Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (9 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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Chapter Ten


Too painful to even imagine.




“Cut him loose.” Justice’s voice is laced with excitement.

I raise my eyebrow in question. Cut the guy loose? For real?

“Don’t judge. I got this. Yegor can shoot Roast in the knee if I manage to slip or something. Come on, I always play like this.” She actually pouts, with her bottom lip out and puppy dog eyes. It’s fucking adorable.

She’s right, who am I to judge? Besides, I’ve heard the rumors and frankly, I’m dying to see firsthand what Tarzan can do. My eyes connect with Yegor, who’s standing in the corner. He understands, and without a word he wraps his hand around his piece. Not taking it out of the holster, but on standby if needed. That right there also says enough; he trusts her with this shit too.

With a few swipes with my ever-present knife, I cut the guy loose. He doesn’t waste any time as he launches himself at Justice. She sidesteps and brings up her knee to hit him square in the gut while simultaneously lacing her fingers together to bring her elbows down hard on his neck. The face plant into the concrete floor looks and sounds painful.

You can see the excitement radiating from her eyes as her chest heaves. Satisfaction shines clearly on her face. She turns to me and holds out her hand. Still gripping the knife, I hand it over. She removes his clothes without much effort until Albert is naked and still laying lifeless on the floor, before handing the knife back to me.

She kicks out his hands and twists them behind his back. Tarzan then wraps the rope she’s holding around the wrists six times, leaving just a fraction of space where she then loops the rope, twice, and ties it.

Justice walks to the table and grabs two other ropes and ties one to each ankle. She doesn’t tie it to anything, just puts the rope in place.

She glances over to the table and looks at me. “Could you grab that ball of rope and cut off a long piece?”

My feet move automatically as I make my way to the table and grab the ball. I hold up an arm’s length and show her. “Like this?”

She scrunches up her nose. “Could you make it about four times that long?”

I comply with her wishes and I make quick work of the rope and hand her the section she requested. Quickly, she manipulates the rope behind the man’s back and then drops him back to the floor the second she’s done. He groans when his head smacks the concrete. Great, he’s awake again.

The song switches to “The Sky is Crying,” and Justice closes her eyes as she places her bare foot on the Roast’s hip. Tapping her middle and index finger to the tunes of the guitar, she starts to sing and goosebumps rise all over my fucking body. What a fucking stunning voice.

Her enjoyment is contagious. She’s definitely in her element; totally relaxed. Fuck, how I’ve come to love that woman. Love? Oh, fuck yeah, she’s perfect. I’m not gonna fuck it up or give her a chance to walk away from me again. She’s mine.

She pushes Albert with her foot and he rolls onto his back. Looking around, she sees the pulley and smiles wickedly. Grabbing a chair, she steps onto the seat and loops the thin rope through the pulley and holds onto the end, wrapping it a few times around her hand that’s sheathed in a fingerless leather glove. She hops off the chair and folds her hands together. Smiling, she rolls him back to his stomach and places a foot on his neck.

What the fuck is she up to?

“Wakey, wakey… time for a breaky.” She puts her hands all the way up, close to the pulley, braces herself, and in one hard, clean move, her hands yank to the floor.

The guy screams bloody murder and then I see it. His fucking finger is dangling from the rope on the other side of the pulley.

She releases the rope and glances around the room. Her gaze darts to the ceiling. I had several hooks and pulleys installed to hang various objects…or in some cases, people. I can see her thinking and plotting; holy shit I need to adjust myself. How in the hell can I be turned on by a woman who’s torturing a naked man in front of me? Fuck, I’m so twisted.

Grabbing the chair again, she chooses a pulley with a brake system to guide the rope from one ankle through. With a little effort, she hoists Albert upside-down. Grabbing the other rope, she does the same. The guy is still cursing loudly and blood streams down on the floor from the hand that’s now missing a finger.

Walking over to the table, she selects thicker rope and loops it around a few times between her hands. Her eyes follow the movement as if they can jump in there skipping at any time or some shit.

Pulling from both sides halts the rope till it’s trembling in a snap. She squats down to Roast’s face and loops it around his neck. Sliding the rope softly from left to right, I even start to feel the fucking burn in my neck.

She suddenly stops as the music switches back to “Hooked On A Feeling”. Leaning in she whispers, loud for us to hear, “See what you did… you’ve exceeded my two-song limit. Now,” She glances over her shoulder. “That might be due to the awesome company… but for real. I need to cut this short.” She giggles. “Totally pun intended.”

Walking over to the table, she pulls up the length rope equivalent to what I cut from the ball and stalks back to his side. Reaching forward, she loops the thin rope around his pecker.

Suddenly Albert starts to squirm and whine like a baby. “All right, all right. What do you want to know? Just get this fucking chick away from me. I’ll talk. Stop, okay?”

Justice ties a tight knot and lowers to her knees so she is staring him in the eyes. She slaps him a few times on the cheek.

“There, there, asshole. What did I tell you? I’m not here to get you to talk. I want that last puff of air. Now… Hang in there.”

Winking in his direction, she grasps the thin rope in her hand. I finally understand why she’s wearing the wetsuit. The thick straps underneath her feet are padded so she doesn’t slip once things start to get messy. The one piece also makes for an easy cleanup. The leather fingerless gloves protect her from rope burn. I bet she has everything custom made as well.

Bracing herself, she looks up at me. “Hey Ford, you might wanna pay attention. I don’t share. So if I ever catch your dick anywhere near another pussy…”

I hold up both of my hands. “Say no more,
. Point taken. Aw, fuck. I can’t watch.”

Turning my back, I cup my crown jewels, because fuck, that’s just too painful to even imagine. Right now I’m very thankful we’re in the basement where there aren’t any windows. There wouldn’t be any glass left after listening to this fucker’s screams. Slowly peeking over my shoulder, I see a torn, shriveled piece of flesh on the ground. The floor under Roast turns into a sea of red. 

“The… the marina, biggest yacht... basement… hospital… please,” He groans out in distress and pain. “Old building, corner of Pine and Main. For the love of God, get me down and to the hospital. Please.”

He pumps all those words out in short, shallow breaths and then sucks in a new one to hold it for the pain he’s in. I almost feel for the guy. Sympathy pains, for real, my dick feels that shit. Like I said, almost.

“Would you help me,
Her voice is silky smooth. Damn, I love the fact that we’re using endearments right now.

It makes me want to voice my feelings. “Yes,
Lubov Moya
.” My love. Since fuck yeah, she is.

Her eyes widen for just a tiny second before a smile paints those pretty plump lips. She holds up one side of the rope that’s been looped around his neck while she has a tight grip on the other end.

The moment my hands wraps around the rope, she yanks back. Bracing myself, I put my weight into it so the fucker’s air supply is cut off. He starts to struggle. Well, as much as he can, hanging upside down with his arms tied to his back while what’s left of his dick is bleeding all over the fucking place. Justice’s gaze is still locked on mine as we are forced to back away from each other to put pressure on the rope. It takes a while to strangle the fucker, but it doesn’t feel that long since we are frozen in time staring at one another.

Yegor lets out an exasperated huff. “All right already, you fucking perverts. It’s been over ten minutes, he’s dead as a doornail. Now drop the rope and go find a room where you guys can fuck. Or anywhere really, just not around me.”

I drop the rope and I curl my fingers around her neck to guide her out of the room. One last glance over my shoulder evokes another response from Yegor.

“Get the fuck out. I got this, okay? I’ll clean up here. You go and do…whatever it is that you need to do.” He waves a hand in front of himself. “Don’t wanna fucking know.”

He draws his phone from his pocket and I know he’s got this. He’s an expert at this by now; arrange to clean up that shit, get rid of the body, and make it so that shit never happened. Yegor loves his job. He’s damn good at it too.

When I guide my woman up the stairs and into the bathroom, I strip her naked and shed my own clothes. The water is a warm comfort, raining down on us. Her body molds into mine as we enjoy the heat from our bodies as well as the liquid pouring over us.

Her hand slides down my back to my ass. She digs her nails in and bites my neck. As her mouth trails up near my ear, she breathes out, “I need to feel you. Inside. Now.”

My dick is already rock hard, working to find its way to her pussy on his own. I smooth my hand up her spine to bury it in that awe-inspiring gorgeous hair, and fist it so I can take possession of her mouth.

I lavish a dominating kiss on those lush, full lips that beg for my cock to slide in between. Instead, I show her exactly what my dick wants with my tongue. There is not even a hint of surrender in her body. She guides and fights right alongside me. Both of us are fired up, trying to balance out the heat deep inside each of us that will only collide into combustion.

I move forward, caging her against the tiled wall. Reaching down, I mold my fingers to her ass and lift. She automatically wraps her legs around me and locks her ankles, squeezing tight around me. It only takes one thrust forward to slide deep within her. Lips still locked, we both groan with contentment.

Instead of fucking her hard and fast, I stroke into her long and slow, savoring every inch of her tight, wet, pussy my dick is buried in. I loosen my fisted hand, pull it from her tangled hair, and wrap it firmly around her neck. Firm, but not tight. My thumb slides over her pulse where I feel the hammering of her blood. Her excitement shows in her elevated heartbeat and the inner walls of her pussy that’s hugging the fuck out of my cock.

My head drops and my lips latch onto her perfect nipple. Swirling my tongue, I feel the hard nub peak even more.

“Fuck, I love your body,
Lubov Moya
. It’s fucking mine, obeying my every demand without question. You belong to me; say the words.” I growl and bite her nipple to bring her out of that lustful haze she’s riding alongside my cock.

“Yes, yes. I’m so close,
Lubov Moya
. Yours. Now give me what I fucking need.” Her ragged words send jolts straight to my heart and down to my dick.

My love.
That’s what we’re calling each other. My hips forget about long and slow, and turn to rough and fast. Four more times before her teeth sink into my shoulder revealing the intensity of her orgasm. Her cum coats my dick, causing me to slide in deeper. Like the prickles of adrenaline running through your body, the feeling that comes from my balls and shoots through my dick pumps cum in waves, blasting deep inside her body. Claiming, branding, mine and only mine.

Struggling to catch my breath, I raise my head from her neck where I had my face buried to support myself.

I run my tongue along her earlobe first before I breathe out the words, “Your pussy might as well be a fucking wedding band, Angel, because I think my dick just spit out his vows.”

Her laughter is like the fucking wedding bells that make it final, squeezing my cock with every giggle that shakes her body. I’m such a lucky bastard.

“That’s a nice commitment there,
Lubov Moya
. Are you sure, or is it just because you fucked me from the front for the first time instead of being behind me?”

She bites down again on my shoulder, sending out a jolt that gives a fucking double effect to her statement. She’s right. I’ve only fucked her from behind until now. Although that little detail doesn’t add to the fact she’s mine. Both of us have the desire to dominate and give our all. Or better yet, it just might be a whole lot more in comparison. We’re equal. Finally. I never was or saw myself as a victim; she, on the other hand, was. Look at her now, strong and in full control. She’s fucking perfect.

“That’s right,
Angel Moy
. Be prepared to be fucked at every angle, because we’ve got forever to try everything and every-fucking-where.”

“Hmmmmhmmm… you promise?” She groans while my dick slowly slides in and out with ease, compliments of the wetness surrounding it.

I push one leg off my waist and place my arm around the other, lifting to take her deeper from another angle.

“I’ll do more than just a promise. I’ll show you every fucking day of our lives.”

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