The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (21 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

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which make you stop and change your path could be predestined. This can include

accidents, disease, big losses, surprising job offers or trips to significant places that

change your life direction. You may also have an agreement to meet soul mates, life

partners, teachers and enlightened masters.

At times, your soul agreement can be to learn kindness and lead by example, create

a painting, write a book or a movie or just makes a difference. Thus, developing your

intuition and listening to your inner calling, as well as recurring external signs, can be a

way that your soul is urging you to move forward.

Dr. Caroline Myss is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human con-

sciousness, a world renowned lecturer, medical intuitive, and bestselling author. When I

interviewed her, she shared:

My work on sacred contracts has to do with exploring the idea that each one of

us has a collection of agreements we have made before we were born and that

each of these agreements or contracts determines the way our life plays out,

who we meet, our opportunities and challenges. It does not determine the out-

come—this is where choice comes in. It does predetermine, that there are

people you will meet, opportunities that will come to you. How you respond


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when you meet these people or engage in the opportunity is fully and totally in

your hands, and this is where self-esteem and choice come in.15

It’s important to recognize that we can make vows and soul agreements in our daily

lives. Those agreements can often create an unexpected and profound effect on our

long term experiences.

I have had some clients who have made soul agreements that have taken them

towards their greatest fulfilment and others who have made agreements which have

caused them a lot of pain and suffering because they did not understand the power of

those agreements. If you make a vow or soul agreement, please take it seriously and

work toward fulfilling it if it is for your greatest good. Alternatively release it with ease

and grace if you have grown beyond it. You can begin by becoming aware of your agree-

ments and asking Divine Intelligence to help you fulfil or let them go if they are no

longer serving you.

Go to this link to read an amazing story about Michael J. Roads and a soul agreement

he made that challenged him to his core and completely transformed his reality.

Processes for Connecting to Your Soul

In order to increase your connection to your soul, you need to have time to relax and

meditate. Sit on a chair or sit cross-legged. Focus on your body. Become aware of what

you feel inside. Take slow, deep breaths with the intention of being open to your own

Divinity and Soul Communication.

Hold a mudra by touching your index fingers together and your thumbs together

while interlocking the rest of your fingers. Your index fingers should be facing upward

toward your head and your thumbs downward toward your feet. Hold this posture in

front of your heart with your elbows pointing out to the sides. Focus your attention on

connecting to your soul energy and receiving guidance. If you could feel or imagine the

energy of your soul, what would it be like? Allow yourself to meditate on this. If your


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soul had a color, what color would it be? When you sense the color, imagine it bathing

your whole body.

Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me deeply reconnect with my soul

and my heart’s desires. Allow me to become more open to the messages and guidance

from my soul. Give me the ability to listen to my soul and allow it to heal any pain,

struggle, or sabotage in my life. Allow me to experience my highest good and follow my

life’s Divine plan. Reveal to me the blessings, opportunities, joy, happiness, and abun-

dance that await me as I follow my soul journey. Thank you.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter.

Relax your hands and allow yourself to soften even further. As you take a slow

breath in, focus your attention above your head and imagine gold light pouring into

your head, moving into your throat. As you breathe out, feel the energy release from

your heart expanding outwards. Repeat this five times.

Place your hands on your heart. Ask what your heart and soul really desire. Then

pay attention. If an answer comes, write it down. Ask your soul to show you what steps

you need to take to achieve this desire or bring it into your reality. (If you do not receive

any answers, be patient; your soul knows that you have begun the process of connecting

and listening to it and will start to give you answers as you open up more and more.)

Whenever you have a question, ask your soul for guidance, then allow the answers

to arise either in yourself or be shown to you in time.


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How You Can Connect to Divine

Energy and Protect Yourself

Most people can relate to having gone into a room, house, or building and feeling a

sensation of heaviness or stagnation and then visiting another space and feeling

lighter, brighter, and more peaceful. When you walk into a house where people

have had an argument or feel upset or angry, you can often sense that all

is not well. If you are sensitive or feel weak, it is likely that those

negative vibrations will affect you and make you unwell.

You may not be aware of how those energies have entered your space and inter-

twined around your own energy field, yet you may become conscious of suddenly

feeling weary, drained, and lackluster. Certain individuals can experience internal cold-

ness, numbness, heaviness, tension, and even depression in a space which is

energetically polluted. Others may find it difficult to breathe or move, get stomach

bloating, or experience pain or headaches.

When I began to learn about healing, I realized how easy it was to pick up dense or

heavy energies from other people. When I teach, I often share that part of my own

sickness had occurred because I always listened to other people’s problems and

absorbed their emotional and physical pain into my body. Thus, I often felt achy after

having a conversation with someone who was going through a challenging time.


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Protecting Your Energy

At times, I’ve heard certain spiritual teachers say that protection is a fear-based belief

and that there is nothing to fear. Since I don’t like buying into fear, I decided to experi-

ment by not protecting myself for six months.

During those six months, I constantly got colds and felt unwell. In fact, one day I

felt so horrible that I was throwing up. Thinking that I had been poisoned, I made an

appointment to see a naturopath who was also a healer. When I came into his office, he

asked me to lie down on the massage table. After checking my energy he told me that I

had picked up too much of other people’s negative energy and that my body could not

handle it, thus I was physically vomiting it out. He told me that if I wanted to be well, I

needed to protect myself.

I realized then that protection does not have to be about fear but more about

purification, clarity, and vibrational cleanliness. When I learned to connect to Divine

Healing Intelligence and protect my own space, I was able to listen to other people’s

problems without being physically drained or affected. Interestingly, the times I forgot

to protect myself when I worked with a client, I felt weak, tense, and exhausted. It did

not help me or anyone I was working with to take on their negative energy and store it

in my body. I realized the clearer and more connected I was to Divinity, the more I

could help others and the healthier I would be.

Another way to look at it is to think of wearing clothes. If it’s really sunny outside

you might apply some sunscreen and wear a hat to protect yourself. If it is cold and

rainy, you may wear a coat and take an umbrella so you don’t get wet.

Lawrence’s Story: Maintaining His Own Energy

Lawrence owned his own business, and by the end of each day, he was

always so exhausted that it was difficult to have a conversation with him. I

told him that even though I understood the stress of owning a business,

being so exhausted was not normal for a thirty-year-old man.

Lawrence was constantly surrounded by people who wanted things

from him. It occurred to me that his exhaustion related to needing to please


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others. After a full day of work his shoulders were hunched, his face pale

and his eyes looked puffy. I taught Lawrence to protect himself by encour-

aging him to do the connection to the Divine and protection process in the

morning and at lunch time.

A week later, I met Lawrence at a dinner party. At 10 PM he seemed

bright, energetic, and lively. He told me that he had followed my advice and

was feeling fantastic. He said he could not remember the last time he had

so much energy. He also told me that his clients seemed a lot less needy

and draining and that he was actually enjoying his work, instead of being

frustrated or stressed.

A Powerful Way to Start Your Day

I encourage everyone I teach to begin their day by connecting to Divine Energy, pro-

tecting themselves and setting an intention for the day. This process not only

strengthens your energy field and protects you from picking up other people’s pain and

tension but also helps you to have more clarity, courage, and motivation. Consistent use

of this process will help you connect to, listen to, and trust your intuition.

My intention is to help you focus your attention on having the greatest day possible

and performing your actions from a place of relaxation, compassion, and love. The feed-

back that I have received from thousands of people who have practiced this process is

that they feel clearer, purer, and more connected to Divinity. They also feel comfortable

walking into rooms full of people or going to places that have heavy or dense vibrations,

knowing they will still feel good.

For the people who are in healing professions, whether you are a doctor, healer,

nurse, chiropractor, or practitioner of any other wellness modality, it is really important

to do this process before you see each client, even if you have only time for the last part.

This process also helps protect you from other people’s aggression and negativity.

The more you can hold your own clear energy, the healthier you will be.


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Process for Protecting and Purifying Your Energy

I suggest you do this process several times each day, especially when you are around

negative, needy, or draining people.

Brilliant white and gold are powerful colors that you can use to connect to the

Divine. White, the color of purity, is great for clearing toxicity and dense energy from

the body. Brilliant white intensifies the purifying energy of ordinary white, thus dis-

solving density faster. Gold helps heal stress, trauma, frustration, aggression, depression,

and illness. Combining gold and brilliant white makes this process more powerful.

Protect and Purify

First, open your palms so that they are facing up in order to send the message to uni-

versal intelligence that you are ready to receive. Take some slow, deep breaths. Allow

your body to soften and relax. Imagine that you are showered with rays of brilliant

white and gold light.

Say: “Divine Source, I ask that you surround me with your rays of brilliant white

and gold light, moving through my whole body, energy field, mind, and emotions.

Please purify my mind, emotions, physical body and energy field. Release any confusion

in my mind about what actions I need to take today and replace it with clarity, courage,

and motivation to do my best, for the highest good of all.”

Take a few deep breaths while saying the word “CLEAR” to let go of any confusion

about what you need to do that day.

Say: “Divine Wisdom, help me acknowledge the feelings that come from my heart,

soul, and intuition and become aware of their messages. Allow me to listen to my

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