Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France (60 page)

BOOK: Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
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The wealth of France had
: Hortense I, 56
In all her…no one else
: Staël
recalling the legend of Psyche
…: Lajer-Burcharth 278
beautiful white shoulders…full of men
: Gower I, 377
bewildered by her isolation
: Brookner 144
into a palace of rubies
: Mercier
New Picture
II, 125
perpetual circle of…dangerously fascinating
: Trotter 226–7
these enchanting places
: Almeras 98
surrounded and almost overpowered by
: Trotter 341
kissing and chewing the train
: Lajer-Burcharth 258
If one is happy to
: Abrantes
III, 154
the Directory fell by
: Talleyrand I, 203
waiting for the first master
: Roland
I do not…all of those
: Hunt 184
two powerful passions
: Fouché 72
but that he…owes me everything
: Bruce 283
What can be done
: Fouché 76
with charming vivacity
: Barras IV, 104
on the happiness…drafted by…positive…follow one’s convictions
: The next quotations, Herold 185, 220, 220, 221
merely a question of dates
: Loomis 104
I live with…tired of being…supervision of everything
: The next quotations, Herold 225 (Fairweather 264), 245, 221
was once my…keep her out
: The next quotations, Gastine 249, 246
Do you still…they are polite
: Bruce 337
oriental etiquette
: Staël
II, 393
I hope that…of Citoyenne Bonaparte
: Stuart 270
To have once loved Mme
: Bruce 429
who was so timid without
: Lenormant
It was often…except its workings
: Berger 46
every quality of…a gambler’s fervour
: Stuart 160
Enamoured of the lubricities
: Sade
the baptism of the personal
: Stuart 274
In short…what I think
: Berger 4
Advise her not…yes or no
: The next quotations, Herold 230, 228
A woman distinguished…laws of nature
: Fairweather 341
You are right…know the reason
: Staël
II, 201
which is and always has
: Gilles 304
Few women had had it
: Gower I, 402–3
glittering, radiant beauty
: Vigée-Lebrun 238
They say she talks about
: Christiansen 133
the tyranny of public opinion
: Fairweather 286
Women…all social institutions
: Herold 238
He fears me…not my will
: Fairweather 279
like an Irishman who kept
: Herold 251
No, no, there is no
: Fairweather 293
could never appear…bear life elsewhere
: The next quotations, Herold 290, 245
What I want…stick to knitting
: Fairweather 349
We need the notion of
: Bruce 313
Public education is not suitable
: Stuart 271
had not her first husband
: Plutarch II, 311
It is all very well
: Gastine 304
Nay, God forbid…in her hand
: Kotzebue I, 219
He has not yet met
: Lenormant
I am not Mme Récamier’s
: Levaillant 84
Chapter 19 · FEMMES
If I should deign
: Houssaye 13
I own, madame
: W. Russell,
Extraordinary Women
(London 1857) 211
revolutionary Fury
: Roudinesco 152
expanded the soul
: Lajer 17
What is most
: Michelet 282
that received for humanity
: Rosa 239
Although women were silenced
: Landes 106
succeeded perfectly in carrying out
: Outram in Porter 133
whether they…of the Republic!
: The next quotations, HMW 1801 II, 52, 55
The Emperor has done
: Fairweather 448


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