Orgasm University (2 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

BOOK: Orgasm University
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Time stopped for a few precious seconds when he extended his
free hand to her.

“Doctor Hotlidge. Nice to meet you, Jane.”

Her arm moved on its own—since surely she didn’t tell it to
move—to touch the dark Adonis standing beside her. The room disappeared. The
presence of the nurse was forgotten. A connection sizzled between them, arcing
across the distance between their bodies until Victoria wheezed out a breath,
placing a hand on her abdomen to settle her nerves. He followed her movements,
searching her face for something she couldn’t begin to comprehend.

The nurse chattered away, either oblivious to the tension in
the air or Victoria was completely misreading it. The man in the coat finally
looked over at Trisha and she stammered to a halt.

Chapter Two


“Dr. Hotlidge, this is highly un—”

“Are all of the answers that you’ve gone over so far marked?”
He released Victoria’s hand to retrieve the clipboard still sitting on the
stool, where the nurse had left it.

Victoria sucked in a breath, trying desperately not to sound
like a wounded gazelle. It sure felt as if he’d sunk his teeth into some piece
of her, but she needed to remember she was nothing but a number to him.

“Yes, of course, and her personal medical history is
completed as well, but—”

“Then that will be all. There’s one more patient to intake
in the waiting room. I’ve looked over her chart as well. Please go through the
questionnaire with her, but note the inconsistent answers on page three of the
initial survey. I don’t think she’s what we’re looking for.”

He shuffled Trisha out the door, with nary a peep in
edgewise, and before Victoria really knew what happened, Dr. Hotlidge sat in
Trisha’s place on the stool in front of the exam chair. He was so damn sexy she
immediately dubbed him Dr. Hottie.

“Sorry for catching you in the middle of the questionnaire.
I tried to get here faster so we could start from the beginning together, but
got held up with some other paperwork.”

A thrill zinged from Victoria’s stomach to her clit. Her
pleasure-challenged button pulsed in a rapid hum of desire. His simple
explanation and apology excited her, and she told herself she needed to get out

“I see you’re thirty-three and obviously have trouble
orgasming or you wouldn’t be here, but tell me…what do you want to get out of
this survey?”

“I’ve never had an orgasm.” She blurted it out so fast her
inner censor gasped, scrambling to cover the admission so freely given. “I
mean, in the past I’ve kind of—”


Victoria clammed up, staring into his sparkly hazel eyes.

“We have to agree to be completely honest with one another.
This won’t work if you qualify every statement, or give me half-answers to
conceal what’s really happening.”

She watched his mouth move, hyper-focused on the way his
bottom lip pouted every time he enunciated a word beginning with a “W”.

“Ms. Smith, you and I, we’ve got to be a team on this. The
results of this research are going to be studied for years to come. Both in
reference to women’s physical well-being and how it correlates to a healthy sex
life and the ability to come during intercourse. So are we agreed? The truth
and nothing but the truth?”

Before she spoke, she took a few seconds to formulate an
educated response. One that would make sure he knew exactly who he was dealing

“Yes, Doctor,” came out instead and she knew her inner
romantic stood front and center, drooling over the fine physician.

“Great.” He ran his palm along the length of his tie, making
her take notice of the bulge in his lap.

She licked her lips and he cleared his throat. There wasn’t
any doubt he’d caught her staring, but they both thankfully ignored it.

“Back to your lack of ability to orgasm. You’ve never had an

Time to put on her big-girl panties and own the issue she
was here to get his help with. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve seen it on movies
and heard friends describe it as this all-encompassing, amazing reaction. Like
you’re imploding into fireworks. I’ve gotten close to something not really like
that, but it’s always faded to nothing instead of building into what I’d like
it to be.”

“Have you discussed this with your sexual partners?”

“Tried, but somehow it always turns out to be my fault. Me
being too chilly, too remote, not engaging enough, too—”

“What?” Dr. Hottie’s vehemence caught her off guard. “They
said what? You’re an ice cube in bed? It’s all your fault? And you believed
them?” His volume grew louder and louder, pinning her with his intense gaze.

From one statement to the next, he towered over her, grazing
his thighs against her oh-so-sexy paper-gown-covered knees.

“It hasn’t been many, just a couple of guys.”

“How many?”

“A handful—plus a couple more.” Simple addition was too much
for her over-loaded brain, since she couldn’t look away from the sizeable
erection tenting his slacks and white coat.

He growled at her, “Stay there.”

Are doctors supposed to growl?

He snatched the door open, already calling for one of the
nurses. “Cancel the meeting I have this evening, and Heather at the front desk
is the only one I need to stay when the other patients are gone.”

The nurse stammered out something that died mid-sentence.

Victoria knew exactly what look she was probably getting
from the good doctor.
Wonder if it makes her wet too, or if I’m the only
freak that happens to?

Several sets of footsteps scuttled down the hall, a couple
doors closed, and then Dr. Hottie came back inside.

All was quiet until the unmistakable crack of the lock
tumbler latching in the doorjamb expanded in the space all around them. She
focused on him instead of where she’d been staring a hole in the floor.

Strangely, his back was to her, both his hands clenched
tightly into fists. His chin rested on his chest, but he said not a word.

The silence freaked her out, especially when the crinkle of
the paper under her almost-naked ass filled the room every time her nerves got
the best of her.

She was about to excuse herself and bolt when his rich
baritone voice rebounded off the ceiling and floor.

“What’s your name?” he asked from the door. “The study is
anonymous for good reason, but I’d really like to know your name before we

Her inner sensor weighed in about anonymity being a godsend.
It was the only reason she ultimately decided to participate, because no one
would know her from Adam. “Vic…uh…Victoria. Tory to my friends.”

“I like that. It suits you.” He took several deep breaths
before facing her, but didn’t move any closer. “You’re exactly what I’ve been
looking for.”

Her heart skipped a beat at his words, even though she knew
he meant them professionally.

“The parameters I want to test on you won’t be easy. I’ll be
demanding, relentless in my pursuit of your ability to orgasm, so you need to
know that right up front. You might be uncomfortable, or think my methods are
unorthodox, but I’m determined to come up with the procedures to test your body
and mind to unlock your hidden potential to climax.”

His serious attitude multiplied the nerves skittering
through her, but feeling defeated wasn’t going to cut it anymore. “I’m willing
to put in the time if you think you can really help me.”

“I know I can.”

“How can you know? You haven’t even touched me yet. How
could you—”

“I smelled your arousal when we spoke earlier, and I can
catch the sweetest scent of it, all the way over here. You’ve been emanating
the most delicious fragrance since I stepped in the room. That reaction alone
tells me what I need to know to get started. I’m confident in what my findings
will be, and you will be too if you give me half a chance and a bit of trust. I
can help you.”

Her ability to speak vanished for the next few minutes while
he explained.

“You’ve been with utter dipshits. Probably nice guys at the
office. Men who always ask, adding a please or thank you. Like sex with them—on
top in the missionary position—is what every girl needs. They probably get off
in what? Five minutes? Then crash right afterward when you’ve already sunk into
the, ‘I wonder what’s on TV’ mode.

“Most women have a harder time getting off than a guy, but
if the guy doesn’t care, he’ll get his and move on.”

Trying to make a joke of it, she said, “I don’t remember any
of that being on the initial questionnaire.”

Her laughter died as he crowded in close, invading her
personal space again. Something dark flashed in his eyes as he stared at her.

“This is clinical research, nothing more. You speak to me,
but I will never touch you with anything more than a purely scientific purpose
in mind. This is more than just my professional reputation on the line here.”

As if she hadn’t been telling herself that for days. She
hated it, but she understood it.

He stepped over to the sink. “Are you willing to go through
this with me? All the way?”

She looked him straight in the eye. “Yes, Doctor.”

A dominant smile curled the sides of his luscious mouth.
“Good. Then relax, Jane. I want a good look at the pussy I’m going to be
spending so much time playing with.”

Her mouth fell open as she tried to process…everything. He
washed his hands, snagging several paper towels from the dispenser. From a
drawer he extracted two vinyl gloves. He tugged one on, snapping it into place.

Her thighs clenched and she fisted the thin gown covering
her thighs. “Oh lord.”


Chapter Three


Snapping on his other glove, he called out, “Stand in front
of the chair. Face me.”

She hesitated. He glanced over his shoulder and cocked an
eyebrow in her direction. She tried oh so gracefully to slide off the table,
crinkle, crinkle, crinkle

Holding the gown closed over her ass, she waited. The floor
couldn’t have been any colder, but her body burned away the chill.

He walked up, staring at her. They breathed together,
coalescing their inhale and exhale pattern.

“Drop the gown.”

” A bomb might as well have gone off.

“Your pussy is only one small portion of the entire package.
What you probably know as your clit is only a tiny portion of what we now know
as the entire organ. The rest wraps around your vagina, engaging your entire
pelvic floor in pleasure. Your nipples get hard when you’re excited, your
areolas change, your skin, the pupils of your eyes. I need to be able to see
all of you to be able to properly assess your level of endorphins.”

“I’m not getting off with my ass or breasts.”

He smiled and she knew what a mouse felt like being stared
at by a hawk. “So—your questionnaire says no anal?”

“Correct,” she whispered. “Doesn’t it hurt? I’ve always
heard it’s awfully painful and dirty.”

“Well, it’s awfully dirty in a very naughty way, but it can
be quite pleasurable for both parties if done properly.”

Her pussy clenched at his words. Wetness slid from her core,
coating her sensitive lips. She’d never been interested in anal sex before, but
now? She had a feeling she was going to give it some serious thought.

“I’m asking you to trust me.” She clutched the gown tighter
and stared at him. “If you want help determining why you can’t orgasm during
sex or masturbation I need you to meet me halfway.”

His words reminded her why she was there. The voices of all
her ex-boyfriends filled her head. She wanted to scream at them, stomp her foot
like a two-year-old. Instead, she yanked off the gown, angrily balled it up and
tossed it aside.

She waited with her eyes shut tight, expecting the worst,
which deflated her more. He didn’t say a word or move for the longest time, so
she finally peeked at him. He drank in every inch of her. She stood a bit
taller, watching him study her. It was a clinical assessment, at least she
thought it might be. Either way, it turned her on.

It was as if he was due north and she was the needle inside
a compass. He shifted and she moved with him.

“Turn around.” It wasn’t a request from him, but an order.

She shivered, following his rough command.

She eeped when his gloved hands made contact with her
shoulders. He touched her arms, massaging down her spine with strong hands,
settling on her hips. Checking for what, she didn’t know, but she didn’t want
him to stop—ever.

He placed her hands on the edge of the table, leaning her
over a few more inches, tugging her hips back toward him a bit. Her pussy and
ass were fully on display and she couldn’t decide if she liked it a lot or
needed to put her head between her legs to keep from passing out. Her back
arched as his palm glanced off the curve of her ass and she almost purred.

“I’m testing your balance, muscle tone, spine curvature and
several other things. Just relax, and I’ll be done in a jiffy.”

“No need to rush.” She sucked in a shaky breath. “I’d prefer
you to be as thorough as needed.”

He checked her lower body, bypassing her juicy bits
entirely. He ran his latex-covered digits down her legs, skimming off the back
of her knee.

“No worries, Ms. Smith. I’m always thorough.”

His deep voice made her insides dance with uncertainty. She
stared at the creased paper beneath her slightly moist palms.

After he checked the soles of her naked feet, chuckling when
he found her pretty blue polish, he made his way back up to her ass. Her mouth
fell open as he traced the sensitive line of flesh between her leg and the
curve of her backside.

He brushed along the inside of her thigh, making her spread
her legs a tiny bit farther. He touched her clit with his gloved hand and she
moaned, biting her lip to keep anything more embarrassing from slipping out.

“If you stifle your reaction to me in any way, this isn’t
going to work. Close your eyes. Imagine that this is all happening in your
head. A fantasy. Nothing more. Follow my directions. Understand?”

The last part came out strained and she wondered for a
moment if he was at all affected by her. She mentally rolled her eyes.

Of course he wasn’t, even if his dick got hard earlier. He
did this all day. It was his job—nothing else. She took a deep breath, lowered
her lids and found a tiny bit of courage. “O…kay.”

“Spread your legs. Wider. Good.”

She was naked with a man whom she didn’t even know his full
name. Vulnerable to him in ways she couldn’t even count, and she’d never been
more turned on.

He buried two fingers in her core, sliding in deep—through
all of the silky wetness coating the entrance to her sex. He didn’t finger-bang
her like she originally prepared for. He probed her insides. Examining her in a
way that reminded her of dreams she’d had years ago. He touched every inch
inside her, learning her, taking special note and revisiting spots that made
her twitch or shiver.

His free hand didn’t stay idle for long. She expected him to
reach around and grab a handful of her more-than-ample chest but he didn’t. He
palmed the back of her head, gripping her hair tightly in his fist.

“Keep your eyes closed. Feel me. Here.” He pumped his slick
digits inside her, as if she needed any help focusing on what he was doing to
her. “You’re so wet it’s sliding down your thighs. You smell like a dream, and
it’s intoxicating. I can already feel the walls of your core sucking my fingers
back inside. Your clit’s a swollen little nub begging for attention.”

His thumb brushed against it, and she groaned low, trying
not to be so loud.

She was like his marionette. He didn’t ask. He ordered. She
hated being told what to do but the words to tell him to stop wouldn’t form.
Instead, a sexy mewl of pleasure slipped out, wrapping around them, lulling her
farther inside her fantasy.

She was right there. The knife’s edge of one hell of an
orgasm sat poised inside her. She didn’t know what to do with it. She tried to
fight it, but he increased his infiltrating depth. A moan long and low escaped
from her chest and she could do nothing but strain on her tiptoes toward the
exquisite release she knew he could give her.

Her eyes popped open along with her mouth. If he would just
breathe on her clit she was going to—

He released her hair, slipped his fingers free of her
twitching sex.

She was sure he couldn’t have missed the fluttering of the
walls of her pussy as he withdrew them.

“Very good, Jane. Very good indeed. That’s enough for

“But… I was there. I was right there.”

“Which tells me I’m on the right path, how I need to handle
your testing overall, and the next step we need to take.”

Several comments sat poised on her lips ready to vault into
the silent room.

Shove it.

Fuck you.

But the one she wanted to say? Needed to say? A single
syllable word meaning so much, and one she’d never said to any man…please.

It was also the reason she kept her jaw clenched tight and
her back to the good doctor.

He produced a towel from somewhere and wiped away the
moisture, which steadily leaked down her inner thighs.

She should have been embarrassed but all she could do was
huff her way through the intimate silence.

“You can get dressed and the nurse will be in shortly to
check on you.” He walked a few steps away and then came back. “Here’s a video
camera. Between now and your next appointment I’ll need you to masturbate for
me and record it. Whether you climax or not isn’t the goal. I just need to see
how you are on your own without anyone else there making demands on your

“Excuse me?” She meant for it to come out an accusation but
instead it came out a whiny plea. She cleared her throat and finally faced him.

Her tight nipples strained toward him, her pussy ached as
she inhaled his subtle cologne. He handed her the camera and she took it

“And you actually think I can…do that…with a camera pointing
at me, knowing you’re going to watch it later?”


All righty then.

“You can use your hand, or toys, and you can watch porn if you
want to. Just set the camera up to record it. This is part of what you signed
up for. Understand what I need you to do, Ms. Smith?”

“Yes, Doctor Hotlidge, perfectly.”

She glared at him and then at the camera. The phrase
walls could talk
kept rolling through her head. She stared at the camera
long enough that when she glanced back up all she saw was his hot ass walking

He stole his warmth, along with the orgasm building in her

She wanted to curse or cry when the door closed, signaling
his departure.

It took her a few minutes more to get her shaking under
control. The barely-there air from the A/C rippled across her flesh like the
wind from a hurricane.

She finally straightened and got dressed. The simple act of
putting her clothes on felt sexual. The material of her panties sliding up her
legs was better than any lover she’d ever had. They brushed against her swollen
nubbin, when they settled into place. She bit her cheek to keep from whimpering
at the minimal contact.

Her orgasm had been within reach and he had just stopped.

And him controlling her, manhandling her… Where did he get
off treating her like that?

She waffled back and forth between wanting to curse at him
and lick any part of him she could find exposed under his professional attire.

Hands down the strangest doctor visit she’d ever had. Not at
all what she’d expected.

He was intimate, but aloof about it. It was all research to
him, she was positive. She was reading too much into it but she couldn’t stop
herself. He’d been aroused earlier but guys could get hard from a stiff wind.
This was nothing to him. She had to remember that.

With any other guy she had to concentrate to stay in the
moment during sex. With a couple she had to focus to stop adding things to her
mental grocery list.

Dr. Hottie had put his hands on her, touched her, almost got
her off with little more than the sound of his deep, sexy voice.

She shoved her feet into the stiletto heels she was never
without and snatched up her purse as if it were a weapon.

She should be bringing down the house with what he’d done,
at the very least running out of here never to return. But—

A gentle knock on the door jacked her heart rate up again,
jolting it in her chest when she’d just gotten it under control.

Before she could tell whoever it was to take a flying leap,
one of the women she’d glimpsed behind the counter peeked her head in. Her
sincere smile filled the room as she stepped inside and shut the door.

“It sounds like you did great on your first day. Do you have
any questions for me or would you like to schedule your next appointment? Oh,
and don’t forget the video camera.” The nurse plucked the camera off the chair
where Victoria had left it and handed it to her.

Several phrases flashed through her mind while she stared at
the camera.

I’ll be back when pigs fly.

The nice doctor can take a giant leap off a bridge.

She settled on, “I’m free on Thursday.”




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