The Pope's Last Crusade (40 page)

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Authors: Peter Eisner

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    two crosses image and, 33

    Vatican-Italy relations report in, 103

    Vatican-U.S. relations and, 122

    Vatican views of Hitler/Nazism in, 212

    Vatican views of Italy/Fascism in, 212

Ovecka, Father Jaroslav, 44

Pacelli, Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni (cardinal and Pope Pius XII)

    accidents of, 118–19, 207

    appearance of, 73, 74

    beatification of, 230

    birthday of, 206

    choice of name Pius XII by, 207, 210, 211

    Churchill meeting with, 73–74

    Communism and, 71, 79

    criticisms of, 216–17, 229, 230

    death of, 230

    election/coronation as pope of, 195–203, 204–9, 231

    elevation to cardinal of, 74

    as emulating policies of Pius XI, 210, 211

    in England, 73–74

    at Eucharistic Congress (1938), 47–49

    expansion of responsibilities of, 158

    and first blessing offered by Pacelli as pope, 208

    first message as pope of, 210–11

    Hull cable about Pius XI death to, 193–94

    Hurley and, 104–5, 211, 216–17, 218, 219

    Innitzer resignation and, 13

    intra-Vatican relations and, 211–12

    Italy-Vatican relations and, 100, 110, 188, 212

    Kristallnacht and, 151

    LaFarge and, 213–14

    LaFarge–Pius XI private audience and, 58

    Ledóchowski and, 76, 214, 216

    modus operandi of, 216

    Munich Agreement and, 118, 129, 212

    musical interests of, 73, 74

    Mussolini and, 142–43, 210, 211–12

    Mussolini–Pius XI relations and, 102–3

    named secretary of state, 74

    Nazi Germany and, 75, 76, 100, 105, 129, 210, 211–12, 215

    and Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia, 212

    neutrality policy of, 216, 229

    ordination of, 73

    papers of, 229

    peace initiatives of, 210, 213, 219

    personal and professional background of, 72–74, 76

    personality of, 230

    Petacci family and, 199

    Pius XI bishops speech and, 175, 178, 189–90, 230

    Pius XI blessing on, 182

    Pius XI compared with, 230

    Pius XI death/funeral and, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 192

    Pius XI health and, 155, 158, 160

    Pius XI influence on, 207

    Pius XI–LaFarge encyclical and, 61, 76, 99, 189–90, 214–16

    Pius XI meetings with, 118, 159

    Pius XI relationship with, 50–51, 57, 74–75, 119, 145, 196

    and Pius XI views about Hitler and Mussolini, 72, 74, 75, 129

    popularity of, 208

    power/influence of, 146–47, 160

    predictions about actions of, 210–11

    religious studies of, 73

    Roosevelt meeting with, 69–72

    and Roosevelt statements on Vatican media, 144

    Switzerland vacation of, 118, 119, 129, 145

    U.S.-Vatican relations and, 209

    World War II role of, 229

See also specific person or topic

Pacelli, Fillippo (father), 72

Pacelli, Virginia (mother), 72–73

Papal States: dissolution of (1867), 70

Paris, France

    George VI visit to, 84–85

    German occupation of, 217

    German views about, 39

    impact of Munich Agreement on, 131, 132

    LaFarge 1938 visit to, 34–35

    LaFarge encyclical project and, 81, 83, 84–85, 86, 89–96, 99, 105, 111–16

    LaFarge views about, 131, 132

Passelecq, Georges, 226–27

Paul VI (pope), 184, 185, 189, 202–3, 230

Penco, Bianca, 174, 201

Pers Z (German organization), 97–98

Petacci, Clara, 102, 199, 200

Petacci, Ferdinando, 200

Petacci, Francesco Saverio, 198–200

Petacci, Giuseppe, 199

Petacci, Marcello, 200

Petacci, Maria, 200

Pétain, Philippe, 84

Phillips, Caroline Drayton, 14, 68, 120, 142–43, 149, 165–66, 167, 196, 208–9, 210, 218

Phillips, William

    Chamberlain–Pius XI meeting and, 168

    at Chamberlain reception, 166, 167

    Ciano meeting with, 120–21

    diaries and memoir of, 227–28

    Hitler anti-Catholic editorial in Vatican newspaper and, 130

    Hitler-Mussolini alliance and, 69

    Hitler Sportpalast speech and, 124–25

    Hitler visit to Rome and, 14

    Hurley relationship with, 104, 105, 122, 130, 144, 148, 168, 179, 187, 217–18

    Innitzer incident report and, 144

    Mundelein visit to Rome and, 148–49

    Pacelli election/coronation as pope and, 207–8, 209, 210, 211

    personal and professional background of, 68–69

    Pius XI death/funeral and, 187, 193

    Pius XI health and, 150, 179

    Pius XI–Hitler relations and, 103, 122

    Pius XI–Mussolini relations and, 103, 122

    post-Italy assignments of, 218

    Roosevelt and, 68–69, 120, 218

    and Roosevelt views about Munich Agreement, 130

    selection of Pius XI successor and, 196, 197

    as U.S. ambassador to Italy, 14, 68, 120–21

    and U.S. plans about outbreak of World War II, 121–22

    U.S.-Vatican relations and, 209

    Vatican-Italy relations and, 120–21

    Vatican views of Nazis/Fascists and, 124–25, 212

    views about Hitler of, 124–25

Pius IX (pope), 57

Pius X (pope), 185, 199, 230

Pius XI (pope)

    allegations about death of, 198–99, 200, 201, 202–3, 226

    anniversary of election to papal throne of, 64–65, 178

    annual benediction of, 22, 63

    annual Christmas greeting to College of Cardinals of, 160–61

    appearance of, 22–23, 56, 74

    Aradi commemoration of birth of, 184

    beatification of, 230–31

    bloodletting of, 24

    death/funeral of, 177–84, 186, 187–88, 190, 192–93, 199–202, 226, 231

    election as pope of, 31

    family background of, 72

    illness of, 21, 23–25, 50, 76, 138, 146, 149, 150, 155–57, 159, 160, 171–72, 177–84

    influence of, 21–22, 66–67, 102

    injection into, 180–82, 183, 200

    isolation within Vatican of, 143

    LaFarge first meets with, 4

    LaFarge at general audience with, 54–55

    LaFarge influence on, 51–52, 59–60, 102, 221

    LaFarge private audience with, 55–62, 82, 83, 221, 222

    LaFarge views about, 214

    Last Rites administered to, 155, 180, 182, 183, 185

    legacy of, 232

    as mountain climber, 27, 29–30, 31, 186

    ordination of, 29

    Pacelli blessed by, 182

    Pacelli car accident and, 118–19

    Pacelli meetings with, 118, 159

    Pacelli recall from Germany by, 74

    Pacelli relationship with, 50–51, 57, 74–75, 119, 145, 196, 207

    Pacelli–von Bergen meeting with, 118

    papers/files of, 187, 227, 228

    peace initiatives of, 118

    personal and professional background of, 27–29, 30–31, 74, 185, 186

    Pius XII compared with, 230

    Pius XII as emulating policies of, 210, 211

    radio broadcasts of, 64–67

    reputation of, 57

    secrecy of, 97–98

    style of, 23, 57

    Vatican politics and, 4, 25, 75, 79, 143

    views about papacy of, 63–64

See also
encyclical, Pius XI–LaFarge;
specific person or topic

Pius XII (pope).
Pacelli, Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni

Poland, 133, 217


    Pius XI views about role of Catholic Church in, 214

    types of anti-Semitism and, 92–93

    within Vatican, 4, 25, 75, 79, 92, 100, 129–30, 143, 146–47, 176, 191–92, 211–12

Pontifical Academy of Science: Pius XI speech at, 158–59


    as “Prisoner of the Vatican,” 62

See also specific pope

Popular Mechanics
magazine, 64

Prague, Czechoslovakia: LaFarge visit to, 41, 141

Pribilla, Hax, 232

propaganda, Nazi, 40, 44, 45

Quadragesimo Anno
(Pius XI encyclical), 91


    anti-Semitism compared with, 51, 59–62

    Aryans and, 101

    comparison of U.S. and Nazi, 154–55

    as fraud and myth, 90, 114

    LaFarge interest in/views about, 1–2, 8–9, 51, 91, 115, 154–55, 161–63, 175–76

    Pius XI–LaFarge audience about, 221

    Pius XI–LaFarge encyclical and, 59–62, 90–91, 92, 111, 115, 137, 155, 160, 171, 172

    Pius XI views about, 101–2, 113–14, 152, 160, 161, 168, 192

    Schuster comments about, 152

    Vatican-Italy relations and, 190

See also
specific nation

Ratti, Ambrogio Damiano Achille.
Pius XI (pope)

Ratti, Count Franco, 156, 182, 183

Ratti, Don Damien, 28

Ratti, Donna Camilla, 156

Ratti, Francesco, 28

Ratzinger, Joseph (Pope Benedict XVI), 231

refugees, 85–86, 111–12, 117

Reims Cathedral (France): LaFarge visit to, 86–87


    LaFarge views about totalitarianism and, 162–63

    Pius XI speech about science and, 158–59

    Roosevelt views about, 164

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 43

Rocchi, Filippo, 155, 177–78, 180–81, 183, 200

Roche, Monsignor George, 198, 202

Rockefeller, John, 86

Romania: Jews in, 47

Romanis, Monsignor Alfonso de, 183

Rome, Italy

    Chamberlain visit to, 166–69

    consolidation of modern Italy and, 62

    Göring visit to, 25

    Hitler visit to, 12, 13–15, 19, 20–21, 32, 33–34, 35, 37, 47, 52, 67, 85, 160

    impact of Munich Agreement on, 131, 132

    LaFarge 1938 trip and, 4, 52–62

    and LaFarge delivery of encyclical, 117

    LaFarge views about, 54, 131, 132

    Lateran Accords (1929) and, 62, 64, 160, 173, 174, 188

    map of,

    Mussolini domination of, 52–53

    Vatican as city-state in, 62

Roncalli, Angelo (cardinal), 203

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 68

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

    anti-Semitism and, 85

    appeasement and, 130

    Coughlin criticisms of, 153

    on dangers of Nazi Germany, 163–64

    elections of 1938 and, 148

    Evian-les-Bains refugee conference and, 85

    Halifax meeting with, 166–67

    Hitler-Mussolini alliance and, 69

    Hitler Sportpalast speech and, 130

    Hurley-Phillips relationship and, 104, 122, 123

    illness of, 22

    Italian-U.S. relations and, 69

    Kristallnacht attacks condemned by, 151

    Mundelein–Pius XI visit and, 147–48

    Munich Agreement and, 120, 166–67

    Pacelli meeting with, 69–72

    Phillips relationship with, 68–69, 218

    Phillips reports to, 68, 69, 120

    Pius XI and, 69, 72, 144, 147, 193–94

    questions asked of LaFarge about, 34

    recall of U.S. ambassador to Germany by, 151

    State of the Union message (1939) of, 163–64

    statements in Vatican media of, 122, 144

    Taylor appointment as envoy to Vatican by, 217

    and U.S. plans upon outbreak of World War II, 121–22

    Vatican-U.S. relations and, 105, 122, 209, 217

    war preparations of, 176

Roosevelt, Theodore, 10

Rosa, Enrico, 135–36, 138, 170, 171

Rosselli, Cosimo, 204

Russia, 18, 25, 30–31, 98, 106, 153, 161.

See also
specific person

Salotti, Carlo (cardinal), 23

Sapieha, Adam Stefan, 230

Schneider, Reverend Burkhart, 226

Schuster, Alfred, 152


    Pius XI interests in, 64

    Pius XI speech about religion and, 158–59

Scotti, Tomaso Gallarati, 177

Senatro, Edoardo, 229

Serafini, Camillo, 183

Sheehy, Reverend Maurice, 152–53

Shirer, William, 124, 125, 126, 127

Shrapnel, Henry, 16

Smith, Alfred E., 152–53

Social Justice
newspaper, 154


    Civil War in, 78, 90, 105–6

    LaFarge book about, 37–38

    LaFarge views about, 105–6

    Pacelli views about, 78

Spellman, Monsignor Francis, 65, 66, 70–71, 103, 180, 218

Sportpalast: Hitler speech at, 123–28, 129, 130, 141, 161, 194

(ship): LaFarge trip on, 7–9, 11

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