Warped (2 page)

Read Warped Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Warped
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I fucked up. Big. Fucking. Time. I need to make this right. I can't lose Ella yet. I've not had my fill of her. She needs to be in love with me before she finds out the truth. It's going to break her, but she’ll find out. When the time is right, she will.

She'll know what a monster I am.

I'm not ready for that yet though. I'm not ready to give up her sweet pussy. I haven't done half the things with Ella I would like. I haven't done enough.

Why the fuck did I think it would be a good idea to bring Leona to the house? I was pissed that Ella was going out with fucking Spencer but I should have known it wasn't a date. Spence wouldn't do that to me. Ella wouldn't do that. She's not into playing games, she's innocent.

My phone ringing pulls me out of my thoughts. Speak of the devil.

"Spencer," I growl, still pissed that he played me. "Did you have fucking fun with my woman?"

"I did indeed," he chuckles. "It was very insightful. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Els, Damon. She's yours man."

His words don't soothe me, they piss me the fuck off. Not his fault, it's all on me.  It's my mistake, not his. She may have been mine but now I'm not so sure. I don't respond to him, too pissed off to form words.

"She's got great ideas when it comes to event planning. We could use someone like her on our team to get things going. She'd be a great addition to have on board."

That gets my attention. That may be my only chance to keep her now. Give her a purpose to be with me until she finds out the truth.

Who and what I am.

"I'll talk to her."

"You okay, bro? You sound out of sorts. I thought you'd have your head out your arse by now.”

“You thought wrong.”

“What the fuck happened?" Spencer snaps. I'm ready to punch the cock. I love my brother but sometimes he pisses me the fuck off.

"I fucked up," I tell him honestly. He doesn't need to know details, he doesn't even know the real me. The monster I am.

"Obviously, by your attitude. What the fuck happened, man? I was sure Els would have come home declaring her love for you. What changed?" I suck in a breath at his words. Is she already really in love with me? Sometimes I believe it. Sometimes I can see it, but she hides it well.

"It doesn't fucking matter what happened. I'm gonna fix it."

"You fucking better." Before I have the chance to respond Spence hangs up.

I throw my phone on my desk and rub my face with my hands. There is one person I would turn to in times like this and I fucking can’t. It’s not possible.

I need to get ready to pick Ella up. I’ve spend the day trying to work, key word being trying. I can’t fucking think about anything but beauty. How broken she was. How I’m going to get her to fall in love before it’s time for her to find out the truth.


I pull up to the house and take a deep breath. I’m not nervous but I’m fucking anxious. I need to make this right. I need her to trust me, to love me, to fucking

I open the door to step out of my car when I see Ella come out and lock up the house. Of course she wouldn’t wait for me to collect her like a normal date. She’s hurt and upset. I get out and walk around the car to open her door as she walks towards me.

She’s so fucking beautiful. I can’t remember ever having a woman like her. Everything about her draws me in. She looks like sin in a short red dress. It hugs her curves and flows out from her hips, showing her long sexy legs.  Her brown locks are in an updo, with pieces falling around her beautiful face. She takes my breath away.

I wait at the car door, holding the bunch of flowers I had purchased for her earlier. She takes them from me with a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. I lean forward to place a kiss on her lips but she turns her head to the side so I only catch the side of her mouth. I linger for a moment, savouring any contact I can have with her, before reluctantly pulling away and holding the door open for her to climb in. The small smile playing on her lips makes my dick twitch. She doesn’t fucking know how gorgeous she is, doesn’t know what she does to me.

“You look stunning, beauty. So fucking stunning.” A pink blush paints her cheeks, adding to her beauty.

“Thank you,” she mummers as she climbs into the passenger seat, clipping the seatbelt in place. I shut the door behind her and quickly walk around to the driver’s side. As soon as I seat myself in the car Ella’s smell envelopes me. I inhale deeply. Nothing is more intoxicating than the scent of my beauty.


I'm ready to pull my fucking hair out. Ella is quiet, overly quiet. Trying to get her to engage in conversation is like pulling fucking teeth. I know I fucked up but I don’t think I realised exactly how much.

Maybe Spencer was right. Maybe she already did love me and I blew it. I pissed it all away by inviting Leona around. I don’t think it would have been as bad if it was some random chick, but it was fucking Leona.

And. I. Can’t. Fucking. Change. It.

I can’t take it back. If I could I fucking would, but I can’t. The atmosphere is so tense it could be cut with a knife. I don’t know what to do to turn the night around. I don’t know what to do to get my Ella back. She’s not taken her eyes off her starter yet, like the soup bowl will give her all the answers she needs. I know she must have a ton of questions but if she doesn’t voice them, how the fuck am I supposed to answer?

“Ella,” I say with more force than I meant. I calm my tone down and try again when she doesn’t as much as flinch. “Beauty, look at me.”

Her forest green eyes squeeze shut before she lifts her head and looks at me. I can see the hurt and pain swirling in her green depths and it cuts me fucking deep.

“Baby, I need to make this right. What can I do? I need to keep you, Ella.” I sound like a fucking pussy but I don’t give a shit. I can’t give her up yet.

“I don’t know, Damon.” Her eyes fill up with tears and I want to rip my own fucking head off for putting her through this shit. She seems like she’s already given up on us but I can’t allow that. I won’t fucking lose her for a kiss. “I... Damon... I don’t think it will ever be right. Leona will always be there and I don’t think I can deal with seeing her and not remembering what I saw. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it for as long as she’s around.”

I’ll stop Leona being around if that’s what it takes.

“Beauty, what can I –” I stop speaking  when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and glare at the host that’s just interrupted us.

“Mr. Hunt, can I have a word in private please?” he asks nervously.

“Anything you have to say you can say in front of my date.”

He looks from me to Ella and back again before speaking quietly. “Mr. Hunt, we have a lady at the door claiming she’s here to meet with you. Would you like us to move you to a larger table?”

A growl escapes my throat as I take in what the fuck he just said. This has to be a joke. Some fucker has to be pulling my pisser.

“Who?” I demand.

A commotion at the host station brings my eyes across the room. Leona. Fucking. Goodridge.

Leona is here. Now. What fucking game is she playing this time? I stand, and my chair falls over behind me with the force of my push back. Diners around us stop what they’re doing to see what the ruckus is all about.

“Damon?” Ella questions in an unsure voice. Shit. She’s going to pull back in herself more if I don’t do something. And fast. Before I can calm Ella down, Leona starts storming through the tables towards us.


“What is this Damon? What the fuck are you playing at?” Leona snaps as she nears our table. “Is this just a game?” She stops abruptly at our table and glares at Ella. I’ve never wanted to protect a person as much as I do Ella. She’s gotten so far under my skin it’s going to make things harder when the time comes for her to learn the truth about me.

“What are you doing here Leona?” I grit out.

“Exactly what you told me to. I’m here to talk just like you said.” I’m stunned. What the hell is she talking about?

“I didn’t tell you any fucking thing.” This has got to be some sick joke. Ella will never forgive me if we have to put up with this shit all the time. “Stop with your fucking games Leona.”

“This is all
. You did this,” she sneers at Ella. “You fucking set me up,” she screams. I step to the side, ready to remove Leona if she keeps up with her shit. I look at Ella and I know, I fucking
, Leona planned this set up. My beauty is so taken back by Leona’s accusations that I know this is all on Leona.

“Leona,” I growl, “Stop.” I’m so fucking sick of this. I didn’t see the animosity from Leona that Ella has been telling me about but it’s plain to see now.

“Tell her to fucking stop.
the one playing fucking games,” she snaps back. Ella’s eyes widen and she shrinks into herself as if she’s scared. I won’t let anything happen to Ella. Not a fucking thing. Leona will have to go through me to get to my beauty. Before I can reply the manager comes over looking flustered.

“I’m sorry miss, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re disturbing customers, and Mr. Hunt and his guest,” he says to Leona. Her face brightens with rage and I know she’s ready to blow.

“Leave? You’re telling me to leave? Do you know who you’re speaking to? I’ll have you shut down.”

I’ve had enough of this. I grasp Leona’s arm ready to remove her from Ella’s presence but Ella’s voice stops me.

“Don’t leave me, Damon.” Her voice is the strongest I’ve heard since last night. If I leave to remove Leona I risk losing Ella for good.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

“Leona, leave. I’ll talk to you tomorrow but if you don’t leave now we’ll have problems.” She takes one look at my face and sees I’m deadly serious. She sends one more glare to Ella, huffs out a breath, and stomps away.

Crisis a-fucking-verted.

I apologise to the manager and take a seat again. Ella’s face is bright red with embarrassment.

“Can we go? Please?” I know her embarrassment has taken over and I’m not surprised. If I wasn’t so consumed with anger, I’d feel the same way.

“Sure, beauty, I’ll just go settle the check. Shall I ask for the food to be bagged up to take home?” Ella shakes her head no. I’m not surprised.  She didn’t eat one mouthful before Leona stormed our date, let alone after. 

I pay our bill, request my car, and we leave the restaurant. My car is waiting with valet out front for me as we exit. The anxiety I felt before picking Ella up has doubled. I still can’t read her. If I thought she was closed off before I was fucking wrong. Looking at her face now, it’s blank, void of emotion. It kills me knowing I’ve caused this look on her perfect face.

I never expected a reaction like this to just a kiss, but I’m beginning to realise it’s not just about the kiss, it’s Leona. All those times Ella tried to tell me about Leona’s attitude I thought she was exaggerating the truth, but I’m starting to see I was in the wrong. I didn’t see it.

I let her down.

When we arrive back home Ella does what I expect, and goes straight to the guest bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her. Shutting me out.

I don’t bother trying to follow her. She won’t talk to me tonight. It’s been one royal fuck up after another, and nothing I say or do will fix that. She doesn’t trust me. I did that.

I need to earn her trust again, and if I have to spend the rest of my life proving to my beauty that she is mine, then I fucking will. Pulling my shirt from my trousers and loosening my tie, I slowly make my way upstairs. I stop outside her room, raise my hand to knock, but quickly drop it to my side. I rest my forehead against the door and let out a deep sigh.

Am I doing right by being with Ella? Can I really see this through and expect her to come out strong? Do I want to break her more?

Moving to my room I empty my pockets, and change into sweat pants. My phone screen lighting up alerts me to an incoming call. I pick it up and see the fucking name of the last person I want to speak to right now. Leona. I hit reject, turn off my phone and throw it down on the bedside table.

I turn off the lights, climb into bed, and lay down resting my hands behind my head. I’m so fucking exhausted but I can’t sleep. How the fuck have I made such a mess of things? I will fix this. I have to.

Ella Knight is fucking





I let the hot water fall over me as I smile to myself.  I knew she would come. I knew she wouldn’t question it. After all, she has a so called ‘claim’ over him. A small giggle passes my lips before I catch it. I’m feeling giddy.

Like I’ve won something.

I know Damon thinks I’m sleeping alone tonight, but I’m not, I’m sleeping with him. He picked me over Leona tonight and she knows it. That deserves celebrating. We can have some fun. I expect retribution from Leona. I know she won’t let what happened tonight pass. She won’t accept Damon choosing me first.

I’ll be ready for her.

It’s exactly what I need her to do. She’ll be her own worst enemy by the time she’s played her hand. She won’t stop, and I’ll take Damon.

I wash myself slowly, just letting time pass, as I bask in glory. Leona will be a quick, easy take down. Then I can concentrate on working over Damon.

I climb out the shower and quickly dry off. I apply coconut baby lotion all over me, before pulling on a pair of knickers and a camisole. I decide to blow dry my hair, taking my time. I know Damon will still be awake when I get there. I saw the look on his face.  He’s beginning to see Leona for who she really is.

I can’t take the grin off my face.

She’s going to lose.

I’m going to win.

Damon seriously seemed to really see Leona tonight, but I can’t help but wonder if that’s because she’s never been this bad before, or if he is just the same as her and didn’t really notice until he was the one embarrassed.

I lose the grin. The thought alone makes me rethink my decision to sleep in bed with him tonight, to let him touch me. My throat dries with doubt. Can I really do this?

I look at myself in the mirror, really look at myself. I’ve done nothing to Leona but enter Damon’s life. She needs to be taken out. Damon chose me tonight, and the game is on. I’ll take Leona out as Damon falls in love with me. I’ll make him need me, then I’ll take him down when Leona is out of the way.

I can do this.

I inhale and hold it as I gather myself. I won something tonight. I can enjoy Damon’s touch and plan my next move tomorrow. I let out a steadying sigh and leave the bedroom to cross the hall to Damon’s room.

As I open the door, the hallway light highlights Damon, who is bare chested, and lying on his back on his bed. His arms are stretched out, hands hooked behind his head, showcasing his muscles. His tanned skin bulges in the most perfect way. Not too much, just right.

My eyes skim over his defined abs, past his broad chest, and over his wide shoulders, to his face. He has a look of surprise written on his features. My body warms at just the thought of lying next to this Adonis of a man.   

Damon is sexy as fuck.

When I step into the room and quietly shut the door, the room plunges into darkness. I pause a moment to allow my eyes adjust to the lack of light. When I look back towards the bed I can see Damon’s silhouette. He’s leaning up on his elbow’s looking at me.

My stomach flutters with anticipation. I crave Damon’s touch and as much as I try to deny it, I
his touch. I take a step towards the bed then pause. My heart rate spikes and nerves set in. What if he turns me down? What if he chose me but regrets it?

“Damon?” I question with a tremble in my voice. “Can I...” I pause, “Can I stay in here?” I swallow as I wait for his reply.

Damon stands in one fluid movement and crosses the floor to me. He pulls me into his arms, and buries his face in my neck. Goosebumps break out over my skin when I feel his breath against my throat.

“Beauty, you never have to ask. I want you here in my bed every night.” I sag against him in relief, and release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I wrap my arms around him, loving the feel of his bare chest against me. “One condition though...” I tense.

“That is?”

“Lose the top. I want skin on skin. We don’t have to do anything baby, but I need to feel your skin on mine.” That I can live with. I nod my head and Damon wastes no time in removing my top before pulling me to the bed.

We settle in and Damon spoons behind me, holding me tightly to him. I feel him start to harden against my arse but he makes no move to take things any further. I wiggle against him, wanting things to go further.

“Damon,” I whisper.


“Do you want me?” Silence greets me. I suck back a gasp, maybe I misread everything with Leona. Maybe he does regret choosing me. “Damon?” I whisper again, my voice breaking.

Damon moves fast, turning me on my back to face him as hovers above me. He settles his hips between my parted thighs, and then cups my face in his large hands, and just stares at me. I swallow past a lump forming in my throat.

“Beauty, I always want you. I want to keep you. That will never change,” he says with a gruff voice. “I fucking love you, and I’m so fucking sorry that my fuck up has made you doubt that. I’m so fucking sorry, baby.”

I smile at him and push forward to place my lips on his. I didn’t realise I would feel so much relief hearing that. I know those words are what I need to hear to know I’m on my way to finally getting closure for what happened to Lydia, but I don’t want to think about that right now. I just want to enjoy my victory and Damon.

“Touch me,” I mumble against his lips. “Make me remember,” I say breathlessly, knowing he won’t refuse my request. Damon lets out a groan that vibrates my lips, making me moan. He pushes his tongue into my mouth to taste me. Our tongues battle together as his hands begin to roam my body.

He pulls me closer to him, raising my back from the mattress so my breasts press into his chest, as his lips descend down my neck. The friction of each rub against my nipples causes me to whimper. Damon licks and sucks my pulse point at the base of my neck, then gently lays me flat on the mattress to free his hands to cup my tits. I cry out as he plucks and tweaks my nipples. He nips and kisses along my collarbone, making tiny explosions blast all over my body, sending tingles skimming across my skin.

“Damon,” I moan. “Please. I need you. Fuck me.” He chuckles, then takes me by surprise when he draws my nipple into the warm cavern of his mouth. At the same time he presses his hard cock against my knicker covered pussy. My core clenches, demanding penetration. I need him in me. Now.

He releases my nipple with a
and gives me a cheeky grin before latching onto my other nipple. I wiggle against him, trying to find the right pressure to increase my pleasure. Damon thrusts into me, making me cry out again. Fuck, this man can turn me on at the drop of a hat. His taste is as intoxicating as his scent. He takes over my senses.

Fire spreads through my body, exploding between my legs. Damon starts to move down my body, and as much as I love it when he feasts on me, I just need him in me. I wrap my fingers in the strands of his hair and pull his head up, stopping his descent.

“I need you. I can’t wait. Please,” I plead. Normally it would make me sick to plead with this man who has hurt me many times, but I desperately need him. I could blame it on hormones, but if I’m honest with myself, it’s because it’s Damon. He knows how to please me, almost like he was made to be mine.

Like we are meant to be.

I would have believed that before I saw him with Leona. That thought makes me tense, and Damon notices the change in my posture. He pulls away from me and looks at my face, searching for the reason behind my change of mood.

“Beauty?” he questions.

“Damon, I...” I can’t finish that sentence. I don’t really know what to say. I want him to choose me of his own free will.  I
him to. For my plan to work, I need him to need and want me too.

“You can tell me anything, baby. You know that, right?”

I look at him, really look at him. I thought I could tell him everything. I was ready to confess who I am to him before Leona kissed him. Or he kissed her. I can’t tell him anything now, not when it could all be a game to him. I’d rather lose a game I’m playing than lose a game I didn’t know I was playing.

Telling him how I feel about Leona might make him push her away more and that’s what I want isn’t it? I do, I’m just not sure of the reason why I want her out of the picture so much. Is it to take her down? Or is it so I can have Damon to myself?

Either way I want her gone.

“I do know that. It’s just...” I pause. I need the perfect words to keep him on my side. “Leona isn’t going to stop is she? She’s going to keep coming back. I don’t know how to contact her, yet she accused me of setting her up tonight. It will never end will it?” I sigh. “Not until we’re apart.”

“Not gonna fucking happen. I’m keeping you, Ella. Nobody is gonna part us,” he growls. “I’m. Keeping. You. You’re mine, beauty.” It’s said with so much conviction, I can’t help but believe him.

“Okay. Now fuck me,” I say, giggling.

He lowers himself back down on me. A low growl emits from deep in his chest, vibrating against my breasts. It’s a low rumble passing through him, to me. The animalistic sound heightens my arousal, pushing my need for him to an all time high.

His lips smash into mine as his hands grab the sides of my knickers, tearing them, and throwing the torn material behind him, to the floor. A small whimper escapes my bruised lips. Damon’s answering groan lets me know he’s feeling the same need as me.

My hands thrust into his hair, anchoring him to me. He deepens the kiss whilst pushing his hard cock into my wet slit, pressing against my throbbing clit.

“You’re so fucking wet, beauty. Fuck.”

I cry out, needing him filling me. “Damon, please.”

He thrusts into me with one quick, possessive slide. I cry out at the fullness and he pauses when he’s in to the hilt. Damon rolls his hips, pressing against my swollen clit, which pounds and twitches in rhythm with my raging heartbeat.

He begins thrusting in a steady rhythm, each glide hitting me just right, making my core clench around his thick shaft.

“Fuck, Ella. You feel fucking perfect. Tell me you’re mine.”

I can’t respond. The intense feelings are too much. I’m panting, and with each inhale I pull in, I inch closer and closer to the edge. I need that release. I need to fall.

Damon grabs my hips and changes his angle, changing the depth of penetration. That’s all it takes. I fly over the edge. Explosions blast behind my eyes, as I scream his name, and ride the waves of euphoria.

I come around just in time to hear Damon grunt his orgasm, and spill his seed deep inside me. I’m so sated, my limbs so heavy, I fall asleep with Damon still buried deep within me.  

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