Omega (8 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Omega
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The metal handle of the slim knife cooled her heated palm. If she was fast enough, she could catch Malachai from behind. With the drugs still in his system he couldn’t react as quickly as normal. The inside of her arm grazed her stomach. Not only did she have to protect the children stolen from her, but also the babe she carried. It was time for payback. Malachai glanced over his shoulder, frantic confusion marred his features, sweat rolled down his temple. He was crazy desperate and Colin was right. It was time to get the fuck out of there. Malachai hesitated in his steps. “Baby?”

She rounded on Malachai. Her weapon plunged deep into his biceps. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he staggered back shoving her office chair out the way as he fell back. Kiele lifted her fist, the weapon still clutched in her grasp. Blood flew off the knife and a crimson circle bloomed on the sleeve of his shirt.

Her sole intention was getting the girls away from a madman. Why hadn’t she noticed how looped Colonel Malachai was before? She lunged and Malachai turned just as she raised her hand and buried the scalpel in his shoulder, cutting her fingers as her blood-covered hand slid down the blade.

He shuffled back, releasing Seri. She snatched the kid away and shoved the child behind her. She swung low, aiming for his pelvis. He dodged the attack, and wind-milled his arms to keep from stumbling over the chair. She dropped the scalpel and spun around to heft up the children. Marree held her arms up while Seri huddled under the counter.

“Please, baby, please come here.” Robbie panted as she held her hand out.

Malachai gripped her wrist and yanked her out the way as she gripped Seri’s sleeve. He stumbled in front of her. “You can’t have them!” His eyes bulged as screamed.

She tugged the child’s clothing. Seri bared her teeth and snapped at her fingers. Malachai shoved her back and her butt hit the spinning wheels of the overturned chair. Dampness bloomed across her ass cheek. She stared at the small child clinging to Malachai and her heart broke. She was out of time, no way could she stay and fight without someone coming to look for the colonel. Tears blurred her vision as she backed away, starring at the little girl she didn’t even know she’d conceived. Robbie hugged her close as she moved across the space. She glanced over her shoulder at Seri one last time, committing her features to memory.
I am so sorry, baby girl
. Ducking out the room, she blended with the civilian personnel leaving the building through fire exits.

Marree stretched her arms beyond Robbie’s neck screaming, “Seri!”

* * * *

Colin tapped the steering wheel, watching as people poured from the exits. In his anxiousness he pressed his foot on the gas pedal and the engine revved. Robbie appeared and moved from his view before reappearing. She held one child to her chest. He searched the area around her for the other kid and pressed his palm on the horn. She glanced up and pivoted on her feet, breaking away from the group and trotting his way.

Robbie put the little girl down at the car door and patted her pockets, pulling something free before opening the door. Her shoulders slumped. She opened the back door and set the child in the seat before entering the front passenger’s side.

“Where is the other toddler?” He glanced over his shoulder at the sniffling girl. Her small shoulders shook and big tears slid down chubby cheeks.

“Malachai cornered me.” She huffed and opened her hand. A syringe rested in her palm. She placed it on the dash and pulled a sheath of papers from her blouse. “I saved my research and Marree.” She closed her eyes but tears escaped past her lids and rolled down her cheek.

He put the car in neutral and set the parking break before popping the lever. “I’ll get her.”

“Wait.” She placed her hand on his arm. “You’ll never get past his personal security squad and no doubt Malachai has surrounded himself with those men. I’ll have to find another way to get Seri. There is no way in hell I am leaving my child with that madman.” She released his bicep and slumped back into the seat. “Let’s get Marree to safety, please.”

“Your child?” Colin slammed his door and placed the car in gear, passing fire trucks as they drove away. He glanced over at Robbie. She hadn’t answered him. Her features were drawn, lines bracketed her lips and dark, crescent shadows framed her eyes. He checked the rearview mirror. Marree had fallen asleep, hugging herself. First he needed to find a pay phone, and then he needed answers. Colin wiped his palm down his face, so much plotting. Situations had been set in motion there was no turning away from.

White lines rose up to meet him as they traveled the dark road. He couldn’t take them back to Volkshire; it was too dangerous there with Ian still in control. No doubt Malachai had already gotten a hold of him and apprised his father of what was going on. A lone light beamed over an older structure. He took the turn onto the property and realized it was the old gas station. The proprietor had already left for the night. He parked closer to the garage and twisted in his seat looking for a payphone, and spotted one on the other side of the structure. Another quick look at the girls and he exited the car.

At the phone, he patted his pockets for change and reached into his jeans pulling out a few dimes. He dropped the coins in the slot and stabbed the numbers, waiting.

“Where the hell are you?” Matos growled into his ear. “I have been waiting for you all for hours. Reana took off earlier kicking up dust as she sped off.”

“My soon-to-be ex-wife won’t be coming back. There were a few…hiccups. I have Robbie and a child. There has been another change of plans. I need you to take the toddler to Sint. She knows what to do.” He glanced toward the car.

“What about you? Your mate? Ian has been a bastard all day. He’s pulling my men, guys I know are loyal to him, and stationing them around the house with explicit instructions to accept only his orders. It’s no longer safe for you. Ian wants your head.” Matos huffed. “And probably mine.”

“Let him try and take our heads, old friend. We have fought stronger foes.” Colin leaned against the glass.

“Women don’t count fool,” Matos grumbled.

The window cooled his forehead. “There’s a shack at the far end of Volkshire property. I have until Friday. I will hunker down there.” Hiding rankled. He’d never hidden from a problem in his life. Robbie, he had to consider her. He’d swallow his pride to keep her safe. “I can handle myself, right now my main concern is to get the tot safe.”

“I leave and you won’t have any backup…” Matos grew quiet.

“The babe is important to Robbie. I am a man, moreover, a wolf. I will live and die like one,” Colin rumbled. “I will do what I have to, all I ask is that you keep her safe, remember she will be at the old shack. Now come and get the child, we are at the gas station on State Road Nineteen.” He hung up and sprinted back to the automobile, pulling off his clothes as he moved.

Colin accepted his beast, revealing in the break and realignment of bone. His hands and feet curled into paws and his snout extended. Fur replaced hair in his follicles. In his wolf form, he could better protect his mate. He dropped to his haunches at the back fender to wait for his friend. From there they would leave the car and travel through the woods to the back of Blaidd property. They would follow a stream he was familiar with. That would drown their scents and keep Ian’s men searching if his old man chose to send them after him. He shook his head, he knew his father well; no doubt the hunt had already begun.

Chapter Eight


Robbie jerked. She was back in that same dream where the mystery man slid his clammy hands along her skin, watching the scene from outside her body like a movie. The stranger had a face. Malachai touched her body with his mouth and fingers. She swallowed the bile creeping up her throat. He turned away from her naked form and she knew she’d been violated in so many horrible, and different ways. Malachai’s self-appreciating grin made her breath hitch. How many eggs had they taken from her body? Were there other shifter women carrying her babies around in their bellies? She covered her mouth with her palm to contain her anguish and curled in on herself. Tears followed the lines of her lips and the saltiness seeped between her lips. It was hard to breathe in the thick air that flowed around her, stroking her skin like slimy fingers. A wolf howled and the images disappeared, misty darkness surrounded her.

She spun around. The baying grew closer. Shadowy figures appeared off in the distance and she ran toward them. The watery vision dissipated. She dropped to her knees and screamed.

“Stop it!” She was being shaken. “I’m here.” Words leached into her barren world. She held tight to accented voice that seemed to be coming from every direction.

Her eyes fluttered open. Colin stood over her with a wide smile on his face. “There’s my woman.” He stepped back.

She glanced around and focused on the syringe, the only vial of serum left from her breakthrough. With a sigh, she sat up and a wave of dizziness enveloped her. She flopped back into the seat. Her memories came rushing back and she twisted in the seat to look behind her, ignoring the throbbing that began to pound in her head.

The backseat was empty. “Where is Marree?” She rose up on her knees and peered over the headrest. Darting her gaze back and forth she leaned over the seat, frantic to find the baby.

“The cutie is right here.” Matos, came into view with Marree secure in his arms. He tickled her chin and she giggled. “Colin wouldn’t let me leave until she said good-bye.”

“Thank you.” She peered to her side at Colin and he nodded.

Slowly she eased up. Crickets chirped in the wild grasses beyond the concrete and cool night air closed in around her. Matos ambled up to her, holding the toddler out. Robbie nuzzled the baby, taking in her sweet baby-powder scent. She blinked back tears, she would not cry, and hugged Marree tighter. The little girl squirmed and she loosened her grip and attempted to lift her lips in a smile. Marree patted her cheeks and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on her nose. She understood that instantaneous connection he felt with the two girls but deep in her soul she knew letting Marree go was the only way to protect her.

Robbie made a promise to herself. Malachai would never find her children and if that meant she would never see them, then it was the price she would pay. One way or another she would make everything right for them. “I love you,” she whispered before pressing a kiss to the soft curls on Marree’s head. Pain sliced through her so deep she was sure it was physical wound. She’d never known such heartache and prayed she never did again.

Matos took Marree from her arms. “I’ll make sure she makes it safely to—”

“I don’t want to know.” Robbie voice shook as she spoke. “As long as she has a happy, healthy and fruitful life…” She couldn’t get the words out, exhaling instead.

“Understood.” He hefted the kid on his shoulder. “Keep your heads low and stay safe, dog.”

“Ever wonder why cats are called pussies?” Colin smirked.

“Shut up, wolf, there’s a child present.” Matos covered Marree’s ear and pressed her head against his shoulder. He smirked. “Be careful, friend.” Matos stalked to a waiting car across the road.

She watched the car she could no longer see the taillights.

Colin tapped her shoulder. “We have to go.”

“I know.” She half turned toward him. “Where are

“An old shack for the time being. From there, the world.”

One last glance in the direction the car had gone, and she spun on her heel to stare at him. “Why are you naked?”

“I’ll be running as a wolf, just in case.” His tone changed, becoming harder. “We’ll be moving fast, will you be able to keep up, luv?” His gaze dropped to her midsection.

She ambled up to him, saw the concern in his eyes, and upped his chin. “Lead the way, wolf man.” She wanted comfort and reached around him to lock her hands behind his neck before placing her face on his chest. The solid
of his heart filled her ear and the sound was soothing. His heat chased the chill from her body.

“I need to move the car behind the garage.” He pulled away and she felt the loss of his warmth. “I’ll lead the way; we best get moving. I smell rain on the air.”

“I don’t smell anything.” She lifted her head and sniffed the air.

“Sadly, I am reminded that despite your beauty, you’re no animal.” He chuckled.

“I’m sure you have more than enough beast for the both of us,” she responded wryly.

“Baby, have you got that right.” He prowled away from her.

She watched as he parked the car behind stacks of tires then stared in wonder as he shifted into a huge white wolf with black markings on his chest and feet. She never tired of seeing him shift. To witness his total transformation was awe-inspiring. “You’re beautiful.”

He chuffed.

“Fine, handsome.” She walked up to him and combed her fingers through his thick fur.

Colin pulled away and started walking. He stopped long enough for her to follow before he resumed his pace. She halted and hurried back to the car; reaching into the window she grabbed the syringe and the rolled stack of papers. Straightening she stuck the syringe in her other pocket and sheets down between her cleavage.

She rushed to where Colin stood. “Let’s go.”

* * * *

Fat drops of rain fell from the darkened sky; trees loomed high around them. Robbie was tired; she hadn’t said anything, but she was moving slower. They weren’t far from the cabin. In many ways the storm was a blessing. Water would dissipate their scents. He could keep her safe a little longer. Colin trotted around bushes and Robbie cried out as she tried to follow him. He rounded back.

She held her arm as she climbed out the other side of the brush. “Can we at least avoid the thorny bushes?” Her words were being swallowed by the wind.

He trotted to her and licked her forearm before nuzzling her side to encourage her to move.

“I’m moving.” She trudged along and he stayed at her side leaning against her to urge her in the direction he wanted her to take.

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