Authors: Kassanna
A creaking drew his attention to the door that was slowly opening. Boris poked his head around the barrier and gazed up at him. A hesitant smile spread his lips, exposing his recently lost two front teeth. Overnight his son grew up like a reed. Gone was the tiny cub hiding close to the carcass of his mother.
His boy had bounded out, bearing his teeth to protect the one person that should have been protecting him. When he and Reana found Boris, he expected disdain from his wife. Instead she diverted the little brown bear’s attention while he scooped him up. Boris was named for Reana’s father and although he never expected to be a dad, adopting Boris was something he would do over again and again if needed. Surprisingly, Reana took to the cub, which had him rethinking his idea of seeking a divorce. She wasn’t exactly a people person but her attentiveness to Boris showed a side of her he’d never seen.
That was five years ago and the only positive in his marriage that he could think of. Since that time, Reana had given birth to twin wolves, Rhys and Myka. It seemed with three children underfoot she did an about-face, ignoring Boris and the boys. Sometimes going days without seeing them or even inquiring about them, she was indifferent to their welfare. He didn’t understand what happened or why, and no longer cared. But he had his sons and found his mate, and it was time to get off the crazy train that had become is life and move on.
“Daddy?” Boris patted his thigh. His eyes were big as he gazed up at Colin.
“Hey, Boris, what are you doing up?” Colin hefted up his son into his lap. “You should be sleeping.”
Boris shook his head, shaggy strands of hair brushed his slim shoulders. His chest heaved as he inhaled and tears pooled along his lower lids. “Daddy, was I a mistake? Do you want me? I can be good. I promise. I did-dn’t mean for my mommy to die. I tried to protect her but she shoved me away and told me to hide.” He rushed through the words, his tiny body shaking. “What’s a runt? Am I a runt? Why doesn’t Granddad like me?”
Colin narrowed his eyes. What the fuck was going on? “Where did you hear this?”
Boris’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I heard Granddaddy and Mommy talking.”
“Son, if no one else in this world ever wants you, know that I always will and I’m the one that counts.” Colin grinned and tickled his son under his chin. His child’s laughter soothed his battered soul. He stopped and finger combed the hair back from Boris’s face. “What have I told you about listening to other people’s conversations?”
Boris hung his head. “Sometimes you learn more than you want to.” He snapped his head up. “Can I ask another question?”
“Always.” Colin tapped his son’s nose.
“Are you Rhys and Myka’s daddy or is Granddaddy their daddy, and how does that work because mommy said she can’t be sure…?”
Colin slumped back into his chair. Boris gripped his knee to keep from tumbling off his lap. Lifting his son up, he set the boy on the carpet. In his head, little things started to make sense. His father’s and Reana’s concurrent disappearances and the staunch way Ian defended her actions whenever he commented on her behavior.
“Daddy?” Confusion colored Boris’s features.
“You and your brother are my sons, have always been and will always be. No matter what you hear, nothing and no one, including your mother or grandfather, will ever change that.” The words came out grittier than he intended. “Stop eavesdropping on people’s conversations.”
Boris’s eyes were wide “Yes, sir, but I am really good at it. They never saw me. Matos says I am cunting like a cat.”
Colin couldn’t help but smile, tension tightened the muscles in his shoulders but his marital problems weren’t his boy’s issues. “It’s cunning, Boris.”
“What’s that?” Boris tilted his head.
“The word Matos told you is cunning. More importantly, I have a special mission for you.” Colin laid a hand on his son’s arm. “It’s very important and only you can do it.”
“Yes, sir.” Boris nodded curtly, his voice solemn.
“As the next in line to be Alpha, you must protect your little brothers. Keep a watchful eye on them and make sure they are safe.”
“I can do that.”
“I know you can, you are an amazing shifter, better than a lot of guards around here. That’s why I am choosing you for this important assignment. Now you need to go to bed.” Colin rose. “Come on, I’ll tuck you in.”
Boris shook his head. “That’s okay. I’m a big brother; I can go to bed by myself.” He patted his father’s hand. “I will make you proud of me.” He moved toward the door.
“I’m already proud of you.” Colin spoke at Boris’s retreating back.
He followed his son to the door and shut if firmly behind the boy, turning the lock before returning to his seat. The knowledge that his wife and father could be having an affair sat like a stone in his belly. His surprise was replaced by anger. He had been so focused on simply getting out that he hadn’t seen what was happening right under his nose. A cold fury slowly filled him. He and his father had a tenuous relationship at best, and he no longer felt anything for Reana but he would not allow them and their toxic relationship to affect his sons.
In a fit of rage, he swept his arm across the surface of his desk sending papers flying. Desk accessories toppled to the floor. His beast pushed for dominance. Sharp teeth filled his mouth and his sight changed, tunneling to focus on the door. He sucked in deep draughts of air in an effort to calm down. To beat his dad at his game he had to be methodical. A tweak in his plans was in order. First he would get rid of his wife.
Chapter Four
Awareness of not being alone caught her off guard. Instantly she was hesitant. Since her pregnancy she’d become hypersensitive to her surroundings and she had to wonder if one of the test subjects was the man that attacked her. Could his constantly shifting genes be affecting the babe she carried? She’d never been pregnant and didn’t know what to expect. There was no one to ask since she was scared to send a letter to her mother for fear of interception. She remained still, worrying about what was happening to her during her pregnancy was secondary to surviving to have the child.
Her heart beat double time and she willed it to slow down while she eased her hand across the mattress to the edge of the bed. Her movements were hidden by the heavy comforter she used to keep warm in the chilled room. She clutched the side of the bed and slowly inched over.
“There is only a wall there, luv, where exactly are you going?” Colin’s brogue filled the space.
Robbie twisted to the side, searching the area. “Where the hell are you?” Agitation filled her tone. “Colin, if you don’t show yourself…”
“Why do you automatically resort to threats?” He chuckled as he eased from the shadowed corner. “Do you truly believe you can take me in a fight?”
Robbie pushed the covers back and sat up pulling her legs underneath her. She glanced at the bedside clock noting the early morning. “Yes, actually I do. Why are you here at three a.m.?”
“I wanted…no,
to see you. I’m moving our plans up. I’ve talked to friends, the ones who will help us. We leave in five days.” Colin sat on the edge of the bed. “You won’t need anything. I’ve made arrangements for everything.” He dropped back and the blankets billowed out around him.
She peered down at him. Deep lines etched his face and his hair was almost completely white with exception to a few ebony locks at his temple. Black scruff covered his cheeks where he’d failed to shave. He closed his eyes and sighed.
“Talk to me, Colin, what’s going on? Why the change? I can’t finish any of my protocols in so short a time.”
His lids snapped open. “Fuck the experiments. You’re only giving Malachai more information to work with.” He turned to his side and stared at her. “Keeping you and the baby safe is my priority. You think I don’t know what happened? I know you were attacked and Goddess help the man if I ever find out who it was. I will not stand by while you live here in danger. We leave Monday.”
Colin leaned forward and pulled his legs beneath him. He crawled across the bed and set his hands on each of her hips, caging her in. “No buts, baby. We will leave this place together with my boys, end of story.”
Robbie leaned back to get some space, his liquor-infused breath washed over her and nausea roiled in her belly. She pressed her lips together, slapping her palm across her mouth. Shoving at his shoulder, she scrambled to get off the bed. He moved to the side, grabbing her elbow to propel her off the mattress. No sooner had her feet hit the carpet, she was sprinting for the miniscule bathroom off her bedroom. She fumbled to get the seat up moments before she emptied the contents of her stomach into the bowl.
Cool fingers brushed her temple and she jerked. The smell of vomit made her belly muscles tighten and she wretched again. Overhead florescent lighting flashed on, momentarily blinding her. She pushed off the toilet and leaned against the cool wall, her mouth half open as she tried not to taste the bile coating her tongue. Colin dropped the seat down and flushed. He sat on the cover and scooped her up into his lap.
“Don’t talk,” she squeaked.
He pushed her hair back and arched a brow before nodding. Gently he rocked her, rubbing his chin against her strands. The motion was only making her sickness worsen. She patted his arm and scurried off his lap. She clutched the edge of the sink and hefted herself up over the basin. After twisting the cold-water knob, she collected palmfuls of cool water and splashed her face before washing her mouth out.
The handle squeaked as she twisted the knob. “You’ve been drinking,” Robbie said without raising her head.
“Aged cognac. I take it the odor doesn’t sit well with you?” He slid his hand up her spine.
“Don’t get close; that was an experience I don’t want to repeat.” She moved away from his touch.
“Then hold your breath.” He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, maneuvering them through the narrow doorway and across the room to her bed.
Softly he laid her on the mattress. “I’m spending the night, or what’s left of it.”
“Not safe. I don’t know how you got in but you can’t stay here.” She burrowed into the pillow and curled into a tight ball.
“I have my ways. For a military installation it was surprisingly easy to get on the grounds and I have no doubt it will be equally easy getting out of here.” He padded back and forth. Darkness engulfed the room and she sighed. The bed dipped and his large palm settled on her hip as he spooned her backside with his front. She realized he was naked. Unsure what to do she went still; having a man in her bed was another new experience he was introducing her to. Colin yanked the heavy duvet up around them.
He kissed her neck and his cock brushed her ass. She swallowed. Suddenly she was hot as heat rolled off his body. “Wherever we settle I hope it’s cold.”
“Finally accepted your fate, luv.”
“I accepted I wouldn’t be able to get rid of you moments after our meeting,” she whispered. “Long before you declared we were fated to be mates.”
“At least you’re a smart woman.” He snorted and slid her closer, completely flush with his body. “You had doubts? Cheeky lass.” Colin splayed his hand across her emerging baby bump, “Have you thought about what you want to name the baby?”
“Mildred, after my mother,” she murmured sleepily. “Actually I was thinking of giving her up for adoption.”
“Could you do that after carrying her for nine months?” Colin’s question was the same one that had been circling in her head for weeks. He rubbed her belly.
“This wasn’t a child create from love,” she muttered, tears leaked from the corner of her eyes. “I keep asking why I’m being punished. I didn’t ask for this and this baby didn’t ask to be here. It’s not her fault she got stuck with me as a mother and I won’t punish her by keeping her, knowing I will only resent her as time goes by. She deserves better than that.”
“When the time comes I know you will make the right decision.” Colin hugged her tighter. “Get some rest; you look like you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in days.”
“Is there a problem with my appearance?” She twisted to glance over her shoulder into the dark. “You’re supposed to be nice to pregnant women.”
He rose up and leaned over her. “Your hormones are all over the place. I am here to make sure you finally get rest. Now go to sleep.” He brushed his lips across hers and lifted his head. “I never thought I would find you, and come hell or high water I am not letting you go.”
She settled into his embrace. Weariness clawed at her; she wasn’t sure she could love a baby born from violence. Was she even ready to be a mother? So many questions with no easy answers. Finally, she let sleep claim her.
* * * *
It was becoming practically impossible to stay away from Robbie. To mark her and possess her was becoming a distraction he couldn’t afford. Strands of her hair caught in his burgeoning beard when he smiled; like any one could actually control Robbie. She was a force in her own right and didn’t even realize it.
Her breathing settled into an even pattern and he knew she was sound asleep. Colin took a deep breath, holding her honeysuckle scent in his lungs before exhaling. She did a sort of wiggle, rubbing her ass against his cock that made his erection hard enough to crack concrete. A painful groan erupted through his lips. Gently he pulled his arm from beneath her head and sat up. Her needs superseded his and the tired line surrounding her eyes indicated that she wasn’t sleeping well. She trusted him enough to tell him she was pregnant, yet she wouldn’t open up beyond that, which was becoming a point of contention for him. Mates relied on each other and if there was one thing that was certain in his life, it was that Roberta Carlyle was the other half of his being.
He set his feet on the floor and leaned on his knees. Plans were set to get Robbie to safety but going with her was becoming impossible. If he didn’t have an Alpha to assume his father’s place, he would be the one to take over. Matos was reluctant to become council president with no backing and Percel was being a right ass about even joining the Council of Shifters. Tension tightened the muscles between his shoulder blades. Pack rules that had originally been created to give balance to the different clans had been changed by his dad.