Read The Everlasting Empire Online

Authors: Yuri Pines

Tags: #General, #History, #Ancient, #Political Science, #Asia, #History & Theory, #China

The Everlasting Empire (72 page)

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Wittfogel, Karl A. (1896–1988), 1, 3, 105, 107, 185n4.
See also
women, 6, 54, 74, 144–145, 147, 149, 151, 171, 195n68
Wu-Yue, regional kingdom (

, 907978), 31, 43
Wu Zetian, Empress (

, r. 684–705), 74
Xi Xia (

, Tangut kingdom) (10381227), 39, 190–191n71
Xia (

, Xiongnu) dynasty (407–431), 198n53
Xiang Yu (

, d. 202 BCE), 23, 188n30
Xinjiang Province (Autonomous Region), 164, 204n36
Xiongnu (

), 33–35, 37–38, 189n54, 198n53
Xunzi (

c. 310–230 BCE): on intellectuals, 81–83, 85; on rebellions, 134, 138, 140, 156; on ruler, 51–53,
, 68; on social hierarchy, 141–142
Yan Xishan (

, 1883–1960), 164
Yangzi River, 12, 20, 28, 38, 40, 42, 201n47, 201n51
Yellow River, 12, 36, 37, 73
Yellow Turbans, rebellion (184 CE), 160
Yelü Deguang (

, 902–947), Liao emperor (r. 928–947), 144
Yes, Minister, 64
structure: of Chinese political culture, 5
Yongle Emperor (

, r. 1402–1424), 90, 135.
See also
Zhu Di
Yongzheng Emperor (

, r. 1723–1735), abilities of, 71–72, 194n52, 195n64; fnancial reforms of, 125, 201n51; territorial expansion under, 36–37, 41, 190n64
Yuan dynasty (

, 1271–1386), 24, 36, 7071, 123–124, 195n58, 201n47.
See also
Great Mongol State; Mongols
Yuan Shikai (

, 1859–1916), 166, 169
Yunnan Province, 35–36
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