Orgasm University (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

BOOK: Orgasm University
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“Bet you’d like me to take those panties out of your mouth.”

She chuckled, nodding her head.

He pulled them free, turning her at the same time, tucking
her head beneath his chin, hugging her tightly. Her skirt slid back over her
ass, making her shiver.

“I came…during sex.” She said it out loud because she
couldn’t believe it, wrapping her arms around him.

He rumbled in his chest, and she realized how much she liked
his laugh. “Twice, actually. We’ll see how many more of those we can add by the
end of the night. There will be a quiz at the end, so pay attention.”

She laughed, glancing up into his handsome face. “Thank you
seems rather odd to say right now, but nonetheless, thank you.”

His smile made her warm inside. “You submit beautifully. You
were made for this. For what I can give you, and you like medical bondage. You
get two thumbs up from me too, gorgeous.” He rubbed his cock against her.

“You’re still hard.” Instead of asking, she peeled off the
condom, knotting the end. She bent over to lick the rest of the cum from his
shaft, circling the head with her tongue, sucking it into her mouth several
times. He pulled her to stand, and she smacked her lips like the cat that ate
the canary. But she never let go of his hard cock, handling his balls with the
other hand.

Who knew she was such a kinky chick?

He flicked the catch on the back of her skirt, unzipped it,
letting it fall into a pool of fabric at her feet. He fingered her slit, running
his fingers in her slick moisture.

“You’re still wet.” He painted her bottom lip with her
wetness then licked it off.

“What should we…do…about that?” She couldn’t breathe. He
touched her for two seconds and all she could think about was wanting him to
fuck her again. Sex had never been like this before.

She really had dated nothing but dipshits.

“I’ve got a few ideas now that you’re warmed up.” He tucked
himself back into his slacks. “You need to be naked for what I want to do to
you.” He yanked his tie loose, sliding it from his collar, then unbuttoned his
shirt, revealing a muscular chest covered with a smattering of dark hair.

“You didn’t by any chance bring your doctor coat, did you?”

“I might have. Any particular reason you wanted to know?” He
tilted her chin up, eyeing her lips.

“You look sexy in it, and it’s kinda naughty, thinking of
you as my doctor.”

“Then lead the way to your bedroom, and I’ll see about
giving you a proper checkup.” He grabbed his bag, and she stripped every item
of clothing off before they got to her bedroom. She tossed everything on a
chair in the corner, unwilling to stop for even a second to put them in the
hamper in the bathroom.

If there was more kinky sex to be had, she wasn’t going to
be the last one to the party.

“Michael?” She faced him from the foot of the bed,
salivating as he set his bag on the corner of the bed. He removed his shirt,
sliding into his white coat, which set off his deep tan. Her fingers tingled,
wanting to touch him.


“How did you get started in this? Even if you always knew
you were dominant? Is there like a school for this?”

He grinned, grabbing something white that looked like canvas
out of his bag. “You know I grew up in Kansas. There was a club there, a BDSM
club, called The Library. Two guys I went to school with opened it, twins
actually, Chris and Jared. I learned a lot there from the other people in the
lifestyle.” He stood in front of her, caressing the outer curve of one breast,
thumbing her nipple until it stood tall and rigid for him.

Victoria swallowed, touching the lapel of his doctor coat.
Her thumb brushed his chest hair and she wanted to sink to her knees. “Did you
find another club here? To belong to, I mean. One that was kinky?”

“No. I’ve been really busy, haven’t had enough time, even
though the Kennedy brothers know all the top-rated clubs in the U.S. and they
could give me a recommendation. I honestly didn’t have any impetus to find a
new one. Didn’t have anyone to take with me and wasn’t really looking to hook
up with someone at a club. But now?” He looked up into her eyes, staring inside
her. “I’m hoping you might be interested to do a bit of experimenting with me.
Maybe find a local club to play at. Think you might be interested?”

“What about my identity? I can’t have the university finding

“Most club members have the same concerns. Everyone signs
nondisclosure agreements. We’d be selective in what we did in public and with
whom in attendance.”

Exhibitionism hadn’t been something she was interested in.
Maybe she just needed the right prescription to get naughty.

“I’m interested, Dr. Hottie.”

He took a step away, and she started to sweat, thinking
she’d said something wrong. One look at his face and she knew she’d said
something very right.

The aura around him changed, grew dark. What she’d glimpsed
in him in his office before, she was pretty sure he just let it out to play.

“Arms out straight in front of you, palms down.”

She complied. “Are you going to tie me up?”

“Not exactly.” He released the balled-up canvas, buckles
clanged against each other, and he shoved the long sleeves of a jacket over her

A straitjacket.

He twisted her, propelling her onto her stomach, kicking her
legs out from under her so she had no traction to get away.

She huffed. “You’re joking, right? You can’t possibly mean
to have sex with me while in a straitjacket.”

“Guess you’ll be waiting to catch my drift then.” He buckled
the straps on her back, her waist and her shoulders, tugging and pulling this
way and that.

Her outrage would have been more believable if her pussy
weren’t swollen with need, getting wetter by the minute.

“I had this jacket custom-made for me. This will be its
first scene.”

Being the first at anything with him made her giddy. “What’s
special about it?”

He lifted her up by the straps on the back like she was a
suitcase. “Wrap your arms in front of your chest like you would normally. You
might be here awhile.”

After following his instructions, he laid her back down on
her arms, jerking the sleeves, strapping her arms behind her.

“Why is it special?” she asked again, but it didn’t sound
like her at all. It was breathy, sexy and a little bit scared.

“The crotch strap.” He grabbed the strap beneath her body,
lining it up perfectly to her clit, buckling it behind her somewhere. “It’s
made for penetration while you can’t escape.”

She thought a strap would completely cover her clit, but
only for a second before his fingers touched her. He petted her, enticing her
to wiggle on the bed beneath him.

“That’s…uhh…convenient, Sir.”

“More so than you think.” He grazed her asshole, which was
just as vulnerable as her soft-pink girly parts.

“Mmm,” filled the space around them.

For once she wanted more but he teased her, snagging a
couple black straps out of his bag.

One at a time, he folded her legs in half at the knee, using
the strap to bind her leg around her thigh and ankle. He strapped the first one
down good and tight, making her curse.

“These will leave a mark for several hours. If you’re a good
girl I’ll lick them all better later.”

A happy sigh flitted all around her. She felt like an angel
or a fairy. Even though she wasn’t flying she felt weightless.

He strapped the other leg, completely immobilizing her.

She didn’t feel trussed up, she felt beautiful.

Something touched her asshole, shocking her out of her
revelry. She blinked, trying to focus, straining to look behind her. “It’s a
plug. Like you took in my office, but a bit bigger. I want in that ass tonight
and I’m a hell of a lot bigger than the plug you took the other day. Relax,
breathe. The sight of your tiny ass opening for me. Fucking sexy.”

He pushed the plug in, retreating when she twitched. He
added more lube, rubbing his slick fingers around her ass where the plug was
still exposed.

It burned, but she liked it.

Inch by ever-widening inch, he filled her.

She held her breath, fighting it, shaking in the thin thigh
cuffs, finally understanding why he put them on her, because she’d have kicked
him several times.

“It’s too much,” she blurted out, panting on the pain.

“You know the word I have to hear to stop. If you don’t say
it, you can take it. So instead of telling me it’s too much, I’d like a thank
you, Sir.”

“Huh? You want me to thank you for—”

Fire exploded across her ass cheek from the palm of his hand
descending on it. Several more blows shot straight to her clit.

Her arms jerked, wanting to touch her clit and come, but
she’d forgotten she was completely at his mercy.

That thought alone made her clit pulse again. “Thank you,
Sir,” she wheezed out.

“Good girl. I’m going to let you come as soon as I get the
plug in.” He swiped a thumb across her clit, making her arch to take more of
the plug and his diabolical touch.

“Please, Sir…”

“Please what?” He thrust the plug in, forcing it in farther,
holding it longer, stretching her.

“Please put the plug in. I want to come. I need to come.

“I love hearing you beg. So sexy coming from you.”

He leaned against the plug, forcing it inside.
almost came out but he shoved a couple fingers in her pussy, thumbing her clit.
Getting off became her only goal.

Then all of a sudden he was gone. “I’m so close…”

“Then come.” He yanked her to the edge of the bed by the
straps on the straitjacket, sinking inside her in one smooth thrust.

“Yes!” she screamed. That was all it took. It wasn’t just
being unable to walk away. It wasn’t about the feel of him sliding in, yanking
on the strap to fuck her deeper. It was him forcing his way in past the plug,
which minimized the amount of space for him. He was rough, unyielding and she
couldn’t have liked it any better.

She came so hard she bucked beneath him, riding the bed,
dragging her clit against it. He flipped her over onto her back, throwing her
legs wide. The tips of her breasts were exposed through holes in the
straitjacket she hadn’t noticed while on her stomach.

Her crossed arms plumped them toward the middle, making her
nipples accessible to him.

The sight of him leaned over, digging in his bag, wearing
nothing but his doctor coat? Hot as hell.

“I want to lick you, Sir. Taste you.”

He looked down at her, leaning in close. His neck right at
her lips.

She didn’t need an engraved invitation.

Licking up the side of his neck reminded her of an ice cream
treat. But he was hot, the tiniest bit salty. He smelled of expensive cologne
she wanted a bottle of to douse her bed in at night to remember him. She made
another swipe, wanting nothing more than to drown in his scent.

“Thank you, Sir.”

She settled on the mattress, savoring his taste, eyeing him
as he hovered over her again. Two tiny nipple clamps fell from his hand onto
the straitjacket. “Let’s see how you handle pain.”


He dug between her biceps, plumping the mound of one tit
before sucking her nipple into his mouth.

“Sir,” came out like a prayer.

His teeth scraped it, biting it roughly until she huffed out
several quick exhales. It was painful, but a good kind of hurt.

The clamp dug into her skin but it was nothing like his
teeth. It was sadistic, biting her flesh. She tossed her head back and forth,
fighting the tears prickling her eyelids.

He licked her other nipple, sucking her tit into his mouth
so hard, the tip touched the roof of his mouth. He bit more than just the tight
point, and he bit it hard enough she might even bruise later.


They’d never been sexy before, but from him? From him she’d
wear them as a rite of passage. A badge of honor of what she could take.

Her tit popped out of his mouth and he licked her nipple one
more time.

“Take it.” He released the second clamp.

“Oh God,” she panted, clenching her teeth, as the clamp dug
into her sensitive nipple. She ground her molars, trapping the impulse to tell
him no. The straps binding each of her folded legs bit into her shin, making
her thighs burn beneath the strain.

Jumper cables could have been connected from her tits to the
plug in her ass. She contracted on it, her muscles flaring to life. Warmth
stained her cheeks because she liked it.

The pain.

He grabbed the base of the plug, watching her face as he
steadily removed it. She opened her mouth, sucking in a sharp breath, moaning
when her ass relaxed enough to release it.

His eyes flared along with her ass as he pulled the plug

In the next beat of her heart she found herself face-to-face
with him, balancing all of her weight on her kneecaps, and the hold he had on
two straps attached to the front of the straitjacket. She flexed her feet,
making the straps dig in even more.

He was damn sexy up close. “Sir?”

He kissed her. A simple gesture of lips against hers. The
gentleness caught her off guard. She licked his bottom lip, making him suck in
air, chilling the moisture left behind by her tongue.

“Suck my dick. Get it good and wet. You can thank me later,
when your mouth isn’t full.”

Before she could utter any protests, he bent her forward at
the waist. He held her up by her hair, most of her body hanging off the foot of
the bed. His cock tickled her lips and she sucked him inside.

Defying him never occurred to her. Telling him no wouldn’t

She wanted him, trusted him to keep her safe while giving
her pain. With her body, mind and soul, she submitted to him.

He didn’t idly sit by and let her lick the head of his dick.
He fucked her face, working his shaft past her teeth and tongue, into her
throat. She gagged but he didn’t stop. She fought to breathe when he paused,
adrenaline racing through her system like an out-of-control freight train.

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