Orgasm University (9 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

BOOK: Orgasm University
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“So pretty.”

He withdrew and she sucked in air like it would be her last
chance. He shoved his cock into her throat again and again, each time staying

Drool pooled in her mouth, coating him just like he wanted.

“Good girl.” He tossed her back on the bed. She bounced,
fighting to breathe. He shoved a huge latex gag in her mouth before she’d
caught her breath, flipping her roughly onto her stomach to buckle the gag
behind her head. “I want in that ass.”

His primal words did something to her. They freed something
deep inside she didn’t know was trapped. She was his to use, his to pleasure,
his to hurt. Nothing had ever felt so special, so right.

She moaned as he grabbed part of her jacket, fisted her hair
and dragged her back to the edge of the bed. The clamps on her nipples scraping
across the fabric made her whimper around the ball holding her jaw wide-open.
The tight tips throbbed with each staccato beat of her heart.

He fit his cock to her ass, shoving it inside, forcing her
to take all of him in one thrust. Her eyes watered with pain and pleasure. Her
mind ground to a halt. Everything else floated away. He was her every thought
and need as he fucked her hard, his balls slapping against her clit.

“Ahh, ahh…” The only noise she could make punctuated each
thrust of his cock.

On each thrust he rammed his cock in, her clit pulsed with
need. He pulled out each time, dragging her sensitive nubbin against the
blanket beneath her.

Sensation piled up, like waves breaking against a sea wall.
Her orgasm pulsed through her groin. The gag was too big, she couldn’t ask him
to come. Her brain wouldn’t even form the words she needed.

He withdrew, slapping her pussy hard, ruining her orgasm.
Her eyes flew open, and she cried out in frustration.

”Not without permission. You don’t get to come yet, you
little ass whore.” He shoved back in her ass, forcing her right back to the
brink of orgasm again. She struggled in his grasp, fighting not to come, but
she couldn’t help it.

It was too much.

It wasn’t enough.

He withdrew again, trapping her clit between his fingers,
disabling her ability to hump the bed. “No,” he reprimanded.

She bit down on the gag, her sore jaw reminding her every
piece of her belonged to him.

“Mine,” tickled her ears, freezing every muscle in her tight
body except her hands. They clenched on nothing inside the straitjacket, trying
to hold on to her sanity. Hoping she wouldn’t lose herself before he let her

He flipped her over onto her back, shoving his cock back in,
pushing until her knees folded beside her. He stared down at her, towering over
her, dominating every piece of her.

His eyes.


They would live inside her dreams ’til the day she died.

He fucked her onto the bed. He went with her, putting his
weight on her crossed arms. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak, couldn’t

He stared at her. Inside her, and he saw everything she’d
ever tried to hide. All the desires she’d kept buried were laid bare for him.
Everything she’d ever thought about sex faded into nothing.

She lay broken beneath him. Tears flowed from her eyes,
wetting her face.

He smiled, releasing the vicious nipple clamps one right
after another. “Come.”

She closed her eyes and screamed, jack-knifing on the bed,
bucking against him as he rode her hard. She cried for him. He came as she
struggled beneath him, forcing her through an orgasm she would never survive.

He was beautiful as he orgasmed inside her. He couldn’t get
close enough.

She never wanted it to end.

“Open your eyes,” he grunted through gritted teeth as he
pumped inside her, filling the condom he wore. She complied, wanting nothing
more than to bathe in his cum.

He gave her everything in that moment. A piece of him fell
inside her, wrapping tightly around her soul. No matter what happened, in that
moment she knew perfection.

Every cell in her body exploded in pleasure, forcing her
body to contain a hurricane of the sweetest pain, wracking her with wave after
wave of delicious agony. He pinched one of her nipples—hard.

She begged. “Heez,” came out around the gag.

He released her nipple, then squeezed her clit between his
fingers. He whispered in her ear, “Again. Give me one more. Come. For me.”

His command, his fingers, his cock shallowly pumping inside
her, threw her over the edge. She bawled against his shoulder, coming undone
all around him. Bliss. It sucked her under, holding her close, stroking the
flames of desire even higher until she thought she touched the sun.

“You couldn’t come before, not because you were broken, but
because you were trapped. Tied by what you should be. Bound by who you were
told to be.” He gathered her close and held her while she sobbed beneath him.
“Liberty found.”

No other words were needed.

He climbed off, slipping from the tight clasp of her
deliciously sore ass. She whimpered, not wanting him to go.

She heard him in the bathroom, running water,
doing…something, but her eyelids were too heavy to see what it was. Sleep
called to her as tremors of remembrance plagued her body.

She flicked her eyes open when he leaned over her lax body.
The washrag he used on her had warm water on it. That set off another round of
tears. Emotion welled up and over, her tiny frame unable to contain her joy.

“Beautiful,” he praised as he used his thumb to wipe them

He rolled her over, releasing all the buckles on the
straitjacket. The tie on the gag came next, then the straps on her legs. “It’ll

She swallowed, licking at her dried lips. “What will? Fuck…”
she whimpered as he straightened her legs out. Blood rushed back to her legs,
and adrenaline dumped into her system again. He rubbed her legs, increasing the
reaction tenfold.

“I never remember if rubbing it makes it better or worse.
Hmm… Oh well.”

She couldn’t decide if she loved it or hated it. Panting her
way through it, gripping his shoulders, was all she could do. His merriment at
her predicament lit a warm glow inside her chest.

It took a few minutes before the pain peaked and the surprising
glow expanded into every inch of her. A giggle slipped out. She would have
covered her mouth, but her arms were too heavy.

Dr. Hottie lay beside her, dragging her entire body on top
of him. Any other time she would have protested, but her strength failed her.
She snuggled him as he petted her back. She giggled again, reveling in him.

“Subspace,” he said.


“You asked what was happening to you. The answer is
subspace. Pretty nice, huh?”

She tried to put her thoughts together, order them in some
way so she could communicate. The best she could do was grin, sighing as she
rubbed her cheek against his chest.

“That’s how sex is supposed to be, huh?” She whispered it,
touching his lips as he answered her.

“For the kinky among the vanillas, that is exactly what sex
is supposed to be.”

If it was like that every time she would have been onboard a
long time ago.

“Of all the research labs on the university, you had to walk
into mine.” He chuckled and tugged her up so she looked down at him. “And I
believe this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. With
benefits I hope…”

She kissed him, down his neck, along his chest and abdomen,
stopping at his cock that twitched when she pumped it in her fist.

Her smile could probably be seen from the space station as
she licked the head, making him groan. “Yes, Doctor.”


About Jennifer Kacey


I’m going to just jump right in and get the easy stuff out of the way
up-front. I am a wife, mother and business owner in Texas with very long black
hair and a penchant for high heels and pretty outrageous toe nail polish. I
have a very supportive family that I love unconditionally and am fortunate
enough to genuinely like and respect them as well.

I started reading romance back in college, liked it so-so, and then I
found erotica. Stories a bit on the dark side, a lot on the naughty side, and
at the risk of sounding cheesy, it felt like coming home. Finding a genre made
just for minds like mine was an amazing revelation, and I swear the characters
in my head haven’t stopped hounding me since! 

Something I always love reading about other authors are the funny quirks
and idiosyncrasies that make each of us unique, so I thought I’d share a few of
mine. These are in no particular order and pretty random, so brace yourselves…

I am a morning person who doesn’t drink caffeine, and I am definitely a
glass-half-full kind of girl. I have an extreme case of being left-hand stupid
and am bad at all sports that end in “ball”!  Hot weather is my favorite
because I'm cold all the time, and I adore lying in the sun. You’ll find a
closed sign hanging off my forehead at 10 p.m. pretty much every night when my
brain clocks out. What’s weird is I can write ‘til the wee hours of the morning
though. Probably because the characters just shove me aside so they can say
their piece.

Ooh, and I never procrastinate! If something needs to be done today, it
should have been finished yesterday. I call this fantastic; several people, who
shall remain nameless, call it having a bug up my A**… I think I’ll stick with

I refuse to use a flat sheet to sleep, I love perfume but only one kind,
and before I die I want to own flip-flops in every color of the rainbow. And
last but not least, the yea or nay on a particular food being deemed good or
gross is based off of texture first, taste second.

I hope my writing speaks for itself, and I hope it speaks to you.  The
fact that I have the opportunity to share a little piece of myself with you
absolutely floors me. On a daily basis I am overwhelmed by the good fortune
that is my life, and vowed years ago never to take it for granted.

Best advice I’ve ever been given – find the real you and never settle for
anything less!  Well guess what?  I found her!  Lord help the rest of you.


Jennifer welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses, as well as her full (and funny!) bio, on her
bio page



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A Very Menage


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Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Orgasm University


ISBN 9781419949906


Orgasm University Copyright © 2014 Jennifer Kacey


Edited by Nina Gooden

Cover design by Syneca

Cover photography by Willo

Model(s): Lisa and Taylor


Electronic book publication April 2014


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