Orgasm University (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

BOOK: Orgasm University
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Chapter Six


If there was ever a night she just wanted to say “fuck it”,
the next night won the gold medal. Her eight-hour day turned into twelve. She
skipped lunch, grabbed a package of peanut butter and honey crackers from the
lounge vending machine at three o’clock. More than once it passed her mind to
sell her second kidney to be able to go home, kick her shoes off and crawl into

She tried to move her appointment with Dr. Hottie, fear and
workday circumstances fusing to create the perfect excuse, but the receptionist
had told her he’d wait for her, no matter how late it was. Exhaustion should
have plagued her, instead energy surged through her veins and she wasn’t naïve
enough to think it was for any reason but the man who held the door open to his
reception area.

“I haven’t eaten since early this morning, had a feeling you
might be in the same shape. You hungry?” His white coat was surprisingly
absent, along with his tie. He’d released the top button on his red dress
shirt, exposing the edges of his tanned collarbones.

She rolled her tongue inside her mouth, wondering what he’d
taste like in the hollow of his throat. She brushed past him, catching a hint
of cologne, which made her mouth water. Took her a second to replay the tape in
her head to figure out what he’d asked.

“I’m pretty sure wolfing crackers like they’re the last Ding
Dongs in existence doesn’t count as an actual meal. I’m starving.”

He gifted her with a wonderfully rich laugh, his hand on her
lower back urging her through the darkened waiting room and around to his
office. “I’m glad.” Several small trays of food sat on a side table off to one
side of his office.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt your dinner. I knew I should
have held firm in rescheduling…”

“I’m a good-sized guy, but I can’t eat all this. I had it
brought in for both of us. We can grab a meal together, chat for a few, unwind,
and then we’ll get your MRI going. I’ll still try to have you home before your

Grab a meal together
. He said it so nonchalantly,
like it was no big deal. She stomped her giddy girlie feelings into the plush
brown carpet and elbowed the unrealistic ramifications aside. This was nothing
other than a mutual way for them not to die from starvation. After setting her
things down, she met him at the table where he’d rolled up his shirt sleeves to
fill a plate.

“I’ve got you some chicken salad and fruit. I ignored the
crackers since it sounds like you already covered that food group for the day.
Would you like anything else?” He glanced at her, focused on nothing but her
for a few short moments, and those stupid-ass romantic feelings she’d flattened
earlier twitched on the floor.

She smiled, unable to help herself. “If I eat half of what’s
already on that plate I’m not going to be able to fit in the MRI tube.” She
lifted the plate from his hand, brushing his thumb as they did the hand-off. He
didn’t shy away from her, didn’t act awkward or unsure. He remained close and
vigilant to what she might need.

“Sorry. I’ve got brothers and I’m used to feeding them. They
all eat like each meal could be their last. Make yourself comfortable.” He
tucked some plastic utensils and a napkin into her hand, gesturing toward the
sofa along the long wall beneath his degrees and awards. And it was no small
wall. “I’ll grab a plate and be right with you.”

She couldn’t resist his carpet. Kicking off her Christian
Louboutin heels, she stretched her toes, sighing happily as she sank onto his
leather couch.

“Long day?” he asked, piling his plate with food.

“It was one of those ‘even though it didn’t say Monday on
the top of the planner it should have’ kind of days.”

“Ah, yes I know those well.”

He grabbed them both bottled water, setting them on coasters
on the small coffee table in front of them. He settled beside her, touching her
knee with his, sending a fountain of fireworks rushing to the top of her head.

She tucked a foot beneath her, moving her leg slightly away
from him so she didn’t hyperventilate from his nearness alone. Not considering
in a short time he was going to be scanning her head and girlie parts.

A blush burned her cheeks as she dug into her food. She
decided idle chitchat was better than that train of thought. “Brothers. How
many do you have?”

“Four. I’m the oldest.”

“Imagine that. I’m shocked.”

“Oh a comedienne too? Maybe I should have bought a ticket to
the show.”

“No worries, the dinner more than makes up for the price of

“Good to know,” he added with a nod in her direction. “We
grew up in Kansas. Actually I’ve only been up here a couple years. We’re all
doctors. Or dentists, sorry. Craig, my youngest brother, decided he wanted
different letters after his name. Had to be unique.”

“Always gotta have a black sheep, just be thankful it’s not
you. I’m the brainiac in the family. My mom and siblings are all artistic in
some way. Sculptor, painter, Whole Foods market owner and guitarist for a rock
band. I can’t sing or play an instrument, and my stick figures look bad. It was
physics for me all the way. I’m quite analytical, don’t know if you noticed.”

The eyebrow made an appearance. “I think it may have crossed
my mind a time or two.”

Victoria bit into a strawberry, relishing the sweet tartness
and delicious red flesh. “What about the rest? Married? Children? White picket

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, taking a swallow from his
water bottle. “Never been married, no kids. I’ve got a condo which suits me
just fine. I’ve got a pool I don’t have to clean, a gym literally thirty
seconds from my front door, and I’m not home enough to mess with a yard or
pets. Perfect.”

“Married to the job. Sounds like me. I’m the youngest PhD in
my department ever to make tenure. I work sixty- to seventy-hour weeks and a
night on the town is reading a new science fiction novel in front of my gas
fireplace. I don’t need progeny or furry creatures taking over my house to feel
complete. I love my life.”

He got up and threw his trash away. “We’re definitely cut
from the same cloth.” He pointed at the food trays. “Want anything else?”

She stood, patting her tummy. “Couldn’t eat another bite.
Thank you for dinner. You didn’t have to but I’m glad you did.” Her trash
followed the way of his and she slipped her shoes on again as he covered the

“My pleasure. I know this is an appointment you weren’t
counting on this week. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate you taking
the time to come.”

A giggle slipped out before she could stop it. She slapped a
hand over her mouth, but once the first one made an appearance she couldn’t
stop the nervous laughter erupting into the space around them. She wiped away
tears, not remembering when she’d laughed so hard. “That was awesome.
Definitely something I’ll take time for.” She laughed again, grabbing her

“Smart-ass,” he grumbled with a smirk as they walked down
the hall.

At his prompting she preceded him into the MRI suite. “It’s
true, but you did leave yourself wide open for that one.” When he said nothing
back she twisted around, freezing in place with the vision he made.

He faced her while rolling down his sleeves, buttoning them
at the cuffs before slipping on his crisp white doctor coat. He was hands-down
the sexiest guy she’d ever met. “If
…” flitted through her head
again, but she shook it off.

He stared at her, cataloging every breath she took, every
muscle twitch. Every part of her loved the fact he could name each of those
muscles while they spasmed. For him.

“I can’t have any metal of any kind in the scans. No
zippers, or snaps, nor underwire so I’ll need you naked for the test, Jane. Hop
to it. Everything off. But don’t worry—I promise to keep you warm.”

Peeling off item after item, she stared right back at him.
There was something clinical yet utterly delicious about the fact that he was
putting clothes on as she stripped hers off.

His nostrils flared almost imperceptibly when he eyed her
legs. Her pussy creamed for him from that simple gesture. After one last
perusal of her body from head to stiletto, he finally turned away to get
everything set up for her test.

She tucked her bra and panties beneath her skirt and
sweater, stepping out of her shoes again. “The floor’s like ice. Oh my gosh.
I’m going to freeze to death before we—”

He was beside her before she could suck in a startled
inhale, lifting her easily into his arms and off the cold tile.

“Chivalry really isn’t dead.”

“I did take the Hippocratic Oath to care for my patients.
Never let it be said I didn’t take that part seriously.”

“No complaints from me. You can use me for a reference any

He stared at her while he laid her on the moveable MRI
table. Her head was closest to the opening of the tube. “I just might take you
up on that, Jane.” He withdrew wide padded leather cuffs from his pocket,
wrapping them around each of her wrists. Two more cuffs for her ankles, and he
put them on her with practiced ease. “For your safety.” He glanced at her,
finishing his task.

Her back arched on its own every time he looked at her like
that. The big bad wolf had nothing on Dr. Hottie. She should have asked for a
towel to be laid beneath her before they got started. With the looks he gave
her, she was going to make a mess.

The table he placed her on reminded her of one of those
boards magicians used to give the illusion of floating. Nothing but open space
resided beneath it. A grid of straps sat nestled between her and the slightly
padded surface. Some hung free and others attached to the very edge of the top
of the table.

“What am I lying on? What are the straps for?”

“It’s called a segufix.”

No more information was forthcoming, but his lips were
distinctly tilted upward.

Her heart kicked into overdrive, sending her pulse racing.
This wasn’t exactly what she had in mind when he said he wanted an MRI.

Across the room he grabbed a blanket from a drawer.

“Won’t that mess up the scan?”

“Not at all. No metal.”

“Then why couldn’t you have warned me earlier in the week to
wear something without metal and I could have stayed dressed?”

A mischievous smile crossed his face so fast she thought she
might have imagined it.

“We’ll get to that in just a minute.”

He laid the warm fleece on her from her chin down to her
feet, making her forget her curiosity. “Mmm…that’s a little slice of heaven.”

While her eyes were closed, basking in the blissful warmth,
Dr. Hottie covered her eyes with a blindfold, tying it behind her head before
she could utter a peep of protest.

“The tube is small and I don’t want you panicking in the
middle of the test. This is what we’ve figured out works best.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he laid what she
thought was his thumb across her lips.

“Trust, Jane. Just trust me.”

“I’m trying, but…it’s hard.”

“Most worthwhile things are. It’s why they’re so sweet when
we finally achieve them.” He used one of the straps beneath her to bind her
forehead down. Then her throat, shoulders, beneath her breasts, moving the
blanket aside to tighten the straps directly on her skin.

She should have been terrified. Running for the hills, but
all she could concentrate on was how sexy she felt being bound by him. That
realization caught her off guard, making her frown. She was a ball-buster at
work and accomplished things because of it. Why she would willingly give up
control like that freaked her out. Just not enough to call a halt to it.

“You have to remain still so I can get clear images, and
I’ll talk to you the entire time.”

He reached below the blanket, grabbing a wide strap from
below her waist. His hands warmed her skin everywhere he touched. He reached
over the far side of her, bringing a strap up, crossing it over her abdomen and
attaching it to the cuffed wrist closest to him. He repeated the process for
her other wrist, tightening the straps until her arms were crossing in front of
her, plumping her breasts between her arms like some kind of kinky offering.

She wiggled, feeling a bit like a pretzel. Squirming made
her body cool and heat in rapid succession. Liquid spilled from her core. She
tightened her legs together, but he slowly moved down her body, restraining
her, a section at a time. Her time of hiding her reaction to him was at an end.

A wide cuff wrapped around her upper thigh on the side
closest to him. He widened her legs to maneuver the leather into place. The
displacement of air from his hand alone was erotic, making her double her
efforts not to hump it when he moved close enough. Quickly, her other thigh
wore a cuff as well, then they were bound tightly to the sides of the table.

She couldn’t see what he did. She couldn’t see anything but
the faint tease of light slipping under the edges of the blindfold. Her gaze
bounced around to where she vaguely remembered things being in the room. Her
fingers twitched, not knowing what he would do next. She could still curl them
into a fist, giving her something to concentrate on.

“I’ve got hand and wrist restraints as well, for the unruly
patients. Hard base, webbed support for the fingers so they can’t touch.
Reminds me of a beaver paw. I’m glad you’re being a good girl, Jane. I reward
good girls.” She couldn’t see his face but heard satisfaction in his voice.

“Mmm…” crept out before she could swallow it.

Every tug of the straps between her legs made her nipples
tighten, reminding her of the electricity connected to them the day before. She
cleared her throat. “What exactly are you looking for anyway?” Her breathy
question was little more than a whisper, as he tested the tightness of the

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