Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (12 page)

Read Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 Online

Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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Chapter Fourteen


Cut that shit out.




Rotten eggs. Is it the fucking smell or the pain in my head that’s slowly killing me? I try to open my eyes, but they refuse to crack open. Blood rushes through my ears with the same rhythm as the ache in my skull.

Soft whimpers catch my attention and this time I succeed in opening my eyes. The second I do, I realize I’m living a fucking nightmare. I managed to wake up, but I’m still here in hell. I lift my arms up in front of me but there’s duct tape wrapped tight around my wrists. Fucking perfect.

Judging from the bars, I’m lying on a hospital bed, but I don’t think I’m in a normal hospital room. For starters, the walls and floors are plain concrete. The bed next to me is occupied by Justice, still out cold. Thank fuck she’s here with me in this room, and all of her clothes are still on her body.

I have to sit up and get that duct tape off. One swing to my chest and boom…done it many times before. Tightly-wrapped tape on your wrists is very fucking easy to get rid of, as long as your arms are in front of your body. Anyone can find instructions on YouTube. Bloody imbecile who took me doesn’t seem to fucking know that little detail, though; good for me, not for him. 

I lift my upper body to the side so I’m sitting on the bed. The harsh noise of steel against the concrete floor makes me pause. A fucking chair scrape. I twist my head to the side too fast, and a slash of pain bursts behind my eyes. Fuck, they hit me good.

“Finally, you’re awake. You had me a little disappointed for a moment there, Ford. I was worried I might not know my own strength.” Filippov chuckles.

My first thought is ‘Not for long, mother fucker’ quickly followed by ‘My fist will hit your teeth in T-minus eight seconds.’ A shuffling sound behind me interrupts my planning and causes me to turn my head. Fuck. I need to focus and take in my surroundings before I act. That Japanese guy I saw earlier is standing right fucking there. I almost put Justice at risk again.

Filippov moves forward and my blood turns to ice when he grabs Justice’s legs and yanks them over the side of the mattress, flipping her over so she’s faced down, lying on her stomach. No. This is
fucking happening.

He’s not touching my woman. The way he just positioned her? Fuck no. Hopping off the bed, I take a few steps toward Justice, I don’t fucking care if there’s a guy behind me.

“Let her go while you’re still fucking alive and able to.” I growl.

Filippov glances over to the Japanese guy and back to me.  “Ah, Ford, meet my associate, Takeo.” He shifts his gaze to Takeo. “Grab him and hold him. Make sure he catches the whole show.”

A chill runs down my spine. The hell if I will let anything happen to her while I stand right the fuck here. I quickly reach my hands up as high as I can over my head and with one rapid swing I slam my bound wrists into my stomach. The duct tape snaps and I turn to grab the fucker by the throat.

Something cold and hard presses to the side of my head. A thick accent peppers the asshole’s voice. “Do not move. You need to watch. My father would be displeased if you were dead before dessert. Turn around and enjoy the show.”

The hell if I will. I’m going to shove that barrel into the new asshole I’ll rip the fucker. For now though, I turn to gain the element of surprise back. When my gaze hits Justice’s eyes, it takes everything in me to keep focus and not lose it so we both end up dead.

She’s not tied up. Her hands are in front of her, ready to push off at any moment. I hear a belt and see Filippov preparing to rape Justice. It’s then and only then that it hits me. I’m just as bad. I’m filth that takes what he needs from a woman and disposes them like a used and broken toy.

I fucking know I haven’t got the kind of body count these fuckers have, not by a long shot. But fucking still … it might just be a handful.

Guilt washes over me as I watch my woman’s hands clench to fists. Filippov rips her pants down and she meets my eyes. It’s like she can see right through to my soul. See the guilt that is tearing through me at this moment.

Her eyebrows turn down and she gives me an angry glare while she mouths the word, “No.”

Dammit all to hell. I’m so fucking lost all I can think of is saving her. I refuse to let this happen to her. I see the fucker grab his dick, ready to violate her body.




My chin lifts in a swift move that’s only noticed by Justice. She blinks, and that’s my cue. With force, I spin on my heel while I grab the arm holding the gun to my head. Takeo fires and the bullet whizzes out, ricocheting against the wall and nicking my arm.

With my elbow jammed against his throat, the fucker doesn’t have the ability to take another breath with his fucked-up windpipe. Falling to the ground, I watch him suffocate. Serves him fucking right. One Japanese gang member down… lots to go. I’ll make damn sure to wipe out the whole fucking gang this time.

When I turn back to help Justice, I freeze. She’s standing there, her pants zipped up, and her arms crossed beneath her tits. Angry as fuck, glaring at me. Craning my neck to peek around her, I see Filippov on the ground with his head at an odd angle.
She broke his fucking neck.

“Don’t tell me you had a revelation right freaking now where you put yourself on the same level as these fuckers. Tell me you didn’t.” Her fingers tap on her bicep.

My eyes admire the concrete floor while I chew on the inside of my lip. How the fuck do I answer that one? I can’t fucking lie to her face. She saw. She knows. She’s mine. I don’t fucking deserve…

“Stop it. I can see those wheels still spinning. Cut that shit out. You don’t need a fucking shrink, or a time out, or to fucking wallow in guilt. Our hands are both stained with blood. Hell, we are practically drowning in that shit. You need to,” She spins in the direction of the door as it bursts open.

Yegor is standing there with Kolya right behind him. Both of their guns are drawn. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see him. He’s getting me out of this fucking mess and even more, the discussion with Justice and the guilt that’s dragging me down. I inch forward, wrap my arm around Justice, and pull her with me. We need to fucking leave. Now.

I speak up when I pass Kolya and Yegor. “Right on time, guys. Get a fucking cleanup team here, Kolya. I’m going home for a shower and some aspirin. Then we’ll have a meeting with the whole gang. Yegor, you’re coming with me. I need to call…”

Halting my orders, I notice the man who I needed to call down the hall. Ain’t that a fucking coincidence?

“Peacock?” I shout in his direction.

His head turns and upon recognition, he jogs in my direction. His second-in-command, Darren, trails behind him. “There you are. You’re a hard man to find, Ford.” He chuckles as he slaps me on the back.

Fucker. My head still fucking hurts like hell and I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

“We need to have a meeting later. I know this fucking Japanese gang, and it needs to be burned to the ground. There’s a Japanese fucker named Takeo in there. Make sure his body hits the door when you throw it on their doorstep.” The way I’m bellowing makes my fucking head feel like it’s about to explode.

The only thing that keeps me grounded is the hand that strokes up and down my back. Justice. The day she walked into me was life altering. Literally. We’re the same; we bleed darkness from all the sinister things we inflicted in our lives. Her words bounce back in my head and she’s right. I don’t need a fucking shrink. All I need is her.

The sound of Peacock’s voice brings me back to the discussion. “If you let me know the address where I can throw that fucker, I’d be happy to take care of it for you.”

“Give me an hour. I’ll get you the info.” I give him a tight nod and walk off, towing Justice alongside me.

I know what I have to do. I don’t fucking like it and it’s going to cost me, but I have no fucking option whatsoever. This needs to be done.

“Ford, wait up.” Peacock walks up behind me. “I’ll drive you; my gang is going to meet with us later at your place.”

I grace the man with a smile. Damn, it’s good to have him around. He’s one hell of a leader, and he’s always up and ready for any job and without hesitation.

It feels like the ride to the house takes forever. My head is still pounding and I need a shower and some fucking intel. Peacock walks in front of me when we enter the house, while Justice is right next to me and Yegor follows close behind.

We hear a woman scream at the top of her lungs. She comes running down the stairs with Nathan hot on her heels.

“Get away from me.” She stumbles on the last two steps and Peacock sweeps her up, preventing a painful face plant.

The moment his hands wrap around her, the house becomes too damn small. If we thought she was screaming a few seconds ago, then I don’t fucking know what it is she’s doing now. But it is
. Like a siren wailing, war-is-coming, save-yourself kind of loud.

Peacock has no other option than to…

“Get your fucking hands off her.” Yegor growls as he grabs Peacock by the neck.

The girl’s head jerks up and she hides behind Yegor with three fast steps, burying her face in his shirt while clenching the fabric tight in her fists. Peacock’s face is stone as he eyeballs Yegor.

I need to step up before we have bodies lying around. “Stand down Yegor. Take your girl upstairs and let her cool off.”

Yegor lets go instantly and Peacock’s lip comes up to bare a hint of teeth. Man, that fucker is scary when he’s against you. That’s why I need him at my back.

Yegor tries to get the redhead to move around to his front but she is clinging to his back. He twists in place until his shirt is wrapped around him. She catches on to what he’s doing, releases her grip on the fabric with one hand, cocks her arm back, and belts him square in the jaw.

“Ow, ow, ow.” She shakes her hand and holds it with the other.

Yegor rubs his jaw. “Why the fuck did you do that for, Ruby?”

She cradles her sore hand against her chest while she puts a finger in Yegor’s face. “You let that idiot doctor drug me. I hate you.”

“Hate me all you want. I will always do what’s right for you. Even if that means hurting myself to protect you. So get it out. Hit me a-fucking-gain for all I care, but we’re going to my room and you’re going to eat something and rest more. Is that fucking clear?” Yegor stares her down.

“I will always hate you. But I will take the food and a shower. Then I will choose if I sleep or kick your teeth in so you have no other option but to eat a liquid diet from here on out.” Her chest is puffing up and down from her anger.

Yegor grants her a soft smile. “All good, Ruby. Now start walking before I pick you up and carry you.”

She fumes and practically runs up the stairs with Yegor thundering right behind her.

“What the fuck was that all about?” Peacock shakes his head in disbelief.

I look into Justice’s tired eyes. “Go take a shower and get some rest. I’ll be up in a bit. I need a word with Peacock. Okay,
Angel Moy

She stands on her tiptoes and covers my lips with hers. My hands reach for her face and I hold on to her for just a few seconds more, stroking her cheeks gently with my thumbs. I pull back and touch my forehead to hers. “Go.”

“Okay.” She whispers softly before she disappears up the stairs.

Throwing my thumb over my shoulder I motion toward the couch in the other room. “Let’s go in here.”

He falls in step behind me as we walk into the living room, taking a place on the couch in front of the fire place. Although there’s no fire, it’s still the center of the room. Even though this is something I have to do alone, I’m glad Peacock is here. It’s weird enough, considering none of my own guys are in here at this moment, but I trust this guy enough to share. Even more… my own guys don’t know this shit and it’s better left this way.

I balance my elbow on my knee and put my head in my hand. “What I’m about to do is a little tricky. I wouldn’t do this shit if it wasn’t necessary but it’s the fastest way to get the intelligence we need.”

He stares at me without blinking, his face impossible to read. “Go on.”

Taking a deep breath, I start to explain. “I’m going to call the old boss of the first gang I was ever a part of. He’s the type of guy who knows everything and everyone. Now this guy, when you ask him for a favor, he gets one in return. I did him a favor when I started working for him. When I wanted out, he let me… thus returning the favor. So now you see my dilemma.”

Peacock leans back and throws one arm over the back of the couch. “Yeah, you’d owe him. That’s a tricky little detail there, Ford. You sure it’s worth it?”

“They take women and rape them before they murder them in front of a fucking camera. They did the same shit to my sister. What do you think, asshole?” I growl.

“Then why the fuck aren’t you dialing yet? I’ll back you up, no questions asked.” He throws back at me.

Reaching inside my pocket, I take out my phone. After typing a message, I hit send. So now I wait. It’s a tricky thing. You never call this guy, he calls you. Apparently, I won’t be waiting long, because about two minutes later my phone starts to ring. Blocked number. I answer on the second ring.

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