Authors: Kassanna
Round lights bounced up and down in the distance. He stood. It was time to make shit happen. Vehicles came to an abrupt stop, surrounding him. His father exited the sedan. Car doors squealed and slammed as men loyal to Ian left other autos running. They skirted the circle of light created by the high beams. Ian’s men hung back making it hard to get accurate numbers of how many shifters he was dealing with. One man strutted closer with his father.
Colin crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes to cover his surprise. The men riding along with Ian weren’t who he expected. He snorted, his father had called in help, and he wondered how much it would cost his clan. Black Mountain mongrels flanked his da and a smirk hovered on Ian’s lips.
“This is unexpected. Colm, what brings you to the states?” Colin spread his feet. If they attacked he would have to act quickly.
“Colin, you better than anyone should know I would never pass up an opportunity to kill a Blaidd.” Colm raised his hands palms up. “Your da offered the Black Mountain Pack quite the boon to act as his proxy in your challenge. I wasn’t expecting to kill you so soon though. I understood the challenge wasn’t for a few days.” He raised his hand and men shifted becoming their wolves. “I may not be able to get to your brother but you’re a fine substitute.”
“Colm, I will leave you alive, barely, only because your children, Roman and Cherise, need their father around since you’re the only sorry excuse for a parent they have left.” Colin snorted and turned toward his father. “Then I will put your rabid ass down.”
“A lone wolf against thirty of my best warriors?” Colm laughed. “You might be good, but not that good.”
“You are as stupid as you look, Colm.” Wolves prowled from the surrounding buildings their bodies half shrouded in the darkness. Colin’s brother, Ian Blaidd the second, stomped out behind them. “I was wondering where you got off to, bad bitch.”
Colin stared at his brother. “Ian, good to see you. What brings you to the states?” Shit just took a twist he wasn’t expecting.
“It got boring in Ireland, thought I would pay you a visit.” Ian the second stepped up next to Colin. “Da, wish I could say the same about you. Still the conniving, manipulative bastard I see.”
“This is not your fight, son.” Ian cocked a brow. “Go home to your mother’s tit.”
“What the hell, Da? Nothing like a family feud made public. Makes us no better than the Black Mountain mutts you hired and just how much will their allegiance cost us?” Ian the second rested on the hood of Colin’s automobile. “I’ve no intention of getting involved in a pack challenge. I am only here to make sure it stays fair.” His brother’s pack circled the Black Mountain wolves.
“You only made it easy for me to kill you and your brother at the same time.” Colm ripped his shirt from his chest and dropped his pants, shifting.
“Not if I get you first, you fat fuck.” Ian the second stripped in response.
All around him wolves snarled and attacked. Yelps rent the air as tufts of fur floated in the beams of light. His father fell back into the fray. Colin howled and beasts erupted from the fields around them. Snakes slithered, gators waddled, and boars crashed through the vegetation. Everyone stopped and peered around. A lone hyena yelped and the animals became a writhing mass of muscle, skin, and fur.
Colin marched into the fray and started pulling bodies apart. He swung fist and broke up fights before raising his chin and howling again. A wolf lunged at him and he shoved the sole of his boot into the animal’s snout. He snarled and a few beats around him stopped. Percel gored a wolf in the side before shifting and wiping the blood of his face. The boar tugged a few of his men back.
“As much as I appreciate the help”—Colin stared pointedly at his brother, who shook red droplets from his fur—”I have my own people who I can count on.” He searched the area for is father and bellowed. “Ian Blaidd, accept my challenge or forfeit your position as Alpha. As my right I will accept no stand-in.”
Boars trotted around him, their heads tucked so only the points of their tusks could be seen. They forced the animals to separate, widening the circle around him. Snakes hissed and darted at the feet and ankles of the larger beasts as they moved. Colin stripped out of his pants and underwear.
Percel chuckled. “I forgot to mention, Sint sent some of her kin, too. I stand as witness to the pack challenge.” He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.
His father stepped into the circle of light. “I am your Alpha; you will respect me.”
“Shift, old man, and accept your fate.” Colin freed his wolf, assuming the change. His claws scraped the asphalt as his beast took control. He shook his head and the animal came to the forefront of his mind.
He looked over and a huge white wolf ran at him, teeth bared. Colin rose up on his hind legs using his front paws to deflect his father’s snapping jaws. He dropped onto his back and allowed the white wolf to run over him. Placing his paws on his dad’s chest, he pushed off sending the beast flying back. His father had more bulk but he was older, slower in his movements. Colin leaped to his paws and charged Ian. He vaulted catching his dad around the back of the neck and bit down. Blood flooded his mouth and flowed down his throat.
His father shook violently, tossing him off. He landed on his side and twisted to rise to his paws. Ian took a swipe at him as he moved and the older wolf’s claws tore through his flank. He bared his teeth snapping at his father’s legs. Ian used his body to jackknife over Colin and landed on his other side, using all his weight to muscle Colin over while nipping at his underbelly.
Colin’s claws cracked as he scraped the blacktop for purchase. He angled his head to try and close his jaws around his father throat. His dad took a chuck out of his belly and pain seared through him. Pushing back the ache, he rolled over Ian’s back, ripping into the wound but getting out of his father’s hold. He limped back favoring his side and rounded on his, keeping track of his movements as his dad stalked him.
Animals around him snarled, pacing back and forth, his friends kept his enemies at bay. A sharp intake of breath made him search the group. Robbie stood in front of Percel. The boar had a meaty arm locked around her waist and she was struggling to get free, screaming. Anger drowned out the pain. She would not bear witness to his death, and Percel would pay for putting his hands on her. He rounded on his father and went at him headfirst, using his paws and teeth. Snarls and whelps filled the air as they fought for the upper hand. He tore into his dad’s throat, thrashing his head. Ian pawed at him, claws ripped into his chest. He bit down harder to tear his father’s larynx out. A
followed by a
and so much blood poured into his mouth it flowed over his jaws.
Ian went limp and he released the old wolf’s body.
Colin shifted, his wounds stung as he took on his human form. Throwing his head back he yelled, “I am Alpha!”
Around him animals bayed in his honor.
* * * *
It was her first time in the Colin’s house, and she just wanted to take everything in. He’d walked away from his fight battered and bloody but the first thing he did was snatch her away from Percel and walk to his car where he put her in the driver’s side. After mumbling words she didn’t quite hear, he eased into the passenger seat. Someone shoved the door closed.
“Take us home, baby,” he muttered as he leaned back in his seat.
She knew the way, she’d passed the place hundreds of times in transport. Now she was standing before his fireplace and he was sleeping in a wide bed where she yearned to join him. To curl up against his side and know that everything would be all right but it wouldn’t. Colin made sacrifices for his pack, for her, and she knew deep down now was not the time for them.
Children would peek in and gaze at her only to rush away when she approached them. A shaggy, brown-haired boy inched the barrier wider and stepped over the threshold. He had a determined jut to his chin.
He marched over to her and held out his hand. “I’m Boris.” He hooked a thumb behind him at two smaller boys standing in the doorway. “Those are my brothers, Rhys and Myka. Is our dad going to be okay?” His tone rattled with concern and maybe a touch of fear.
She stared down at the handsome child. “He has some deep wounds and will have some scaring, but right now what he needs is a lot of rest and he will be fine. Colin is a quick healer.”
Boris twisted around toward his brothers. “Told you.” He faced Robbie. “Thank you.” He sniffed the air and his nose twitched. “You smell like strawberries and flowers.”
“Umm, thank you.” Robbie let out a brief burst of laughter.
“And Dad?” Boris tilted his head.
“Yes, well, I’m sure your father can explain everything to you.” The conversation was becoming uncomfortable. “Why don’t we let your dad to rest?” She walked Boris to the door where his brothers stood. “As soon as he wakes up, I’ll come and get you.”
“How will you know where to find us?” one of the other boys spoke up as she shut the door. “Who are you?”
She smiled as she pressed the door shut and breathed a sigh of relief.
“My boys can be a handful.” Colin chuckled as he pushed the covers back. “I don’t need rest. I
She sauntered toward the bed. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“What beast can sleep with such a luscious mate around?” He struggled to sit up and looked down his body. “You cleaned me up?”
“With the help from a couple of your guards.” She shrugged.
“Come here.” He patted the side of the bed.
She took his hand and limbed up on the mattress to settle in next to him. “You should have left with Etienne.” He skimmed his fingers down her arm.
“I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew you were all right.” She reared away from him. “We already had this conversation.”
He griped her face between his palms and tugged her toward him, brushing his lips against hers. Colin released her. “Boris is right; you do carry my scent.”
“Joy,” she responded drily.
“Smart ass.” He swooped in and kissed her again. “Goddess, I can never get enough of you.”
Colin deftly unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it off her. Pressing minute kisses along her cleavage. She gripped the back of his head and urged him toward her breast. He yanked a bra cup down and sucked a tight nipple between his teeth while massaging her other tit. She groaned against his hair and skated her palm down his chest and under the sheet that pooled at his waist.
Robbie wrapped her hand around his cock and he moaned against her breast. She rubbed her thumb across the mushroomed head of his cock. Colin pumped his pelvis. She leaned back and her tit popped from the warm recesses of his mouth.
“Let me please you.” She shoved him back and he fell into the fluffy pillows surrounding his head. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra dropping it to the side. Slowly she rose on her knees and unbuttoned her jeans. She hooked her fingers in the waistband and thrust them down her thighs with her panties.
He reached out and she smacked his hand away, shaking her head. She sat at the foot of the bed and snatched her pants off, tossing them behind her. Carefully she crawled up between his legs and slid her hand up his thighs. His erect cock thumped his belly. She’d never sucked dick before but she seen the movies when she’d become curious. That one flick about a woman sucking cock was actually playing in regular theaters. She could do this. Robbie glanced up his body and he grinned down at her. She licked her lips and dipped her head, using the point of her tongue to trace the veins protruding from his rod. He gripped her shoulders.
She must have been doing a good thing. His grip was tight to the point of pain. He released one shoulder and wrapped his fingers around the base of his shaft, pushing the member up against her lips. She opened her mouth and sucked the head of his dick between her lips, swiping her tongue around it. His hand moved from her shoulder to the back of her head as he urged her head farther down. His cock brushed the back of her throat and her eyes watered as she gagged. He released her immediately and she lifted her head and tried again. He stroked the side of her neck and murmured sweet words softly as she found her rhythm. She grasped his balls and gently squeezed them as she flexed her tongue around the girth of his dick, bobbing her head.
He grunted and pulled her up by the hair. “Nae, luv, it’s not your mouth I want. It’s your body.” Colin gripped her by the biceps and yanked her up to him as he sat up.
Robbie straddled his lap and rested her elbows on his shoulders. She looked down and saw the fire in his eyes. Green and browns swirled in his irises and she pushed the hair from his forehead. “I. Love. You,” she whispered against his mouth.
Colin smiled wide and slid his tongue past her lips. He twinned his tongue with hers and licked at the deeper recesses of her mouth. He swallowed her moans as he gripped her hips and urged her up on her knees. His cock head slid along her channel and she slowly lowered her body down.
He filled her. Her small baby bump was more pronounced when she peered down between their bodies. She went still enjoying the feel of his body inside of hers. Colin leaned forward and placed his open mouth against her collarbone and flexed up, impaling her with his rod. She arched her back and he locked his arms around her torso as he pumped into her.
Robbie gripped his legs and rolled her hips to his rhythm.
He grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her head forward. “Always mine,” he panted.
Pressure built at the small of her back. The hair on his legs tickled her palm as she dug her nails into his calves. She bounced on his dick with every drive.
He released his hold on her tight curls and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him as he thrust upward. She enfolded his neck and held his head to her chest, closing her eyes. Bright colors burst like fireworks inside her lids as pleasure sipped and snapped along her nerves.
Colin flipped them over, drilling her into the mattress. Moisture coted their skin as he hammered into her body. She opened her mouth as her body seized. Tears slid down her cheeks as her orgasm powered though her with the force of a freight train. She knew what she had to do. Robbie lifted her head and kissed Colin screaming her release into his mouth.