Teflon Mafia (6 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard,Drusilla Mars

Tags: #Mystery & Crime

BOOK: Teflon Mafia
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She was pissed with herself more so than with Tiffany ‘cause being the spoiled brat the she was made her lose the only man she ever loved. She should have known that shit she pulled would not fly with a street nigga no matter who the hell her father was. Especially Messiah he never backed down for anyone ever so her father wasn’t gonna get a pass either.


Messiah had love for Mallory yet he was never in love with her. He was the kind of man that needed a woman with some fire behind her ass. Not a spoiled princess that had the world handed to her on a platter all her life. When Mallory first met him she would try to use her money to move him. Messiah checked that shit at the door ‘cause a bitch would never be able to control him with pussy or money. Now that he was with Tiffany he learned that the only thing that moves him is love. Mostly because it was something he never really had from anyone but his grandmother. At the time when he was with Mallory, she didn’t love him, she loved who he was and how he held his own. She never took the time to ask about his past, why when he smile it looked upside down, how his eye glass up at time, or why he walked the floors and didn’t sleep some nights.


Mallory knew that she had fucked up in the worst way now she was trying to get him back. Yes she did want Binx killed because he was stealing from her father. The small detail that she left out of this case is Binx works for her father and was the man she was with after getting over Messiah.


“Boy stop playing with me.” Tiffany giggled because Messiah was grabbing her and caressing her pussy again now that all the shit they needed was packed.


“Girl this my pussy, why you always acting like that?” Messiah was in his begging mode because he wanted his dick to feel what his lips still tasted like.


“Messiah I just gave you some pussy,” said Tiffany. It was hard to tell him no. He slammed her on the bed and she laughed.


“No you just fed me that pussy now your stingy ass don’t want to let me get a nut,” he teased her.


“Baby, what about getting a move on this bitch nigga and collect this money? After that I will suck and fuck you for a month no breaks,” she promised him.


Messiah looked into her eyes, “A month no breaks? So even when you not feeling it you can’t say no.” Messiah wanted to make sure he heard this shit right.


“Yes that’s what I said.” Tiffany smiled because she knew that she had opened a can a worms for herself.


“Deal boo.” They both got off the bed and Messiah watched Tiffany slide into a red thong.


He remembered why he loved her at that moment. “Baby you have the sexiest thongs, but your red ones are the shit,” he laughed. “Girl you made me lose my last bitch with them sexy muthafuckas.”


“I didn’t know you had a bitch,” Tiffany smiled. She was lying because he’d told her about his woman. He told her how he never bought another bitch but her to his home, but he did with her. One night Tiffany fucked and sucked Messiah in a coma and once he was sleep, she placed her panties in the clothes hamper knowing that his woman would find them. Even before the panties were found Messiah was blowing Tiffany’s phone up leaving all kind of messages for her, so panties or not it was out with the old in with the new.


“Get the fuck out of here! Yes you did,” he laughed.


“Yeah I did, she wasn’t the kind of woman you needed anyway cause panties or not if you was my man and the shoe was on the other foot I would have stalked until I found out who the bitch was and got rid of the hoe perfectly.” Tiffany was so serious.


“I know you would have that’s why you my bitch and she not.” He grabbed her, palming all that ass. “You know I am gonna marry your crazy ass one day soon.” Messiah said with intentions to propose on his birthday.


“Yeah right.” Tiffany didn’t believe him because he wasn’t the marrying type.


“You damn right, I’m not marrying your crazy ass.” They both burst out laughing. Tiffany had learned to live with the fact that she may never marry him so it didn’t bother her.


Mallory was sitting listening to everything that was said and she was shocked that this was the same woman with the red panties that had her man today. Even though she could tell that there was no love for her in Messiah’s heart, she felt that she could have whatever she wanted. So all she had to do was get Tiffany out of the way so he could see her for who she was.


Mallory had tried to get over him but she never could, she would always tell Binx how he was nothing like Messiah and he need to step his game up. Even though Binx didn’t know Messiah personally he hated him for the way this woman compared them over the years. Binx did everything he could to make her see him in the same light as Messiah, but nothing worked. He got fed up and started cheating and just doing him over the years. Binx had three babies on Mallory and that killed her ‘cause she couldn’t have kids.


She stayed with Binx even after the kids, but never looked at him the same. She knew now was the time to change shit while her daddy was in the hospital dying. She had told Tiffany that he was out of town but the truth of the matter was he was on his deathbed. Mallory was planning to pull the plug on him in three days so she could offer everything her father was leaving behind to Messiah. In order to do that she needed to get rid of two people- Binx and Tiffany and what better way than to play them against each other?




Binx was riding in his Lac cruising through the city when his phone began to ring. He knew that it was Mallory by the ring tone, but he just wasn’t in the mood. For real
he knew that she would just keep blowing up his fucking phone up ‘cause she was annoying like that. He picked up “Yeah.” Mallory could tell the he was not feeling her yet so she was gonna play the game.


“Baby, I need you, I really need you.” She cried knowing that Binx would run to her rescue.


“What’s the matter Mal?” he called her this when he felt bad about something.


“I am hurt, get here as soon as you can.” She hung up the phone.


Mallory stood in the mirror looking at herself and smiled.
She then bashed herself across her face with a hand held mirror. As the blood leaked down her face she forced herself to fall down the staircase. She tumbled and rolled all the way to the bottom knowing over the next few weeks she would be discolored and in pain, but it will all be worth it.


She had to lie at the bottom of the steps for about twenty minutes, she couldn’t move. Mallory was hoping she hadn’t gone too far and broke something. The pain that was running through her body was unbearable but this crazy bitch had an agenda so there was no turning back. As she began to pull herself off the floor, Binx came busting through the door with a gun in his hand.


The sight made him want to lay down and die, even though Mallory always treated him like shit he had mad love for this woman. She was stumbling as she tried to walk, blood leaked from her forehead and she was dazed, but she knew he was there so things were going as planned.


Binx rushed to her side, “Baby who did this to you?” He was livid.


Mallory had fucked herself up she couldn’t tell him anything. She was fucked up. She began to blackout in Binx’s arms. He was losing it by the minute, he didn’t know what to do so he picked her up and rushed her to the hospital. He thought she was gonna die.


Tiffany and Messiah had been following Binx for a few hours now.
All of a sudden Binx bust a U-turn on them causing them to wonder where he was rushing off to. Messiah did a U-turn right after him, he wanted to know what was taking place in Binx’s life. When Binx pulled up to Mallory’s house Messiah fell back to see why he was there. Mallory had told him Binx knew that he had a price on his head, but how would he know who made this ticket? Tiffany watched, something was off with all this shit, but she was gonna find out and get this money all in the same breath.


They continued to watch the house as Binx hopped out of his car with a gun in hand. Messiah told Tiffany, “Baby, we done got into some real shit this time.” He wasn’t sure if they would see the money Mallory promised.


“I know I was thinking the same damn thing.” Tiffany was pissed because this was the big payout that they needed to take a break for a minute. The possibility of Mallory getting killed by this dude Binx would sure throw a wrench in their pay, and Tiffany knew she would kill his ass indeed for messing with her and Messiah’s money.


Messiah shook his head trying to figure what the hell was really going on here. He knew that he should have told Tiffany about Mallory, but now was not the time for it. He was gonna just sit back and watch what happened at this point.


Tiffany could tell that Messiah had something on his mind yet she couldn’t put her finger on it at the time. If he was foul, she was gonna fuck him up and still love him because she would never leave him no matter what. He broke her thoughts by yelling “Look at this shit baby!” Messiah pointed to Binx coming back out of the house.


Tiffany couldn’t believe her eyes as she saw Binx carrying what looked to be a dead Mallory to his car. He put her in the back seat and hopped in the car and peeled off.


As Binx sped past the parked car, Tiffany yelled “Follow him!”


Messiah did what she asked more so cause he wanted to see how this would all turn out. He knew that he should feel bad for Mallory, but all this was exciting him too much to be sad.


Binx was whipping through traffic like a crazy man never even noticing that Messiah was not too far off his ass! Tiffany had to hold on because she never would put on a seat belt no matter how much Messiah told her to wear it. He would tell her it was for her own safety. The two cars dipped in and out of traffic like they were a part of the cast in the Fast and Furious.


Once Binx arrived at the hospital emergency entrance, he parked the car and got out. An attendant came out “Sir you can’t park here.”


Messiah didn’t pull into the entrance, he stopped just shy of it so he could still see what was taking place.


“Man get the fuck on!” Binx yelled as he got Mallory from the back.


The man seen the battered woman and moved out of Binx’s way. Once Binx was a few feet ahead of him he yelled, “Once she is checked in, you have to move this fucking car.” His scary ass knew that Binx was not listening to him.


Tiffany began to exit the car, but Messiah grabbed her hand, “Where are you going?” he was wondering if she was out of her mind.


“To see if our money is dead or alive!” she jerked away from him.


“How do you plan to do that?” Messiah asked.


“By walking in there acting like I’m here for a family member, and then start a conversation with the nigga to see where his head at.” Tiffany assured him.


“I thought he killed her.” Messiah was sure she was dead.


“Well we know that’s not the case if he brought her here.” Tiffany said walking toward the emergency room entrance. Binx came rushing out the door and soon as Tiffany walked inside she coolly followed him. Binx got in his car and Tiffany almost cursed herself because she thought he was leaving. She watched him park his car and jog back. Tiffany took the time to stand by the pay phones, she picked it up to pretend like she was talking to someone. Binx ran right past her and into the back without being stopped. Tiffany became curious about this whole ordeal. She hung the phone up and went to the snack machine and when Binx come out she would be there waiting.


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