Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (7 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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The very thing that froze me a second ago, the test I’m about to do for her, for me… for us…I need to find out if our connection is solid; no triggers that will cause the past to flare up. Swallowing hard, I keep my eyes on her face to watch her every move.

“I’m going to bend you over that desk, cover your body with mine, and drive my cock inside of you. I’m going to pound you hard, until your screams bounce off these books.”

Shock washes over me. I expect her to be repulsed by the thoughts of me taking her like this. Bringing back the memories, our past. Instead she flames up and brushes her legs together as though she’s scratching an itch. An itch I created. An itch she wants me to scratch.

Her voice sounds hoarse when she says, “Don’t pull out until my walls are done strangling your cock.”

A bark of laughter rises from deep in my chest. Her honesty, her longing, she wants this, just as much as I want her. “I’d better not disappoint that sweet pussy.”

Grabbing her waist, I bend her over the desk. Slowly, I pull up that soft fabric and lock it underneath her bound wrists. I tug my zipper down and my cock falls out, its thick head pointing up, throbbing with need.

The barrier of lace that has been bugging me has done it for the last fucking time as I rip her thong to pieces and shove it in my pocket.

With a groan, I rub the head of my cock along her slick heat. “So fucking wet,
Angel Moy
. You’re going to have me coming deep inside you within seconds. You wouldn’t want that, now would you?”

“Grigory,” My name resembles a moan and it’s the last thing my mind registers before my balls curve around her tight pussy due to the force of me driving deep inside her.

Pulling halfway out, I fall into a fast rhythm that has the both of us panting with each thrust. With one hand locked on her shoulder, I keep her in place, allowing me to extend the force of taking her. With a tight grip on my tie that’s restraining her wrists, it gives me all the balance I need in this moment. My anchor.

The sounds coming from her mouth are fueling the burning in my balls. Her walls start to tighten and strangle my cock. Her orgasm reduces the space I have to drive inside her. Narrow, wet, hot… my control snaps as fire flames up my balls and through my cock, exploding deep within her.

My cum coats her insides and ignites another strong orgasm in her body that takes my dick and demands ransom.
, her body is telling me exactly what I feel, what I need, with every inch that is me. This time, or the next…it will never be enough.

Chapter Eight


I’ve got you now…




The whine that leaves my throat surprises even me. Dammit. That single mind-blowing orgasm wasn’t enough.
Coming deep inside you within seconds
…. That’s what it felt like. Way too fast. Again… dammit. I want him again and he’s still inside me. How is that even possible?

With everything that has happened between us? Our history, our connection. Fuck that shit. There’s no way around how my body feels about Ford. I could ignore it all and focus on the past, but I’d be lying to myself.

“I thought you didn’t want to come within seconds. You need to practice some more. Maybe set a timer next time so you can stretch it out to a few minutes.” I manage to keep my voice even and slip in an offended scoff.

The hard slap against my bare ass brings a sting of pain and makes me clamp down on his cock. Feeling him twitch inside me, he starts to harden again. Just as the burn from the slap starts to flame up, he smacks my ass again. My pussy repeats the action and so does his hand. It doesn’t take long before I've lost count; my mind isn't focused and my body is craving the next burn.

Only it doesn’t come. Instead, his hand curls around my hip, his fingers branding my skin. The hand that was wrapped around my shoulder slides up my neck and into my hair. Fisting it, he tugs my head back. Leaning forward, he takes my lips in a demanding kiss while he keeps pounding hard and fast inside me.

Pulling his head back, he brushes his goatee along my cheek. His lips stop right next to my ear. His grunts and hot breath ignites the first sparks of my orgasm. I hear myself beg, “Please, Grigory… I need…”

Oh, God. I’m actually begging. His long, thick cock is filling me up, and with each stroke he shifts slightly… as if he’s searching… chasing…

“I know,
Angel Moy
. Let go… I’ve got you now…” He shifts his hips again, “Right… there…”

Racing heat. From a grain of sand to a fucking mountain. My whole body shakes as pleasure washes over me. I have no sense of anything except for euphoria. As I slowly come down, I feel his cum shoot deep inside me. His grunts are muffled against my shoulder when he bites down hard. Struggling for my next breath, I fall right back into the pleasure only he can give me.

The rough sound of our panting bounces off the walls. His frustrated groan breaks the moment. “Why are we at this fucking meeting and not at home?”

“Hmmmhmmm.” That’s it… that’s all I can manage right now.

His chuckle leaves a trail of goosebumps on my skin. “We might want to leave early since I plan on taking you at least three more times before morning.”

So cocky; let’s see if I can bring his ego down a nudge. “With the lightning speed you blow your load, we’ll only need five minutes. Two of those would be to give you time in between to catch your breath… so I think we’re good.”

His hand circles my neck and tightens, making my breath hitch. “Careful now, Angel. Your mouth is taunting my cock and I’m not done with your cunt right now.”

There’s a knock on the door. “Ford. You in there?”

Ford curses in Russian underneath his breath. He pulls out and I whimper at the loss and emptiness. “Hush, I’ll be back deep inside you before the night is over. I thought we just made that very clear. Maybe not which side of you, but still… Deep. Inside.”

He smacks my ass and then slides my dress down. My hands are free within a few seconds and Ford strolls across the room. He picks up the knife I had tied to my leg and steals it. He looks back one more time while he’s trying… and failing drastically… to smooth out the wrinkles in his tie. When he reaches the door, he flips the lock and opens it.

Yegor and Afon step into the room. They both look at each other and shake their head.

Yegor speaks up. “Let’s step into the fucking hall because I’m getting horny just from the smell in this room.” He steps around Afon while he murmurs, “Dammit I’m going to need some action tonight.”

Afon follows him and so does Ford. With no other choice I make my way to the door until I have to stop and press my legs together. Dammit. Cum is sliding down my legs and I’m sure I’m wrapped in the smell of it. How on fucking earth am I going to sit in a meeting like this? The instant I stand, I’ll have a huge cum stain on the back of my dress.

Ford peeks his head inside the room. “Ah. Yeah… Not sorry about that part,
Angel Moy
. But let me help you out there.”

He steps inside and grabs his jacket off the desk. “Would have forgotten my jacket if it wasn’t for my cum sliding out of your sweet pussy.”

He pulls out a handkerchief and drops to his knees in front of me. Sliding my foot up, he hooks it over his shoulder. Dammit, my breath hitches as I think of his tongue trailing my…

“Yeah, I’ll eat that sweet cunt after we've both had a shower. Right now I’m going to clean you up so we can handle some business first. Okay?”

“Hmmmhmmm.” Oh why can’t I manage words while he is stroking oh so slowly…

“Stop fucking each other for a few goddamned minutes and handle some business for fuck’s sake,” Yegor’s frustrated voice booms through the room.

“There, all done.” Ford sets my foot down and stands up. After lacing his fingers with mine, he guides me out of the room.

“Don’t get your balls in a twist, Yegor. Now what’s…” Ford’s voice drifts off as he looks from Afon to Yegor. “What the fuck is going on? What did you find out?”

Afon glances over at Yegor, who gives a quick nod as though silently telling him to share their news. “You were right. Filippov is connected. He’s been expanding his gang and fuck…”

His eyes find mine and the look he’s giving me sends shivers down my spine. Ford gives a sharp pull that makes me stumble against his body. He wraps his muscled arms around me making me, feel safe within the next second.

Afon rubs one hand along the back of his neck. “With the shit he’s pulled, Tarzan... This ain’t no fucking donkey shit. We need to... dammit, I can’t even,”

Ford grabs my chin and meets my gaze. “We merge. My name, your signature. He’s going down. We stand stronger together; two leaders, one gang. So he doesn’t have a fucking chance to take you. Because I, for fucking sure, know that’s his intent; make his own personal snuff movie. Am I correct, Afon?”

“Yeah… Boss.” Dammit Afon. With an answer like that, he’s giving his blessing. Not even discussing this with me but making a clear statement that there isn’t any other way. It makes me appear weak, not a badass gang leader. Even though Ford is doing exactly what Filippov wanted… taking my gang, merging… I know deep down it’s very, very different. All of them…my men, Ford and his men…they place themselves in front of me, stepping up to keep me safe.

A soft brush of his thumb along my bottom lip, the throbbing between my legs. Reminders of his strength, control, knowing my needs, and taking charge. Fuck. I can’t think.

“Don’t fight me, Angel.” His voice is a sharp demand. Before I can think, my head moves in automatic agreement. Shit. How does he do that?

“Then it’s done. Let’s get to the meeting so we can expose the backstabbing fucker and have his head on the fucking table.” Ford’s voice makes it final.





The room where the meeting is going to be held is already filling with all the heads of the gangs. There are over eighteen of us, but only fourteen are present tonight. When vital decisions need to be made, it takes at least twelve heads for a motion to pass.

That’s what we’re fucking going for, except… banishing a gang from the elite ring requires a unanimous agreement. That’s why we needed the black and white proof.

“It’s done.” Afon mumbles as my phone chimes.

He’s sent the information to every member except Filippov, for obvious reasons. This way they will all have  time to decide before it's up for discussion and also because the non-present gangs still need to weigh in with their vote.

Seeing multiple members reach for their phones, I know it’s time to get this shit on the road. Yegor is sitting on my right with Justice to my left, while Afon is at her other side. Thankful she’s boxed in between us.

Filippov strolls into the room and his right hand trails behind. He glances around and takes a seat next to Afon. Fuck. I’d rather have him across the table where I can watch the fucker as this shit goes down.

Before anyone enters this room, they have to go through a security check including a pat down. All weapons stay outside. No exceptions. Yet I still feel  a twist in my gut. Why? Well, maybe because I have Justice’s knife strapped on the inside of my ankle. Yeah, the fucker at the door is fucking failing drastically. So with that thought, there’s a definite possibility more weapons could have slipped through.

The feel of a soft brush over my inner thigh makes my head turn. Justice leans close as her sweet voice strokes my ear. “Easy, Slick.”

My nerves calm a bit. Well some, since the most responsive ones are now on full alert. Wanting her to stroke up just a bit and settle that hand on my cock.

Her soft giggle makes my eyes flash up. Yeah, I had my gaze locked on the target and she fucking knows it. God, how I love the sound of her laughter. I make a mental note to bring it out some more at the exact same moment I hear the door close.


Filippov glances around the table, eying the members who are holding their phones. His gaze ping pongs between Justice and me and anger flashes in his eyes.

With all of us being heads of our own gangs, we rotate on who is taking point when we gather. Peacock is the current appointed leader. He stands up, grabs a huge bowl, and walks around the table, sliding the bowl next to every member and patiently waiting for them to throw in their phone.

Another necessary precaution. Yeah, they could take the phones when they check us for weapons, but this is a show of trust. We all surrender to the Vegas mentality; whatever is said in this room, stays in this room. Once Peacock finishes, one of the guards takes the bowl and leaves the room. 

With his hair tied back, Peacock's rough features show his years of experience. He was a fighter who spent his youth in the ring and worked his way up his father’s gang. He’s ruthless and yet always manages to keep the balance with good intentions.

Peacock’s voice rings out, “Okay, let’s start since we have a lot of vital things on the agenda tonight. Also, we’ve got a last minute item we need to discuss so if any of you need to get something off your chest, now is the time.”

Pushing myself off the chair, I plant two hands in front of me on the table and lean in. “Yes. I would like you all to know that Tarzan and I have decided to merge our gangs.” I risk a glance at Justice’s face to see it’s filled with anger. Yeah, I’m going to get my balls twisted the second we’re alone. “This will entail that my name, the Dudnik Circle and her signature, the Russian doll with the skull and roses, will stand strong together.”

Everybody’s eyes are on Afon when Peacock asks, “Is this true? Did Tarzan agree to the merger?”

“She does.” I growl and wrap my hand around Justice’s arm as I pull her against my body.

She tries to elbow me in the gut. “What the fuck, Ford? They could have gone without…”

Peacock raises his eyebrows. “Well… wouldn’t you know, Tarzan’s got a cunt. No fucking vine between the legs. Somehow it does make sense since she still grabs and swings…”

“Shut the fuck up, Peacock. That’s my woman.” I growl.

Justice’s voice rings out. “A woman who can speak up for her fucking self and her gang. So yeah… as of now the Dudnik Circle has two leaders, and one bigass-gang.”

Congratulations ring out from every side of the table. Well, except from the spot next to Afon. I think I can hear Filippov grinding his teeth over the murmur of voices.

After the room quiets down, Peacock raises his voice. “Right. Back to the agenda. What we need to go through first was brought to our attention within the last hour. I’ve got the proxy vote from the absent members. They have all been briefed and so are all of you, now…” He pins Filippov with a stare. “Mind explaining yourself before we rip your head from your torso?”

Filippov’s head turns red as anger boils over. “She’s insane. Whatever you think I’ve done, it’s her. She’s the one who’s been chasing me. Blackmailing me. This cunt…”

‘Silence!” Peacock booms. “This has nothing to do with Tarzan. It does, however, have everything to do with women and snuff movies. Your connection to it, in black and white, fucker. Your name tied to the property. Even the fucking boat, the exact location where the videos have been uploaded. Everything matches and traces back to you. Kind of fucking brainless there, idiot, but it certainly makes our job that much more fucking simple. All of the evidence was leaked to the police before I entered this room. There's no fucking backing out of this, fucker. When they find your head missing from your body, it will be a simple, logical, open-and-shut case for them.”

Glancing around, Filippov’s hand disappears inside his pocket as he stands. “This ain’t over.”

With a fast sweep, Filippov wraps one arm around Afon’s neck and pulls him in front of him to use as a shield. He’s got a six-inch blade tucked underneath Afon’s chin. Walking back, Filippov shouts, “Now, Albert.”

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