American Experiment (447 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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Swept through the universities
”]: Alan S. Blinder, “Keynesians Regain Some Courage,”
New York Times,
February 12, 1984, sect. 3, p. 3.

Volcker as Fed head
]: Greider,
Stein, pp. 229-32; John T. Woolley,
Monetary Politics: The Federal Reserve and the Politics of Monetary Policy
(Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp. 103-5; Donald F. Keitl,
Leadership at the Fed
(Yale University Press, 1986), pp. 175-78, 183-84, 191-92; Ralph C. Bryant,
Controlling Money: The Federal Reserve and Its Critics
(Brookings Institution, 1983).

]: John Kenneth Galbraith,
A Life in Our Times
(Houghton Mifflin, 1981); Charles H. Hession,
John Kenneth Galbraith & His Critics
(New American Library, 1972).

Place myself at the mercy
”]: quoted in Hession, p. 25.

[American Capitalism]: Galbraith,
American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power
(Houghton Mifflin, 1952); see also Hession, chs. 2-3.

[Affluent Society]: Galbraith,
The Affluent Society
(Houghton Mifflin, 1958); see also Hession, chs. 4-5; David T. Bazelon,
The Paper Economy
(Vintage, 1965).

[New Industrial State]: Galbraith,
The New Industrial State
(Houghton Mifflin, 1967); Hession, ch. 6; Irving Kristol, “Professor Galbraith’s ‘New Industrial State,’ ”
vol. 76, no. 1 (July 1967), pp. 90-91, 194-95; Robert L. Heilbroner, “Capitalism Without Tears,”
New York Review of Books,
vol. 8, no. 12 (June 29, 1967), pp. 16-19.

Two types of planning
]: Galbraith,
The New Industrial State,
2nd ed. (Houghton Mifflin, 1971), p. xx.

American Marxism and the economic dilemma
]: Paul A. Baran and Paul M. Sweezy,
Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order
(Monthly Review Press, 1966); Baran,
The Political Economy of Growth
(Monthly Review Press, 1957); Sweezy,
Post-Revolutionary Society
(Monthly Review Press, 1980); Benjamin Ward,
The Ideal Worlds of Economies
(Basic Books, 1979), book 2.

Important immediate goal
”]: Ward, p. 305.

Kennedy on Social Security Act
]: quoted in James T. Patterson,

s Struggle Against Poverty, 1900-1980
(Harvard University Press, 1981), p. 126.

If a free society
”]: January 20, 1961, in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy
(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962-64), vol. 1, pp. 1-3, quoted at p. 1.

Kennedys war on poverty
]: Patterson, ch. 8
Politics and Policy,
chs. 2-4, 11
Daniel Knapp and Kenneth Polk,
Scouting the War on Poverty: Social Reform Politics in the Kennedy Administration
(Heath Lexington Books, 1971).

It is not moral
”]: Joseph Mitchell, quoted in Patterson, pp. 107-8.

war on poverty
]: Sar A. Levitan,
The Great Society

s Poor Law: A New Approach to Poverty
(Johns Hopkins Press, 1969); Patterson, chs. 8-10
Politics and Policy,
chs. 2-4, 11
James L. Sundquist, ed.,
On Fighting Poverty: Perspectives from Experience
(Basic Books, 1969); see also William J. Wilson,
The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy
(University of Chicago Press, 1987).


s war on poverty]:
Vincent J. Burke and Vee Burke,

s Good Deed: Welfare Reform
(Columbia University Press, 1974); Patterson, chs. 11-12
Reichley, ch. 7; Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
The Politics of Guaranteed Income: The Nixon Administration and the Family Assistance Plan
(Random House, 1973); Moynihan Papers, Nixon Ad ministration Files, Subject File II, boxes 1, 6, 7, 10, Library of Congress.

Most important piece
”]: August 28, 1970, in
Nixon Public Papers,
vol. 2, pp. 690-91, quoted at p. 690.

]: Douglas Schoen,
Pat: A Biography of Daniel Patrick Moynihan
(Harper, 1979); Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding: Community Action
n the War on Poverty
(Free Press, 1969).

Maximum feasible participation
”]: quoted in Moynihan,
p. xvi.

Almost surely define
”]: text of Moynihan address in Moynihan Papers, n.d., quoted at p. 10.

Defining poverty
]: Chaim I. Waxman,
The Stigma of Poverty: A Critique of Poverty Theories
nd Policies,
and ed. (Pergamon, 1983), esp. chs. 1-2; Patterson, chs. 6-7; Daniel Patrick Moynihan, ed.,
On Understanding Poverty: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
(Basic Books, 1969); Charles A. Valentine,
Culture and Poverty: Critique and Counter-Proposals
(University of Chicago Press, 1968); Burton A. Weisbrod, ed.,
The Economics of Poverty
An American Paradox
(Prentice-Hall, 1965); Moynihan,
ch. 8 and p

Social scum
”]: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,
Manifesto of the Communist Party,
Samuel Moore, trans. (International Publishers, 1948), p. 20.

Waxman on poverty
]: Waxman, p. 75.

Work must be found
”]: annual message to the Congress, January 4, 1935, in
The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Samuel I. Rosenman, comp. (Random House, 1938-50), vol. 4, pp. 15-25, quoted at pp. 20, 19, respectively.

The very rich
”]: Fitzgerald, “The Rich Boy,” in Arthur Mizener, ed.,
The Fitzgerald Reader
(Scribner, 1963), pp. 239-75, quoted at p. 239.

Cultural and environmental obstacles
”]: quoted in Moynihan,
p. 79.

Poverty in Mexico City
]: Oscar Lewis,
Children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican Family
(Random House, 1961).

New opportunities for disadvantaged youth
”]: quoted in Moynihan,
p. 71.

Not social science competence
pp. 109, 170.


]: Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward,
Poor People

s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail
(Pantheon, 1977), pp. 72-76, 85-92.

ch. 5.

]: Saul D. Alinsky,
Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals
(Random House, 1971); Robert Bailey, Jr.,
Radicals in Urban Politics: The Alinsky Approach
(University of Chicago Press, 1974); Patrick Anderson, “Making Trouble Is Alinsky’s Business,” in Harold L. Sheppard, ed.,
Poverty and Wealth in America
(Quadrangle, 1970), pp. 247-62.

Community action
]: Moynihan,
Misunderstanding, passim;
Fighting Poverty,
chs. 4-5; Patterson, pp. 138-41, 145-52; Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward,
Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare
(Pantheon, 1971), ch. 10; Gary Delgado,
Organizing the Movement: The Roots and Growth of ACORN
(Temple University Press, 1986).

Somewhat naive and sentimental
”]: quoted in Waxman, p. 107.

Black progress and setbacks
]: Richard Bernstein, “King’s Dream,”
New York Times,
January 17, 1988, sect. 4, p. 1.

Crossways, Land and Sky

Sweden as

middle way
”]: Marquis Childs,
Sweden, The Middle Way,
rev. ed. (Yale University Press, 1947); Philip Arestis, “Post Keynesian Economic Policies: The Case of Sweden,”
Journal of Economic Issues,
vol. 20, no. 3 (September 1986), pp. 709-23, esp. p. 719.

Drive-in church
]: “The Automobile Age,”
Wilson Quarterly,
vol. 10, no. 5 (Winter 1986), pp. 64-79, esp. pp. 77.

Auto industry in 1960s and early 1970s
]: Lawrence J. White,
The Automobile Industry since 1945
(Harvard University Press, 1971).

Annual new car sales
]: David L. Lewis, “The Industry,”
Wilson Quarterly,
vol. 10, no. 5 (Winter 1986), pp. 47-63, esp. p. 60.

New car price as percentage of family income

Formation and rise of General Motors
]: Ed Cray,
Chrome Colossus: General Motors and Its Times
(McGraw-Hill, 1980), chs. 1-10; Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.,
Adventures of a White-Collar Man
(Doubleday, 1970); Bernard A. Weisberger,
The Dream Maker: William C. Durant, Founder of General Motors
(Little, Brown, 1979).

Pontiac for the poor
”]: quoted in Lewis, pp. 51-52.

Fall and rise of Ford
]: Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill,
Ford: Decline and Rebirth, 1945-1963
(Scribner, 1963); David Halberstam,
The Reckoning
(Morrow, 1986), ch. 5, parts 4, 6
Charles E. Sorenson and Samuel T. Williamson,
My Forty Years with Ford
(Norton, 1956), esp. ch. 20; Lee Iacocca and William Novak,
(Bantam, 1984), chs. 3-8; Robert Lacey,
Ford: The Men and the Machine
(Little, Brown, 1986), chs. 15-29

Auto labor
]: Victor G. Reuther,
The Brothers Reuther and the Story of the UAW
(Houghton Mifflin, 1976); William Serrin,
The Company and the Union
(Knopf, 1973), esp. ch. 4.

1970 strike
]: Serrin.

Assassination attempts on Reuthers
]: Reuther, pp. 276-91

Effects of the automobile on American life
]: James J. Flink,
The Car Culture
(MIT Press, 1975); Helen Leavitt,
Superhighway, Superhoax
(Ballantine, 1970); John C. Esposito,
Vanishing Air: The Ralph Nader Study Group Report on Pollution
(Grossman, 1970); Richard O. Davies,
The Age of Asphalt: The Automobile, the Freeway, and the Condition of Metropolitan America
(Lippincott, 1975); Warren J. Belasco,
Americans on the Road: From Autocamp to Motel, 1910-1945
(MIT Press, 1979); “Automobile Age.”

Interstate Highway Act
]: Flink, pp. 190, 213-15; Leavitt, pp. 26-50.

Road Gang
”]: see Leavitt, pp. 111-55, esp. p. 152.

Another inalienable American right
”]: Flink, p. 219.

White roads through black bedrooms
”]: quoted in “Automobile Age,” p. 76.

The rise of OPEC and the oil oasis
]: Dankwart A. Rustow,
Oil and Turmoil: America Faces OPEC and the Middle East
(Norton, 1982), esp. chs. 3-5; Flink, pp. 226-31; Halberstam, ch. 27; Henry Kissinger,
Years of Upheaval
(Little, Brown, 1982), chs. 19-20; Raymond Vernon, ed.,
The Oil Crisis
(Norton, 1976).

Never explain, never complain
”]: quoted in Halberstam, p. 202.

A host of environmental problems
”]: quoted in Emma Rothschild,
Paradise Lost: The Decline of the Auto-Industrial Age
(Random House, 1973), p. 18.

]: Nader,
Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-in Dangers of the American Automobile
(Grossman, 1965); see also Halberstam, ch. 30.


s leadership failure in 1960s
]: Cray, esp. Introduction and pp. 430-31; J. Patrick Wright,
On a Clear Day You Can See General Motors: John Z. De Lorean

s Look Inside the Automotive Giant
(Wright Enterprises, 1979).

GM executive

s brown suit
]: Wright, p. 33.

Conflicts between engineering and accounting at Ford
]: Halberstam, chs. 11-13, 20-21 p

My grandfather made cars
”]: quoted in Halberstam, p. 479.

No Jap engine
p. 535.

Ford and Iacocca
pp. 470-80, chs. 32-33; Iacocca, chs. 9-12; Lacey, chs. 35-36 p

Chrysler crisis
]: Robert B. Reich and John D. Donahue,
New Deals: The Chrysler Revival
nd the American System
(Times Books, 1985); Iacocca, chs. 14-24.

Bachrach on Chrysler bailout
]: Reich and Donahue, p. 265.

Absolute nonsense

Swedish model for long-range development
]: Arestis.

Challenge to American auto from abroad
]: Halberstam, chs. 49-54
Cray, ch. 19; Reich and Donahue, chs. 6-7; Tetsuo Sakiya,
Honda Motor: The Men, the Management, the Machines
(Kodansha International, 1982), ch. 1; Douglas H. Ginsburg and William J. Abernathy, eds.,
Government, Technology, and the Future of the Automobile
(McGraw-Hill, 1980), ch. 5; Iacocca, ch. 27.

At the Soviet embassy
]: Clayton R. Koppes,
JPL and the American Space Program: A History of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(Yale University Press, 1982), pp. 82-83, quoted at p.83.

Battle more important
”]: quoted in
p. 84.

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