American Experiment (452 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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Being colonized
”]: Rohatyn, “On the Brink,”
New York Review of Books,
vol. 34, no. 10 (June 11, 1987), pp. 3-6, quoted at p. 3.

Reactions to proposals to amend the Constitution
]: see Richard Lacayo, “Is It Broke? Should We Fix It?,”
vol. 130, no. 1 (July 6, 1987), pp. 54-55; Arthur M. Schlesinger. Jr., “Leave the Constitution Alone,” in Donald L. Robinson, ed.,
Reforming American Government: The Bicentennial Papers of the Committee on the Constitutional System
(Westview Press, 1985), pp. 50-54; Hendrik Hertzberg, “Let’s Get Representative,”
New Republic,
vol. 196, no. 26 June 29, 1987), pp. 15-18; “Move Over, James Madison,”
pp. 19-21.

Liberty Weekend
vol. 128, no. 2 (July 14, 1986), pp. 10-20.

Liberty Weekend conference
]: Richard D. Heftner, ed., “Summary of Proceedings,” New York Marriott Marquis, July 5-6, 1986; Waller Goodman, “Liberty Panel Ponders Wherefores of Freedom,”
New York Times,
July 7, 1986, p. B4.

Republicans: Waiting for Mr. Right


s mind
]: James MacGregor Burns,
The Workshop of Democracy
(Knopf, 1985), p. 471.

Trudeau on Reagan
]: G. B. Trudeau,
In Search of Reagan

s Brain
(Henry Holt, 1981).

Barely above a whisper
”]: quoted in Paul D. Trickson,
Reagan Speaks: The Making of an American Myth
(New York University Press, 1985), p. 14.


s misstatements
]: Mark Green and Gail MacColl, eds.,
There He Goes Again: Ronald Reagan

s Reign of Error
(Pantheon, 1983).

White on Reagan
]: White,
America in Search of Itself: The Making of the President, 1956-1980
(Harper, 1982), p. 419.

GOP in 1960s and 1970s
]: Jonathan Martin Kolkey,
The New Right, 1960-1968
With Epilogue, 1969-1980
(University Press of America, 1983); Kevin P. Phillips,
The Emerging Republican Majority
(Anchor, 1970); John F. Bibby, “Party Renewal in the National Republican Party,” in Gerald M. Pomper, ed.,
Party Renewal in America: Theory and Practice
(Praeger, 1981), pp. 102-15; Alan Crawford,
Thunder on the Right
(Pantheon, 1980).

Mayflower conference
]: Frank van der Linden,
The Real Reagan
(Morrow, 1981), pp. 111-12, Reagan quoted at p. 112.


s meeting with conservative leaders
pp. 112-16, quoted at pp. 115, 116.

1980 election
]: Elizabeth Drew,
Portrait of an Election: The 1980 Presidential Campaign
(Simon and Schuster, 1981); Jack W. Germond and Jules Witcover,
Blue Smoke and Mirrors
(Viking, 1981); Marlene Michels Pomper, ed.,
The Election of 1980: Reports and Interpretations
(Chatham House, 1981); Hamilton Jordan,
Crisis: The Last Year of the Carter Administration
(Putnam, 1982); Walter J. Stone and Alan I. Abramowitz, “Winning May Not Be Everything, But It’s More than We Thought: Presidential Party Activists in 1980,”
American Political Science Review,
vol. 77 (1983), pp. 945-56.

Tax and budget cuts
]: David A. Stockman,
The Triumph of Politics: How the Reagan Revolution Failed
(Harper, 1986), chs. 3-6; Robert Dallek,
Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Symbolism
(Harvard University Press, 1984), pp. 65-72; Paul Craig Roberts,
The Supply-Side Revolution
(Harvard University Press, 1984), chs. 4-5; Isabel Sawhill and John L. Palmer, eds.,
The Reagan Experiment
(Urban Institute Press, 1982), part 1; Laurence I. Barrett,
Gambling with History: Ronald Reagan in the White House
(Doubleday, 1983), chs. 8-9; Martin Anderson,
(Harcourt, 1988), esp. chs. 11-12.

Supply-side economic
]: Stockman, pp. 39-42, 64-66, quoted at p. 40; Roberts, chs. 1-3
Robert Lekachman,
Reaganomics: Greed Is Not Enough
(Pantheon, 1982); Anderson, ch. 13.

House vote on budget
New York Times,
May 8, 1981, pp. A1, A18.

So much of such magnitude
vol. 118, no. 6 (August 10, 1981), p. 12.

]: Dallek, ch. 4


s rigidity in recession
]: Stockman, chs. 11-12; Dallek, ch. 4; Roberts, chs. 7-8.

Damn it, Pete
”]: quoted in Stockman, p. 351.

Real bullets
p. 354.

Attitudes, ideologies
”]: Ralph Nader, “Introduction,” in Ronald Brownstein and Nina Eastoti,

s Ruling Class
(Pantheon, 1983), pp. xv-xxvi, quoted at p. xvi.

1984 election
]: Ellis Sandoz and Cecil V. Crabb, eds.,
Election 84: Landslide Without a Mandate?
(Mentor, 1985); Gerald Pomper et al.,
The Election of 1984: Reports and Interpretations
(Chatham House, 1985); William A. Henry III,
Visions of America: How We Saw the 1981 Election
(Atlantic Monthly Press, 1985); Jack W. Germond and Jules Witcover,
Wake Us When It

s Over
(Macmillan, 1985); Elizabeth Drew,
Campaign Journal: The Political Events of 1983-1984
(Macmillan, 1985).

Tax reform
]: Joseph A. Pechman, ed.,
Tax Reform and the U.S. Economy
(Brookings Institution, 1987); Eugene Steuerle, “The New Tax Law,” in Phillip Cagan, ed.,
Deficits, Taxes, and Economic Adjustments
(American Enterprise Institute, 1987), pp. 275-303;
New York Times,
September 26, 1986, pp. A1, D17; Eric D. Adelstein, “Reagan and the New Possibilities of Presidential Power,” unpublished thesis, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., May 1987, pp. 89-138.

Let us move together
”]: “Transcript of President’s State of Union Address,”
New York Times,
February 7, 1985, p. B8.

Poll on tax simplification and tax system
]: Everett Carll Ladd, “Tax Attitudes,”
Public Opinion,
vol. 8, no. 1 (February-March 1985), pp. 8-10; and
pp. 19-27.


t do it
”]: Lynn Martin, quoted in
New York Times,
September 26, 1986, p. 19-27.

Reagan and foreign policy
]: Dallek, part 3; Barrett, chs. 13-17; Strobe Talbott,
The Russians and Reagan
(Vintage, 1984); Betty Glad, “Black and White Thinking: Ronald Reagan’s Approach to Foreign Policy,” paper prepared for presentation at the 50th Anniversary Program of the Institute For Psychoanalysis, n.d.; William D. Anderson and Sterling J. Kernek, “How 'Realistic’ Is Reagan’s Diplomacy?,”
Political Science Quarterly,
vol. 100, no. 3 (Fall 1985), pp. 389-409; Jett McMahan,
Reagan and the World: Imperial Polity in the New Cold War
(Monthly Review Press, 1985); Kenneth A. Oye et al., eds,
Eagle Defiant: United States Foreign Policy in the 1980s
(Little, Brown, 1983); some passages have been drawn from my earlier work,
The Power to Lead: The Crisis of the American Presidency
(Simon and Schuster, 1984), esp. pp. 64-66.

Reagan on communism and communists
]: quoted in Burns,
Power to Lead,
p. 64.

Terrible beast
June 9,
1982, in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Ronald Reagan
(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982), vol. 2, part 1, pp. 754-59, quoted at p. 757.

Extinction of mankind
”]: June 8, 1982, in
vol. 2, part 1, pp. 742-48, quoted at p. 743.

Smith on Reagan
]: Smith, “Events Force a Clearer Outline of Foreign Policy,”
New York Times,
May 20, 1982, p. A28.


s address to evangelists
]: March 8, 1983, in
Reagan Public Papers,
vol. 3, part 1, pp. 359-64, quoted on “evil empire” at p. 364.

Glad on Reagan
]: quoted in Burns,
Power to Lead,
p. 65.

Reagan-Gorbachev summit, 1988
]: Fred Barnes, “In the Evil Empire,”
New Republic,
vol. 198, no. 25 (June 20, 1988), pp. 8-9.

Conservative criticisms of Reagan
]: Norman Podhoretz, “The Reagan Road to Detente,”
Foreign Affairs,
vol. 63, no. 3 (1985), pp. 447-64, Will’s quip at p. 459; William F. Buckley, Jr., “The Blandification of Ronald Reagan,”
National Review,
vol. 36, no. 6 (April 6, 1984), p. 62.

Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair
(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987); President’s Special Review Board,
(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987); see also Leslie Cockburn,
Out of Control
(Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987); Theodore Draper, “An Autopsy,”
New York Review of Books,
vol. 34, no. 20 (December 17, 1987), pp. 67-77.

Restore unity
”]: Alexander M. Haig, Jr.,
Caveat: Realism, Reagan, and Foreign Policy
(Macmillan, 1984), p. 312.

The Structure of Disarray

The true Reagan Revolution
”]: Stockman, p. 9.

Committee on the Constitutional System diagnosis
]: Committee on the Constitutional System (co-chairs Nancy Landon Kassebaum, C. Douglas Dillon, Lloyd N. Cutler),
A Bicentennial Analysis of the American Political Structure: Report and Recommendations
(January 1987), quoted on “institutional contest of wills” at p. 3; see Kassebaum, “Statement on Campaign Finance,” in Robinson, pp. 30-32; Dillon, “The Challenge of Modern Governance,” in
pp. 24-29; Cutler, “To Form a Government,”
Foreign Affairs,
vol. 59, no. 1 (1980), pp. 126-43.


Constitution and parties
]: Richard Hofstadter,
The Idea of a Party System
(University of California Press, 1969), esp. ch. 2; Roy F. Nichols,
The Invention of the American Political Parties
(Macmillan, 1967); John F. Hoadley,
Origins of American Political Parties, 1789-1803
(University Press of Kentucky, 1986).


s nationalist decisions
]: see
4 Wheaton 315 (1819);
9 Wheaton 1 (1824).

Proposals for constitutional reform
]: “Bicentennial Analysis,” pp. 8-18; James L. Sundquist,
Constitutional Reform and Effective Government
(Brookings Institution, 1986); Charles M. Hardin,
Presidential Power and Accountability: Toward a New Constitution
(University of Chicago Press, 1974); Robinson,
Stephen Horn,
The Cabinet and Congress
(Columbia University Press, 1960); Thomas K. Finletter,
Can Representative Government Do the Job?
(Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945).

Two fundamental arguments
”]: Wilson, “Does the Separation of Powers Still Work?,”
The Public Interest,
no. 86 (Winter 1987), pp. 36-52, quoted at p. 49. [
Scholars on party renewal
]: Committee on Political Parties. American Political Science Association, “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System,”
American Political Science Review,
vol. 44, no. 3 (September 1950), supplement; Austin Ranney, “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System: A Commentary,”
American Political Science Review,
vol. 45, no. 2 (June 1951), pp. 488-99; William J. Crotty, “The Philosophies of Party Reform,” in Pomper,
Party Renewal,
pp. 31-50.

Critical reactions to scholars

]: Evron M. Kirkpatrick, “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System: Political Science, Policy Science, or Pseudo-Science?,”
American Political Science Review,
vol. 65, no. 4 (December 1971), pp. 965-90; T. William Goodman, “How Much Political Party Centralization Do We Want?
”Journal of Politics,
vol. 13, no. 4 (November 1951), pp. 536-61; Murray S. Stedman, Jr., and Herbert Sonthoff, “Party Responsibility—A Critical Inquiry,”
Western Political Quarterly,
vol. 4, no. 3 (September 1951), pp. 454-68; Gerald M. Pomper, “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System? What, Again?,”
Journal of Politics,
vol. 33 (1971), pp. 916-40; see also David S. Broder,
The Party

s Over: The failure of Politics in America
(Harper, 1972), ch. to and pp. 244-47.

Party reform and renewal, 1960s -1970s
]: see Nelson W. Polsby,
Consequences of Party Reform
(Oxford University Press, 1983); Pomper,
Party Renewal, passim;
Austin Ranney, “The Political Parties; Reform and Decline,” in Anthony King, ed.,
The New American Political System
(American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1978), pp. 213-47; Ranney, “Changing the Rules of the Nominating Game,” in James David Barber, ed.,
Choosing the President
(Prentice-Hall, 1974), pp. 71-93; Xandra Kayden and Eddie Mahe, Jr.,
The Party Goes On: The Persistence of the Two-Party System in the United States
(Basic Books, 1985), ch. 3; see also
Party Line,
an occasional publication of the Committee on Party Renewal.

Judicial review
]: Jesse H. Choper
, Judicial Review and the National Political Process: A Functional Reconsideration of the Role of the Supreme Court
(University of Chicago Press, 1980); Raoul Berger,
Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment
(Harvard University Press, 1977); see also Gary J. Jacobsohn,
The Supreme Court and the Decline of Constitutional Aspiration
(Rowman & Littlefield, 1986].

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