Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (10 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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The rhythm of my thrusts speed up as her head falls back in pure lust. Her mouth falls open and with the sound of her delightful moan, my control crashes. I take her against the wet tiled wall while our screams tangle and mingle in fluent waves.

Chapter Eleven


Leave it to Yegor to kill the mood.




We’re in Ford’s bedroom getting dressed when there’s a knock on the door. Ford glances at me, content to see I’m wearing black cargo pants and a black tank before he opens the door.

Yegor steps inside and glances at me before he turns to his boss. “A word please?”

Ford smiles before he says, “She’s your boss as well, Yegor. So just spit it out already.”

If that damn guy didn’t have my heart a moment ago in the shower, he certainly would have it now. My pussy wants to scream in sync with my mind and body, hell to the yes! He’s ours and we’re his.

Instead, I just cross my arms underneath my tits and take a stand next to my man.

Yegor lifts his chin. “I had a few guys check out the marina and the old building on the corner of Pine and Main. The old building turned up empty, but it was fucking clear as day some kind of shit happened there. As for the yacht in the marina… the guys are still keeping watch. Since it’s guarded, we need a team to clear that one. You in?”

“Yeah, let me grab my stuff.” Turning to do just that, I feel a sharp sting across my left butt cheek. Motherfucker. “What the hell?” I stare up in Ford’s green eyes.

His mouth twitches before answering my question. “We talk first before making a decision, clear?”

My anger spikes a little, not only for the fact that my ass still stings, but is he shitting me? “Does that work both ways? Because I know for fucking sure my opinion won’t matter when the situation is reversed.”

His eyes narrow to slits. Good luck scaring or intimidating me; I invented that shit. Squeezing my arms tighter beneath my tits, I lift them slightly. His gaze lands on my rack and a muscle twitches beneath his left eye. Hello, distraction.

“Well. You know that’s the truth; you’ll never let my opinion be a factor.” I state.

He takes a step closer, leaning in as he speaks with a tone that holds only promise. “Don’t ever fucking doubt it. Your safety goes beyond anything. No way do you get a say in any shit that has to do with that. You’re mine and I protect what’s mine. Now, for other shit, we decide after we talk options. That clear?”

“Sir, yes, sir.” Instead of a salute, I grab my tits with both hands while I shake them, just to make a statement about the bullshit he just threw out there. Since to me…all of this sounds like it’s because I’ve got tits instead of a dick.

He bends his knees and places his shoulder into my belly, lifting me fireman style.

“Yegor, look away.” Ford growls.

He throws me on the bed and sits on the edge while he drags me across his lap. With my ass up, I feel him unbuckle my pants and slide them down to my knees while I struggle like hell to get away.

His hand hits my bare ass, and fire spreads at the very spot. He rubs three circles to smooth out the sting. My body aches the moment his hand leaves but hates the second it comes back in a dirty slap. He repeats the action one more time before his hand slides down between my legs.

“Now, Angel. Your pussy is telling me you rather enjoyed your punishment.” His husky voice makes me shiver.

“Fucking hell, are you two done or should I just wait in the fucking hall or something? Because there is no fucking way I’m going to join your disturbed minds and sexual play.”

Leave it to Yegor to kill the mood.

Ford stands and pulls me along with him. Still stunned by his actions with Yegor in the room, I’m unable to react as he slaps my pussy three times with an open hand before he pulls up my pants.

“Nope, we’re good.” Ford chuckles. “But you need to kill that fucking cigarette, Yegor. How many fucking times have I told you, no smoking in my bedroom, asshole. Now, get a team together and meet us downstairs. We need to get our stuff first.” Ford’s voice still carries a hint of laughter.

“Real funny, Slick. Nice discussion too.” I mumble as I walk over to my bag to get my weapons.

Yegor turns on his heel, leaving a cloud of smoke trailing behind him.

It takes just a few minutes for us to get ready. Ford laces his fingers with mine as we descend the stairs. He stops when there are four steps left and glances around the foyer.

About thirty guys are standing in front of us. Roughly half are mine and half his. These men are only our highest ranking warriors. The guys we call in when shit gets tough. Afon would be so freaking pissed he’s missing out. But he needs to concentrate on getting healthy. There are two guys on guard in front of his hospital room and as soon as I’ve got this thing handled, I’m going to check on him.

Ford’s rough voice snaps me back to the present moment. “We’re headed for the marina. Yegor already briefed you guys, but I'd like to make sure all of you know that Tarzan is your first priority. She must be protected at all times. We might be after Filippov, but that asshole is after my woman.”

My hand pulls back. If the fucker thinks that I can’t…

Tightening his grip, the fucker turns his head and smiles down on me. “I know she can take care of herself and every single one of you while she's at it. But she’s mine, and I protect what’s mine.”

Hollers bounce through the foyer. Great. Stupid alpha males. What’s next? A pissing contest? I roll my eyes and raise my voice. “Time to go sink that asshole’s yacht, find out if he’s there, and if he is… feed his insides to the fish.”




Darkness surrounds the marina. Glancing around, I see all of our guys are ready for action. Locked and loaded. We’ve got night vision goggles and all of us are armed with AR-15’s.

Like a pack of wolves, we sneak slowly onto the yacht and split in three groups. It’s kind of frustrating how I’ve got one guy on my left, one on my right, two up front and six behind me. I’m used to being in front, like Ford, taking the lead.

I know his intentions are good and that tiny fact smooths things over a little. Still it’s pretty freaking annoying. The first few pops of gunfire bring the whole team  to a halt, squatting down to evaluate the situation. Opening fire, there’s a fast moment of lightning and noise back and forth before it dies down.

Making our way inside, we go deck to deck and room to room, killing about six of Filippov’s men in the process. Two of our guys get hit; one just below the knee and another in the shoulder.

Once we clear the yacht, we come to the conclusion that Filippov isn’t here. Walking into one of the cabins, I see Yegor standing beside a bed. He’s got his rifle in his hand, his finger on the trigger, but his attention is completely focused on the woman in front of him.

She’s lying on the mattress, covered by a sheet with her arms resting on top. An IV is hanging above the bed , slowing dripping into the port in her arm. Her deep red hair, obviously not natural and yet so freaking pretty, is spread all over the pillow. One of my guys, Nathan, steps forward. He’s a great doctor that volunteers at the medical clinic four days a week. 

“Don’t touch her.” Yegor growls.

Nathan steps back. Hell, I would have moved back. The threat in Yegor’s voice resonates through the room. Ford inches forward and I reach out, wrapping my hand  around his wrist. He looks back in question and I shake my head.

“Yegor.” My voice is barely a whisper. His eyes are still fixed on the woman in front of him.

“My guy here, Nathan, is a doctor. He’s only going to look her over, okay?”

His eyes meet mine when I snap the okay part. He glances back at Nathan. “No fucking touching, clear?”

Nathan nod. Yegor lowers his rifle and his stance is ready to take Nathan on if he so much as stirs a hair on the girl’s head.

“I need to check her pulse, so I’m going to touch her neck, okay?”

“No! Back off.” The sheer volume of Yegor’s voice causes to my ears to ring.

Startled awake, the girl sits up and glances around the room. Nathan reaches out to try to calm her and she scoots back against the headboard. Yegor curses and shoves Nathan away, moving to make sure he doesn’t harm her. The redhead sees his defensive action and tries to hide in Yegor’s chest. She starts to sob while Yegor tries to soothe her. I’ve never heard someone’s voice turn like that so quickly. It’s like a one eighty in comparison to what he threw out moments ago.

“Everybody out.” I throw my arm up and swirl it around. “Nathan, you stay put. The rest of you get out.”

Ford leans in. “I’m going to round things up outside. You get things set here so we can leave as soon as possible, okay?”

My fingertips trail down his cheek. “Yeah, boss.”

His smile hits straight to my heart before he walks out. Okay, time to focus and get this woman the right kind of care so we can get her home safely.

“Yegor?” I make my voice friendly yet firm. “We need to let Nathan get the IV out so we can get her home, okay?”

His arms tighten around her and it’s like she’s trying to crawl inside Yegor’s body for more protection.

“I’ve got you. No one will ever hurt you as long as I’m here. Can you trust me?” Yegor murmurs sweet words into her hair.

Her tears seem to stop as she tilts her head to look at him. She gives him the slightest of nods as her lips tremble.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Yegor croaks and slides his attention to Nathan. “Take the fucking IV out so I can get her the fuck out of here.” He growls. Nathan jumps to obey, scooting forward to do his job.

Yegor gently catches the girl’s face between his hands and leans in so she’s focused on him and not what’s happening around her. “What’s your name? What do you want me to call you?”

Her throat moves as if she’s visibly swallowing a lump in there. “Jude.”

“Okay, Jude. You’re coming with me. After I know you’re okay, I can get you home to your family or friends. Is that okay with you?”

She shakes her head no.

“Don’t you trust me to take care of you, Jude?” Hurt rings out in his voice although he’s obviously trying to hide it.

Her head swings left to right again as she mumbles, “I don’t have anyone left. They killed my…” Sobs kill her words.

“The IV’s out. When we get her back to the house, I’ll check her over. We good?” Nathan’s voice is demanding. I’m pretty sure he’s not at all happy how delicate she is and with the stuff he just pulled out of her arm.

Yegor scoops her up in his arms and she molds against his body. Nathan reaches out and drapes a blanket over the both of them, covering her up. Yegor nods his appreciation as we all walk out.

It’s somewhat comforting to know that none of Filippov’s crew made it out alive. I'm irritated he wasn't here, although honestly, I wasn't really expecting it. Because let’s face it… that would have been too easy. I am happy we’ve managed to save one of these girls, though.

It takes about an hour to round things up return to the house. We’ve been waiting outside Yegor’s bedroom for about twenty minutes now. Nathan is checking her over and from what we’ve seen, she hasn’t let go of Yegor yet.

Funny, since the guy always smokes and now he hasn’t had the chance to light one up since he’s got his hands full with the redhead.

Nathan steps out of the room and faces Ford and me. “She’s been drugged and is somewhat disorientated. I’ve inserted an IV with a banana bag. Took me a while to explain it’s to flush out all the drugs she’s been given. She’s going to have a rough few days ahead of her and I’m sure it will take a while to get back on her feet.”

My hand goes up and down his bicep. “Thanks Nathan, appreciate it.”

“I’ll drop by tomorrow to check up on her. Yegor has my number if something happens in the meantime.” He eyeballs Ford before he turns and walks off.

Before I can take one step, Ford has his hand wrapped around my wrist. “We should leave Yegor to take care of her.”

Twisting my face into a scowl. “I was planning to do just that, right after I give him a few words of support. That okay with you, boss?”

Ford drops his hand and follows me into Yegor’s bedroom. He’s propped on the bed, Jude is asleep with her head on his lap.

“You okay?” I whisper.

He gives me a slight smile and doesn’t even stop stroking the girl’s hair. He lifts his chin, gesturing for me look over my shoulder. There’s a refrigerator tucked against the wall. Walking to it, I take out a bottle of water and hold it up. His face tells me I’ve got what he wanted and I quietly walk to him and hold out the bottle.

“Anything else?” I keep my voice low so I don’t wake the redhead.

He closes his eyes for a few seconds and moves his head slightly to the left. I’ll take that as a no. He doesn’t speak a word and that lets me know he doesn’t want to disturb her sleep. This girl is very lucky to have him watching over her. Although he’s creepy, and I’ve heard a lot about this guy being anything but nice… still. He won’t let anything happen to her.

I give Yegor a finger wave and he just leans his head back and closes his eyes. He’s going to get some shut eye too. Smart man.

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