Omega (2 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Omega
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“America has made you soft, little brother. Never forget we are animals disguised as men, not the other way around. To cull the pack of the infirm and crazy is natural selection. We will talk soon.” A buzz filled the line.

* * * *

Robbie sucked in a deep breath to calm her nerves. She would never promise Colin that she would stay out of Malachai’s way. Someone had to protect the people of their facility from the crazy fuck. He was in the nursery adjacent to Dr. Willis’s office with the toddlers, and his presence in there made her uneasy. A quick roll of her shoulders to dissipate the tension and she pushed the door open.

He sat in a rocking chair playing with the girls. They would wobble as they walked back and forth handing him blocks. The dark-haired one smiled, her cocoa skin tone a distinct difference from her fair-skinned sister. Robbie tilted her head and stared at the children.

Malachai glanced up and his smile widened. “Glad you could finally visit the little ladies. That is Marree.” He pointed to the dark-haired child. “And this is Seri.” He skimmed his hand down the blonde child’s head.

“About that…I asked Colin and he said all the children are accounted for in Volkshire.” Robbie strolled over to the toy box and picked up a doll. She held out her hand, but only Marree came over to her. Seri hung back, next to Malachai’s legs.

“What have I told you about discussing government secrets outside of military personnel?” His grin slipped and his nose flared. He cleared his throat. “These kids didn’t come from Volkshire. Ian made arrangements with another clan. We are going to be sending that one back.” He pointed at Marree. “Tom has evaluated them. For some reason, Marree isn’t exhibiting the physical tendencies that Seri is. We can’t use her for the program.”

“Oh. When will she be going back to their parents? Tom could be wrong; he likes to play fast and loose with tests. I can check his—”

“That won’t be necessary,” Malachi interrupted. “Dr. Willis will be the lead geneticist on this project.” He patted Seri’s head and rose. Marree toddled toward him and he brushed past her. “Now that you’re free, how about lunch?”

“Sounds good.” Robbie pushed off the top of the toy box and reached out to caress Marree’s head. “If it’s okay with you, I would like to take them out, sometimes, to get them some fresh air.”

“I’ll think about it, however, if I leave the girls under your supervision, what will I get in return?” Malachai licked his lips. “This is Tom’s pet project.” the older Colonel chuckled. “If he finds out you had the girls, I’ll have to soothe ruffled feathers and we both know how Tom can get.”

“Dr. Willis is a pussy and so are you if you can’t handle an effeminate doctor throwing a tantrum.” Robbie crossed her arm. Challenging Malachai’s manhood was a sure way to get him to react.

“It’s not nice to pull the tail of the tiger.” Malachai’s eyes narrowed.

“Let me know when you find the tiger.” Robbie spun on her heel. She could only take so much of Malachai, and Colin had a point. If Malachai hadn’t removed her from the facility by now, she doubted he would. “I’m going to lunch; are you coming?”

Chapter Two


Malachai studied Robbie; she didn’t behave any differently. The drugs he snuck into her drink that night, two months ago, didn’t appear to have any lasting effects. He would move them to the next phase of testing, human protocols. Technically, he’d tested them on Robbie by slipping several doses into her beverages on different occasions, at different times. Except for the occasional smart retort, she didn’t mention anything about strange dreams or crazy memories. She hadn’t exhibited any ill effects like queasiness or dizziness, or at least she didn’t mention it. A slow smile lifted the corners of his mouth; he’d gotten away with making love to Robbie and she didn’t remember a thing. He twisted in his seat to make room for his growing erection. There was still a dose of the powder concoction left. He needed to watch for another opportunity to use it. One taste of Robbie just wouldn’t do.

While under the drug’s influence, she didn’t respond to his advances; it was more like fucking the dead. To have Robbie though, there was very little he wouldn’t do. He wasn’t stupid. He saw the way she and that damn dog, Colin, behaved, knew there was more to their relationship than doctor and test subject. Colin might have her attention, but he’d already had her body and would have it again.

Tom was a master at mixing chemicals and creating drugs. His blends of different chemicals were nothing short of genius and would elevate the United States to the top of the international chain in espionage. Some drugs could also have far reaching capabilities in medical fields. His team was changing the face of narcotics and how they could be used. That wasn’t all they handled though; soon, his team would affect the way the world looked at genetics.

Robbie moved past the glass insert next to his door and he glanced down at the report he was supposed to be going over. The words blurred and he blinked several times. He’d have to report the change in his vision to Tom. Maybe the weekly shots he was receiving were finally taking effect. Robbie’s genius at extracting the different strands of shifter DNA, combined with Tom’s skills at mixing and matching, left Malachai with multiple varieties of mutant genes coursing through his veins. If everything continued as planned, he would be able to utilize the gifts soon, he just wasn’t sure which animal’s specialties would manifest within him the strongest.

Sharp pain sliced through his mind and the papers fluttered from his fingers. He gripped the sides of his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them, colors drained from his vision. His chest tightened and it became hard to take a breath. He slapped the handset from the phone, stabbing the numbers with his fingertips. A rapid dinging filled the air and he dropped a loose fist on the top of the telephone, pounding it.

He couldn’t make his hands work properly and the feeling slowly left his digits. Malachai pushed off his desk and his chair rolled back. His head lolled forward and he tried to move his legs only to fall out the chair, hitting the carpet with a dull
. Dark edges encroached his eyesight. He opened his mouth; words filled his head but wouldn’t cross his lips.

Muffled knocks burst through his mind accompanied by stabbing pain. Unable to move, he could no longer twist his head. Grunts fell past his lips. His cheek was damp from the saliva drooling from the corner his mouth.

Then Tom was kneeling next to him. The scientist opened his mouth wide but Malachai could not hear above consistent buzz filling his ears. Tom turned away from him. People flooded the room, soldiers appeared next to him. He was lifted up and set down. Curiosity and concern etched the features of some of the faces he passed as he was pushed past them. That was the last thing he saw as everything went black.

* * * *

Dust kicked up as Colin made the sharp turn onto Blaidd property. He needed to find out where his father found children to offer up to Malachai. Those girls couldn’t have come from Volkshire; parentless children would have been brought to his attention and homes would have been found for them. They took care of their own, plain and simple.

The compound rose up against the backdrop of towering mountains. He understood why Ian settled here. The area reminded him of Mourne Mountains close to their home in Ireland. A beautiful area that sometimes Colin wished he’d never left. If he hadn’t though, he would have never met his mate. He exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, staring up at the colonial style of the main house. Usually his boys were playing on the sweeping porch that wrapped around the front and sides of the building. It was time to put his game face on. If he showed any weakness, his dad would utilize that against him.

Colin turned the key to cut off his vehicle and exited. It was surprisingly quiet; he spun around taking everything in. Sentinels that should have been walking the grounds were gone. He cocked his head and waited. Growls and groans, the usual sounds that drifted from barracks were nonexistent. What the hell was going on? He jogged up the short stairs and crossed the space to the front door. The barrier swung open easily into a shadowed foyer. Unease skittered along his nerves. Claws erupted from his nail beds, curving out from his fingertips.

He stepped into the space and heard faint giggles. Yellow light from the upstairs hallway bisected the room. High-pitched whispers drifted to him, his boys. Colin shook his head; he was being ambushed. Boris and his brothers were trying to flank him. Where the hell was Matos, his head of security?

A yowl rent the air and a bear cub came sprinting at him. Black talons clicked on the tile floor as Boris’s little body was propelled forward when he stretched his front legs. He collided with Colin’s legs and grunted. Colin gazed down at his son and tightened his lips to keep from laughing. A howl came from above him and he glanced up in time to see one of the twins leap off a bannister; Myka shifted in midair and landed square on his chest. Claws tore into his shirt and, automatically, he grabbed his boy by the scruff of his neck so he wouldn’t tumble backward. No longer able to contain hisamusement, deep laughter escaped him as he awkwardly moved forward. Myka squirmed in his fist and Boris clawed at his pant leg. He was missing a kid; Rhys was still hiding.

“Come out, boy. I have your brothers.” Colin dropped his tone to sound menacing. He would play along. His boys were learning valuable hunting skills and he would teach them the only way he knew how, by example. He was sure Matos was the force behind the attack.

A series of short barks followed by a few snarls echoed through the space.

“You want your siblings, boy, come and get them.” Colin held Myka up. His son looked down at him, defiance in his clear hazel eyes.

Matos skirted past Colin, snatching up Boris. The cub’s talons tore through his jeans, cutting into his ankle. Colin jumped back and Matos rose to his paws with Boris held in his jaws.

Colin narrowed his eyes. “I know you put them up to this.” He dropped Myka. The pup landed on his feet and trotted toward the hallway.

Matos dropped the bear and shifted. “They need to learn tracking and attack skills. Something your sorry-ass wife and father refuse to teach them.”

A growling Rhys bounded out the corner, latching onto Colin’s back and scurrying up between his shoulder blades. Rhys snapped at his throat as he grabbed him. He gave the pup a good shake before dropping him and crouching to look him in the eye.

“Try that again, little wolf, and you will find yourself with a scar, memories of how you got it and who gave it to you.” Colin tapped Rhys on the snout.

Rhys shifted. “Sorry.” He hung his head.

Boris wrapped thin arms around his brother’s shoulder. “We was only playing.” His son scowled. “Come on, Rhys…Myka!” Boris yelled. Myka came slinking out the darkness. “I’ll make you some Ovaltine.” A full head taller, Boris used his other hand to direct his younger brothers out the room.

A gut-wrenching laugh floated to Colin. He peered over at the cat shifter, watching as he walked to the wall and flipped the light switch.

“Those boys haven’t realized they are two different species, yet. I hope they never do.” Matos accented voice held a note of whimsy.

“All I can do is raise them and all you can do is train them. I pray our foundation will set the course they take. Where is everybody?” Colin walked into the living room, grabbed a blanket, and tossed it to his friend.

“The sentries are around. I told them to stay hidden, part of their training.” Matos shrugged. “Ian took off out of here like a bat out of hell about an hour ago, and I have no idea where Reana went but I consider that a blessing.”

“Huh. I’m glad you’re here then.”

“Like I would leave the boys to fend for themselves. That’s asking for trouble and their pranks are traumatizing the guards.” Matos snorted.

“Come to the conference room. I need to talk to you and Percel.” Colin moved toward the hallway.

Matos prowled silently behind him. He eased the door open and waited for Matos to enter. The cat shifter plopped down in a chair and leaned back. Colin shut the door and took a seat across from his friend. He reached out taking the handset off the cradle and tapped the Speaker button before dialing the number.

“‘ello.” The line was picked up on the third ring.

“Sint! Hey, beautiful, how is that sexy sister of yours, Loretta?” Matos leaned forward.

“Matos, still the playboy.” Sint’s thick Cajun accent cut through the line. “She’s in Texas, why don’t you give her a call. I’m sure her threat of detaching your balls with a rusty spoon was just that.”

Colin chuckled. “Sint, we all know you women have long memories. How does Loretta like Rattler? Let her know I appreciate the move.”

“She says the Alpha’s wife is a bitch but the Omega is a cutie, an anaconda. That chile is a throwback from way down the line. Anyway, you didn’t call to talk to me. I’ll get Percel.”

“Wait, how is the baby girl, Kiele?” Colin laid his palms on the table. “Percel mailed me some Polaroids. She’s a beautiful girl. Who do you think she’ll take after?”

“Good question. She has incisors that I’m worried may be tusks. And stop lying, that chile is a cross between a boar and a water moccasin. We both know what she really looks like but she’s mine, and I will gut any bitch that comments on her appearance.” Sint snorted. “Percel!”

“Unless you’re calling to chat about my beautiful little girl, I’m hanging up.” Percel’s gruff tone boomed through the line.

“I wish that was all we had to talk about. Matos is here. We only have a few minutes.” Colin looked up and met Matos’s stare. “My mate, Robbie, in the next couple weeks Matos will be bringing her to Betaille. She’s pregnant. Next to Matos, you are my closest friend. I need you to hide her until the baby is born. Matos will come back and make arrangements to move her after the babe is born.”

“I told you not to do it when you asked me about marrying that bitch. Now you’ve met the other half of your soul and you’re already taken.” Percel sighed. “I have your back, brother, like I always have.” Percel’s tone was low.

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