The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (25 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

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session, I had a phenomenal experience. Whilst Piotr was relaxing on the

massage table I tuned into his body and was drawn to his heart.

I then saw a vision, in which his heart came out of his chest and con-

nected to my heart. Then his heart kissed mine and I heard “Thank you.”

The experience was so impactful that I began to feel dizzy and disoriented.

Powerful surges of energy moved through my whole being. It felt as if a

deep, ancient part of my heart was awakening.

Although I had done thousands of healing sessions, I had never felt any-

thing like it. This experience definitely captured my interest.

The connection between Piotr and I was extraordinary. Since I was five, I

had experienced an odd feeling that I had a brother with light hair and blue

eyes who was three years older. Piotr as a young boy fits this description

perfectly. When I first saw him, I felt like his image was deeply familiar, as if

it was etched in my soul. For two years before we met, I had the most vivid


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dreams about a blonde, European man with blue eyes. Piotr told me that a

few months before we met, he had a strong feeling that he would meet

someone who would change his life. When we met, he recognized that I

was the person he had been waiting for. Within days of meeting, we felt like

we had known each other forever. Although before we met, Piotr had little

interest in spirituality, he devoured every bit of information I shared with

him. What impressed me most was his natural ability to swiftly grasp the

healing work I was teaching.

Less than a week after we met, Piotr told me he could accurately tap

into my world and read my mind, know my feelings, and sense what I was

experiencing, whether I was asleep or awake. I could do the same with him.

We were even able to send each other telepathic messages when we

needed the other’s help or wanted to catch up.

Both Piotr and I were in committed relationships and neither of us knew

how to interpret and deal with the feelings of deep soul love we were expe-

riencing toward each other. This love did not feel romantic but was more

spiritual, soulful, and Divine. One evening, while having dinner with Piotr, I

had a persistent thought in my head,
Twin soul, twin soul, twin soul
. As I had

no idea what a twin soul was, I found this thought quite disturbing.

When I returned to Australia and shared my experience with Paul, he

helped me to find out more about what a twin soul is.

Since I am not the strongest believer in labels, I would not have catego-

rized my relationship with Piotr as a twin soul had I not heard the words

repeated in my head over and over again. As I was completely overwhelmed

and confused by our connection, being able to read about what a twin soul

has helped me put our relationship into perspective and handle some of the

more challenging aspects of our connection.

Meeting Piotr has rocked and transformed my whole world, just as

meeting me had changed his. When I asked Piotr to share how he felt when

we met, he said,


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“I experienced a feeling of happiness and safety like I had never felt

before. I also had a strong knowing that I met a part of myself that had

been missing for a longtime. It was a relief, like finally I’m whole and from

now on we know we’ll always be there for each other.

I can now relax and unconsciously stop searching.”

Although my relationship with Paul went through some challenges after

I met Piotr, I instinctively felt that it would deepen my love and connection

with Paul. From meeting Piotr, I have learned what true devotion, uncondi-

tional love, and Divine connection really is. All I know is that when you meet

your twin soul and have an opportunity to get to know them, you truly

experience Divinity and touch the essence of who you are as a soul.

Meeting your twin soul is not necessarily an easy ride. In fact, it can be

the most challenging, most painful, hardest experience of your life. Just as

your twin soul can make you feel the most heightened state of bliss and

melt your heart, they can also take you to the deepest pain, hurt,

rejection, and anger you may ever experience. In other words, they really

make you grow.

If you are experiencing the challenging side of a twin soul relationship, I

would encourage you not to cut and run. Instead, be gentle, take some time

to calm down and become aware of what your twin soul is bringing up for

you to face. Then work on your own issues before you reconnect.

I have heard many stories from my workshop participants about meet-

ing twin souls. Some met in foreign countries, while some were in other

relationships. Some were much older or much younger, while some were

best friends, and others were siblings. Very few were lovers. After reflecting

on this for a while, I realized that if twin souls are extremely similar, it would

make sense that as souls they would choose other people to help them

grow, expand, and experience intimate relationships. It would not work for

them to be a couple in every life or to spend all their time together, as they

would not grow and learn from interacting with other people.


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Letting Go: When Soul Mates Must Take Different Paths

Sometimes, you will spend several years with a soul mate, believing that you are

destined to be together forever, only to discover that at a particular moment, both of

you feel that you want to move in different directions.

One of the most touching interviews I have conducted was with Richard Bach,

the author of many bestselling books, including
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

. Richard shared that at one point in his life, he thought soul mates were

“two people who have chosen to share a lifetime, and they would be teachers, one

to the other all through that lifetime. And then reflect upon it after that lifetime is

finished.” He further confided, “I think that is true for a lot of people. I thought it

was true for me and wrote about it. Then it turned out that Lesley Parish and I

had a different path to walk. So that experience, that relationship, that marriage

ended, and I understood the idea of a school, that we can have a teacher from

whom we have learned an enormous amount, but there is a time that we graduate

from that class.”16

At times, it is healthier, although emotionally painful, to let go of a soul mate who

has chosen a different direction from yours. For instance, you may be working on your

emotional and spiritual evolution, while they feel inclined to drink, take drugs, abuse

their bodies, and sabotage their lives.

Even though you may be physically apart, the spiritual link can never be broken,

thus I suggest that you still connect to and communicate solely with their soul.

Visualize them and talk with their soul, telling them what you need to share. Know

that on some level they hear you. If it is for your highest good, you will reconnect again

in this lifetime at a more appropriate time.

Making Time for Soul Connections

Besides my experience with Piotr and Fred, I have had a number of other soul connec-

tions. Most of these were instantly recognizable and permeated with feelings of love,

familiarity, and warmth. Each time I have met a person who I have a soul connection

with, I’ve felt like I had been invited to the biggest party on earth. I feel deeply grateful


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to know that I am not alone and that there are many amazing souls walking the earth

that I am here to share my life with.

In my personal life, whenever I meet anyone I feel a soul connection with, I do my

best to make time for them, no matter how busy I am. This is because I know that

people who are part of our soul group have deep and profound gifts for us that can help

us raise our vibration, experience incredible states of consciousness, give us courage to

follow our dreams, and open our hearts.

Process for Connecting with a Soul Mate or Twin Soul

Even if you have already met your soul mate or twin soul, do this process with them.

Feel free to adjust the process to sharing love with them in the now. You may prefer to

connect to a soul mate instead of a twin soul so please adjust anything necessary in this

process to suit yourself. (Even though this process is broken up in 5 sections, you must

do all of them together to benefit.)

Create a Clear Intention

First create a clear intention for connecting with your twin soul. Place your hands on

your heart and focus on opening your heart to your twin soul. You may imagine the

doors of your heart open to welcome your twin soul.

Take some slow deep breaths while focusing on your heart and soul energy.

Imagine that a powerful, golden ray of light enters through your crown chakra, then

moves into your third eye, amplifying your intention to connect with this much-loved

soul. Soul mates can often receive telepathic messages from each other and feel drawn

to connect.

Take another few deep breaths and visualize the gold ray of light move toward

your throat.

Say the following statement aloud, adding anything else you feel inspired to add.

Say: “I allow Divine Love from my heart and soul to now flow toward the heart

and soul of my twin soul and surround them with love, tenderness, gentleness, compas-

sion and warmth. I ask that any hardships or challenges they may be experiencing be


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softened and resolved with ease and grace. If it is for the highest good of all I ask that

our paths meet in the physical world and we recognize and support each other’s journey

through life with our hearts and souls.

If we are not to meet in this physical world then I ask that we experience a deeply

satisfying spiritual connection and assist each other. I also ask that any soul mates or

beings who can assist me to grow, awaken the love, passion and sweetness in my heart

and bring me joy and upliftment, now be directed toward me. Please give me clear and

recognizable signs when a twin soul or a soul mate is in my vicinity. I am now ready to

receive them with open arms and an open heart! Thank you Divine Spirit.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter.

Feel the intensity of what you have just invoked.

Share Love with Your Soul Mate

Imagine that the soul of your twin or a soul mate is now standing in front of you, ema-

nating love, bliss, and delight at being close to you. Take in the sweetness of this


Allow the golden ray of light to now move towards your heart and envelop it.

Relax, soften, and allow yourself to savor the sensation. Imagine that there is an energy

cord between your heart and your twin soul’s heart. Through this cord, send your soul

mate as much love, tenderness, and warmth as you can muster. Then sense the care,

appreciation, and affection return to you several fold. Observe this exquisite energy cir-

culate between you and your twin soul.

Purify Your Heart

Allow the love, warmth, and kindness from your twin soul to purify your heart and

wash away any pain, disappointment, or rejection you may have experienced in your

relationships with others. Replace the hurt with gratitude for your life, and open

yourself to the possibility of reconnecting with one or more soul mates at the perfect

time, in the perfect way, so that together you can explore the depth of unimaginable

and eternal love. Allow this love to move through your whole body and energy field,


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releasing and cleansing any fear or resistance into the earth beneath you, which can

transmute all negativity and surround you with a soft nurturing energy.

Become Grounded with the Energy of Love

Ask that this process be done with ease and grace. When you feel that the process is

complete, move your body gently, focusing on grounding this energy of love into your

feet. The more grounded and connected you are to your heart and to the loving vibration

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