Signs of Life (22 page)

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Authors: Melanie Hansen

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Signs of Life
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Lunch was good, turkey wraps and potato salad, and then they touched up the paint in the bedrooms they’d been working on, making it a good and productive, though exhausting, day. Kai felt like he had grime in his nostrils and ears, he was so dirty. As he directed the boys to stack the cleaning implements in a neat heap in a corner, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned, almost falling over when he saw Jeremy leaning casually in the doorway. He was dressed in a sharply tailored black suit and pearl-gray dress shirt, a silver tie with ice-blue accents pulled loose and hanging around his neck, the top buttons of his shirt open and revealing the hollow of his throat.

Kai knew he was gaping, but he couldn’t force himself to look away until he heard Loren mutter sotto voce from close by, “Close your mouth, dear.” Kai snapped his mouth closed in chagrin, but the boys hadn’t noticed anything, too busy cleaning up and focusing on leaving. Jeremy’s eyes were filled with amusement and heat as he looked Kai over, taking in his disheveled state, quirking his lips.

The boys were complaining of wanting to get home, and Loren said briskly, “Okay, come on, guys. Mr. D will stay here and finish up a couple of things while I get you home. Mr. Speer, will you drive Mr. D to pick up his car later?”

“I will,” Jeremy said, still holding Kai’s eyes with his. Loren herded the boys out and down the stairs, and Kai heard the distant sounds of the van doors opening and closing, the engine starting up, and then fading into the distance.

“Come here,” Jeremy murmured, still leaning lazily against the doorframe. Kai walked toward him slowly, stopping just inches away, his heart thundering. Jeremy reached out and caressed Kai’s cheek with the backs of his fingers.

“You’re a mess,” he said almost tenderly, drifting his fingertips over Kai’s lips and then around to the back of Kai’s neck, cupping him and pulling him in closer.

“Your suit,” Kai breathed, and Jeremy slid his other arm around Kai’s waist and pulled him flush against him.

“Fuck my suit. Kiss me.”

Kai melted against him, wrapping his arms around Jeremy’s neck and diving into the kiss, his senses full of Jeremy’s hot mouth, the scent of his subtle aftershave, the feel of his aroused body pressed firmly against Kai’s.

“A week is too long to go without seeing you,” Jeremy whispered between kisses. “I’ve missed you.”

“Mmmm,” Kai moaned, tilting his head back to give Jeremy access to his throat, threading his fingers through his thick hair. He felt Jeremy bring his hands down and squeeze his ass, and then Jeremy eased him gently away.

“Let me change, and then I want to take you out someplace,” Jeremy whispered, leaning down and giving Kai one more lingering kiss. “I’ll run you by your place to shower and change first too.” Kai was expecting to be hustled straight into bed, and his surprise must have shown because Jeremy chuckled and said, “I want to hear how your week was, and I’m starving, so let’s go somewhere for an early dinner and talk.”

Kai felt a pleased warmth spread through him, and he reached out and smoothed his hands down Jeremy’s once-pristine shirt, pulling it free from his waistband and unbuttoning it slowly.

“I’d like that, but I was looking forward to undressing you with my teeth,” he teased huskily. “You look amazing in this suit, baby. Took my breath away.”

Jeremy gripped Kai’s hands and stilled them, pressing a light kiss to the filthy knuckles before moving determinedly away, saying over his shoulder in a rough voice, “Meet you downstairs in fifteen.”

Kai stood there a moment longer, his body throbbing with sexual frustration but a cautious happiness was starting to take root as well. He could tell Jeremy was trying, trying to elevate their relationship above that of just sex, making it clear he wanted to spend time with Kai outside of bed. As much as Kai wanted to be beneath Jeremy at that moment, feeling him moving inside him, he wanted that too.

He went downstairs to the powder room and washed his hands, then waited at the kitchen island, scrolling through his phone until Jeremy reappeared, dressed in neatly pressed khaki pants and a pale green shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair was damp and he was still slightly flushed from the heat of the shower. Kai groaned under his breath, renewed desire surging through him. He tamped it down ruthlessly, determined to put Jeremy’s needs ahead of his own, and while Kai knew if he pushed it he could be bent over the island in minutes, being fucked into oblivion, he also understood what a monumental step this was for Jeremy, the way he was indicating with action rather than words he truly was trying to move on with his life.

Jeremy pulled on a brown leather jacket, and Kai shrugged into his hoodie and followed Jeremy out to the garage. He whistled when he saw the sleek black Land Rover. He climbed inside and ran his hand over the buttery-soft leather, wincing at his own filthy state. Jeremy winked at him before starting the engine and backing out of the garage. Kai gave him directions to his house, thrilled when Jeremy reached over and linked their fingers together as he drove.

Fifteen minutes later they were pulling up to the curb in front of Kai’s house, a small bungalow in a pleasant, neatly kept neighborhood. Kai led the way inside, watching Jeremy as he looked around, taking in the eclectic blend of furniture and carefully chosen decorative pieces. Never in a million years had Kai dreamed he’d one day own his own home, and he was inordinately proud of his little space, pouring every spare cent and every spare minute into it.

“I like it, Kai. It suits you,” Jeremy murmured, running his hand down Kai’s back and leaning in for a kiss. “And when we’re done with dinner, maybe you can show me your bedroom.”

Kai groaned against Jeremy’s lips, giving him a little nip with his teeth and reveling in his sharp gasp. “Count on it,” he breathed, loving the way Jeremy’s eyes darkened with promise.

Kai pulled away slowly and backed toward his bedroom, closing the door softly in Jeremy’s yearning face. He couldn’t believe how much he was enjoying this mating dance, the anticipation thrumming under the surface, making his skin feel hypersensitive. When they did come together later, it was going to be explosive. Kai couldn’t fucking wait.

He made short work of his shower, pulling on a pair of his nicer jeans, ones that weren’t white in places from wear, and a snug black Henley. No eyeliner or piercing tonight, but he fastened his favorite leather bracelet around his wrist, sliding a few rings on his fingers before pronouncing himself ready.

When he emerged from the bedroom, he saw Jeremy standing with his arms folded, weight canted on one hip, looking at a cluster of photographs Kai had arranged on one wall of his living room. Kai walked over and slid his arms around his waist from behind, resting his chin on Jeremy’s shoulder.

“These are from various hikes I’ve taken over the years,” Kai explained softly, looking at the mountain scenes and waterfalls depicted in the pictures.

“Did you take these? They’re beautiful.”

“No, Loren did. He’s an amateur photographer, and we did all of these hikes together.”

Jeremy turned in Kai’s arms, resting his hands on Kai’s shoulders, stroking his collarbone lightly with his thumbs.

“Are you in love with him?” he asked seriously, looking searchingly into Kai’s eyes.

Kai shook his head, saying softly, “No. Not anymore.”

Jeremy cocked his head as if trying to analyze the truth of that statement, clearly wanting to say more, and Kai continued, “I’ll tell you anything you want to know about me, Jeremy. Just ask.”

Jeremy leaned down and feathered his lips across Kai’s, his tongue painting just a hint of dampness along them before he pulled back.

“I want to know everything,” he whispered. “But right now let’s go eat.”

Chapter 13



Kai into a small grill and pub, a locally owned and operated place, rustic and charming. Kai claimed the food was outstanding and the restaurant had a great selection of the microbrews Oregon was famous for. When they walked in, Jeremy could see heads turning and eyes snapping in their direction, and he felt a wave of possessiveness surge through him, a feeling he hadn’t had in years. It wasn’t a sense of ownership or wanting to claim, but pride in the man he was with, knowing others in the room might want him but that man was here with
. Jeremy savored the feeling, letting it warm him.

Kai spoke to the hostess, and they clearly knew each other, flirting lightly, the woman giggling at something Kai said. She had just started to lead them to a table when Jeremy heard a voice call, “Kai, over here!” He turned his head to see a large table full of women and a couple of men, one of the women beckoning to Kai eagerly.

Kai gave an unobtrusive sigh and turned to murmur to Jeremy, “Crowd from work. It’s kind of a once-a-month thing that we like to do, get out and socialize a little, vent about work, whatever. I totally forgot they would be here, shit.”

“Let’s join them,” Jeremy suggested, intrigued at the idea of getting to know Kai’s coworkers and friends, having a chance to see how Kai interacted with the people who were such a huge part of his life.

“I don’t know,” Kai hesitated. “I kinda wanted you all to myself tonight, if I’m being honest.”

Jeremy couldn’t help but smile at that. “Ditto, but hey, we have all night. I want to meet your friends.”

He knew what a big statement that would make to Kai as far as what his intentions were for them going forward, and he saw Kai register that, his eyes glowing with warmth and happiness.

Kai led him over to the table, accepting the others’ enthusiastic greetings and making the round of introductions. Two more chairs were procured from neighboring tables, and people scooted over to make room for them. Menus were passed around, and a smiling, joking waitress came over to take beer orders from the new arrivals.

Jeremy was content to sit back and sip his beer, listening as the shop talk flew around him, teachers and one administrator letting off a little steam, the conversation and laughter easy and relaxed.

Due to the close quarters around the table, Jeremy’s thigh was pressed firmly into Kai’s, and he’d slung his arm casually over the back of Kai’s chair, his thumb resting just inches from Kai’s shoulder, close enough to feel the warmth from his body. When there was a lull in Kai’s side of the conversation, Jeremy leaned in and murmured in his ear, “You’re out at work, right?”

In answer Kai rested his hand on Jeremy’s thigh, and Jeremy grinned, sliding his hand from the back of the chair to rest in the crook between Kai’s neck and shoulder, his thumb caressing the back of Kai’s neck, just needing to touch. The others at the table didn’t bat an eyelash, although Jeremy suddenly faced a barrage of not-so-subtle questions about himself. He fielded them with good grace, keeping his answers short and to the point, aware of Kai’s sidelong glances and the gentle pressure of his hand high on Jeremy’s thigh.

After their meal, which was as delicious as Kai had promised, they finally stood up to leave, saying their good-byes. Jeremy slipped Trish several large bills, asking her to take care of his and Kai’s share when the check came.

She looked down at the money in her hand and then gaped at him, saying, “This will probably cover the entire check for the whole restaurant, Jeremy.”

He winked at her, then turned to follow Kai out the door, hearing exclamations of “They’re so
together,” and “It’s good to see Kai so happy.”

As they climbed into the SUV and were fastening their seatbelts, Kai said drily, “You know they think you’re my boyfriend now, and that we’re
.” He snorted, then gasped when Jeremy cupped the back of his head and pulled him into a scorching kiss, not stopping until they were both breathing roughly, steaming up the windows.

your boyfriend,” Jeremy growled, “and you’re not
. You’re hot and sexy, and so fuckable that I’m about to come in my goddamn pants just at the thought of being inside you.”

Kai moaned, kissing Jeremy again, whispering against his lips, “Then get us home so I can show you my bedroom like I promised.” It was Jeremy’s turn to gasp as Kai reached between his legs and cupped his erection, massaging it with knowing fingers.

He kept up the torture as Jeremy drove, and when they finally reached Kai’s house, Jeremy was in agony. Kai unlocked the front door, and Jeremy practically kicked it closed behind them, putting his hands everywhere on Kai’s body and pulling at clothes, his mouth fastened to Kai’s throat.

They stumbled into Kai’s bedroom and fell across his bed, clothes melting away, the kisses hot, wet, and deep. Kai finally ripped his mouth free and leaned up on one elbow, smoothing his hand up and down Jeremy’s heaving chest and belly, teasing his nipples.

“So you’re my boyfriend now, huh?”

“You bet your sweet ass I am,” Jeremy said roughly, pushing him to his back and rolling on top of him. “And I want to fuck my boyfriend, so spread your legs.”

Kai’s eyes widened, as he started to pant, and he pulled his knees up, letting them fall far to the sides. He cried out as Jeremy hooked his hands under his legs and pushed his knees practically to his ears before bending down and licking Kai’s puckered entrance, circling it with a pointed tongue.

“That’s it, soften up and push out for me, Gorgeous,” Jeremy murmured, holding Kai’s legs up and out as he ate at him, sucked his balls, mouthed the wet head of his cock. Kai was writhing and begging incoherently as Jeremy finally rose over him, tore a condom open, and rolled it on slowly, slicked it up, then teased Kai by rubbing the sheathed tip over Kai’s hole.

“You want this?” Jeremy hissed. “Show me how much you want it.” He pushed against Kai but didn’t enter him, continuing to tease the nerves around Kai’s entrance.

Kai threw his arms over his head and arched his back, pulling his knees up as far as he could, begging with his body, whimpering as Jeremy forced the fat head of his cock inside him.

“Yes,” Kai moaned, and Jeremy draped Kai’s legs over his forearms as he pulsed with his hips until he was fully seated in Kai’s ass. He held still, grinding against Kai, moving his hips in slow circles until Kai arched his neck back helplessly and he gasped, “Oh Christ. Fuck me, Jeremy. Please, baby.”

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