Locked Away (Living With Lies Book 2) (14 page)

Read Locked Away (Living With Lies Book 2) Online

Authors: Riann C. Miller

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Locked Away (Living With Lies Book 2)
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“When you first got here, I think Kiran, like Gavin, was concerned about what might happened to the four of us by allowing you to stay with us. However, after a few days, I saw the way he looked at you and it frightened me. I’ve only known Kiran for a little over a year, but the very few times I’ve seen him around a female it left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn’t want that for you. That’s why I butted in where I didn’t belong and I’m sorry because I was wrong.” Kate reaches out and tugs on my hand. “I don’t know why Kiran is different with you, but he is and this dress is the proof of that.”

Kate’s words cause me to fight back happy tears, something that is extremely rare for me. “Thank you,” I add, feeling upbeat for the first time in my life.

“No, Belle. Thank you.”

“I think I’ll go get ready for my date.” My need to swim suddenly vanishes. I pick up the dress, run up to my room, pick up my cell, and then type out a text.

Me: Thank you.

Seconds pass before he replies.

Kiran: You’re welcome. Pack your suitcase. I’ll be there to pick you up in about an hour.

An hour? Crap, it’s only a little after three in the afternoon. I grab my things and I head to the bathroom. I have a hot date to get ready for, and I want to make sure I look my best.


The dress Kiran picked out for me fits perfectly. I fixed my make-up and left my hair down. Thankfully, Kate popped her head in and gave me a pair of strappy heels that look great paired with my new dress.

I pull out my extra clothing and pack everything else I will need then go downstairs.

I’m waiting in the living room when I’m startled by the sound of the doorbell. Since I’ve moved in, I’ve never heard the doorbell ring and I have no idea if I should answer it or not.

“Kate?” I holler when I hear it ring again. Hesitantly, I make my way over to the door and peek out the side window to find Kiran standing on the other side of the door. With a smile on my face, I open the door. “What are you doing?” I ask with a laugh in my voice.

The smile on Kiran’s face slowly melts away as another emotion takes over. “Good God, Isabelle. You look ...” he trails off, rubbing his hand over his face. “You look better than the million dirty fantasies I’ve had all damn day.” His words cause my face to flush. I have no idea what Kiran wore to work today, but he’s currently dressed to kill. He’s wearing a blue shirt with the collar left unbuttoned paired with dark jeans. Kiran looks sexy when he wears his usual outfit consisting of khaki shorts and a t-shirt, but that’s nothing compared to how he looks at the moment.

I clear my throat. “Why did you ring the bell? You live here.”

Kiran’s eyes dance back and forth between mine. “Because you live here and I happen to be here to take you out.”

He once again causes flutters in my stomach.

“Oh,” I breathily say.

“I told you, Isabelle. I’m going to give you a weekend you’ll never forget.” He gives me a breathtaking smile that captures my heart.

“Ready?” I nod when I can’t find my voice as Kiran offers me his arm. “Let’s go.”

He walks me to the passenger side of his car and opens the door. I slide in as he walks my bag around and places it in the trunk, and then we’re off.

“I haven’t lived here long so I’m a newbie on where to go but I made us reservations at a place that’s not far from our hotel.” My heart speeds up from the unexpected thought Kiran has put into our weekend. My mind is racing as he reaches over and laces my hand with his. I glance over at him to find him grinning as he drives.

It’s not long before we arrive at a fancy restaurant. Kiran hands over his keys to a valet. After placing his hand on the small of my back, we walk in together.

“Reservations for Clark,” Kiran tells the hostess.

“This way.” Kiran’s hand returns to the small of my back as he leads me to our table. It’s probably my imagination, but it feels like every person in the restaurant stops to watch us walk by.

“Your waiter will be right with you.”

I sit down then so does Kiran, but instead of opening his menu, he stares at me. “What?” I ask, tamping down my nerves.

“Nothing. It’s just ...” Kiran pauses and swallows. “I pictured what you’d look like tonight but my imagination didn’t do you justice.”

My chest tightens. “Thank you. Not just for your kind words but also for all the effort. I could live to be a hundred years old and I think tonight will be something I’ll always remember.” Kiran’s eyes light up with pride as our waiter appears.

“Can I get you a drink while you look the menu over?”

I glance over to Kiran to see if he plans on drinking or not. “I’ll have an ice tea.”

If he’s not drinking, then neither am I. “I’ll take the same.”

“Very good. Take your time and I’ll be back,” the waiter says before disappearing.

In the short time I’ve known Kiran, I’ve seen him crack a beer or two after coming home from work. “You didn’t want a beer?” I question.

Kiran lifts his eyebrows. “Maybe we’ll have a few drinks tomorrow. Tonight, I want to make sure we both have a clear head.” My stomach twists from the unspoken promise he’s made.

I have no idea if this is the real Kiran or not, but either way, I’m grateful for the effort he’s putting forth. After we order, a silence settles between us. I’m anxious to know more about the man who’s captured my attention.

“Your family still lives in California?” I thought I heard Kate say something like that the other day.

“Yes. My mother and brother live in Oakland. I have no idea where my father is. He left when I was fourteen and we haven’t seen him since.”

Kiran’s jaw ticks and his voice is harder now that the topic has turned to his family. “Is your mom doing okay?” I ask, hoping to steer the conversation toward something less stressful, but instead, Kiran groans in frustration.

“I don’t know. Growing up, I felt sorry for my mom having to deal with my dad and the way he acted, especially having two children to care for. She did everything for my brother Kyler and myself. She didn’t just make us dinner and get us ready for school, she also worked the only job that paid our bills while my dad sat around drinking, smoking, and bringing women back to our house.” His eyes darken. “Once my dad left, I got a new dose of reality because that’s the type of person my mom wants in her life. She went from one reject boyfriend to the next and the only thing they had in common with each other was their inability to hold down a job.” Kiran goes quiet for a few minutes. When he looks back at me, I can see the fire in his eyes.

“She wants that...someone to be dependent on her. I think that’s the only way she knows how to keep a man.” Kiran looks off in thought.

I should probably ask about something else, but I ignore my own advice. “Is your brother doing okay?”

Kiran’s body physically relaxes. “Yes, for the most part. He seems to be drawn to women who push the limits of crazy, but his current girlfriend, at least, comes from a good family and is going to college. She’s actually friends with Kate,” he adds as our waiter arrives with our meal.

The rest of the evening we stayed on safer topics and before long Kiran is driving us the couple of blocks to our hotel. After we’re checked in and given room keys, my nerves spike, and I must be doing a crappy job of hiding it from Kiran because he’s watching me closely.

Once we’re inside the large suite, Kiran grabs my hand. “Just because we’re here doesn’t mean you have to do anything. You have the right to change your mind at any time.” His words alone cause me to relax. I love how different Kiran acts toward me compared to this time last week.

“I want to be here. I want to be here...with you,” I add as Kiran leans in and runs the back of his hand down my face.

“Good because I wasn’t planning on us leaving until check out on Sunday. I made sure to pick a hotel with good room service,” he adds, wagging his eyebrows before chuckling.

“Sounds good to me.” I walk over to the window and look out at the beautiful city lights. “This is an amazing view.”

“Yes, it is.” I turn to find his greedy eyes raking down my body.

“You’re a sweet guy.” My voice is weak as desire floods my thoughts.

“You might not think that once you’re out of this dress.” My eyes bulge as he gives me a dirty smile.

I walk back toward Kiran, stopping just out of arm’s reach. His eyes travel down my body again before he reaches out and pulls me against him. He pushes my hair off my neck then leans down and kisses just below my ear.

“You smell so fucking good.” He groans between kisses. He works his way down as his stubble rubs against the nape of my neck. One of his hands wraps around my waist, pulling me even tighter against his hard body. The flutters I usually feel in my stomach are replaced by my need for Kiran.

His mouth works further down as his hands slowly unzip my dress. Kiran stops and looks me straight in the eyes, silently asking for my approval. Instead of answering with words, I try my best to look confident by shoving my dress down to the floor, leaving me in only my bra, panties, and heels.

“Dear God,” Kiran says between breaths. My breathing speeds up as heat floods my body, intoxicating me in a way I’ve never felt before.

With my heart still racing, I step out of my dress and walk over to the king sized bed in the middle of the room. Kiran makes quick work of unbuttoning his shirt and pants, and within seconds, he’s standing at the end of the bed in only a pair of boxer briefs.

His wavy blond hair is going every different direction from the amount of times he’s ran his hands through it, but it’s the desire I see in his eyes that causes my confidence to suddenly spike. I move to the end of the bed, put my hands around his neck, and pull backward until we both drop onto the bed with Kiran lying on top of me.

Instead of taking over and delivering what he’s promised, he slowly moves his hands down to my breasts. He rubs me from the outside of my bra until my nipples harden. I lift my body up enough to unclasp my bra and toss it off the bed. Kiran’s breath catches but he doesn’t move his eyes from mine for several long beats until they finally travel down to my chest.

He leans forward, snapping his eyes back to mine, watching for my reaction to his movements. When I make no effort to stop him, he slowly places his mouth over my nipple and sucks. I moan as my core starts to ache. Kiran groans then gives my other breast the same attention.

My body feels like it could float away when his eyes find mine as his hand travels down my stomach, stopping at the edge of my panties. The throbbing between my legs intensifies. “Isabelle?” he says my name as a question, one that’s asking permission.

“Yes,” I impatiently answer. His hand moves past my underwear and down to the core of my sex. My face reddens as Kiran takes his finger and drags it up and down my opening, brushing my clit softly with his finger. His hand stops as his middle finger starts rubbing in a light circle. “Ohhhhhh,” I mumble as my eyes start to roll into the back of my head. Kiran keeps rubbing as he slowly starts to push a finger inside, causing my eyes to snap to his.

“Shhh,” he whispers before moaning. “Jesus, you’re so fucking tight,” he says to himself.

My body is on edge. I want Kiran more than I want my next breath, but I’m struggling with the embarrassment I feel lying here naked in front of a man for the first time.

Kiran groans, causing my core to tighten even more. My body is already on the verge of falling over but he continues to rub me with his thumb as his finger pumps in and out. His eyes remain locked with mine as my hips start grinding on his hand and my body starts to pulse. I’m past the point of anything I’ve experienced before and without meaning to, I start coming on his finger. My orgasm takes me by surprise and seems to last forever as Kiran’s hand keeps moving until I finally come down from the incredible high.

“Oh my God,” I whisper, completely exhausted. Kiran clears his throat and my eyes snap to his as he places the finger that was just inside of me into his mouth and sucks.

“Umm,” he says with a dirty smile, causing my cheeks to flush.

My eyes travel down his flat stomach, memorizing the tattoos I see on his chest. Once my eyes land on his briefs, I see that he’s impossibly hard to the point that his briefs are barely keeping his dick covered. I hesitantly reach out and push them down enough to free him.

I glance back at his face to ensure what I’m doing is okay, but his eyes are glazed over. I look back down at his incredibly hard dick and my mouth waters about the same time a shiver travels down my spine. I lick my lips before reaching my shaking hand out and placing it around his shaft, which rewards me with a gargled moan that sounds on the verge of painful.

“Isabelle, are you sure?” he questions again, but instead of answering him with words, I lean forward and place a kiss on the head of his dick. When my lips touch him, his dick jumps and I hear him grunt. Feeling brave, I lick him from top to bottom. I want to place my mouth around him but I’m certain I can’t fit him all the way in, and the last thing I want to do is act like a clumsy, clueless female.

Kiran places his finger under my chin and tilts my head back. “If you’re sure, I’m going to grab a condom.”

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