Orgasm University (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

BOOK: Orgasm University
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Tears ran down her cheeks, knowing that was it. She should
be happy, but utter sadness gripped her and wouldn’t let go.

He soothed her as she cried on his shoulder, clutching his
neck, knowing their time was almost up. He petted her back, her hip, a thigh.
He whispered things to her, but her brain wouldn’t slow down or speed up enough
to catch any of what he said.

Finally at the end, minutes later, she calmed down enough to
really hear him.

“You’ve made exceptional progress. I’m so glad you joined
the study, Jane.”

She was nothing to him but a research subject.

Nothing more. Every time she really thought they were
getting closer, it was just her, for obvious reasons.

She was being stupid and childish and she needed to get a
grip. So he gave her an orgasm…

Okay, a handful of them in less than an hour, but still.
Orgasms shouldn’t be the number one checkmark on a relationship to-do list.

“I’m ready to go,” she whispered. Lingering over something
that was never going to happen was torture. She just needed to make a clean
break of him, and completely avoid this portion of campus for the

He eyed her, helping her up, making sure she could stand on
her own. He must not have liked what he saw because he helped her get changed,
which he’d never done before. She wanted to roll her eyes or throw another pity
Get a grip.

He walked her back up to the front without even a word and
held the door open for her to step through, into the waiting room. He took her
arm, thumbing the skin beneath her sleeve to lean in close to her ear. “I hope
you find what you’re looking for, Jane.”

“Good luck with your next Jane, Dr. Hot…lidge.” Victoria
tried to smile, but it just wasn’t in her. “Very nice meeting you.”

He grinned, closing the door just as one of the other nurses
handed Victoria a clipboard with another questionnaire on it.

Knowing her knees weren’t going to hold her any longer, she
collapsed into one of the chairs close to the glass window. She filled out her
exit survey, shaking the entire time.

Dr. Hottie’s voice penetrated through the thin glass
partition that stood slightly ajar.

“I’m ready to meet with #143. I think she’s absolutely
perfect and just what I’ve been looking for. And on the flip side, Jane Smith
#129 needs to be completely dismissed from the study.”

“Dismissed?” Jane whispered.

“Dismissed?” the receptionist echoed. “But she’s been making
great progress. Why would you want her out?”

Victoria held her breath, wanting him to say something about
her, about claiming her. Hopefully changing his mind about letting her leave.
She wanted to be needed by him.

Instead her heart sunk inside, hiding in the dark.

“Her particular needs aren’t at all what the study’s about.
So I need her completely removed from the program.”

“She’ll be the first one we’ve had to do that for. You’re
sure? Because once she’s out of the system, that’s it. You’ll have no info on
her at all, and no way to get back in touch with her if you change your mind.
Every piece of personal info will be redacted as well.”

“I won’t need to find her again.”

He walked away. His shoes echoing off the tiles in the back
until he was no more. Like he wanted her to be. He wanted to completely erase
everything they’d shared. All of what he’d been able to help her with. It was
going to be scrubbed, and something that felt a heck of a lot like her heart
crumbled in her chest.

She closed her unfinished papers, and as calmly as she
could, made her way to the counter, tapping on the glass.

The receptionist slid it open all the way. “All done? That
was quick.”

Victoria didn’t want her looking at it too closely before
she could leave so she said the first thing that came to mind. “Tell Dr.
Hot…lidge thank you for me,”

“Would you like to step back inside and tell him yourself?”
She smiled up at her from behind the glass.

She almost blurted out, YES, but stopped herself in the nick
of time. “I’m sure he’s busy seeing his other patients.”

“Oh no. He doesn’t see any of the other patients during the


“You’re the only patient he’s actually performed the studies
on. He normally reads all of the questionnaire answers, speaks with each woman
at length before and after the experiments, and he’s the one that customizes
each set of research directives. But that’s it. You’re the only one he has
handled everything for. I think that might be why your results are so
impressive. He’ll be going over them for weeks I’m quite sure.”

It rendered her speechless. She had no idea what to say.

She didn’t know what to think or how to process that she was
different from the rest of his research subjects. Elation was her first
response but she squashed it like a spider in the bath tub.

If he’d wanted to see her again he could have asked for her
number. Inquired about her in any manner other than the study she’d signed up
for. Especially now that he was going to kick her out.

Her heart sank, knowing this was it. She nodded at the
receptionist and walked outside.

She was no different than the other women he’d helped. Not
really, even if she was the only one he performed the experiments on, and at
least she knew she wasn’t broken or frigid. She was submissive. Her mind
whirled with everything that had happened in such a short amount of time.

She got in her SUV, drove home in a daze, parked in her
driveway. After standing beside her vehicle for who knows how long she grabbed
her purse and shut the door.

Her phone went off in her purse, making her stumble. It was
set to vibrate and reminded her of how the plug had felt tingling inside her
ass. She scrambled to grab it, hoping maybe Dr. Hottie’s office was calling
because he needed her back.

Wanted her back.

The screen read “Tabatha”, her best friend and coworker in
the same department. She couldn’t help but get a bit choked up because it
wasn’t him.

“Hey, Tabs, everything okay?” She walked up the front steps
to the front door.

“Yeah. It’s fine, but are you doing all right? You’ve been
pretty quiet lately. I wanted to call and check on you.”

“I’m good, just had some…other stuff going on, but it’s done
now. So what’s happening with you? Found your next victim yet?” She was
notoriously trying to fix everyone up on a blind date and thankfully Victoria
had stayed well and truly below her radar for the past few months.

“You must be some kind of psychic because that’s exactly why
I’m calling. Are you free this Friday?”

She stopped with her hand midair, her keys poised to unlock
her front door.


“Wait, wait, wait. Before you answer, hear me out. There’s
this guy who’s been asking about you. His name is Michael. He’s gorgeous. And I
think you should reconsider the no you were about to spew, and go out with

Victoria hesitated. She didn’t want to do it, but why not?
Because she was holding out for Dr. Hottie? She rolled her eyes and leaned
against the house. Tabatha had never fixed her up with anyone who hadn’t gone
through her rigorous screening process. It hadn’t worked out very well before
but who knew?

She answered before she thought any more about it. What
could one blind date hurt? “When and where?”

“OMG you said yes.”

“And you’d better give me the deets before I think better
about it and hang up on you.”

“Ha, you know I’d just call you right back over and over
until you answered.”

Victoria smiled. Maybe this was exactly what she needed to
get her head out of the doctor’s office and back in the real world.

Chapter Eight


It had been three long days.

The last thing she wanted to do was have some guy over to
her house, even just so he could pick her up and they could go to dinner.

Tabatha assured her he was smart, successful, had a job on
campus, blah, blah, blah.

She’d said everything short of
he had a great personality

If her track record repeated itself he’d be middle-aged,
balding and a bit round around the middle. Dating for the sake of dating wasn’t
real high on her to-do list. It ranked right up there with cleaning out her

She tugged the fabric of her knee-length slate-gray dress
into place, slipping on matching heels. It reminded her of a flapper dress with
the fringe on the bottom as she walked to the bathroom.

Blood-red lipstick called to her from her makeup bag. She
slicked it on her top lip, laying it in the center, swiping outward one side at
a time, finishing the slut color along her pouty bottom lip.

Dr. Hottie kept popping into her head. The touch of his
hands lingered on her skin, a phantom lover she couldn’t escape asleep or

His voice peppered her thoughts throughout the day, his
commands, the authority in which he knew her body, giving her something she was
still unable to replicate. No matter how many times she’d tried in the last
seventy-two hours.

The chime of the doorbell downstairs made her grimace at
herself in the mirror. She checked her makeup and dress one last time, swiping
her hoop earrings off the counter. “At least he’s on time,” she mumbled to
herself as she went to the door.

She plastered on a fake smile, taking a deep breath before
commencing with the dull portion of the evening.

Her smile died. She clutched the door handle, ogling the
handsome man standing on her front porch.

“Dr. Hottie?” Her cheeks grew warm as she covered her mouth
in embarrassment. “Damn. Sorry.”

He stared at her from just across the threshold, and she did
the same. His doctor coat surprisingly absent, but he wore a three-piece suit,
jet black, with a bright-blue shirt and a multicolored tie matching it all,
including his sea-green eyes.

“Michael, actually. Very nice to meet you, and you are?” He
held out his hand, the characteristic raised eyebrow taunting her.

Her hand moved before she told it to, caressing the cradle
of his palm so he could shake it in greeting. “Uhh…Victoria, but you already
know that. You’re my date? But how did you make that happen?”

“Aren’t you going to invite me in, Victoria?” He tugged her
closer. Despite her uncertainty she went with it, staring up at him as he
towered over her. He always made her feel small. She sighed as his smell
registered. Blood flowed to her pelvis, igniting a chain reaction of need and

She yanked her hand away, taking a step back, trying to
regain some of her perspective, not to mention her backbone.

“Why the hell should I let you in?”

“Because you want to. Because you’re already aroused and
I’ve only touched your hand. Because—”

“For that last appointment in your office I should slam the
door in your face.”

“You didn’t need to be in the program, and I couldn’t touch
you…take you, if you were in the study. I would have had to disqualify your
results anyway, because I handled your experiments myself. That variable isn’t
in any of the other subjects’ trials and yours would have been monstrously
skewed since we had so much chemistry.

“Are you certain you’d like to do this so your neighbors can
hear? The sweet little old lady next door’s trying mightily to sweep the same
spot on her porch so she can hear, but I’m sure she’ll get winded at some

“Mrs. Brennan, oh lord. Come inside, but don’t for a minute
think you’re going to stay past the meet and greet in the entryway.”

Stepping inside, he had a large duffle bag with him, which
he set by the door after he closed it. He’d brought an overnight bag.

Of all the nerve.

“Why the hell didn’t I need to be in the study? I never came
before you, and I haven’t been able to since. I’d say that’s counter-evident to
your claim, and wipe that smug smile off your face.”

“All that means is you dated assholes before. I already told
you that. I knew the first day there was nothing wrong with you. I should have
removed you from the program then, but I couldn’t help myself. You need the
right man, that ‘s all.”

“Oh and that man is you? Don’t flatter yourself…Michael.”

“I believe ‘Dr. Hottie’ will do just fine. And tonight
wasn’t the first time you’ve said it, so you don’t have to be embarrassed now.”

Her eyebrows formed a vee with her grimace. “But I’ve been
so careful not to say it. You caught me by surprise tonight, that’s the only
reason it slipped out.”

“Remember me asking if you had any trouble with the video
camera on your homework assignment?”

“Yeah, you said I didn’t break it.”

“You didn’t, but you didn’t shut it off either after you
gave up trying to pleasure yourself, you just killed the light. I could see the
silhouette of your beautiful ass as you sobbed. You called me Dr. Hottie,
begging for my help. That first ‘please’ from your lips is etched into my
long-term memory bank. So fucking sexy, Victoria.”

He stepped closer one long stride at a time until on each
inhale her bra-covered nipples brushed against his suit jacket. “I searched the
university faculty directory for a Victoria. Thankfully there weren’t many I
had to filter through. Then I remembered you commented on physics while we ate
dinner together. Turns out I’ve known Tabatha for some time through an outreach
program we’re both a part of. It didn’t take much convincing to set us up.”

She couldn’t tell him to back up, her feet were planted in
his path, unwilling to move away.

“Why me? Why would you pick me?”

“I’m a Dom, Victoria. The counterpart to your submissive
nature in every way. We are equals in everything else that’s important. Work,
intellect, what we want out of life, but when it comes to fucking you, owning
you…you’re mine to do with as I please. As often, as deep, as rough, as sensual
as I know you need it to be.”

“And you being here, it won’t affect your grant? You can’t
be penalized for seeing me?”

He shook his head. “Jane #129 is a file folder, nothing
more. All of your personal information has been redacted. She could be anyone.
But you need to know something.”


He grabbed a handful of her hair at the base of her skull,
hauling her against him where the ridge of an impressive erection pulsed
against her abdomen. “No matter how much it affected the grant, I would have
found a way to see you, to court you, to fuck you.” He laid his forehead
against hers, breathing deeply with her. “We need this. I need you.”

Relationships had been started on less, and she already knew
they were going to be dynamite in bed together, or the floor, or the couch.

“I want you to let everything else go, and just be with me,
and I’m gonna make you come so many times you lose count.”

She sucked in a tiny breath, his mouth was on her, moving
against her, nipping at her bottom lip, coaxing her mouth open so he could
taste her, tease her. He stole her thoughts, her fears, replacing them with
naughty desires she didn’t fully understand.

But she knew he wouldn’t let her fail.

That was enough.

“Tell me you want this, Tory. Tell me you give yourself to
me.” He yanked her hair back, forcing her to meet his eyes that had gone dark

“I want you, anything you want of me…I’ll try my best to
please you. Sir.”

Her back collided with the wall. He caged her while kissing
the pulse point in her neck, tonguing the lobe of her ear. The earrings, long
forgotten, clutched in her hand, clattered to the floor.

“Turn around. Face the wall. Hike your skirt up over your
ass and ditch the panties.” His palms rested next to her shoulders on the wall,
so she rotated with him so close she could almost taste him.

“I don’t use safewords. No is no, understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“So you say what if you need to stop?”

She shimmied out of her light pink thong. With each twitch
of her ass, she brushed his cock. It was rock-hard, thick. Just for her.


“Good.” Her panties hooked on one of her shoes which she
raised, snatching it off her heel. “Now put the wet part in your mouth. One of
us gets to taste your pussy while I fuck it, and I assure you I’m going to be

She gingerly laid it on her tongue, sucking on it while he
hiked her skirt over her ass. The taste of her pussy ignited a slow ache deep
in her pelvis. She’d never tasted pussy before. It wasn’t bad at all.

Maybe I’d like to try another girl someday. Maybe—

The swat of his hand lurched her forward. She caught herself
on the wall before he spanked her several times in quick succession.

The warmth spread to her toes, along her nerves all the way
to her fingertips, tingling the top of her head.

“Lean your shoulders and chest against the wall and hold
your ass apart for me.”

She hesitated, but decided the inner goodie-two-shoes she’d
been rocking could take a flying leap. She wanted him inside her so bad she
would have made a pact with the devil himself.

“Very wet, pretty girl. Is that for me? Or would anyone do?”
Without waiting for an answer he impaled her with his cock, making her moan
around her panties.

Apparently the moan was answer enough.

He shafted her several times in quick succession. The zipper
on his pants scraped against her knuckles, stealing her breath and her ability
to communicate.

He gave her no time to adjust to his size, and normally she
would have needed the time. Not tonight. Tonight she could have taken anything,
simply because he needed her to.

He was just as thick as she’d wanted him to be, but longer
than she’d hoped for. She tried to hold her cheeks open but couldn’t keep traction
with the pounding he gave her from behind.

He tugged her arms behind her, folding them so her forearms
touched at the curve of her back. His big hand wrapped around both, trapping
her in place.

“Spread your legs for me, Victoria. Let me in. Take me. I’m
gonna make you come. Nothing else but me.”

Adrenaline rushed in her veins. Fear could only produce one
of two reactions. Fight or flight. She chose fight.

So she opened her legs and fought to take him deeper.

“Your pussy’s fucking tight, just as wet as I knew it would
be for me.” He slowed down, shafting her deep on each delicious stroke.

She closed her eyes, unable to hold them open any longer.
Drowning in blissful kinky sex was definitely the way to go.

“You keep squeezing me, trying to keep me inside.” He
grabbed her mound, gathering her slick wetness, running his fingers over her
clit in tight circles.

Her hips tilted back, riding his dick and hand in turn.
Jerking back and forth in his hold.

The fly of his pants scraped against her ass. The wall was
going to leave marks on her cheek if she wasn’t careful. And none of it

For the first time during sex she didn’t have to be perfect.
Her mussed clothes were going to have wrinkles when he was done with her, her
red lipstick was half on the panties and probably on the wall, and it wasn’t

All that mattered was coming.

He pumped his cock as he thrust into her spasming sex. “I
can feel my dick shafting you. Sexy as fuck.”

“Mmm…” came from her when she pictured what he was doing and
had the feelings inside to go with it.

“Don’t move your arms. Got it?”

She nodded twice, grabbing onto her opposite arm with each

As soon as he released her arms he grabbed her hair, yanking
her head back so she looked up high on the wall.

“Ooo Gawd,” she mumbled, instantly teetering on the edge of
an orgasm. His dominance did things inside her she didn’t understand, but she
wanted it.

Craved him taking what he needed from her.

“You wanna come, don’t you, my little slut?”

“Yes Sir, yes Sir, yes Sir…” Her request became a broken
garbled plea. Once she started asking she couldn’t stop.

“Come!” he shouted, burying his cock inside her slick core.

She convulsed in the cage of his body, tonguing her
spit-soaked panties. He manhandled her clit as if he owned it.

“Yours,” she slurred as she fell into a dark sea of desire,
floating in a new world she never wanted to leave.

He yelled behind her, pumping inside her with quick strokes,
filling the condom he’d somehow gotten on before he started fucking her.

His teeth nipped her neck, digging in hard enough to leave a
mark on her flesh.

Then he spanked her clit, yanking on her hair because he

She came again, writhing against him, chanting his name on
each shudder. He drove into her core, timing it perfectly with the tremors she
was unable to contain.

“You’re a fucking powder keg, Tory. Hottest piece of ass…”

Every touch of her clit sent her muscles into orgasmic
aftershock. She went liquid around his dick, so wet it leaked along the lips of
her sex and onto her thighs.

An orgasm was supposed to be great. She knew because that’s
what he gave her before in his office. Clinically, what he did tonight was the
same, but she’d forever be different. The world would never be exactly the same
color. It would be brighter.

It wouldn’t smell the same. It would smell fresher.


And she was different because he’d fucked all of her.
Well…almost everything.

He pulled free of her clasping pussy, and she would have
fallen if he hadn’t held her close, helping her regain her balance. The kisses
on her shoulder and neck brought tears to her eyes.

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