Authors: Arthur Allen
Such scientific missions
Jerzy Chmielowski, interview with author, May 2011.
They delivered it to Ludwik
One Life
, 267–69; Szybalski, “Genius”; Andrzej Wincewicz et al., “Rudolph Weigl, (1883–1957)—A Scientist in Poland in Wartime Plus Ration quam vis,”
Journal of Medical Biography
15 (2007): 114.
The German doctors Robert
M. Gromulska, “Pastwowy Zakład Higieny w czasie wojny w latach 1939–1944,”
Przeglad epidemiologiczny
62 (2008): 719–25.
Kudicke’s private secretary
Edward Zubik and Irena Gamota, interview with Ryszard Wójcik, 1983.
In Lwów, the Jewish survivor
Frank Stiffel, interview with author, Jan. 2011.
Dr Weigel, an outstanding bacteriologist
, 17–18.
Although the ghetto inhabitants
Raoul Hilberg et al., eds.,
The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow: Prelude to Doom
, trans. Stanislaw Staron et al. (New York: Stein and Day, 1979), 324.
On July 20, 1941, the mathematician
Hugo Steinhaus,
Wspomnienia i zapiski
(Wrocław: ATUTA, 2010), 202–3.
Chapter 6: Parasites
The Soviets abandoned
Christoph Mick,
Kriegserfahrungen in einer multiethnischen Stadt: Lemberg 1914–1947
(Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011), 512–13.
The Nazis, meanwhile
Teresa Prekerowa, “Relief Council for the Jews, 1942–1945,” in
The Jews in Poland
, ed. Chimen Abramsky et al. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986), 163–67; Józef Garliski,
Poland in the Second World War
(New York: Hippocrene Books, 1985), 45.
In the weeks before
Shoah Foundation, Hornstein.
The Lwów chapter
, 520–22.
There he used his skills
Yitzhak Sternberg,
Under Assumed Identity
(Israel: Ghetto Fighters Press, 1986), 49, 83–87.
More than 130,000 Jews died
, 500–501; David Kahane,
Lvov Ghetto Diary
, trans. Jerzy Michalowicz (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1990), 141–42; Stefan Szende,
The Promise Hitler Kept
(New York: Roy, 1945), 50–51; Eliyahu Yones,
Smoke in the Sand: The Jews of Lvov in the War Years 1939–1945
(New York: Gefen, 2004); Leon W. Wells,
The Death Brigade
(New York: Macmillan, 1963), 123–24.
Before abandoning Lwów for
Dieter Schenk,
Der Lemberger Professorenmord und der Holocaust in Ostgalizien
(Bonn: Dietz, 2007), 86–87; Eva Szybalski,
Lwów, a City Lost: Memories of a Cherished Childhood
, 130. The book is a first-person account by Szybalski’s father, Stanisław, brother of Wacław Szybalski. It is published online at
A Russian chauffeur who
Wacław Szybalski, interview with author, July 2011.
Amid plundering and arson
, 88–91; Lala Fischman and Steven Weingartner,
Lala’s Story: A Memoir of the Holocaust
(Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1997), 90–91.
Clocks set to
, 493.
The first posters went
Frank Stiffel
, The Tale of the Ring: A Kaddish
(New York: Bantam Books, 1984), 38–39.
The morning of July 3
, 11.
I heard the howling
Benedikt Friedman,
Ich träumte von Brot und Büchern
(Vienna: Promedia, 1992), 52–53.
Staff at Weigl’s . . . “spectacle of death”
Kryski, “Kartki 37,” accessed at
A firing squad
Shoah Foundation, Hornstein; Kurt I. Lewin,
A Journey through Illusions
(Santa Barbara: Fithian Press, 1994), 30–37; Marek Redner,
Recollections on the Life and Martyrdom of Jewish Medical Doctors in the Lvov Ghetto
(n.p.: A. S. Redner, 2003), 8.
A Nazi propaganda film
Deutsche Wochenschau, “Lvov/Lemberg massacre; Jews arrested,” USHMM, RG-60.0267, tape 201; “Jews beaten, bodies, crowd (Lwow),” RG-60.0328, tape 202B.
We could see them beating Jews
Shoah Foundation, Alex Redner.
The number of Jews murdered
, 500; Szende,
, 50–51. See also John-Paul Himka, “The Lviv Pogrom of 1941: The Germans, Ukrainian Nationalists and the Carnival Crowd,” in
Canadian Slavonic Papers
8 (2011): 209–42.
The last order
, 10, 32; Janina Opieska-Blauth,
Drogi i spotkania
(Lublin: Wydawnictwo Lubelskie, 1979), 78–81; Tom Gross, “Goodbye, Golden Rose,”
(Manchester), Sept. 2, 2011, accessed at
Hitler had ordered
, 114.
Things went differently
Ibid., 121–24.
The pediatrician Franciszek Groër
Ibid., 124.
The dapper playwright
Wanda Ladniewska-Blankenheim, YVA, testimony O.3/3118.
The crime scene was
Jadwiga Złotorzycka, “Professor Rudolf Weigl (1883–1957) i jego instytut,” in
Analecta: Studia i materiały z dziejów nauki
1 (1998), accessed at
Two days later
Peter Eyer, personal communication with author, Aug. 2011.
Anyone who witnesses
Weigl, “Pokoj,” in
tyfus: Instytut Rudolfa Weigla we Lwowie: Dokumenty i wspomnienia
, ed. Zbigniew Stuchly (Wrocław: Sudety, 2001).
German officials who
Andrzej Wincewicz et al., “Rudolph Weigl, (1883–1957)—A Scientist in Poland in Wartime Plus Ration quam vis,”
Journal of Medical Biography
15 (2007), 111; Rafal Bubnicki, “Polak z krwi I koci” (Pole of flesh and blood),
11 (1994).