Omega (9 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Omega
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Not much farther, his paws sunk in thick mud, leaving gaping holes that quickly filled. A couple times she gripped the fur on his back to steady herself. They came over a ridge and the shack came into view. He sprinted across the meadow surrounding it and stopped to circle it. Pushing through the back door he stepped into the space and glanced around. The place was dry except for a broken window where water splattered the floor.

Raindrops pelted the steel roof of the shack, echoing through the space. Water flew everywhere as he shook the fluid from his coat. The porch creaked and Robbie stuck her head over the threshold. He nudged her into a corner, her hair hung in thick, wet clumps and her shirt was transparent. Her chest heaved as she wrapped her arms around her torso and briskly rubbed her body.

They were on the far side of the property; he’d run them hard and wouldn’t let her stop to take a breath. He would have to hide her before the pack challenge. Colin shifted. He couldn’t tell her he wouldn’t be joining her when he sent her away. These last few nights would be the last time they could spend together for a while. His heart beat hard; he didn’t want to send her away, but there was no other way to make sure no harm would come to her. Until he took care of Malachai, he knew it was open season on her life. With Reana gone, he couldn’t drag his boys from everything they knew. It was also time to take the helm of the Volkshire Pack before Ian led them so far into hell there was no turning back. He couldn’t count on anyone else to do it.

She shivered and her teeth chattered. Robbie pulled the syringe from her pocket, spun in a circle, then pulled the top off the needle with her mouth and plunged it into her thigh. Her eyes widened, and she wobbled on her feet.

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her. “What did you do?” He needed to know what she’d injected herself with.

“I did what I had to and gave my baby a fighting chance. Malachai…he did some things…” She swallowed. “Only God knows what is permeating his body. He used the test subjects’ serums on himself. He raped me!” She rushed out the words before changing the subject. “I’m cold and this is the last of the shifter mixture I created. It should give her another layer of protection.” Robbie’s lips trembled and had a light blue tinge to them.

Colin’s heart sped up. The urge to return to the fucker’s compound and exact retribution had him thinks of creative ways to get to the colonel. His wolf howled in his mind calling for revenge. He should have gutted the bastard when he had a chance. Payback would be his though, and Malachai would bleed out slow. “Robbie, you don’t know what that could do to you. I won’t lose you,” he uttered and felt her go still.

“I’ll be all right. My mix is eons ahead of Tom’s toxic shit.” She rubbed her face in the crook of his neck. Fear rolled off her in waves. “How long before we can leave?”

“I will be hiding you, but I won’t be going with you,” he whispered against her temple.

“No, Colin. No!” She jerked from his embrace but he held fast. “If you go back, I am going with you. We are mates, you said…promised…”

“You will leave this place and I will find you. I don’t care how long it takes or what circles of hell I have to travel through. I will come back to you. I can’t breathe without knowing your mine” Colin tipped her chin up and pressed his lips against hers.

Her soft curves conformed to his harder frame, and he slid his palms down her spine to cup her ass. The jean material was rough against his palms as he squeezed her butt cheeks. Soft moans reverberated through him as he swallowed her wails.

He lifted his head. “Baby?” He’d waited an eternity to make love to Robbie but instinctively he knew to love her and lose her would take him to a dark place he would never be able to return from. One word from her and he was willing to risk his soul for the heaven he knew he would find in her arms.

She stared in his eyes. Small clicks rose from the floor and he glanced down. She’d dropped the syringe and it lay in the cracked in the corner behind them. He peered up to return her gaze. She laid her palms flat on his chest and inhaled deeply.

“I am so tired of hurting.” Tears brimmed her lower lids.

“I know, luv.” He pushed the wet clumps of hair from her face.

“You’re the only one I can trust, the only man that has not lied to me.” A brief laugh escaped through her lips. “You’re not truly a man.”

“All the man you will ever need.” He smiled. His semierect cock lengthened and hardened. “And all the animal you will ever want.”

She stepped away. “I don’t know, Colin.” Robbie lowered her gaze and peered pointedly at his shaft. “We have been friends for a long time.” She unbuttoned her blouse and pulled the papers out of the secured position in her bra. “Didn’t you once tell me the thrill is in the chase?”

“We are more than friends, mate, and I might have.” He narrowed his eyes.

She eased the clothing from her shoulders and dropped the material. “Show me how badly you want me, Colin.” Robbie ran through the doorway into the rain.

What the hell? Robbie was methodical, she thought through every move, twice before she acted. Her impulsiveness was out of character. She was almost frisky, like a cat. He shook his head to clear his mind. His wolf paced his mind anxious to give chase. He could figure out what got into her later. He bounded into the evening after her.

In his peripheral vision he caught sight of her light-colored bra and sprinted in that direction. The light tinkle of her laughter could be heard above the constant din of the falling rain. Her honeysuckle scent grew stronger as he closed in on her position. He prowled around the side of the building. She sat on the porch.

Her bra was soaked to the point of transparency, exposing her dark aureole through the thin material. Soggy pants clung to her hips and thighs. She’d lost her shoes somewhere and her socks were covered in mud up to her ankles. Her head was bowed and tightly curled spirals hung around her face. She glanced up and her anguish was clear in her eyes.

He couldn’t stand to see her in pain. As her mate he was supposed to shield her from the hurt. But he couldn’t truly claim her yet. There were so many variables working against them. This was one night though. He just couldn’t give a damn. She was his and he wanted her as badly as she needed him. He rushed forward as she rose.

She took a few steps before he caught her up in his arm. Without the benefit of his fur he felt the stinging drops pound his back. He hefted her up and she locked her legs around his waist, planting kisses along his mouth and jaw. She gripped fistfuls of his hair and tugged. He growled and she pulled harder.

Colin locked an arm around her back and stomped toward the porch, slamming her into a pillar. The old wood shook. He pinned her with his body, skimmed his hands along her legs. Rearing back, he broke contact long enough to unfasten her jeans. She skimmed her hands along his chest and tweaked his nipple. His shudder was involuntary as currents traveled to his dick making him harder. She dipped her head and sucked on his neck and he couldn’t focus. He jammed his palms into the waistband of her pants and rolled the wet material over her hips. She dropped her legs and he crouched slipping the fabric down her calves and off her feet. He straightened.

She wiped a palm down her face and blinked. He cupped the back of her head and tipped her chin up. “There is no going back from this.”

Robbie pressed a finger to his lips. “There was no turning away the minute we met.” She rose up on her toes and kissed him.

His beast rose up, claws replaced his nails. He gouged the column behind them when he took hold of the wood. She pressed her mouth against his jaw and sucked on the sensitive spot just under his ear. Behind them, wood crunched. His breath was coming out in shallow pants as he fought his beast for dominance in his mind. He’d waited so long for Robbie, shifting was not an option. Closing his eyes, he beat his beast back and locked him deep in the recesses of his mind.

When he opened them Robbie was gazing up at him, her head tilted.

“What’s wrong?” His tone still belayed the wolf within him.

“Your eyes, they changed for a bit.” She shook her head. “Make love to me, Colin, now, please. I need—no—want to feel…pleasure.”

The scent of arousal poured off her; he bent and pulled her bra down her arms with his teeth. She released him and the flimsy material drifted off her arms. He yanked her up against him and dipped his head to suck a turgid nipple between his lips. She arched her back urging more of her breast into his mouth. He bit down and wails filled the air.

Colin gripped her hips, rubbing a finger against her asshole as he nibbled on her taut tip. She rolled her pelvis and beat on his shoulders with closed fists. Slowly he moved across the valley between her breasts to suck her other aureole into his mouth.

She hiked up a leg and curled her calf around his thigh. His shaft brushed the inside of her leg. He released her nipple and stared down her body. Her small rounded belly reminded him he needed to be gentle. Carefully he eased her leg down and turned her to face the post.

Sliding his hands along her arms, he directed her movements, making sure she held the timber. “Don’t move, baby,” he whispered in her ear before nipping her lobe. He brushed his knuckles along her ribcage and slid a muscular thigh between her legs.

A lightshow began in the sky, illuminating the treetops as bolts of lightning formed trails between the clouds. He pressed his tongue to her spine and traced it to her nape. His cock settled between her ass cheeks and she bumped back against his pelvis. He kissed her the spot where her shoulder met her neck and she bowed her head to lean on the pole.

The rain stopped and the sounds of crickets created a serenade with her moans. He rubbed his rod back forth. Gently he reached between them and slid his shaft into the slick heat of her folds directing his cock into her channel. He pushed into her in increments, taking his time. Her passage undulated around his dick, slowly drawing him deeper into her sheath.

“Oh, oh, sweet Lord.” She panted.

He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her breasts, squeezing her erect nipples between his fingers. His pelvis was flush against her butt and he stopped. Gratification soared through him; his wolf had quieted, waiting patiently for him to make his claim. His teeth lengthened, saliva pooled in his mouth in anticipation. He dropped his forehead on the back of her neck. It wasn’t the right time to tie her to him. He pulled back until just the head of his rod rested in her opening, then slammed into her body, lifting her up on her toes.

She screamed out and he slowed his assault on her figure, unsure if he’d hurt her. Robbie clutched his hands, holding them tight, and tossed her head back against his shoulder. She wiggled her hips.

He’d never seen a more beautiful woman; her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted. Curls got caught in the facial hair growing along his jaw as she thrashed her head. He resumed his movements, pounding into her body and slid his hand up to enfold it around her neck.

Groans escaped through his lips and he closed his eyes. Fingers of bliss crept through his body as he sank his rod into her sheath as deep as he could. Her pussy spasm around his rod and liquid warmth coated his shaft. She quivered in his arms as he let out a soul-shattering yowl. Her pleasure sent him over the edge. He snarled as he knotted within her canal and released his seed. The barbed head of his cock locked in her womb.

Colin opened his mouth wide, and gazed at the spot on her throat where he would leave his mark. Instead he grazed the skin just enough to get a taste of her essence. Drops of blood covered his taste buds as he swallowed. He denied them their mating and his wolf howled its displeasure in his mind. Not yet, but soon. He wouldn’t put her life in danger because he had crazy running through his bloodline. There was business to handle first. He had to make it safe to bring her home.

He hugged her tighter and beat down the anguish that was replacing the delight. “You are the other half of my soul.”

Her eyes fluttered openand she twisted her head to stare at him. “Why don’t shifters ever say I love you?”

“Because when you find your mate even those words aren’t strong enough to define our levels of emotion. I would move heaven and earth to fulfill your needs. Love is a word created by humans to describe how they feel, but there haven’t been sounds created in any spoken language yet to explain what you mean to me. So we let our action speak for us.” Colin kissed her cheek.

“Well I love you,” she muttered.

He was quiet as he thought of a response. “I would kill for you.”

Chapter Nine


Malachai stared at the extensive smoke and fire damage to Colin’s office. There was no way to retrieve anything of value; it was a complete loss. Thankfully the fire didn’t make it beyond the office. Still the faculty was compromised. He would move the program to his compound out west.

A guard hovered in the doorway. “We located Dr. Willis. He and another soldier were found dead in his lab.” His words were matter of fact as if he was commenting on the weather.

“Take the bodies to the incinerator. Has anyone found Dr. Carlyle?” Anger at the loss of his colleague tightened is voice.

“No, sir. We have teams searching the outlying areas but no one has seen her since the alarm went off. There are reports of her and a child getting into a car but they can’t be confirmed.”

“Keep searching. I want her and the toddler found.” Malachai stomped out the room. The halls were eerily quiet. He’d sent the civilian employee’s home and was operating on limited staff. Just him, the test subjects, and the mercenaries he hired to act as military. Once he was safely in his new facility, he would send out letters laying staff off. The other correspondence would be condolences to family members for staff that died in the line of duty. It was time to start new. “Wait. Take a few men put on some lab coats and hand out the cyanide pills to the test subjects. Put a bullet in the brain of anyone that lives through the poison.” He unlocked and pushed the door open to his office. A female sentry sat on the floor playing with Seri.

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