Bound Together (62 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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His erection was pressing
into my hip and his pelvis rocked back and forth against me, giving
him a little of that friction he clearly desired. I reached out for
his zipper but using his free hand he seized mine and threaded our
fingers together. His thumb found my clit and began unhurriedly and
tenderly caressing the throbbing ache between my thighs. I arched
my back, bowing and bending as the blissful pre-orgasmic pulsations
began to surge through my body. The desperate need to climax
becoming my one and only goal, I held his wrist tightly in my hand
and squeezed my thighs together urging him to grant me the pleasure
I so desperately desired. He didn’t disappoint. Thrusting his
fingers deeper, he massaged the sweet spot inside and I instantly
felt my orgasm draw nearer. His thumb pressed and rubbed
determinedly on my clit and I panted, writhed and grinded my hips
against his hand.
Kissing me deeply, he
groaned a primal and hungry sound from deep in his throat. He bit
down gently on my bottom lip and it sent me hurtling over the edge.
Fierce, body shaking clenches inside me throbbed against his
fingers. The sweet, gratifying surge of orgasmic electricity shot
through my veins causing me to cry out in pure ecstasy. Burying my
head in his chest, I bit down hard on his hoodie, muffling my loud
and grateful moaning. His eyes were tightly closed and I could feel
his chest rising and falling rapidly beneath my head. His heart
thundered loudly against my ear and I felt him shudder as though
trying desperately to contain himself. His erection was pressing so
hard into my hip; I could only assume how painful he was finding it
being restrained so tightly in his pants. I wanted to grant him the
same sweet release but as I tried once again to reach for him he
halted me, gripping my hand firmly in his palm. Through his ragged
breathing he spoke softly and warmly into my ear. “No, I wanted to
do this for you. I’ll wait Layla.” My heart surged with a rush of
emotion for him. Pulling him to me I wrapped him in my arms and
kissed him, letting my breath leave my body and becoming totally
absorbed in his arms. He was wonderful, so sweet, attentive, caring
and what’s more was that he loved me. I wanted so much to give him
all of me right there on that blanket. To be everything he wanted
and needed was all I desired to give to him but something kept on
holding me back like a harness around my heart and I got the
impression that Ollie knew this.
After that night, our
physical contact seemed to become less frequent and he seemed
reluctant to go anywhere past making out. I’d tried to talk about
it but he just kept telling me he wasn’t willing to rush and that
he would wait. I wasn’t ready to have sex for sure but I felt I
could happily slide into third base with him at least. During one
of our study sessions I’d tried desperately to seduce him into the
idea but he was not going to be swayed by my attempts to unzip his
pants and fondle his crotch. I had never felt so guilty, there he
was giving me all of him, completely and I was still only giving
him ninety percent. He told me every day how much he adored me and
every time he said the words I love you, he would hold his breath
for a moment and I knew he was holding onto a hope that I would
reciprocate. When my words wouldn’t come he would just smile, kiss
me and say it was alright, that we’d get there. I did wonder if
that’s the reason he wasn’t willing to go too far sexually. Maybe
he didn’t feel I really wanted it; that I was just going through
the motions. And well, wasn’t I?
As hard as I tried I
couldn’t fall in love with Ollie. I loved him, I loved him the way
you can love someone that you care about. I loved his sense of
humor, the way he took care of me, the way he looked at me with
such wonderment and most of all I loved that he loved me. But I
couldn’t love him the way he wanted me to. I cried myself to sleep
many nights thinking over how long the whole charade could possibly
continue before one of us would break.

* * *

Sitting in the spring
sunshine, I buried my nose in my book. Dr. Harman had assigned us a
new reading list ready for the semester after spring break and I
wanted to get a head start before the holidays. The sun was warm
and the temperature was mild, it was a perfect day for reading. A
shadow cast over my book and rolling over onto my side, I gazed up
to find Ollie holding his motorcycle helmet. Crouching down beside
me he brushed a hair from my eyes and kissed me. I smiled but it
immediately dropped when I saw the look on his face. His eyes were
sad and his expression was one of regret, it worried me. Glancing
behind him, I noticed a large overnight bag. “You’re going
He nodded and my heart

I have to go to Utah. I
got a letter from my mother this morning. I need to see
I sat up right and held
his hand as he hung his head and sighed deeply. “What happened? Why
the sudden change of heart?” The last time we’d spoken about his
mother, Ollie had gone crazy and said he never wanted to hear about
her or speak to her ever again. And now he was driving across the
country to see her? “She says she needs to see me, says that she
has a lot to tell me and wants me to just hear her out. So I called
her on the number she wrote on the letter and told her to leave me
the hell alone. She got all upset, crying and shit on the phone, so
I said if I agree, I meet her just once, then that’s it. She
disappears and leaves me the fuck alone for good. I have to leave
now to get there by sundown. I’ll stay overnight in a hotel and
then come back tomorrow night. I won’t be gone long and I should be
home by sun up, I promise you. I’d ask you to come with me but I
really don’t think I could handle you and that bitch in the same
room together, she doesn’t deserve to even breathe the same air as
you do.”
He was getting worked up
and he had a long drive ahead of him. I didn’t want him going on
the road upset. Rolling onto my knees, I pressed my lips to his.
“Shhh, It’s fine. If you’re sure that it’s really what you want
then I am behind you all the way. I think you should hear her out,
at least then you won’t spend your life wondering why she got in
He nodded and brushed his
nose the length of mine. “Come see me off?”
Smiling, I took his hand
and got to my feet. His Ducati was parked just across from the lawn
I was lying on. Its hot red paintwork gleamed in the sun and the
chrome was sparkling. His black leather jacket hung over the seat
and placing his helmet on top he turned to me. Cupping my face in
his hands, he rested his forehead against mine. “I’m going to miss
you so much. It’ll be the longest twenty four hours of my life.
I’ll call you as soon as I get to the hotel and again after I’ve
seen her tomorrow. Ok?”
I nodded and grabbed his
helmet from behind him. “Drive safe ok. I want you back here in one
piece. Don’t take risks, always look twice at the junctions and
please, please, watch your speed. These things are a death trap.”
God, I sounded just like Jared now! Ollie laughed but nodded his
head understanding my anxiety for his safety.
Wrapping his arms around
me he inhaled deeply into my hair. “I’ll be careful, I swear. What
are you going to do all weekend while I’m gone?” Weekends had
usually been date night Saturday and lounging around Sunday. “I
don’t know, read and catch up on my assignments. Maybe go out with
the girls. I’ll keep busy.” Taking the helmet from my hand he gave
me one last long and lingering kiss before sliding it over his
head. Grabbing his jacket, he slipped it on and straddled the huge
piece of machinery. Ollie always looked so hot on his bike; it gave
him that extra oomph of sex appeal. If it were at all possible for
him to get any sheet clenching sexier, that bike certainly helped.
Hooking his fingers under my chin, he pulled me towards him. “I’ll
be back before you know it.” His words were muffled through the
helmet and I had to stop myself from giggling a little. Holding my
hands on either side of his helmet, I placed a soft kiss on the tip
of his nose. I couldn’t see his mouth but the way his eyes danced I
could see he was smiling at me.
The bike revved and
growled as Ollie started her up. His hands gripping the handlebars,
he kicked the stand away and gave me a nod before zooming off and
out of the parking lot. For reasons I didn’t want to explore, I
stood and stared at the tire marks he had left. Why didn’t I feel
upset? I wasn’t sad, longing for him to come back nor was I
absolutely devastated to be without him for a couple of days. When
Jared had gone for four days I was completely beside myself with
grief. I was worried about Ollie but I wasn’t aching for his
return. I should have realized then that my heart was trying to
speak to me but pushing the thoughts away once more, I ignored its

* * *

On Friday night Amy and
Mel decided that we were absolutely going to the bar even in
Ollie’s absence. “If he were here we’d be going, so we should go
even when he’s not. Come on Layla, you’re not going to pine for two
days are you? Like you did when that other one went away.” Mel had
refused to even utter Jared’s name since we’d broken up. She hated
him with a passion for hurting me and every time I’d mention his
name, she’d wince or make a hissing sound as though it caused her
physical pain to hear it. The truth was I wasn’t pining. I wasn’t
anything. I was worried as I waited for his call but other than a
general anxiety for his safety and emotional wellbeing, I didn’t
feel a thing. Seeing his mother was going to be tough for Ollie but
I understood his need for closure. I wished I could have been there
to support him but Ollie was my friend.
Boyfriend. Damn it!
So why shouldn’t
I want to be there for him?
Sliding into our booth, I
gazed at the empty stage and my heart gave an almighty thud. Ok, so
I did miss him, at least a little. Amy’s tactic of flashing the
bartender was once again a raging success and as I sat sipping on
my gin and lime, I smiled to myself, watching her and Mel flirting
with him at the bar. A vibrating in my pocket distracted me and
knowing Ollie would be calling when he arrived I pulled it out
quickly and answered without checking the I.D. “Hi

Honey? Well that’s a
greeting I didn’t expect.”
Oh shit. The low purr of
Jared’s voice echoed through the receiver and into my

Jared, I thought you
were Oliver.”

I see. Sorry to
disappoint you.” His tone became slightly irritated and clipped. He
clearly wasn’t thrilled at the news that I was waiting for Ollie to
call. “What do you want Jared?”

Arthur Kent would like
to arrange that dinner. He’s looking to move forward with his
project but feels it necessary to gain the view of a potential
consumer. When are you available?” I’d completely forgotten my
promise to Arthur and though I liked him a lot and wanted to help
with his project, I felt there was certainly a six foot, golden
haired reason for me to decline.

Will you be

I will. I have a vested
interest in this project and as a potential investor I’d like to
have all the information available so that I may make an educated
decision on whether my company’s money will be well invested. It’s
strictly business Layla. Nothing more.” It was what I needed to
hear but clearly not what I wanted to hear as my heart sank once
again to the bottom of my ribcage. He’d moved on. His tone reminded
me of the way we’d spoken on Christmas morning and I’d felt then
that he was indifferent to me but now, that was even clearer. Well
if he could do this, so could I.

How about tomorrow
evening?” I heard him flick through some papers and assumed that he
was checking his schedule. “It appears Arthur has that date free as
do I. I’ll have Daniel pick you up at seven. Please be
I sat back in my seat and
my jaw clenched. How could he be so indifferent? Had we really
meant so little to him? Now I was irritated.

Absolutely Mr. Garrett.
Seven sharp it is sir.”

Don’t take that tone
with me Layla. It’s childish and uncalled for. It insults your
intelligence. I’ll see you at seven. Goodbye.”
Hanging up, I slammed my
phone onto the table and growled just as Mel and Amy were sliding
in to their seats. “What did it ever do to you?”
Handing me another drink,
Mel looked at me curiously. Exhaling loudly I glanced up at them
both. “Jared called. I’m having dinner tomorrow night.”
As predicted they both
immediately began to protest and give me dozens of reasons not to
go, Ollie being the most significant. Holding my hands up to
silence them, I shook my head. “We won’t be alone. It’s a business
dinner. I met a man at the dinner dance and he’s looking to get a
building project for students in the area started and wants my
input as a potential consumer. Jared’s company is looking at
investing. It’s strictly business. He said so himself.”
They stared at me with a
suspicious look on their faces. “It will be fine. It’s just dinner
and shop talk. He’s picking me up, we’ll eat, talk business and
I’ll be home. Ollie will be back Sunday morning remember? Don’t
look at me like that.”
Mel shook her head as Amy
and she exchanged a knowing look. “You’re playing with fire Layla,
and eventually you’re going to get burned. You just can’t seem to
stay away from each other. Christ, when I saw him parked outside on
Christmas I nearly killed him.”

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