Teflon Mafia (4 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard,Drusilla Mars

Tags: #Mystery & Crime

BOOK: Teflon Mafia
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“Not tonight T just tell me in the morning.”


“I didn’t flirt with no one, the client is a woman.” She told him knowing when he called her T she was getting on his nerves or he was jealous of something she did.


“Yet you are drunk and you know I don’t like that shit, it’s a sign of weakness. You should never do things you can’t handle,” he fussed at her.


“You do me but you can handle me.” Tiffany jumped in the bed pulling her panties to the side showing him her pussy.


It was pretty but Messiah wasn’t touching it “You know I don’t like drunk pussy so you can get your ass on,” he pushed her off him.


“You know I’m nasty even when I am sober so quit tripping and give me that dick.” Tiffany was pissed now.


“T, I am not giving you shit now take yo’ ass to sleep,” Messiah said in a serious tone.


She was mad as hell, but still too drunk to fight so she rolled over and shortly after she was lightly snoring. She was the sexiest woman that Messiah had ever been with to tell her no was hard, but after doing time in jail behind a drunk bitch claiming he raped her, he said that he would never touch a drunk bitch again. And to this day, he haven’t. Messiah knew that Tiffany would never sleep in clothing, so he got out of bed, undressed her, covered her up, and gave her a goodnight kiss.


Tiffany was sleeping like an angel as Messiah got back in bed and looked at her. He wondered if this is what heaven felt like because it couldn’t be too much better. Messiah looked at Tiffany until his eyes defeated him carrying him to sleep. It was the best way to fall asleep drunk or not she was the most beautiful woman in the world to him.




The sun began to spill through the blinds hurting Tiffany’s eyes. It was more so the headache she had from drinking that small glass of Patron. That wasn’t that watered down shit that you get in the club, that was the grade A brand straight no mixing. She was feeling sick as hell looking over at the empty space in the bed and she knew that Messiah was at the cleaners already.


She crawled out of bed trying to close the blinds and as the light hit her vomit welled up in the pits of her stomach and spilled from her mouth all over the floor. Tiffany could hear Messiah saying
‘that’s why I tell your ass stop trying to be grown
’. Tiffany was pissed off because the way she was feeling, she was thinking the bitch Mallory spiked her drink with something. She knew that she didn’t handle liquor well but she was never this bad off, something was wrong.


Tiffany managed to get herself up from the floor, she needed to clean up the mess she just made and get herself well. She was having major pains in her stomach. She didn’t care because she wasn’t planning a trip to the hospital. That was a place for people that were ready to die and she wasn’t ready to face death just yet.
The bathroom floor was cool under her feet; it made her feel somewhat better. She ran a cold shower and slid in letting the cold ass water detox her body by shocking it. Her body trembled as if she was in ice-cold water. She knew that this would bring her back so she sat until she had strength to move again.




Messiah was looking up every fifteen to twenty minutes thinking Tiffany would walk in the shop, but she didn’t.
He was worried and pissed at the same damn time because he had told her ass about drinking. She didn’t listen to him that was the only thing he hated about her being hard headed which makes a soft ass. He wasn’t gone go check on her ‘cause she made the bed so she had to lay in it. Tiffany knew damn well they didn’t do business like that.


Ms. Anna came into the office with a frown on her face and Messiah knew that he was about to get it so he kept his head in his paper work like she wasn’t standing there.


“Boy I know you see me standing here.” She had her hands on her hips now.


“What Ms. Anna?” he was laughing inside cause he knew what she wanted.


“Where is my damn baby?” she loved Tiffany’s bad ass for some strange reason.


“She at home.” Messiah was acting nonchalant knowing that it was bothering him that she wasn’t there and haven’t called either.


“What the hell you do to my baby girl? I will cut you about that girl.” He knew that Ms. Anna was not playing with his ass at all. She played all nice clerk when the customers were around, but when it was just them around she held nothing back.


“Look I didn’t do nothing I am about to go check on her so you won’t be cutting on me and shit.” Messiah got up from his desk and walked passed her.


She popped him on the butt, “Make me whoop your ass boy.”


He laughed because she reminds him of his grandmother and it was nice to have Ms. Anna around.


Messiah pulled up to the house in the 745 pearl Benz. Once he got to the apartment he began taking the steps two at a time. He headed for the bedroom and Tiffany was not there and he began to trip. He pulled at his hair and grinded his teeth “Tiffany, where are you babe?” he walked in and out of every room until he got to the bathroom.


He found her sleep in the tub and for a minute he thought that she had tried to kill herself again. It was her past that would cause her to do shit like this, but it had been five years since this happen. When he touched her she jumped up “Oh shit Messiah it’s just you baby.” He was so glad that she wasn’t dead he had to keep the tears that had formed in his eyes from falling.


“Yeah baby it’s me, I thought you had uh--’ he hated the fact that he even had to think that.


Tiffany was still hung over but she knew what he was thinking. “I promised you that I would never do that anymore and you promised that you would never leave me,” she reminded him


“Baby, I am not leaving you, I am here forever you feel me?” Messiah was so serious with his words that she had to turn away from him. He picked her up out the tub. She was getting his clothing all wet but that material shit never mattered. Tiffany was alive and well he could not live life without her, she’s all he had. He got her in bed and cleaned up the mess that she made earlier and then called the shop to inform Ms. Anna what was going on. It took him an hour to get her off the phone.


Tiffany was fussing, when he looked around she was on the phone, “This is not part of the deal, how the fuck you just gone want to meet with me today? I am supposed to be lying on my target not meeting yo’ ass again.” Tiffany was only bitching because she didn’t feel well and wasn’t up for the bullshit.


“What’s the business love we can walk away from this shit now and take’em they little funky ass money back.” Messiah was so serious. He had given a half a million back one time cause this fuck nigga flipped the script.


“I got this boo.” Tiffany told him. Mallory listened, she knew just what she was doing. “I can’t come,” Tiffany told her. She wasn’t going to bend for no bitch.


“You can’t make it, send your partner and I will add two-hundred thousand to the deal. I will have a hundred thousand here tonight when he get here.” Mallory wanted to see if that was enough, if not she was prepared to go up.


“Messiah is my man and he don’t do meet and greets, let me get back to you in five minutes. “ Tiffany was pissed.


“Fuck.” She was trying to get out of bed but her body was not feeling it.


“What up baby you need me to take the bitch her money? “Messiah was with whatever Tiffany wanted to do. She almost said yeah because she didn’t like disorganized motherfuckers. It was all too wicked due to her being sick off of one drink when Tiffany could handle at least three or four. Now this bitch pops up with more information all of a sudden and wants to meet again. Tiffany was about to say fuck the whole deal, but then she thought about the money and Messiah’s birthday. There was no way she could throw in the towel.


“I know that you don’t like to meet the client because most are men, but this is a bitch and she’s offering more money just for one of us to come hear whatever she talking about. So I need you to jump clean and go meet the bitch because I can’t.” Tiffany’s gut was telling her this was all a setup though it’s something she could not prove, but if it was Messiah was the better person.


“I will if this is what you want but I don’t care how much money it is or the sex of the client we don’t have to bend for them. Our rules are just that.” He could tell by the look on Tiffany’s face she wasn’t really feeling it.


“No boo we gone get this money so will you please do this for me?” she begged him.


“I will do anything for you. Love yo’ ass, just better be glad it’s not a nigga because I don’t fuck with them then you’ll be on your own.” Messiah got up and headed to the shower so he could get dougie, being anything less than sharp and fresh would be a fail.


Tiffany jumped back on the phone “Mallory?”


“Yes?” Mallory respond.


“He will be there in an hour,” Tiffany informed her.


“Oh great I can’t wait.” Mallory was really excited about a man she never met, but again Tiffany brushed it off.


Messiah came back in the room drying his body off. Tiffany dozed off and he let her sleep while he got dressed. He knew he would have to wake her to find out where he was going. Messiah dressed in True Religion Jeans and a shirt with all black Gucci shoes. He had his dreads in a ponytail to keep the neatly coiled hair from getting wet. Now that he was all dressed and ready to go he let them fall over his shoulders. Messiah did a double take in the mirror just to make sure his appearance was on point.


“Tiffany baby,” he said shaking her lightly.


“What Messiah?” She forgot that she had asked him to go over to Mallory’s.


“Where am I going?” He smelled so good that she had to sit up and take a look for herself.


“Damn boo you looking sexy.” She was getting tight about this shit.


“Girl fall back, this is business.” Messiah laughed at her. She told him where he was headed and he kissed her and was out the door.


The location was about thirty minutes away from their duck off. Messiah didn’t ride out
alone often, but when he did he always had the ladies turning heads. That was cool with him that they looked, but he had eyes and love for one woman. Yet he will still make the woman feel special by blowing the horn letting them know that he see them.


Messiah pulled up to the huge crib and he was beyond shocked because he knew this was a big ticket. He understood this is why Tiffany didn’t want to throw in the towel. He stepped from the ride heading to the door, taking the steps two at a time, which was
a diehard habit he developed as a kid.
He was about to knock on the door, but it opened before he could even touch it. “Messiah long time no see,” Mallory stated. He shook his head because he wasn’t in the mood for this shit, the extreme of this woman’s fucked up mind.


“Ain’t this a bitch!” Messiah said to himself.


“Nice to see you too.” Mallory said with a smile and Messiah stepped inside and closed the door.


Seven years ago when Messiah was hustling he met Mallory at a nightclub in his hometown. He could tell she had money by the designer labels she sported and he digged that. Being the man he was, he stepped to her and offered to buy her a drink and she accepted. Her one drink turned into five. When the club closed he made sure she got back to her college dorm safe. The next morning he brought her breakfast and she was so grateful for him. Mallory’s college major was in chemical engineering and it was the first break she took and loved it. Their relationship started off smoothly, they began to go on little dates and sometimes he brought her to the hood.

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