Authors: Kassanna
Seri jumped up and toddled to him with her arms open. “Daddy.”
He swept her up in a big bear hug and nuzzled her neck until she giggled. “Be a good girl and go with Anna.” He handed the child over to the waiting woman.
Seri shook her head and her blond curls encircled her head in a golden halo. Where Marree ended up favoring Robbie, Seri looked just like him. “Marree?” She’d been asking for her sister well into the morning.
“Soon, darling, I’ll find your sister soon.” He tapped her nose and walked them to the door, closing it behind him and twisting the dead bolt to secure it. Malachai marched to his desk, grabbing the handset, and he moved to sit down. He stabbed the small white button and waited for an answer.
“Blaidd.” Ian’s thick brogue filled the line.
“Your son took some things that belong to me and I want them back.” Malachai was over pussyfooting with the wolf. If Ian couldn’t control his pack he would take measures to exterminate them.
“I don’t have time for your bullshit. I warned you about Colin, like most humans you don’t listen. I’m busy at the moment, we’ll have to talk later.”
“I’m terminating our contracts, Ian. Your partnership is no longer useful. Given what my scientists have learned, we can easily re-create your kind without the flaws that Mother Nature inserted into your genes. I wish I could say it was a pleasure doing business with you but from here on out we will be submitting our own contracts to the US government. I no longer need to hide under this farce. My group is now strong enough to stand on its own.” Malachai leaned back in his chair, satisfaction at telling Ian where to go stole through him.
“You son of a bitch,” Ian growled.
“I learned from watching you. I suggest you have an escort bring your son and my property back. I’m not scared of you, wolf. I will back up my words with actions.” Malachai pulled a tray closer and turned the tumbler over before filling it from the decanter with rum.
“Come then. My pack and I will be waiting.” The dial tone clicked.
Malachai stared at his glass. He hadn’t made Colonel in the US Army, or lived as long as he had by making stupid decisions. Ian would no doubt be waiting for him and he was ill equipped to fight that wolf on his turf, in Volkshire. He’d bluffed and been called on it. It was time to cut bait and move on, closing down the quasifederal program. He needed to find another way to get to Robbie and Marree. His geneticist had a bond with his girls. No doubt she would come after Seri. He would simply have to bide his time and figure out a way to lead her away from the area.
He would call in a few favors. He depressed the plastic buttons that opened up his phone line. Punching in a different set of numbers, he waited for his contact to pick up. While waiting, he took a quick swig from his glass.
“This number is restricted.” The monotone voice brooked no argument.
“I need sterilization.” Malachai rose from his seat and took a few steps to the file cabinet. He pulled Tom’s file and rifled through it.
“Activation code?”
“Beta, seven, Charlie, Dark, twelve.” Malachai repeated the information he’d committed to memory years ago.
“Sterilization will commence within twenty-four hours. The general will be contacting you.” His contact hung up.
He returned to his desk and dropped the handset in the cradle before he went through the information he’d amassed. Finding a new scientist with Tom’s skill set wouldn’t be easy. Most of Robbie’s notes were still intact. Anyone with a background in genetics could probably re-create many of her experiments. At least he caught her in time before she could destroy any of her paperwork.
The shredder was in his secretary’s office and he had to clean up a few things before he left for the new compound. He finished his drink and returned to the cabinet, pulling out thick binders of information to hold by the armful. It was just the type of mindless activity he needed to think things through. He ticked off chores in his head and his mind circled back to Robbie.
She’d chosen a wolf over a man and he would have to teach her the error of her ways. A plan was all he had to come up with. He would leave clues behind that only she would pick up on and he was certain she would come looking for Seri. The woman was as predictable as she was beautiful. Of course when he got a hold of her, Colin wouldn’t be far behind. He could kill two birds with one stone. Keep her captive until she realized he was the man for her, and kill Colin in front of her so she never forgot the lesson.
It didn’t matter how long it took. He would possess Dr. Roberta Carlyle and by the time he was through she would enjoy it.
* * * *
Thick, deep muffled voices made her open her eyes. She groaned as she flipped over to her back on the hardwood floor. A quick glance around told her Colin wasn’t around. Both doors to the run-down shack were closed and the room was oppressive. Her clothes were folded neatly next to her. She scooped up her blouse and slipped it on. Grabbing the pants as she rose she wrinkled her nose and crouched to search through the stack of her clothing for her panties. She slipped them on and pulled her jeans up. The voices rose and she could clearly make out Colin as one of the men yelling. She padded across the space and swung the door open. It creaked on its hinges and the sunlight briefly blinded her.
She blinked a few times and when her vision cleared, he gazed at several men staring back at her. Colin climbed the porch steps and wrapped his arms around her. “Sorry, did we wake you?”
“No, umm, what’s going on?” She rubbed her eyes and peered past his shoulder. Motorcycles, big trucks, and a few all-terrain vehicles were parked throughout the yard.
“My friends and I were having a disagreement.” He led her to the edge of the stairs. “Robbie, this is Percel.” He motioned at a huge man, well over six feet tall with a barrel chest. His red-tipped hair was slicked back.
“Ma’am.” Percel nodded. “Maybe you can talk some sense into your hardheaded wolf.”
“About?” She darted her gaze between Colin and Percel.
Colin pressed his lips together.
“The Pack Challenge,” Percel responded. “If he acts now, he has surprise on his side. There is no way in hell that Ian knows just how many friends Colin has in the shifter world. Hell, Gunter here…” He stabbed the air with his index finger at a hard-looking man on a motorcycle. “He was passing through Betaille on a job and when he heard about Colin’s situation, he joined our little caravan. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a hyena to commit to a free mission? I mean a dog is a dog but you usually end up paying out the ass for the African ones.”
A low growl escaped the biker.
“Shut up, Percel,” Colin grumbled.
Robbie waved at the biker and he nodded. “So how did you hear about Colin’s dilemma?” She had no clue what was going on. It was a little surreal. She didn’t know hyena shifters existed but she would play it by ear until she had a grasp on the situation.
“Sint sent me. Said Collin was too stubborn to ask for help for himself. So I gathered some kin and a few friends. Here we are.” Percel shrugged.
“Matos was supposed to come back.” Colin exhaled. “He was to stand in as my witness to the challenge.”
“That cat is escorting Sint to Texas, but I brought Gunter and he is a fucking hyena. Seriously, who wants to fight a foreign dog like that?”
The guy on the motorcycle snarled.
“I meant that only in the best of terms my friend.” Percel nodded his head quickly.
“Still, I don’t fight my father until the day after tomorrow,” Colin added drily. “I appreciate you joining our cause, Gunter, even if this asshole of a pig doesn’t know how to show his appreciation appropriately.”
“You helped us when no one else would, Colin. We Afrikaans support our friends.” Gunter’s accent was musical in its tone.
She was surrounded by animals, and never felt safer. “So what is a Pack Challenge?”
“A fight to the death for the position of pack Alpha,” Percel answered.
Colin wiped a palm down his face. “Thanks a lot, idiot.”
“What?” Percel glanced around.
“What the fuck does he mean a fight to the death?” She rounded on Colin.
“Oh, she didn’t know…” Percel took a wide step back.
“This is why I usually talk to Sint.” Colin sighed.
“Colin, explain to me, what the hell are they talking about?” Robbie’s heart hammered . She couldn’t lose him. What if something went wrong? He kept her grounded through all the bullshit.
“Baby, we are animals and we solve our disputes as beasts. It is our way.” He lifted her hand to his lips. “I issued Ian a challenge, and now I am following through.”
“But, we are supposed to leave, run away…” She searched her mind for any argument that might win him over.
Colin looked back at the men surrounding him. “Give us a few minutes.”
“I am not going anywhere without you.” She crossed her arms under her bust.
The men dispersed; she watched in amazement as they melded into the surrounding woods. If not for the vehicles parked around the yard, she might have considered the idea she was dreaming. There was literally no other sign of them.
Colin sat down on the top step and tugged her down between his legs. He enfolded his arms around her shoulders. “I know we were supposed to leave together but I told you last night, I can’t go anywhere right away. Once I become Alpha, I have a responsibility to my clan. I’ll need to make some hasty changes to the Volkshire Pack and that may take some time to enforce.”
She tried to twist around. “But, what about you…me…us?”
He held her tight. “Listen, I’m sending you to Betaille with Percel. I have good friends in that town that I trust. I know you and the baby will be okay until I can come for you.”
“When will that be?” She peered ahead trying to find the camouflaged beasts. No doubt they were there to witness her heartbreak.
“I don’t know—not yet. It depends on how badly Ian has screwed-up pack finances, our contracts. No matter how long it takes, I am still coming back for you but not until I know it’s safe for you and the babe.” He scrubbed his scruff against her hair.
“And your sons?” She had to know his plans, see if he would so easily give her, and what they could have, up.
“My boys will stay with me. They are animals and have a way of protecting themselves—”
“I don’t.” She interrupted him. “That’s what it comes down to, right? I’m human and have no way of staying safe in your world. I’m a liability.”
“No, you are my mate but I don’t want to lose my shit and go on a killing spree if something happens to you.” He leaned forward and bent his head. “Trust me when I tell you a lot of motherfuckers would die a painful evisceration if you so much as break a nail.” He grinned widely. “Seriously, in the first few weeks as Alpha I must be effective and weed out the wolves loyal to my da. Once I feel I’ve cleaned up the clan, I will bring you back.”
She turned her head to meet his gaze. “I. Don’t. Want. To. Go.”
“Is it safe to come back yet?” Percel’s voice boomed from the bushes.
“Come out,” Robbie yelled. She closed her eyes and tilted her head against Colin’s. Disappointment filled her. She would not be a cause for concern to him. He would do what was best for his people and she would do what was best for them. “I agree with Percel, you should bump up the challenge and fight tonight if Ian isn’t expecting it. The element of surprise is a powerful weapon.”
Percel walked up with a slim, young man. Long and lanky, she could easily discern an athletic build under his shirt and jeans. “This is Etienne, he’s a gator, don’t hold that against him.”
“Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand.
He nodded and a lock of his hair fell forward.
“He’s a little wet behind the ears but powerful. I’m mentoring him at the moment. If you two have come to an agreement and Ms. Robbie is going back to Betaille, he’ll be the one to escort you back to Betaille.”
Colin rose. “Protect her with your life. If you don’t, I promise you will forfeit yours.”
“Wait. I didn’t agree to a damn thing.” She swiveled between the men.
“No, you leave tonight. Percel insists on bearing witness to the challenge and I don’t want you anywhere in the area when my battle begins.” Colin’s Irish brogue deepened.
“Then we are about to fight right damn now.
I leave, I ain’t going anywhere until I know you are all right.” She placed her fists on her hips.
“You will go with Etienne tonight.” Colin stood over her, unblinking.
“Move me.” She held his gaze. “Your intimidation tactic might work on pups, but I ain’t going anywhere until I am damn good and ready.”
A few men snickered. Etienne turned his head but she didn’t miss his smile. Percel burst out in laughter. He held up a finger, lowered it, chuckled, and raised it again. “Colin, old friend, we don’t argue with our mates. It never works out the way we hope. Etienne will stick close to her during your challenge. How is that for a compromise?”
“No!” Colin spat.
“Yes, fine…thank you,” she uttered at the same time and stalked up to the porch and across the space. “Let me know when you’re ready to leave.” She slammed the door behind her and slid down the barrier when it was closed. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She covered her mouth with both hands to contain her sobs. It was hard to imagine a life without him but she would do what he couldn’t and give him the freedom to handle his business. As soon as she was sure he was okay.
Chapter Ten
He parked the car in the middle of Main Street. The connecting lanes were empty. By now all pack members had heard of the challenge and had probably taken steps to leave the vicinity. Internal wars within clans could get ugly. Colin didn’t bother turning off the headlights. Dusk was falling and the time was perfect. His father wanted a fight, he would give him one. He raised his head and howled into the wind. His tone echoed through the night. Soon other wolves responded to his cry. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the hood of the car before unbuckling his belt.
His friends had chosen to fall back and stay hidden. If his father chose to break the rules, they would reveal themselves. He sat on the hood and hooked his heel on the fender. Colin dropped his head back and gazed up. Vibrant reds, pinks, and oranges tinted the clouds in the darkening sky. He’d given the young gator, Etienne, strict instructions to drive to Betaille no matter what Robbie said. She would argue, but he made it clear he should be the one Etienne worried about. He personally set her in the passenger seat and slammed the car door. Robbie should be well on her way south; he took a deep breath. With her safely out the way, he could focus on killing his sire.