The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (27 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

BOOK: The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions
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He helped her forgive this old wound and feel safe in trusting her intuition

and reconnecting with her higher intelligence.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

As this communication across lives was occurring, the energy in the

room was absolutely electric. We were witnessing a miracle healing. After

the process was complete, everyone commented that both Pascal and

Angelica looked younger, lighter, and more alive.

Pascal told me that he felt he had finally understood the reasons for his

destructive behavior. He also said his depression had disappeared, and he

felt a lot happier. He gave me a big hug and thanked me for helping him

come back to life. Angelica was able to reclaim her confidence, intuition,

and creativity. She also stopped blaming herself and became more open to

finding a satisfying, loving relationship. Both went into their lives feeling

cleansed and renewed with the intention to make new choices.

Go to this link to read more transformational stories related to past life healing

Sharing Past Lives

Through the years, I have had countless people come up to me after workshops, inter-

views, talks, and healing sessions to tell me that they have a strong connection with me,

assuring me that we’ve had many past lives together. I believe that exploring past lives is

a sacred and personal experience for understanding and healing your life. Sharing your

past lives with others should be done in a safe, receptive, and respectful environment.

In all the years that I have taught past life regression, there has been only a handful

of people where I truly felt that we had a connection that went across time and space.

Usually, our recognition has been instant, deep, and unusual, often accompanied by

strong feelings of love and care, as well as a many synchronicities.

In most of these cases, both of us were aware of the profound connection we were

experiencing. There have also been a few times when I’ve had negative reactions to

people for no apparent reason. In my own exploration, I discovered that I had shared

some past lives with them, and we needed to rebalance our karma. Upon releasing the


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charge and transforming the traumas in our past lives, our relationships became neutral.

Often they departed from my life in a peaceful way.

Past life regression can give us many glimpses and understandings into our complex

and mysterious life experiences. Please be aware that not every connection you feel with

someone is related to a past life. Before you share your past life experience with another,

make sure that they are ready and receptive to hear something like this, and that you

don’t scare or alienate them.

Although I believe that exploring past lives can be extremely valuable as is demon-

strated in the above examples, I encourage you to primarily focus on your present life to

improve your current situation and work with past lives in order to gain more compas-

sion and to heal.

Process for Dissolving Past Life Karma

You can do this process as part of the past life healing process or on its own when you

feel ready to release karma with a person or situation. You can also use it in conjunction

with the cord clearing process on page [XX]. You can either think about a situation or a

person that you feel has created karma in your life and repeat the following statement.

Say: “Divine Source, please help me evolve and embrace the light. I vow that I will

do my absolute best to undo any wrongs I have done and heal any wounds I have

caused. I now choose to perform all my actions for the highest good of all and to follow

my Divine Guidance. Thank you.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter

Go to this link to work with an audio recording where I guide you through the past life

healing process, which is described (below).

Process for Past Life Healing

If you are new to past life healing, it is advisable that a past life regression

practitioner or a hypnotherapist guides you through your past life healing. If you are


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The Secret of Life Wellness

familiar with this type of work and feel comfortable trying it on your own, you can

use the process below. You may also like to ask a friend or a family member to read

the process to you.

This process will guide you back through your life to the time before you were

born. Please allow yourself to be as open as possible. It is normal to experience doubts

or feel like you are making things up. Persevere, as the information you receive could be

extremely important and help you heal. Sometimes the clarity will come later, so write

down your experiences and store them somewhere safe so that you can refer to them in

the future.


Give yourself between thirty to forty minutes of uninterrupted time. Make yourself

comfortable. Sit or lie down. Breathe deeply, allow your body to soften and relax. Let go

of any tension, worries, or daily concerns and focus on slowing down and unwinding.

Allow the intelligence of your body to help you dissolve any stress until your body feels

soft and relaxed.

Set an Intention

Intend that your Divine Wisdom will support you on this journey and take you to a

deeper awareness of yourself and your past experiences.

Connect with a Spiritual Guide

Focus on your life. Imagine yourself becoming light. Ask that a spiritual guide assist

you with this journey. This guide may show up in the form of your best friend, relative,

or spiritual teacher. The most important thing is that you feel safe and supported.

Go Back in Time

Picture taking your guide’s hand and floating back in time. Observe the last ten years of

your life drift by. Then move further and further back until you see yourself as a child.

Now go even further back, to when you were a baby. Don’t worry if you can’t remember


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or see clearly, just allow your consciousness to move back in time until you experience

yourself as a soul before you merged with your body.

Feel the lightness, freedom, and expansion of being a soul. Allow yourself to play

and rejoice for a few moments or just rest in the silence and peacefulness. Then

imagine that your guide is leading you toward a beautiful green and purple light.

You float toward the light and notice a doorway. Your guide encourages you to

enter the room. Once you come into the room, you become aware that it is full of

mirrors. Each mirror shows a life you have previously experienced. Allow yourself to

be drawn to a mirror which can give you a deeper insight into whatever is occurring

in this life that you need to heal or transform. When you see or sense the mirror,

allow your guide to support you while you move through this mirror into a life that

you have already lived. Imagine literally walking through the mirror and into a new


Ask Questions

Once you have arrived into this life, begin to look around and ask questions. You may

receive intuitive insights, images, or feelings, or be shown the events you are inquiring

about. Don’t be concerned if the messages don’t come instantly, just be patient and gen-

tle with yourself. Allow yourself to become aware of who you are in that life.

Are you male or female?

How old are you?

Where are you?

What year is it?

What is happening around you?

What are you feeling?

Be patient with yourself and open to receive appropriate answers.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

Experience Powerful Moments

Allow your guide to take you to the most important or powerful moments in your life.

Sense and observe what has happened. At times, you may feel very strong emotions in

your body. If you do, just allow yourself to feel these and let them go, as they may be

stuck in your cellular memories. You can also ask to be given an understanding of what

you are feeling and what memories those feelings relate to. If you are just receiving

images ask for as much detail as possible. If the images are too fast, ask them to slow

down. This is your experience and you can direct it.

Become aware of the actions you took in that life; were they positive, loving and

inspiring, or did you behave selfishly, violently, and thoughtlessly. What caused you to

act the way you did? Become aware of the people who are in that life with you. Do any

seem familiar? Could they also be in your present life? Can you recognize them?

Learn Lessons

Ask your Divine Intelligence what lessons you were trying to learn in that life? Did you

learn them? Is there anyone that you need to forgive or be forgiven by? If you are open

to this, forgive them, or ask for forgiveness. Do you need to forgive yourself ?

Visualize Change

If that life was difficult, challenging, or traumatic, and you could do things differently,

how would you have done them? Visualize making more empowering decisions and

observe how your life would change. Often, profound healing can occur from us learn-

ing our lessons and choosing again. Even though you are in a new life, you can still

transform the negative energy from your previous lives.

Say a Clearing Statement

Say: “I ask that Divine Healing Intelligence moves through my body, releasing,

clearing, and healing any pain, struggle, fear, grief, guilt, and self-sabotage that I have

brought from my previous life into my current life. I ask that white and silver rays of


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purification pour through my body cleansing, purifying and revitalizing my body,

energy systems, and emotions to peace, clarity, and wellness. Thank you.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter.

Take slow, deep breaths, allowing the rays of white and silver light to flow through

your body.

Ask for Messages

When you feel lighter and more peaceful, ask if there are any messages that are relevant

to your present life based on what has occurred in your past life. Allow any messages to

come to you. If you do not receive them instantly, know that at some point in the

future, you will be shown what you need to know.

Come Back to the Present

When you feel ready, let your guide take your hand and slowly lead you back to the

present. Come back into your body and integrate your new experience. This time you’ll

see that you made a choice to come into this reality to learn, grow, and heal, that you

are a Divine Being, who is lovable and worthy of great things.

As you return to the present, breathe slowly and deeply and allow your body to

awaken. You may like to tighten your body for a few seconds and then relax. Tap your

feet on the ground to feel more grounded or simply stretch. Make sure that you take it

easy, drink a lot of water, and be gentle with yourself.


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How You Can Discover

Your Soul Purpose

Does everyone have a soul purpose?

How would a person go about finding their soul purpose?

Everyone on the physical plane has a soul purpose. A soul is a spiritual entity, which

is eternal, wise, and ever-evolving. While still in the spirit world, your soul, in con-

junction with your guides and wise elders, determines what it needs to learn, understand,

and live in the contrasting atmosphere of the physical reality. One aspect of this explo-

ration is karmic, another is stretching past limits to advance spiritually, emotionally, and


On the soul level, you only learn and evolve through your own experience.

Therefore the most important thing you can do in life is to ask questions and listen to

your soul’s wisdom.

What Is Your Soul Purpose?

Each person’s purpose is to know who they truly are through the experience of explo-

ration and expansion. To discover your soul purpose, you need to become an explorer of

your body, consciousness, energy, emotions, spirituality, and life experiences.


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By focusing your attention within, sitting quietly, meditating, and breathing con-

sciously, you can become aware of different feelings and sensations that are being

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