Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (11 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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Chapter Twelve


Nothing more than darkness.




“I need to go to the hospital to check on Afon. So could we make this fast?” My woman has her hands on my waist as she’s standing on her tiptoes to speak softly in my fucking ear. While we’re standing in the living room, surrounded by our men, I might add.

My arm surrounds her and I grab her ass, pulling her tighter against my body. “If you don’t quit fucking touching me, I’ll drag you to our bedroom and take you in a new position right fucking now.”

She drops her hands and skirts away from me, pink cheeks and all. My laughter rings out and catches the attention of our men.

Perfect. I take this moment to get this meeting over with. “All right, everyone… listen up. Yegor is taking care of the girl we just saved.”

Dog howls and hollers ring out.

“Cut that shit, he’s not fucking her… yet. Any-fucking-way, she’s been through a lot and if it wasn’t for us, she would have ended up on tape and in the ground. Enough said. We need to focus and move forward. Now, Apple, Acer, Abram. Fuck. Might as well go for triple-A here. Damn. Computer, intel team… what do you have for us?”

One of the twins, Apple, takes the lead. “We’ve found three more buildings we need to check out. Although I have a feeling Filippov is laying low in some shady motel up on main. I tapped into a phone call when I was running a check when you guys were on your way to raid the yacht. I scanned the voice and it was a direct match with Filippov.”

She taps a few keys on her laptop and Filippov’s voice rolls from her speakers. “Get it done. Bring the bitch to the hole and make arrangements to pick up her body an hour later. That leaves me enough time to play.”

Another voice chuckles and agrees before the call is cut off.

“Okay, so that’s clearly about the redhead. Yegor’s keeping that one locked up, so that’s handled. Did you trace that cell?”

Acer bobs his head. “Yeah, dead end a minute after. Like he took the cell apart and threw it away.”


“Keep up the good work. Stay on top of this shit and let us know if you have any news. All of you need to get some rest. We’ll meet back here in about four hours to go over things again. I want him found and I want him dead. Filippov’s on the top of every gang’s shit list so we’re not alone in this. Peacock has promised us full cooperation.”

Kolya steps forward so I lift my chin just the slightest bit to indicate he can speak. “I brought Borya back from the hospital. He’s in his room but he’s fucking depressed. I would be too if I were him, but the doc said he’s healing nicely. I’ll leave him alone for now but we need to keep an eye on him.”

“That’s good, Kolya.” Dammit, even my words are laced with concern.

That’s all we need, another one of our own out of the running. I get it, and fuck… I’m glad he’s still breathing, and it’s hard on a guy who needs his hand to communicate.

“We will all be on top of it, keep a close eye on him though. All he has right now is time to think and for Borya, that’s never a good thing.”

I wait for Kolya’s agreement before I continue.

“Now, Tarzan and I are going to check on Afon at the hospital. Since Yegor is upstairs, Kolya is going to be the go-to guy. If something is up, go to him and he’ll run it by Yegor and get back to me.”

With things handled for the moment, I walk over to Justice and place my hand at her lower back to guide her out to my car so we can head to the hospital.

She doesn’t say one word during the ride and I’m sure there’s a whole discussion going on inside her head. With everything going on, it’s comforting that these silent moments don’t turn awkward.

With only a few minutes left of the drive, I feel the need to share some of my concerns. “I’m worried about Borya. With his hand fucked up he’s bound to withdraw into a shell and leave the outside world for others to handle. His father treated him as half a man for his entire life because he’s deaf. Even though I gave him a solid role in my gang, this shit will definitely add to his isolation.”

She whips her head to me. “Maybe we need to hire someone to keep an eye on him. One who can take care of his wounds and who knows to look for those things so he won’t slip away. Wait. I know someone.” She fumbles for her phone and types away on it, and after a moment it starts to ring. “Hey, Nathan. Do you know if Tori’s available? Yes, that’s what I thought… True… To attend to his wounds and keep an eye on him… Oh, that’s perfect… As soon as possible… Full time… Not a problem… in house, she’ll have a room right next to him.”

She glances over at me and I give her a nod of approval.

“Yes, let her know… Thanks.”

She presses the red button while she tucks away the phone. There’s a huge smile on her face.

“Nathan has a sister named Tori. She speaks five languages including Russian and sign. She’s a registered travelling nurse and just finished a job two weeks ago. Like I told Nathan, it’s perfect.”

My laughter fills the car. She’s up to something, I just know she is. “What’s the catch, Angel?”

She actually looks offended. “Nothing, I swear. Well… except for the fact that she’s a bitch and a total tyrant.”

Oh, I like the sound of that. “How old is she?”

“She’s twenty-three and yes, better looking than Nathan.” Her face breaks into a satisfied grin when her phone chimes.

Pulling it out, she holds up her phone. “There, all done. She’s on her way.”

“Damn that’s too fucking perfect and to be honest, a fucking brick off my chest. Thanks,
Angel Moy
.” Reaching out, I run my knuckles across her cheek.

There’s a slight blush before she replies, “It’s my family now too, right? So no need to thank me. We take care of each other.”

“Fuck yeah.” My whole body fills with warmth. Our connection is solid,
fucking perfect

I scan the parking lot to find it incredibly full. Must be visiting hours by the look of it. Finally, after spotting a space all the way in the back, we park and set off for Afon’s room.

When we get there, my gut is twisting, screaming at me that something is wrong. Mainly, because I put two men outside the room and they aren’t fucking there. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I find the number I need. It takes two rings for Kolya to pick up.

“Hey, I’m in front of Afon’s room and no one is standing guard… Yeah, not fucking one… Okay, lemme know.” I end the call and put my phone back.

I notice the concern in Justice’s eyes.

“What’s going on?” Her eyebrows are drawn together.

Taking a step forward, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her against my body. She immediately molds against me. She gives me the time to glance around and take everything in. Not one fucking thing seems out of place.

A nurse walks by so I speak up. “Excuse me, ma’am. Did you happen to see where the two guys who were outside this room went?”

She frowns. “Now that you mention it… They were here for hours without even one bathroom break, and then they disappeared. I had a code blue down the hall about forty minutes ago; they were standing here when I ran past. That’s the last time I saw them.”

“Thank you.”

She aims a soft smile in my direction as she leaves to resume her rounds.

My phone chimes. As I take it out I see there are two messages from Kolya. One about my two missing guys and one about the new gang Filippov is working with.

I slide my focus back to Justice. “They missed their hourly check-in. Kolya is on top of it. Now, we’re gonna have a look to make sure Afon is all right before we leave. I don’t fucking like it and we need to get the fuck out of here, okay?”

“Let’s go.” She steps away from me and moves forward.

Making sure to be cautious of my surroundings, I hold the door open for Justice to step inside. There’s a tiny Japanese guy standing next to Afon’s bed. He’s wearing a white coat and seems to be holding a file. There’s nothing wrong with that, except for the fact Kolya just messaged me that the new gang is Japanese. A chill runs up my spine. Linking facts in my head, it’s clear as day that it’s the same fucking gang who took my sister. It’s too damn much of a coincidence for two Japanese gangs doing drugs and snuff movies.

Before I can grab Justice and put her behind me, she’s out of reach and at Afon’s side. Next to the fucking doctor. His hand reaches to his pocket at the same time mine goes to my piece. I see the fucking syringe going for Justice’s neck. But before my aim is locked and one single word can come out of my mouth, I’m hit in the head.

My knees buckle as I see Justice struggle and the needle disappears in her neck. Her body goes limp as I get another blow to my head. The world around me dissolves into nothing more than darkness swallowing me.

Chapter Thirteen


Fucking peachy.


> > >
< < <

I can’t believe this. With everything going on and the events leading up to this moment? None of that compares to the feeling of contentment that’s going on inside me right now. There’s a fucking beauty draped over my lap and I don’t want to disturb her. I haven’t even had a smoke in hours and I never go more than five fucking minutes without one, unless I’m asleep.

It’s like she’s my nicotine. In such a short time she’s become the thing that calms my nerves and takes the edge off. I knew it the moment I saw her. You can say it felt like my soul recognized hers and knew I had to own her. She’s fucking mine, made for me and only me. I couldn’t let anyone touch her. Had to bite my fucking cheek to allow that doc from the other gang to get her IV out and check her vitals.

For fuck’s sake, I’ve never felt such need to piss over a chick to claim my territory. Then she woke up and almost crawled inside me. Wanting me. Only me. Talk about a sweet fucking connection. Clear as fucking day.

The door to my room bursts open. Gone is content; hello fucking fury. My arm goes up in a silent what-the-actual-fuck sign. Kolya walks over and leans by my ear. Smart move my man, makes me want to kill you less.

“Ford called me earlier, the two guys outside Afon’s room were gone. I checked it out and they missed their hourly check-in. I just messaged Ford about that shit, also the new intel about the new gang being Japanese, and I haven’t heard back from him in over twenty minutes. I sent him another text and called him. No answer and the call went straight to voicemail.” Kolya pulls back and I see the panic in his eyes. This is fucking bad.

Shit has hit the fan and I need to get up and handle it. It’s my responsibility since the boss is missing and I’m the next in command. There’s no use in denying it, and I have no personal shit to hide behind. No. Fucking. Choice.

My beauty stirs in my lap. Dammit. She’s way too panicked to stay by herself. I need to handle shit and I can’t leave her with anyone else. This is fucked up. I have one option and that single option will rip my heart out since that right there will make her hate me.

Lifting my chin, Kolya gets the message and leans in while I whisper, “Get Nathan in here, get him up to speed and tell him to bring his bag.”

He leaves the room while I treasure the next minutes that are probably the only rare minutes I’ll ever get with her. She wakes up and I stare at the most intense silver eyes. Fuck, she’s so delicate with her white skin, freckles, and that long, deep-red hair all the way to that tight little ass.

“Hey.” Even her voice is like silk, just as her skin.

“Feeling a little better?” I can’t help the huskiness in my voice. The craving deep inside of me draws that shit out.

She scrunches her nose. “Thirsty. My body aches and I’m so, so tired.”

My hand never stops sliding up and down her back. I can’t stop fucking touching her. “I know, Ruby. Here.” I reach over and grab the bottle of water from the side table.

She sits up a little and takes a few sips before she hands it back. “My name is Jude, not Ruby.”

“I know. I just like Ruby better.” The corner of my mouth comes up because she nods just the slightest bit in agreement.

Putting the cap back on, I set the bottle aside as she fucking snuggles right back in my lap. I hope to fuck she doesn’t cradle the boner that’s been solid like a hard wood floor beneath her.

Nathan doesn’t even knock; just pushes the door open walks inside with his medical case. She hears the footsteps and freezes against me. If she could crawl inside me to hide, I’m pretty sure she’d do just that. Not for much longer, though; I’m about to pull away the ground beneath me and let myself fall right into hell.

The moment she looks back to see who’s in the room is when Nathan locks eyes with me. I give him a sign what to do and his face shows he understands. Here goes nothing.

“Ruby.” My voice is stern as her head sweeps back to me.

Her gorgeous hair tumbles around her. My hands go to either side of her face, cradling the beauty that’s mine for just a few single more seconds.

“Something’s come up and I need to handle it.” Panic flows to rigid fear in my hands. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Please know that
I do is to protect you and make sure you’re safe. Do you trust me, Ruby?”

I know she doesn’t want me to leave. The answer is deep inside her eyes, clear as fucking day.

“I have to go, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. Will you wait for me?”

She crawls tighter against me. Sitting up, she wraps her legs around my waist and her pussy is right above my cock while she buries her face in the crook of my neck.

“Please, don’t leave. Don’t leave. Don’t leave. Please.” She chants.

Fuck. My heart is being ripped out with every single word that rolls off those plump lips that are the same deep red as her hair.

There’s no other fucking option. I’ll either have my heart ripped out, turned to stone, or blown the fuck up. I am doomed. I’ve been dead inside for years. Years until that moment I laid eyes on the Ruby that’s holding onto me for dear life. How fucking short-lived my fucking contentment lasted.

My eyes meet Nathan’s again as I give him my signal. He steps forward, one knee on the bed as he pierces her skin with the syringe. The sedative will help her sleep while I handle business. So she won’t freak out and hurt herself. But she won’t ever understand that. I’ve betrayed her trust. I just put myself on equal ground with the ones who kidnapped and drugged her.

Like a cat that turns and sees a cucumber, she jumps and slaps at Nathan. Of course, it’s too fucking late. She turns back to look in my eyes and the betrayal and hurt are as clear as a ray of light shining from a lighthouse.

“I trusted you.” She mouths those three words as her eyes roll back and she loses consciousness.

“You did the right thing, man. You had no choice. She’ll understand when she wakes up.” Nathan tries as he puts the syringe away.

I shake my head as I lay her down on the bed. “No, she fucking won’t. She’s right not to trust me. I’m a cold, dark asshole. I’m not meant to be anyone’s savoir. You better take good care of her and don’t touch her while I handle things. Am I clear? Or this dark, cold asshole will skin you alive while I carve chess pieces from your body and win my own fucking game, clear?”

He stares right back at me. “Promise with my life, I won’t touch her other than to save her. She’ll be out for at least a few hours. I’m going to sit right there in that chair and keep watch. If anything changes, Kolya gave me your number so I’ll let you know. That okay with you?”

“Fucking peachy.” I growl as I exit the room and leave my shattered heart behind.

Kolya pushes off the wall as I walk by and follows me. He delivers a quick rundown about the shit that’s going on. I let the information sink into my brain as we head for the stairs.

“You had no choice, man.” It’s clear in his voice he knows exactly how I feel.

Although the words mean shit, I do appreciate his support. “Let’s get a handle on this so I can get back in there and hope to fuck she forgives me.”

Our team is waiting in the foyer; around fifty men who are divided into six teams. Right the fuck now I’m glad we merged and we all fall into line like a well-oiled machine.

“All right, you’ve all been briefed. There are a few places that need to be raided. Update with a step-by-step play. Our computer team, Triple A, will oversee this shit and keep Kolya and myself in the loop. Return here when you’ve completed your mission. If one of you spots Ford, Tarzan or Filippov… Freeze, call it in, and observe. Wait for fucking backup. Are we clear?”

Agreements rumble through the room and they file out the front door. Twelve buildings came up with the info Peacock gave us, so each team has two places to check out. Vanya, Evgeni, Kolya, and I head out. We’re planning on sweeping by the places that were already checked. Just to be fucking sure about everything.

Stepping out the door, I spot Peacock leaning against his armored Chevy Suburban. His right hand, Darren, is standing beside him.

Pleased to see him here, I acknowledge him with a brief salute. “Peacock.”

Sauntering toward me, he slaps me on the shoulder. “Let’s get that sonofabitch back and put the Japanese gang and Filippov six feet under. I’ve got my men on standby, but with your two gangs merging into one, I figured we’ve got enough hands on deck for now. If not, more are a mere phone call away.”

“Good to know. We’re heading out to check the places we raided less than twenty-four hours ago. Just to make sure. Are you in?” I know I don’t even have to ask, he’s here for it.

“Hell yeah, let’s go. We’ll take my car.”

Within an hour, we’re not much wiser than we were before. I’m ready to punch walls and blow up buildings to get my point across. Pacing back and forth in Ford’s living room, I come to an abrupt stop.

“Do we have a fucking location of the Japanese gang?” I bark at Peacock.

Darren is glaring holes in my chest. I know I shouldn’t fucking talk to Peacock like that, but I can’t control my anger.

“Nah, they aren’t solid here. They infiltrated with Filippov’s gang. The heart of it is still in Russia. Only the head and his right hand came over with two other guys. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it’s personal shit.”

Fuck. Why did it take so long to fall into place? “It might just fucking well be. How old is this gang? Do we know?”

Peacock scrubs a hand down his rough cheek as he thinks things over. “From what I’ve been told it’s got a background, originally from Japan then landed in Russia and now touched base here.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. It’s personal, all right. Ford’s sister was a victim in one of their snuff movies back in Russia. God-fucking-dammit, this is fucking bad.” My hands dig into my hair and I pull. This is just one fucked-up thing after another.

No trace, nothing. We’ve got nothing. Afon’s still in his room, lucky fucker to still be unconscious because if he wasn’t they sure as fuck would have killed him. Now they had other shit to do. Worst thing is… we’ve searched everywhere. Every single location we know of or could even think of. Even the ones that fucker told us about when Justice tortured him.

He told us about the marina, the old building, and the corner of Pine and Main. That’s it, right? No, wait. He mentioned a basement and the hospital. Did the fucker mean the basement at the hospital? No, the fucker just needed the hospital, right?

Reaching for my phone, I make a call to our computer team. Fucking glad we now have three brains available instead of just one genius.

“Yeah, listen up. You traced Ford’s phone to the hospital, right? Nero couldn’t find it in Afon’s room. Is it still sending signals and the same location?” I blurt out the words, almost fucking sure what the answer will be.

“Yeah, still at the hospital.” One of them replies, but I can hear two others discussing shit in the background. “Hang on.” The sound of fingers across a keyboard stands out. “It’s not that clear right now. That might be because it’s underground or something.”

“I know exactly where they are. Thanks, man.” Hanging up, I point a finger at Peacock while still gripping my phone. “Hospital basement. That’s it, I just fucking know it. How soon can you have a team there because I don’t want to pull the others? We saved a girl on the last raid and there might be more.”

My fucking girl. Who is still sleeping and will be for a while. So I hope to fuck I have Ford and Justice back before she wakes up.

“Let’s head out,” Peacock says. “I’ll have a team there by the time we arrive or just a few minutes behind us. And for real, the hospital’s basement? That would be an easy way to cover up for the fucking bodies, right?”

With my phone still in hand, I shoot a message to Triple A, asking them to run a check. There has to be a trail, something that stands out with dead female bodies or some shit. Besides… I need a fucking blueprint of the hospital. We all throw ourselves in Peacock’s car  and he peels off down the street.

My phone chimes a moment later and an image comes through. Perfect. I forward the message to everyone in the car so we all have the map. Peacock takes the exit to the hospital and I lean forward to show him the picture on my phone.

Enlarging it, I see there’s a rear entrance. “That’s where we’re going in, do you see it? We’ll split up two by two and do a sweep. Let your guys know.”

Driving around back, Peacock parks the car and we all pour out. Peacock puts his phone back in his black cargo pants. “My team is four minutes out. We’re not waiting. I told them there are six of us going in. They have visuals of you guys so there won’t be bullets flying your way from them, yeah?”

I have to fucking laugh it off since… hell, it’s a fucked-up situation. It wouldn’t be a surprise to catch a bullet from friendly fire.

I shoot back, “Smart thinking, man. Now let’s kick some ass.”

Glancing around, we open the door to the basement and slip inside. Splitting up as discussed, we each take a direction. Rifle in hand, I take lead with Kolya at my back. I’m going to kill me some assholes.

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