Read The Pope's Last Crusade Online
Authors: Peter Eisner
    St. Ignatius views about, 89
See also America
specific person
    Aryans as needing protection from, 101
    at Castel Gandolfo, 229
    Communism and, 77, 78, 93
    in concentration camps, 40, 151, 230
    Coughlin views about, 153, 163
    emigration of, 176
    Hitler/Nazi persecution of, 8, 9, 13, 51, 60, 69, 109, 115, 133, 138, 150â53, 176, 226, 231, 232
    Hitler trip to Rome and, 14
    Kristallnacht and, 150â53
    LaFarge 1938 European trip and, 46
    Ledóchowski views about, 77, 78
    Mussolini bans marriage between Catholics and, 142â43
    Nazi occupation of Sudetenland and, 133
    Nazi-Vatican relations and, 161
    Pacelli comments about, 48
    Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical and, 75, 111, 112, 115
    Pius XI views about, 4, 138
    Pius XII and, 229
    reactions to Pius XI death among, 194
    as refugees, 85â86, 111â12, 117
    resettlement of, 176
    Vatican views about, 226, 230, 231
See also
John Paul I (pope), 230
John Paul II (pope), 230
John XXIII (pope), 203, 230
Johnson, Lyndon B., 224
Judaism: Catholic Church rejection of, 113
Kaufmann, Liesel, 151
Kennedy, Eunice, 209
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 209, 223, 224, 225
Kennedy, Joseph P., 70, 205, 209
Kennedy, Kathleen, 209
Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, 205, 209
Kerr, Florence, 71
Kertzer, David, 228
Killeen, John, 135, 136, 138, 164â65
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1, 2, 222, 223â24
Klieforth, Alfred, 211
Koblenz, Germany: LaFarge visit (1938) to, 38â41
Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass, 1938), 150â53, 154, 231
LaFarge, Bancel (brother), 87, 89, 105, 107â8, 117, 140
LaFarge, Grant (brother), 87, 108, 117, 140
LaFarge, Jean Frédéric de (father), 10, 83, 87â89, 140
LaFarge, John
    arts interests of, 89
    awards and honors for, 154, 221â22
    Bancel death and, 107â8, 117
    childhood/youth of, 9, 87â88
    death of, 225
    early priestly activities of, 2, 10â11
    education of, 10, 107
    family background of, 9, 10, 87â88
    health of, 131, 140
    homesickness of, 89â90, 117
    influence on Pius XI of, 51â52, 59â60, 102, 221
    LaFarge Sr. influence on, 89
    ordination of, 10
    papers of, 225â26, 227
    paranoia of, 38
    Pius XI private audience with, 55â62, 82, 83
    regrets of, 131, 223
    security concerns of, 18
    self-doubts of, 93
    thoughts about death of, 1
See also specific person or topic
LaFarge, John: books and speeches by
    “American Democracy: Its Success and Its Problems,” 34
A Catholic Viewpoint on Racism,
Interracial Justice,
2, 4, 8, 11, 51, 59â60, 82, 90â91, 94, 102, 221
The Manner Is Ordinary,
221, 222
Reflections on Growing Old,
LaFarge, Mabel (Bancel's wife), 107
LaFarge, Margaret Mason Perry (mother), 10, 87, 88, 89
LaFarge, Margaret (sister), 16
Lateran Accords (1929), 62, 64, 160, 173â75, 176â77, 188
Lauri, Lorenzo (cardinal), 155, 182, 183â84
LaValle, Edmond, 135
Lazarini, Father, 177
Lazaron, Morris S., 163
Lebrun, Albert, 84
Ledóchowski, Mieczyslaw, 77
Ledóchowski, Wlodimir
magazine and, 79â80
    as “Black Pope,” 76
    Communism views of, 77â78, 194â95
    death of, 222
    Hitler Sportpalast speech and, 123â24, 126, 127â28, 141, 195
    influence of, 76, 77
    LaFarge praise for, 145
    Pacelli/Pius XII and, 75, 76, 214, 216
    papers of, 222
    personal and professional background of, 76â77
    Pius XI relationship with, 76, 79, 82â83
    Pius XI views about Hitler and, 75
    reputation of, 80
    style/methods of, 79, 222
    Vatican-Nazi relations and, 76, 137â38
    views about Jews of, 77, 78, 138
    views about Nazi Germany of, 77, 138, 194â95
See also
Ledóchowski, Wlodimir, and Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical
Ledóchowski, Wlodimir, and Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical
    and delays delivering encyclical to Pius XI, 134â38, 141, 145, 146, 159, 165, 170â71, 189, 227
    Desbuquois assignment to project and, 91
    and drafts of encyclical, 172
    Gundlach and, 92, 100, 116, 134â37, 146, 159, 165, 172, 194â95
    LaFarge delivery of encyclical and, 115, 116â17, 146
    LaFarge-Ledóchowski letters and, 96â97, 99
    LaFarge-Ledóchowski meeting, 76, 79, 80â83
    LaFarge-Ledóchowski relationship and, 79â80, 82, 83, 134, 136â37, 145, 222, 223
    LaFargeâPius XI letters and, 145â46, 165
    LaFarge views about, 99â100, 222â23
    Ledóchowski letter to Pius XI about, 170â71, 189, 227
    Pius XI illness/death and, 172, 189â90, 223
    Pius XI receives copy of encyclical and, 170â71
    Pius XI request of LaFarge and, 61
    and Pius XII rejection of encyclical, 214â15
    and proposed redrafting of encyclical, 170â71, 189, 227
    publication of encyclical and, 164â65, 172
    Rosa review of encyclical and, 135â36
    and secrecy about encyclical, 96â97, 99
Lehnert, Sister Pasqualina, 74
Leo XIII (pope), 73
newspaper, 211
Lindbergh, Charles, 159
London, England: LaFarge 1938 trip to, 16â18
13, 14, 15, 67, 166, 182, 184, 217
Maher, Zacheus, 97, 164â65, 172, 214â15
March on Washington (1963), 1, 223â24
Marconi, Guglielmo, 64â65
Maritime Commission, U.S., 70
marriage ban, Mussolini's, 142â43
Marx, Karl, 25
Maryks, Robert, 228
Maryland: LaFarge work among blacks in, 2, 10â11, 48
Masaryk, Jan, 16â18, 45, 126, 141
Masaryk, Tomás Garrigue, 17
McCormick, Anne O'Hare, 34â35, 50
McCormick, Father Vincent, 54â55, 56, 83, 134
McNaspy, C. J., 225
Milani, Aminta, 23â24, 25, 155, 156, 159, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 198â99, 200
Montini, Monsignor Giovanni Battista.
Paul VI (pope)
Mooney, Edward (cardinal), 79
Morgan, Thomas B., 24, 27, 28â30
Moro, Aldo, 174
Mundelein, George (cardinal), 147â50, 205
Munich Agreement (1938), 118, 124, 128â30, 131â32, 133, 141, 142, 161, 166â67, 212
Murphy, Joseph A., 96, 97
Mussolini, Benito
    anti-Fascists and, 156
    anti-Semitism/race issues and, 102, 103, 109, 135â36, 142â43, 158, 160
    bishopsâPius XI meeting and, 188â89, 190, 191, 201
    as Catholic, 33
    Catholic Church views about, 17
    Chamberlain and, 166, 167, 168â69
    Ciano-Pacelli meeting and, 189
    construction/welfare projects of, 53â54
    crooked crosses statement and, 33
    death of, 200
    domination of Rome by, 52â53
    excommunication of, 173, 188
    Hitler relations with, 33, 52, 69, 75, 105, 167, 218
    and Hitler visit to Rome, 12, 14, 19, 52, 85
    Italians as Aryans study and, 101
    Lateran Accords and, 64, 160, 173â74, 175
    media control by, 67
    Munich Agreement and, 128, 129â30, 131, 142
    Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia and, 122
    Nazi-Italy relations and, 102
    Pacelli criticisms of, 142â43
    PacelliâPius XI relations and, 74
    Petacci family and, 199, 200
    Phillips appointment as U.S. ambassador and, 69
    Phillips (Caroline) views about, 167
    Pius XI death/funeral and, 187, 190, 193
    Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical and, 75, 113, 190
    Pius XI relations with, 4, 32, 67, 102â3, 109, 110â11, 122, 143, 160, 173â74, 175, 187, 199
    Pius XI views about Fascists and, 1â9, 19â20, 31â32, 33, 74, 101, 102â3, 109â11, 129, 143, 160, 177, 193, 210, 212, 216
    Pius XII and, 210, 211â12, 213
    Schuster comments about, 152
    selection of Pius XI successor and, 195, 197
    tracking of Vatican communications by, 98, 123
    Vatican-Italy relations and, 143, 191
    young Italians' opposition to, 174
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 1
National Catholic Conference on International Justice, 11
National Catholic Reporter,
226, 232
National Conference of Jews and Christians, 8, 163
National Women's Organization, 205
nationalism: Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical and, 91, 171
Nazi Germany
    anti-Semitism/race issues in, 47, 85â86, 101, 102, 109, 115, 133, 150â53, 154â55, 160, 176, 231, 232
    Austria conquest by, 4, 8, 9, 12â13, 35, 47, 75, 100, 143
    Catholic influence on, 231â32
    Catholics/Catholic Church in, 8, 13, 26, 33, 38â41, 99, 105, 147, 231
    censorship in, 39
    ChamberlainâPius XI meeting about, 167â68
    Czechoslovakia invasion/occupation by, 111â12, 117â18, 120â21, 122, 124, 125â26
    and Germans as Aryans, 101
    Italy relations with, 102, 103, 121
    Kristallnacht in, 150â53
    LaFarge on border between France and, 36â38
    Pacelli/Pius XII and, 74, 100, 105, 205, 211, 213, 229, 230
    Pius XI and, 4, 19â20, 22, 25â27, 49, 69, 72, 75, 97, 102, 130, 147, 161, 163, 164, 167â68, 191â92, 193, 212, 216, 219
    Pius XI death and, 190, 193
    Pius XI encyclicals about, 26, 51â52, 72, 75, 77â78, 97
    Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical and, 59â62, 113, 160
    Poland conquest by, 217
    Roosevelt State of the Union message about, 163â64
    selection of Pius XI successor and, 195â96
    spying on Vatican by, 97â99
    Sudetenland occupation by, 133
    U.S. diplomatic relations with, 69, 151
    U.S. divisiveness about, 141
    Vatican influence on, 231â32
    Vatican relations with, 25, 26â27, 33, 75, 82, 97â99, 128â30, 137â38, 143â44, 161, 176, 213, 231
See also
Munich Agreement; Nazi Germany;
specific person or topic
Neurath, Konstantin, Baron von, 167
New York City: German views about, 39â40
New York Herald,
New York Stock Exchange, 125
New York Times
    British-Czech relations and, 17
    German-Jews stories in, 46
    Kristallnacht reports in, 151
    LaFarge comment about civil rights in, 224
    on LaFarge Sr. as artist, 88
    McCormick article in, 34â35
    on Mussolini-Hitler relationship, 167
    Pacelli accident reported in, 207
    Pacelli election/coronation as pope and, 204â5, 211
    on Pius XI appearance/illness, 22, 23
    Pius XI death report in, 190
    Pius XI first radio broadcast report in, 65
    Pius XII peace initiatives and, 213
    and reaction to Pius XI death, 181â82, 194
    Tisserant allegations and, 201
    Tisserant files story in, 229
    tracking of ships in New York harbor by, 7â8
    Vatican-Italy relations story in, 190
New York Tribune,
New York World Telegram
: Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical announcement in, 159â60
Oberlohna, Nicholas Boehm, 42
O'Brien, Conor Cruise, 231
O'Connell, William (cardinal), 205
Osservatore Romano
    Hitler editorials in, 130
    Hitler visit to Rome and, 20â21, 32
    Hurley radio address comments in, 217
    Kristallnacht and, 151
    LaFargeâPius XI meeting published in, 82
    Pius XI criticism of Mussolini in, 102
    on Pius XI health, 179
    Pius XI influence and, 67
    Pius XIâLaFarge encyclical comment in, 91
    Pius XI Spanish Civil War comments in, 106
    Pius XI statement about dangers of Nazi Germany as compared with Russia in, 161
    Pius XI views about Munich Agreement in, 129
    Pius XII views about World War II in, 229
    reporting of Pius XI comments in, 22
    Roosevelt statements in, 122, 144