Monroe, Marla - Desire for Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Desire for Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I think it is a very good idea,” Clay told her. “We’ve been walking around with hard-ons for the past week smelling your sweet pussy creaming for us. I think it’s time to do something about it before one of us spontaneously combusts.”

Elliot knelt on the carpeted floor and leaned in for a kiss. She was trapped by his hands on both of the chair arms. His mouth sipped at hers then sucked at her bottom lip. She was too far gone to resist now with their dirty talk now. She opened to him and let his tongue slide into her mouth. He explored every inch of her mouth with his questing tongue. When she attempted to take over the kiss, he sucked on her tongue until she relaxed into him.

Slowly, she began to notice Clay was unbuttoning her blouse and slipping his hand into her bra. His fingers found her nipple and pulled and pinched at it until she was moaning in Elliot’s mouth.

“That’s it, baby,” Clay said. “Let me hear you moan for me.

His hand pulled her breast out over her bra then worked on the other one. Soon, both breasts were out over the top of her bra, and Clay was leaning over beneath his brother, sucking on her nipples. It was too much and not enough. She squirmed between them, feeling her juices slide down her thighs.

“Fuck!” Clay ground out. “She’s creaming all over the place.”

Elliot pulled back and inhaled. “Get those damn panties off.”

Clay helped Elliot pull her panties down and off, discovering in the process that she was wearing garters and hose.

“Fuck me. That is so freaking sexy,” Elliot said. He spread her legs with Clay positioning them over the arms of the chair leaving her wide open for their enjoyment.

Elliot spread her pussy lips and smiled. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the back of the chair. Clay leaned over and began kissing her where Elliot had left off. Their tongues twined and rubbed along each other while Elliot blew his hot breath over her pussy lips.

When Elliot slid his tongue up her slit and back down again, gathering her juices, she nearly cried out at the erotic feel on her most sensitive folds. He circled her clit but didn’t lap over it. Instead, he concentrated on her slit, lapping up all her cream as she grew tighter inside like a windup toy.

“Man, you’ve got to taste her, Clay.” Elliot leaned back so that Clay could reach a hand down to her cunt and scoop out some of her hot cream.

Clay licked it off his fingers and groaned.

Desire felt as if her world was gearing up for one huge explosion. The more Elliot licked her wet cunt, the hotter she got. Clay added more to her spiraling heat with his mouth and fingers on her breasts. He nipped and sucked and pinched and pulled on her nipples until she was squirming in the chair.

“Fuck, she’s moving too damn much for me to latch on. Next time, we’re doing this at the house so we can tie her down.” Elliot groused good-naturedly.

“What? Next time?” She began to try and sit up, but Clay took over her mouth again and soon had her grabbing handfuls of his hair to keep him there.

Elliot pushed a finger inside her tight pussy and twirled it inside her. She didn’t think she could take much more, but he added another finger, and she cried out at the fullness just from his fingers. When he stroked inside of her and found her hot spot, she nearly came undone. She begged for relief.

“Please, let me come now. I can’t take it anymore. Please,” she panted.

Elliot grinned up at her and then looked across her at Clay and nodded. Before she knew what they were going to do, Elliot stroked her G-spot, latched onto her clit with his teeth, and sucked on it. Clay pinched and pulled on both her nipples and swallowed her scream with his mouth.

Desire wasn’t sure when she stopped screaming, but she was hoarse and panting when the men let go of her and began petting her. They soothed her with soft words and light kisses. Clay stood up and left them for a few seconds, then returned with a warm, wet cloth and cleaned her up. She didn’t know how to behave now. How should she act? Like it hadn’t happened, or should she gather her things and walk out? She liked her job. She was absolutely hooked on her bosses, but she couldn’t fuck both of them, could she?”

“What are you thinking so hard about?” Clay asked as he helped her get dressed again.

“Um, neither of you…” she began.

“Came?” Elliot asked.


“We can wait. I couldn’t wait another minute to taste your sweet honey, though. I’m going to become addicted to it. I can tell already,” Elliot said.

“Have dinner with us tonight,” Clay said.

“Guys, I don’t think this is a good idea. We have to be able to work together, and having an affair with you will only make things difficult later on.” Desire tried to be the voice of reason, but her reasoning was slowly slipping away as Clay nibbled on her neck.

“Give us a chance, baby. I promise, it will be fine. You’re the best admin we’ve ever had.”

“I’m the only admin you’ve ever had,” she replied dryly.

“Well, yeah. But you are perfect for the job. And,” he continued, “You’re perfect for us.” Elliot took her hand and led her to the door.

“We’ll pick you up at seven for dinner tonight,” Elliot said.

Clay watched her as she looked back at him. He smiled and blew her a kiss.

Desire wasn’t sure what was happening to her, but she knew it was dangerous. You didn’t have affairs with people in your office and most certainly not your bosses. She was in so much trouble.

* * * *

Elliot locked the door behind Desire. They needed to make some plans fast. All it had taken was one taste of her to know she was the one for them. Her soft skin and perfectly proportioned body was an added bonus. He loved her commitment to the company and knew it would bleed over into a commitment for her man—men. She responded to them like a dream. He couldn’t think of anything but her.

“She’s it,” Clay said, mirroring his own thoughts.

“Hell, yeah, she’s it.”

“How do we convince her we’re serious?” Clay leaned against Elliot’s desk.

“It will take time. Until then, we get her hooked on us. Take care of her so that she can’t even imagine life without us,” Elliot said.

“I’m all for that. Anything that will prove to her we want her.” Clay drew in a deep breath and let it out. “Hell, I already think I’m a little in love with her.”

“I know what you mean, bro.”

“She’s going to balk at dating both of us, you know,” Clay said.

“I know. We’re just going to have to stick with our normal group of people so she will feel comfortable with us. She won’t feel so out of place with other ménage relationships around her.” Elliot paced in front of the desk.

“Sometimes I wish we lived back at home where no one judged you for having more than one husband or wearing collars. Sims was the perfect town to raise a nontraditional family in. Maybe we should think of building a house there for long weekends and vacations,” Clay suggested.

Elliot stopped pacing and smiled. Leave it to his brother to think of the perfect plan. He popped him in the arm.

“Man, you’ve figured it out for us.”

“What do you mean?” Clay asked, clearly confused.

“We’ll get Desire to help us plan our new home in Sims. She’ll feel at home around the other people there and get to design her new home. We can live there part of the time and here part of the time. It’s only a three-hour drive if we really need to come in for a meeting.”

“That’s a great idea. Let’s mention our plans to build a house in Sims to her tonight and ask if she would help us design it. We don’t have a lot of time to spend on it but want it to be perfect for raising a family.” Clay built on Elliot’s idea.

“Fucking perfect,” Elliot said.

“So, are you cooking tonight, or am I?” Clay asked with a grin.

Chapter Six

Clay knocked on Desire’s apartment door at five minutes until seven that night. When she answered, he nearly swallowed his tongue. She had on a navy blue dress that outlined her perfectly round figure, emphasizing her delicious breasts and hinting at her delectable ass. He couldn’t wait to get in that ass. He’d been fantasizing about it all day.

“Hi, Clay. Do you want to come in?” she asked in a breathy voice.

“If you’re ready, then we probably better get going,” he said.

Desire grabbed her wrap and purse before locking the door behind her. Clay escorted her down the stairs and outside to the waiting limousine. She gasped and frowned at him.

“Why so extravagant?” she asked with a nervous laugh.

“We don’t drive in town at all. Only when we go out of town. Parking can be a real bitch around here.”

He helped her inside the limo and sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and leaning in for a quick kiss.

“Where’s Elliot?”

“He’s waiting on us for dinner. He thought you might feel better if only one of us picked you up tonight,” Clay admitted.

“Thank you. It really doesn’t seem right seeing two men at one time, especially brothers,” she said.

“Believe it or not, there are places where it’s perfectly normal for a woman to have more than one husband. A friend of ours has three husbands. They’re all very happy.” Clay smiled, hoping to put her at ease.

“Good gracious, really?”

“Really. Where we grew up, most of the people who live there live in a nontraditional family.”

“Where did you grow up?” she asked.

“Sims, Virginia.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“I’m not surprised. It’s a very small community and tends to stay low-key. Everyone likes their privacy there.”

“I can imagine they would,” she agreed.

Clay noticed she was clasping and unclasping her hands. He wanted to put her at ease but wasn’t sure how to do it. Luckily they pulled out front of the building housing their penthouse apartments. The limo driver opened their door for them and helped Desire out. Clay followed and thanked him with his tip.

“Um, this isn’t a restaurant that I’ve ever heard about.”

Clay could hear the hesitation in her voice. He grabbed her hand and led her to the front doors where a doorman opened them for the couple.

“It’s our home. Elliot is cooking for us tonight. You’ll love his chicken parmesan.”

“I don’t think we should be at your apartment, Clay. I never should have agreed to go out to dinner with you in the first place.” She turned and looked wildly around for a taxi.

“It’s okay, Desire. We are going to be discussing business tonight as well as getting to know each other some. We all but attacked you this morning in the office, and we want to apologize for that.” He led her to the separate elevator that only went to the penthouse suites.

“Just give us tonight to get to know you and you us. You can help us with a project we are going to be starting and take some of the pressure off of us in the meantime.”

“What sort of project?” she asked, her face alight with interest.

“We’ll tell you all about it over dinner tonight.” The elevator stopped, and the doors slid soundlessly open. “Here we are now.”

They stepped into a foyer with two doors. He unlocked the door on the right. Elliot lived on the right, and he lived on the left. They shared a connecting living room. The rooms had been specifically designed for them.

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