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Authors: Casey Blue

Feeling This (32 page)

BOOK: Feeling This
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An older woman comes bustling in with a
tray. She sets it down in the center of the table and removes the cover. A
platter full of steak and chicken, enough to feed twice this many people, rests
on the tray. She hurries out and back in bringing side dishes and setting them
around the table, my mouth waters just looking at the variety of food. I
haven’t had an opportunity to eat this well in a long time.

The table is silent as the food is passed
around and plates are filled. I am about to take my first bite of chicken when
the chick across the table states in an annoyed tone, “Let’s not beat around
the bush here and let the elephant out. Jordan, we are all wondering what
exactly is going on in that head of yours.”

A bite is halfway to my mouth but my fork
drops as I realize she is really asking about me. Everything in me says run. That
one word echoes through my brain over and over. This was a huge mistake
thinking everything would be okay coming here. I am nothing like these people.

 I spy my wine glass, lift it and gulp it
down as Jordan hisses at her, “Jennifer, I don’t know what you’re talking
about. But I do know,” He takes a deep breath while looking at each person
around the table, “that each one of you will make Kimber feel welcome. She
stays as long as I do.”

Obviously embarrassed, his mom speaks up,
“Well, dinner is getting cold. Everyone eat up. I know Maria would be
heartbroken if we let all of this food go to waste.”

The rest of dinner I don’t touch my fork
again. Instead I make sure the wine glass is full. Conversation flows about
sports, politics, and the impending wedding but I drown it out fully intending
to leave before I can be humiliated anymore. Jordan’s hand hasn’t left mine and
he continues to softly nudge me, encouraging me to eat something. I ignore him
and drink more wine. By the time everyone has finished, Mr. Fontaine and Mr.
Rhodes escape to whatever they call the library. I’m shocked, they have a room
they call a fucking library.
More wine please.

The three bitches across from me begin
talking about dresses and other things uninteresting. Jordan ushers me out of
the chair. I almost trip and fall on my face but he catches me chuckling. I
don’t bother to look back, I’m sure they saw but I don’t give a shit because
I’m leaving this place tomorrow.

Jordan pulls me out the back door leading
me down the steps out into the grass. I have a hard time keeping up so he tells
me, “Hop on my back.”

I step back and look at him like he’s

“Come on Kimber.”

He leans down, letting me jump up. I start
giggling as he topples to the side making us both fall to the ground. The
alcohol and lack of food makes everything spin more as I fall. My giggling
turns to laughter and I can’t get up. He crawls closer and leans over me,
forcing me onto my back. The grass is damp but it feels cool on my skin,
refreshing from the hot air surrounding us. Jordan leans in kissing first one
corner of my mouth and then the other. He lifts his face back, looking down
into my eyes and reminds me, “Kimber, remember, you are my life now.”

I nod as if in slow motion. My hands grasp
the back of his head gently nudging him forward. His lips finally cover my
waiting mouth. I open welcoming his tongue. When I close my eyes, the spinning
continues but I ignore it concentrating on the warmth spreading down from my
lips to other parts of my body. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs
around his waist causing him to lurch forward, pushing him off balance. After a
minute he pulls back attached to me everywhere but our lips and utters, “I
thought no more hanky panky while we’re here.”

I wave it off and roll my eyes, “ Who gives
a shit.”

He laughs and picks me up all the way so
that he is standing with my arms and legs still wrapped around him. He walks
forward, kissing my neck. I rest my head on his shoulder temporarily in the
only place I want to be. Tomorrow is another day.


Chapter Thirty Seven



I knew bringing Kimber back home would make
her feel uncomfortable. I had planned on it actually. What I hadn’t planned on
was my mom being a snob. As soon as she told me Jennifer Fontaine is staying
here, her plans became crystal clear. I dated her before I met Susan. She was
probably my only other serious relationship through the years. She hated Susan
back then. I just thought it was because I grew up with her and Susan was new
to our circle, just a girl envy thing. But last night, her very blunt comment
at dinner made it evident what her intentions have always been.

I broke up with her when I went away to
college but when I came back home that first year for breaks we still fucked
occasionally. It never meant anything though at least
thought it

I felt terrible that Kimber had to endure
her long time wrath last night. It has nothing to do with her and everything to
do with me. At some point I will need to set her straight once and for all. I
glance down at Kimber as the morning light seeps in through the blinds. She
shifts in my arms flipping her face toward me on her pillow. A smile spreads
before she opens her eyes and she mumbles, “This could get very addictive, very

I smile back as her beautiful blue eyes
open to stare at me. I ask, “And what might that be?”

“Waking up in your arms, I could get very
comfortable right here.” She nuzzles closer into the crook of my neck nipping
with tiny kisses. I pull her closer, tightening my hold on her.

“Well hello there. I think someone else is
happy to see me too.”

Just at her little joke, I get harder and
want her right here and now. She lifts her head sliding out from under my arm.
It feels colder all of the sudden. But then her hand pushes my shoulder,
forcing me to lie on my back. She looks up into my eyes and asks, “Jordan
Rhodes, let me take care of you.”

I snicker at her use of my exact words. She
lowers her hands to my boxer shorts lowering them over my cock. Her hands
gently stroke me, forcing my breath to speed up. I reach for her but she shakes
her head looking into my eyes. A sly smile spreads as she lowers her body,
slinking down my bare chest. I can hardly contain myself she is so fucking
sexy. Her hands rub, teasing the tip and then her tongue follows. It’s already
almost enough to make me come but then she sinks her mouth around me. With the
up and down movement, my breathing is ragged and I can’t contain it any longer.
I whisper through my teeth, “Kimber, I’m coming.”

She locks her lips firmly over me, taking
every pump that comes out. Once I’m spent she raises herself slinking up my body
and kisses me fiercely. I love this woman so much and she needs to know how I
feel. I break our kiss and say, “Kimber, you are the most amazing woman I know.

A firm knock echoes through the room. She
scurries off of me as I cover my body with the blanket. I call out annoyed,
“Who is it?”

The knob turns but it’s locked so the voice
on the other side calls out, “Jordan, breakfast is almost ready. Maria made
your favorites.”
My damn mother.

“We’ll be down in a minute.”

A minute passes before Kimber rolls back
toward me with a small smile. Then her face turns serious, “Jordan, I think I
need to go home.”

I frown, inching closer and my hand strokes
her hair, “Kimber, just for today. We can drive back tonight after the
reception if you want. I just need you here with me.”

Before she can say anything else I tell
her, “I am so sorry that they were mean to you last night. I won’t allow anyone
to treat you like that again.”

She glances past me at the window and
agrees, “As long as we can leave tonight. I want to make sure Momma is doing
alright and I have nothing to wear to a black tie wedding.”

“Then we will have to go shopping for a
dress.” I smile trying to make it sweeter although I already know what her
reaction will be.

“Jordan, I can’t…”

I put my finger over her lips, “Remember I
want to take care of you. I will buy you a dress.”

She smiles sweetly and kisses me.

We get dressed and head down to breakfast. The
same exact scene greets us this morning except my mom, Jennifer, and Mrs.
Fontaine are smiling. I’m leery of what they could possibly be planning. As
soon as Kimber sits down, Jennifer pipes up,”Kimber, I was wondering if you
would like to go shopping with me and my mom today.”

Kimber squirms in her seat and looks over
to me. I glare across the table but Jennifer holds her hands up and declares,
“Well, first I owe you an apology. I’m sorry I was so rude last night. The
Susan thing is so new to all of us still. We are all dealing in different

I’m about to protest, knowing Jennifer is
doing anything but mourning Susan’s death. But she cuts me off, “I’m sure you
need something to wear tonight and the boys are all going golfing. Dave wants
Jordan to go since he hasn’t seen him in a while.”

Kimber straightens her shoulders and
squeezes my hand under the table. She answers, “Actually that would be great.
Jordan and I were just talking about going shopping but I think he should go
with his friend.”

I lean over to her ear and ask, “Are you
sure? She’s a shark.”

She nods and smiles. In that moment I see not
Kimber but a tiny bit of her best friend in her expression. God help Jennifer
if Kimber is channeling her inner Heidi.

An hour later, I am asking Kimber for the
twentieth time if she is absolutely sure. She has assured me it will be nothing
and that I should go and have a good time. I finally relent, giving her my
credit card and tell her there is no limit, whatever she wants. Her eyes widen
when I tell her and she tackles me in a hug. This is so funny coming from
Kimber, the most down to earth girl I have ever met. I guess when it comes to
shopping, most women are the same.

I walk her down to meet the women. My mom
has decided to join in on the fun and worry fills me. I’m so close to calling
off the golf game but she turns with a sure smile and kisses me goodbye. She
follows Jennifer and her mom out to their Range Rover. My mom lingers back and
tells me, “I’m going to watch over Kimber and make sure Jennifer and her mom
don’t eat her alive. Jordan, you need to figure out what you want. Leading a
girl on like this is not fair to her.”

I ignore her implication and choose not to engage
in an argument about it right now. Instead I tell her, “Thank you Mom.” And
kiss her on the cheek. I walk out to the porch and wave as Kimber smiles at me
through the window. Knowing my mom is going makes me feel so much better.


Chapter Thirty Eight



I’m surprised that Mrs. Rhodes is going
shopping with us but a little relieved. When they asked this morning about
shopping I was shocked but I also had a feeling where it was coming from.
Jennifer wants to intimidate me. So I thought ‘what would Heidi do in this
situation?’ She’d be a bitch right back. I am determined at this point not to
let this chick bother me. In the grand scheme that is my life, she means
nothing. Jordan has made it pretty clear where I stand and last night at dinner
his anger at her radiated off of him. I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry.

BOOK: Feeling This
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