American Experiment (449 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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Boyer and Hechinger on higher education
]: Boyer and Hechinger, esp. p. 3.

American liberal approach
”]: Walzer, “Teaching Morality,”
New Republic,
vol. 178, no. 23 (June 10, 1978), pp. 12-14, quoted at p. 13; see also Roger L. Shinn, “Education in Values: Acculturation and Exploration,” in Douglas Sloan, ed.,
Education and Values
(Teachers College Press, 1980), pp. 111-22.

Debates over values
]: James MacGregor Burns,
(Harper, 1978), pp. 74-75; see also Milton Rokeach,
Beliefs, Altitudes, and Values: A Theory of Organization and Change
(Jossey-Bass, 1969); Burns,
Uncommon Sense
(Harper, 1972), ch. 6.

The most resonant
”]: Bellah et al.,
p. 23.

Decline of church
”]: Merelman, pp. 1-2.

May have grown cancerous
”]: Bellah et al.,
p. viii.

]: “The Year of the Yuppie,”
vol. 104, no. 28 (December 31, 1984), pp. 14-20; “Life of a Yuppie Takes a Psychic Toll,”
U.S. News & World Report,
vol. 98, no. 16 (April 29, 1985), pp.73-74; “That Word,”
New Yorker,
vol.61. no.10 (April 29, 1985), pp. 30-31.

]: Bellah et al.,
pp. 220-21, quoted at p. 221.

Management of personal impressions
”]: Christopher Lasch,
The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations
(Norton, 1978), p. 44; see also Lasch,
The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times
(Norton, 1984).

]: Crawford B. Macpherson,
The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke
(Oxford University Press, 1962): A. D. Lindsay, “Individualism,” in Edwin R. A. Seligman, ed.,
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
(Macmillan, 1930-34), vol. 7, pp. 674-80; Steven Lukes,
(Basil Blackwell, 1973); Isaiah Berlin, “Two Concepts of Liberty,” in Berlin,
Four Essays on Liberty
(Oxford University Press, 1969), pp. 118-72; Karl R. Popper,
The Open Society and Its Enemies
(Princeton University Press, 1950); Bellah et al.,
esp. chs. 2, 6.


Nation that was proud
Carter Public Papers,
vol. 3, part 2, p. 1237.

Kinesis: The Southern Californians


s beginnings
]: Carey McWilliams,
Southern California: An Island on the Land
(Peregrine Smith, 1979), ch. 16; Lary Linden May, “Reforming Leisure: The Birth of Mass Culture and the Motion Picture Industry, 1896-1920,” (doctoral dissertation; University of California, Los Angeles, 1977); Robert Sklar,
Movie-Made America: A Social History of the American Movies
(Random House, 1975), chs. 2-3; W. H. Hutchinson,
California: The Golden Shore by the Sundown Sea
(Star Publishing, 1980), pp. 247-54; see also Hortense Powdermaker,
Hollywood, the Dream Factory
(Little, Brown, 1950), chs. 1, 15.


s wire to the Czar
]: Walton Bean,
California: An Interpretive History,
2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill, 1973), p. 384.

Monopolistic non-seasonal industry
”]: McWilliams,
Southern California,
pp. 339-40, quoted at p. 340.

Southern California

s migrants
]: McWilliams,
Southern California,
chs. 3, 5, 7-9, 15
see also Robert F. Heifer and Alan F. Almquist,
The Other Californians
(University of California Press, 1971).

[Birth of a Nation]: McWilliams,
Southern California,
pp. 332-33; Michael Paul Rogin,
Ronald Reagan, the Movie, and Other Episodes in Political Demonology
(University of California Press, 1987), pp. 190-235; Sklar, ch. 4: Charles Higham,
The Art of the American film, 1900-1971
(Doubleday, 1973), pp. 10-12.

Labor strife in Los Angeles
]: Andrew F. Rolle,
(Crowell,1964), ch. 31. 602-3 [“


”]: Powdermaker, p. 14.

Priestley on Los Angeles
]: quoted in McWilliams,
Southern California,
p. 328; see also Robert Kirsch, “The Cultural Scene,” in Carey McWilliams, ed.,
The California Revolution
(Grossman, 1968), p. 205.

Esoteric religions in southern California
]: Carey McWilliams, “California: Mecca of the Miraculous,” in Dennis Hale and Jonathan Eisen, eds.,
The California Dream
(Collier Books, 1968), pp. 279-92; Michael Davie,
California: The Vanishing Dream
(Dodd, Mead, 1972), ch. 8; McWilliams,
Southern California,
ch. 13; Lately Thomas,
Storming Heaven
(Morrow, 1970).

Left-wing California politics
]: Dorothy Healey, “Tradition’s Chains Have Bound Us” (1982), Oral History, Research Library, University of California at Los Angeles; Carey McWilliams, “The Economics of Extremism,” in Hale and Eisen, pp. 83-95.

Robert E. Burke,

s New Deal for California
(University of Califomia Press, 1953), esp. chs. 3, 5.

California political culture
]: Luther Whiteman and Samuel L. Lewis, “EPIC, or Politics for Use,” in Hale and Eisen, pp. 63-71; McWilliams,
Southern California,
ch. 14; Gladwin Hill, “California Politics,” in McWilliams,
California Revolution,
pp. 172-84; Davie, chs. 6-7; James Q. Wilson, “The Political Culture of Southern California,” in Hale and Eisen, pp. 215-33.

Young Nixon
]: Fawn M. Brodie,
Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character
(Norton, 1981), chs. 2-8; Garry Wills,
Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man
(Houghton Mifflin, 1970), pp. 150-86; Davie, pp. 88-90.

Wills on Nixon
]: Wills,
Nixon Agonistes,
p. 184.

Old-fashioned kind of lawyer
”]: quoted in Bruce Mazlish,
In Search of Nixon
(Basic Books, 1972), p. 28.

Hollywood in 1930s and 1940s
]: Otto Friedrich,
City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in
he 1940

(Harper, 1986); Higham, parts 2-3
Tino Balio, ed.,
The American Film Industry,
rev. ed. (University of Wisconsin Press, 1985), part 3; Charles Higham and Joel Greenberg,
Hollywood in the Forties
(Tantivy Press, 1968); Larry Ceplair and Steven Englund,
The Inquisition in Hollywood: Politics in the Film Community, 1930-1960
(University of California Press, 1983).

Writers in Hollywood
]: Walter Goodman, “Why Some Novelists Cast Hollywood as the Heavy,”
New York Times,
August 17, 1986, sect. 2, pp. 19-20; Friedrich, pp. 228-46, esp. pp. 237-40; Harry M. Geduld, ed.,
Authors on Film
(Indiana University Press, 1972), esp. parts 3-4; Morris Beja,
Film and Literature
(Longman, 1979), part 1.

Puke-green phantasmagoria
”]: quoted in Goodman, “Why Some Novelists,” p. 20.

Gable-Faulkner exchange
]: quoted in Friedrich, p. 240.

Hollywood and television
]: Tino Balio, “Retrenchment, Reappraisal, and Reorganization, 1948,” in Balio, pp. 422-38; David J. Londoner, “The Changing Economics of Entertainment,” in
pp. 603-30; Andrew Dowdy,
The Films of the Fifties: The American State of Mind
(Morrow, 1973), ch. 1
Douglas Gomery, “Brian’s Song: Television, Hollywood, and the Evolution of the Movie Made for Television,” in John E. O’Connor, ed.,
American History of American Television
(Frederick Ungar, 1983), ch. 9. [
Movie admissions
]: Douglas Gomery, “Hollywood’s Business,”
Wilson Quarterly,
vol. 10, no. 3 (Summer 1986), p. 53.


s youth)
: Ronald Reagan and Richard G. Hubler,

s the Rest of Me? The Autobiography of Ronald Reagan
(Karz Publishers, 1981), chs. 1-4; Anne Edwards,
Early Reagan: The Rise to Power
(Morrow, 1987), chs. 2-7; Garry Wills,

s America: Innocents at Home
(Doubleday, 1987), parts 1-3.

Reagan in Hollywood
]: Reagan and Hubler, pp. 71-243; Edwards, chs. 8-21; Wills,

s America,
part 4; Rogin, ch. 1.

Powdermaker on Hollywood escapism
]: Powdermaker, pp. 12-14, quoted at pp. 12-13.

Production Code Administration and censorship
]: Powdermaker, ch. 3
see also Richard S. Randall,
Censorship of the Movies: The Social and Political Control of a Mass Medium
(University of Wisconsin Press, 1968).

A scoop for you!
”]: quoted in Wills,

s America,
p. 159.

So much that is right
p. 161,

Reagan, SAG, and MCA
chs. 23-29, esp. pp. 249-50, 272-74; Edwards, chs. 14-17, 21
Reagan and Hubler, pp. 222-30, 275-88.


s movement across political spectrum
]: Wills,

s America,
esp. pp. 257-58, 283-84; Robert Dallek,
Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Symbolism
(Harvard University Press, 1984), pp. 23-28; Lou Cannon,
(Putnam, 1982), chs. 7-8

Cannon on income tax and Reagan

s new conservatism
]: Cannon, p. 91.

Hollywood in the 1960s-1980s
]: Gomery, pp. 56-57; Robin Wood,
Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan
(Columbia University Press, 1986); Balio, “Retrenchment.”

Development of southern California
]: Charles Lockwood and Christopher B. Leinberger, “Los Angeles Comes of Age,”
vol. 261, no. 1 (January 1988), pp. 31-56; B. Marchand,
The Emergence of Los Angeles: Population and Homing in the City of Dreams, 1940-1970
(Pion Limited, 1986); McWilliams,
California Revolution;
Davie, chs. 3-4.

The auto in southern California
]: Los Angeles
April 19, 1987, part 1, pp. 1, 20-22, and part 6, pp. 1, 6; Richard G. Lillard, “Revolution by Internal Combustion,” in McWilliams,
California Revolution,
pp. 84-99; Samuel E. Wood, “The Freeway Revolt and What It Means,” in
pp. 100-9;
New York Times,
August 21, 1987, p. A8; Davie, pp. 53-62.

A movable home
”]: quoted in Los Angeles
April 19, 1987, part 6, p. 6.


Sports Illustrated,
vol. 66, no. 13 (March 30, 1987), pp. 58-78;
vol. 66, no. 16 (April 13, 1987), pp. 18-25;
New York Times,
April 6, 1987, pp. C1, C6.

Statistical Abstract,
p. 216 (Table 375); see also Allen Guttmann,
Sports Spectators
(Columbia University Press, 1986]:
Dick Schaap, “Sports and Television: The Perfect Marriage,” in Marvin Barrett, ed.,
The Politics of Broadcasting
(Crowell, 1973), pp. 197-202.

Podell on sportswatching
]: Podell, “Preface,” in Podell, ed.,
Sports in America
(H. W. Wilson Co., 1986), pp. 5-6, quoted at p. 5.

Wholly intelligible
”]: Larry Gerlach, “Telecommunications and Sports,” in Podell, pp. 66-74, quoted at p. 73.

Lipsky on sports
]: Lipsky,
How We Play the Game: Why Sports Dominate American Life
(Beacon Press, 1981), p. 63.

Agitate a bag of wind
”]: quoted in Gerlach, p. 72.

Advertising rate for 1988 football championship
New York Times,
January 25, 1988, p. C7.

Football and baseball TV contracts
]: Robert Kilborn. Jr., “Trying to Limit Out-of-the-Ballpark Salaries in Professional Sports,” in Podell, pp. 74-77, esp. p. 75. [
1984 Olympics

economic impact
]: Roger Rosenblatt, “Why We Play These Games,” in
pp. 135-43, esp. p. 35.


s worth
]: Kilborn, p. 76.

TV advertising
]: W. Russell Neuman,
The Paradox of Mass Politics
(Harvard University Press, 1986), p. 145; see Todd Gitlin, “Car Commercials and
Miami Vice:
‘We Build Excitement,’“ in Gitlin, ed.,
Watching Television
(Pantheon, 1986), pp. 136-61;
Statistical Abstract,
pp. 538 (Table 926), 539 (Tables 928-30).

Economics of television
”]: Neuman, p. 135.

[Wall Street Journal
]: James MacGregor Burns, J. W. Peltason, and Thomas E. Cronin,
Government By the People,
13th ed. (Prentice-Hall, 1987), p. 244 (table).

[USA Today]: Peter Prichard,
The Making of McPaper: The Inside Story of USA Today
(Andrews, McMeel & Parker, 1987).

Media concentration
]: Michael Parenti,
Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media
(St. Martin’s Press, 1986), pp. 27-32, esp. p. 27; see also Ben H. Bagdikian,
The Media Monopoly
(Beacon Press, 1983).

Broder on the press
]: Broder,
Behind the Front Page: A Candid Look at How the News Is Made
(Simon and Schuster, 1987), p. 12.

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