sun and were never given any money
for their work. They had to keep hiding their baby
boys, and they prayed to God to help them. Some
of them had almost given up praying because they
thought the Lord didn’t care anymore. Some of them
wondered why the Lord had allowed such evil things
to happen to them, but the Lord had promised when
He made people that He would never force anyone
to follow Him.
So the first part of the Lord’s plan was started,
and it was a great plan. Lit le Moses was brought
up by his own mother and also as a prince of Egypt.
His mother was very happy because instead of her
son being drowned he was alive and was a prince.
She trusted the Lord. Satan thought he was winning
the bat le with God, but he was wrong. Out of the
same river that had swal owed the lit le boys came
a lit le boy who was a prince of Egypt, a lit le
boy who would become a powerful servant of the
Lord. He didn’t know it yet, but the Lord often has
a wonderful plan for people if only they wil trust
Him, Just Because He has a special plan for every
person’s life, not only princes.
Chapter 16
One day when Moses was about forty years
old he was riding around in his chariot where
the slaves were working. He saw an Egyptian slave
master take a Hebrew slave where he thought no one
could see him, and he was beating him up and hit ing
him with his whip. Moses was very angry because
he knew he was a Hebrew himself and he couldn’t
stand to see this man being hurt like that. Moses
looked around to see if anyone could see him, and
then he ran over and grabbed the slave master. There
was a fight, and Moses ended up kil ing the slave
master. Moses had been trained to fight as wel as to
read and write.
The next day Moses was driving around, and he
saw two Hebrew men having a fight. He rushed over
and stopped them and demanded to know why these
two guys were fighting each other. The men stopped
fighting, but they were still angry.
One of them yelled at Moses, “Who made you
our king? Are you going to kill us as you killed the
Egyptian yesterday?”
Just Because
Moses was worried Pharaoh would find out he
had killed an Egyptian. Pharaoh didn’t like Moses
because he hated all Hebrews, and guess what? He
did find out. Moses decided the best thing to do
would be to get out of Egypt as fast as he could so he
grabbed a few things and left. He ran into the desert
where Pharaoh’s soldiers wouldn’t be able to find
him, and he went on a search for water. Moses had
taken some water with him, but there wasn’t much
left; he was also feeling alone. He wasn’t really alone
because the Lord was with him, and the Lord had
some big plans for this guy.
Finally he found a well, a hole similar to the one
Joseph’s brothers had thrown him into four hundred
years before, but this one had lots of nice cold water.
Moses had a long cool drink and sat down to rest.
While he was sitting there some pretty girls came
along with a mob of sheep to give the sheep water.
They started to get the water out when some other
guys arrived with their goats. These guys started
pushing the girls around and told them they were
going to take the water first.
Now before he met the Lord, Moses was a man
who never seemed to walk away from trouble, and
here was trouble. Moses wasn’t going to put up with
seeing girls being bullied by these guys, so he stood
up and wandered over to the well.
“Hey, you guys,” he said. “These girls were here
first so leave them alone.”
“What are you going to do about it, fella?” asked
one of the shepherds. “There’re five of us and only
one of you, so you just go and sit down again.”
Just Because
Moses walked over there and looked this guy
right in the eyes and said in a cool and firm voice,
“I’m going to start giving these ladies’ sheep some
water from the well, and if one or all of you dudes try
to stop me you’ll find out you picked on the wrong
man.” Moses stared right at this guy and gave him a
mean look. The shepherds could see he wasn’t joking
with them, so like all cowards who get around in
gangs the shepherds went away. Moses then helped
the girls draw up the water, and they were very happy
about it. One of them, whose name was Zipporah,
starting falling in love with Moses because she could
see he was a very good man, and I reckon she thought
he was pretty cute as well. She didn’t know he was
also a prince, because he didn’t tell anyone, but they
all thought he was an Egyptian because of his hair
cut and clothes.
Moses helped the girls take their sheep home,
and he wanted to make sure the bad shepherd guys
didn’t come back to make trouble again. After
talking to their father they invited Moses to stay for
dinner. Their father’s name was Jethro, and he was
a godly man. Jethro asked Moses if he would like
to stay with them, and he decided he would. Moses
had noticed the way Zipporah was looking at him,
and he thought she was very beautiful also. Sounds
like another romance. So Moses became a shep-
herd himself. After a while he asked Zipporah if she
wanted to marry him, and she was very excited and
of course said yes.
Yep, another romance!
Just Because
So Moses had a chat with Jethro, and he was very
pleased for Moses and Zipporah to get married. After
a wedding and a celebration Moses and Zipporah
started their own family. They had a baby boy later,
and although they made their own home Moses felt
like a stranger in a foreign land. For the next forty
years Moses traveled around in the land between
Egypt and Canaan taking the sheep to grass and water.
He knew the country very well after forty years, and
this too was part of the Lord’s plan for him.
Down in Egypt the Pharaoh continued to be
cruel to the Hebrews. It was now four hundred years
since Israel had gone to live in Egypt. When they
went there they were treated like kings, but now
the Hebrews had been slaves for hundreds of years.
They prayed hard to the Lord and pleaded with Him
to help them and to set them free from being slaves.
The Lord heard their prayers, and He loved them.
He remembered His promise to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, and He decided the time had come to start the
next part of His plan. He waited until the Pharaoh
who knew Moses died, and then He called Moses in
a very strange way, Just Because He’s the Lord and
He can call any way He likes.
Chapter 17
Moses was eighty years old when the Lord
decided it was time to bring His people out
of Egypt. Although Moses was eighty he was very
fit from walking through the desert and mountains
taking care of the sheep. Now God had a new job for
him to do. One day as Moses was leading the sheep
across part of Mount Horeb he saw a bush on fire.
Now it wasn’t unusual to see a tree on fire in the desert
because sometimes the leaves got real y hot and fires
started. But this bush was different. Although the
flames were leaping out of the bush, the leaves were
not turning brown or being burned. Moses decided to
get closer and look at this strange sight.
Suddenly Moses heard a loud voice from inside
the bush, and he nearly jumped out of his skin with
fright. It’s not every day you hear a bush talking, now
is it? The voice called his name twice, and when he
answered it told him to take off his sandals because
he was standing on holy ground. Moses understood
that holy ground meant it was a place where God was,
Just Because
and that meant it was a specially clean and powerful
place. So he was a little bit frightened and scared to
keep looking at the bush.
“Moses,” said the voice, “I am the God of your
father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
Now Moses was really afraid. I mean, he was big
time afraid. He hid his face because he was scared to
look at God.
And the Lord said, “I have seen how sad my
people the Hebrews are in Egypt and how cruel their
slave masters are. I am going to free them from the
Pharaoh and the land of the Egyptians and bring them
to the land I promised them.”
Moses was wondering just what all of this had to
do with him. He didn’t have to wonder very long.
“I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people
the Israelites out of Egypt,” the Lord told Moses.
“Who am I to go down to Egypt, Lord?” asked
Moses, trying to think of a reason why he should not
be the one to go.
“I will be with you, Moses,” said the Lord.
“And if I go and tell them the God of their fathers
has sent me and they ask me Your name, what shall I
tell them?” Moses asked.
The Lord answered him, “Tell them I Am that I
Am has sent you. This is my holy name forever, the
name I AM.”
Now Moses had to think about this for a minute.
The name I AM was not an ordinary name like Tom
or Fred. If the Lord had said I WAS, then this would
mean He may not be in the future. And if He had said
I WILL BE, then it would mean He never used to be.
Just Because
But the name I AM meant God has always been alive
and always will be alive. So God was telling Moses
that He has no beginning and no end because He is
the Lord.
So the Lord explained to Moses that He was going
to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. He told Moses the
people would listen to him, but the Pharaoh wouldn’t