Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (3 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

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I can’t help but lash out at her some more. “Yeah, that’s kind of hard to believe. Take them home, tie them up and then cut them loose. No guy would go along with that.”

She flashes the towel and the tip hits my ass like a whip.
. That’s sexy as fuck with her standing there, legs slightly parted and her brow furrowed.

“I tie them up and give them pleasure. Without the use of my cunt and mouth, you fuck. No one has touched my pussy,
. I’ve never wanted that, not since… Never fucking mind. Like I said; I couldn’t care less if you believe me or not.”

With a look of disgust, she throws the towel on the ground and picks up a robe. After putting it on, she walks out of the room, leaving me to wonder what the fuck happened to her when she mentioned not since… since what? Fuck. I need to know. Wait… no one touched her pussy? Ever?

Chapter Three


I’m going to keep this one.




Asshole. Arrogant, judgmental piece of… piece of… hotness. Dammit. I need to get away from him. Things can only go from bad to worse. Okay, I admit he is hot, sexy, and an extremely good kisser. I can’t even start to describe what he can do with his cock but let me just mention that shit is magical.

Besides, I’m the head of a gang and so is he. There’s no way any good can come from two gangs bumping into each other. Although I guess it’s more considered humping each other. Ah, semantics.

Walking back into the bedroom, I look around for my clothes. Feeling someone behind me, I whirl around. Ford’s eyes are on me and I can read the apology in them. Before he can say one word, I cut him off. “Don’t you fucking dare try to smooth things over. Now where the fuck are my clothes and my phone?”

Ignoring my words and with that my anger, he simply replies, “I only indulge four times a year and like you, I don’t fuck them. Ever.”

I take a step in his direction. “Save your breath for someone who cares. Now, where are…”

There’s a knock on the door and a guy is standing in the doorway. Black tailored suit and spikey dark hair. Brown eyes and a two-day scruff.

A cigarette hangs from the corner of his mouth and it bounces while he speaks. “Sorry Boss, but I need a word.”

“Not now, Yegor.” Ford says dismissively.

“Yes, now. Shit has turned bad, we need to…” He looks around Ford and his eyes find me. “Like I said, a word in private, please. Or is she like the good fifty percent so I can speak freely?”

Fuck. It all clicks in my mind. Syringe to the neck. Naked, strapped on the bed. My clothes and phone gone. Indulges four times a year. The good fifty percent so he can speak freely.
He fucking kills these women
. Just like me, I could add but I need to focus on the situation I’m in right now.

Getting killed is not on my agenda.
Yeah, that would be; fuck no.
A quick glance around the room, and I see the knife and rope are still on the bed. In one smooth move I’ve got the rope in one hand while I fist the knife in the other, hilt up and tip point down. Without a glance, I tie a slip knot using only one hand.

Ford assesses me but my eyes are on the guy in the doorway. Seeing Ford just followed me out of the bathroom in only a robe… clearly, the other guy is the threat. When my mind flashes with that thought, I see Yegor’s hand slide towards his back.

My arm shoots out before he can draw his gun. The lasso hits Ford around the neck in one swing. Yeah, I’m that good with a rope. Stepping forward and pulling the rope at the same time, I straddle his back. My arm that’s holding the knife wraps around the front of his neck. The tip of the blade digs lightly into his skin.

With my mouth close to his ear, I breathe out the words. “How does it feel to have the tables turned? This time, the woman is going to kill
after you’ve had your fun. That’s what you do, right? Kill them after you’ve had your fun?”

He doesn’t tense up or act shocked. The bastard just chuckles. “Put the gun away Yegor. I’m going to keep this one.”

Yegor doesn’t even hesitate to lower his gun and tuck it away. That kind of loyalty and trust is something I only have with my right-hand man, just like Ford seems to have with his. Yeah, I try to know a bit about every gang. That’s important information to have in a sticky situation. Look at it as a life and death necessity thing; it’s all in the details.

I’m going to ignore the ‘I’m going to keep this one’ statement for now. Taking the situation into account, I choose to trust Ford’s word and I slide off his back. I ease the knife from his throat and with one hard throw, I bury it deep into the closet door. With both hands free, I step around him so I can look him in the eyes and loosen the rope from around his neck. Casually, as if I’m loosening the tie of my date for tonight.

“Why the fuck did you have to ruin the closet door?” He growls at me.

For growling at me, I tighten the rope before removing it. “Because, Slick… I’m not yours to keep.”

His eyes narrow to slits.

Before I think things through, I blurt, “If you play nice, I may let you tie me up again.”

His hands slide to my wrists as he guides his head out of the rope. Leaning down, his mouth goes to my ear. “You are mine and I will be tying you up again.” He nibbles on my earlobe. “If
play nice.”

The harsh sound of someone clearing their throat makes me step back from his body before I jump him again, in a more pleasurable manner.

“Boss, this really can’t wait.”

Ford nods at his man. “Speak freely.”

Yegor takes a deep breath and looks back at me before his eyes find Ford again. “They tried to kidnap Borya. They shoved him into a car but when they started the vehicle, it exploded.”

He waits a moment for the curses that leave Ford’s mouth to tamper down before he continues, “That guy from Broken Deeds Motorcycle Club was there, Depay. They tried to take Nikki too, but Depay prevented that so they only took Borya. Anyway… Depay dragged him out of the burning car. Thank fuck he’s a volunteer fireman.” Yegor shakes his head. “Borya has second and third degree burns on his right hand, arm and shoulder. Depay’s EMT training came in handy”

“Fuck! His fucking hand? What’s the latest? Any dead? Who the fuck did this? You got anything?” Ford scrubs a hand through his wet hair but stays calm, well except for his mouth.

“The guy who tried to kidnap him died and another one was critical but died on the way to the hospital. It was the Rybin Gang, Boss.”

The moment Yegor states it was my gang, fear envelopes my heart. Not only for my own life but also what happened to my guy and maybe the worst thing… Who died? Which two guys? Turning, I see Ford’s phone on the bed. I snatch it up and dial my second-in-command. It takes two rings for Afon to pick up.

My voice is steady. “Details, Afon. Now, dammit.”

I listen as he debriefs me while my heart is ripped apart. My eyes that were fixed on Ford close as I struggle to remain grounded. Swallowing hard, I reply, “I’ll be there within the hour.”

I throw the phone on the bed. After rubbing both hands down my face and then up into my hair, I look up at both of them. “My brother and another one of my men were killed. I need to get back and get a handle on it. I… it’s… fuck.”

Spinning around, I face the wall to get by the fucking lump in my throat. I hear faint footsteps before strong arms pull me back against a hard chest.

With his head on my shoulder his words are barely a whisper. “This thing went from bad to worse. I shouldn’t have…”

Turning around in his arms I shake my head while I place my hands on his chest. “Turn of events. My brother isn’t…” Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before I continue. “He wasn’t a patient man. That’s the reason our father passed the leadership to me. Besides that… Filippov ordered the hit on my brother. He’s behind the car exploding and with that marked himself as the guy I’m going to kill before this day is over. Now, I either need to borrow your car or you can drive me to my house because I need a change of clothes before I go on a killing spree.”

“Could someone tell me what the fuck is going on here? Why does this chick even know about Filippov or the Rybin Gang or what-the-ever-loving-fuck-Boss?” Yegor’s voice rings out.

Ford doesn’t take his eyes off of me when he answers, “Yegor, meet Tarzan. Angel, this is Yegor, my right hand.”

Looking around Ford’s muscled body, I meet Yegor’s gaze. “Yeah, kinda figured you were his right hand. Nice to meet you, fucked-up circumstances aside.”

“Tarzan’s got a cunt?” Yegor says in awe.

Ford turns and with that takes me with him. “Watch your fucking mouth how you speak about my woman.”

“Yeah, about that? That’s the same dick statement that is to blame for the car bomb that killed my brother just now. Fuck this. This shit is the fucking reason why I don’t meet with anyone. I am my own woman, leader of the Rybin Gang, and very capable of handling my own shit. Now give me your keys.”

Ford tightens his arms around me when I attempt to push away. “No.”

“Fine, stick the keys up your ass. I’ll walk. Now loosen your grip or feel my knee squish your balls, Slick.”

The smart man drops his arms. “Get my car ready, Yegor.”

My eyes follow Yegor as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Ford walks to the closet and grabs a few things before tossing them on the bed.

“Put those on.” He turns and grabs himself a pair of black jeans and a black shirt.

Seeing I have no bra or panties, I slide the sweatpants up my legs and tighten the cord around my waist. When I’ve put the shirt over my head, I hear his voice.

“Filippov wants you?”

Ford is standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest, legs slightly parted, shoulders back and his eyes fixed on me. He’s standing his ground and demanding answers. Just like I would if the tables were turned. I know I won’t get rid of him that easily, and to be honest… I don’t know if I want to. The thought of the orgasms only he gave me come to mind and it’s a done deal.

“Yes. Ever since he got my brother drunk at a high-stake poker game, where that dick told him I was the head of Rybin, he’s wanted me. Actually, he demands me. As you know, we’ve build a great reputation for getting things done. My father was a big part of it and since his son wasn’t capable, he gave that task to me. Well, technically…he’s my uncle but he’s been a father to me for years now. Just like Nico, my cousin, is like a brother to me. Nico was fine with his father’s decision since he didn’t want the responsibility. He likes to fuck and party without doing too much. Filippov tried courting me with flowers, vodka, guns… hell, he even sent me one of my enemy’s heads. That was a nicer gift than the chocolates, I have to give him credit for that. Anyway, I made it clear that it was never going to happen. Then things changed, and he got aggressive. All empty threats… until now.”

He nods and reaches inside a drawer, pulling out a pair of socks and throwing them at me. “Here, put those on. I don’t have shoes in your size, so those will have to do until we get your stuff.”

“Get my stuff? I’m going home to change and then I’m going to call in my guys and plan shit so I can go kill the fucker.” I all but growl out my words.

Ford raises his left eyebrow. “
going to grab your stuff and come back here. Then
gonna call
guys to meet us here with
guys within the hour. Then
gonna make a plan to kill the fucker.”

Closing the distance between us, I jab my finger in his chest. “Now listen here, Slick. I’ve been running my gang since I was twenty years-old. There’s no fucking way I’m going to just roll over and give you lead, my gang, or my ass.”

I don’t even have time to blink before I’m face down on the bed with Ford’s weight on my back. “Your ass is mine. My finger already pointed that out from deep inside it a moment ago and so will my dick soon enough. Now, this is going to happen as I say it will… or…”

“Or fucking what?” I huff at his idle threat.

His hand slides around my throat and he gently squeezes. “Or I won’t be tying you down any time soon,
Angel Moy

Dammit. I fight the urge to rub my legs together at the husky tone of his voice. “Wouldn’t that be your loss too? Not so much of a threat now, is it?”

He chuckles at my reasoning and the sound shoots a shiver through my body. “Well, then… how about… or maybe I’ll just let you tie me up next time.”

“Deal.” Shit. That was out of my mouth before I had time to think about it. Oh hell, what’s to think about? Ford. Naked. Tied up and at my mercy. Hell fucking yeah. Oh, and get extra man-power to kill the bastard who’s been harassing me for the last year and a half? Where do I sign?

Chapter Four


I owe you nothing. If anything, you owe me.




I should regret taking her. Hell, I should have let her walk awa
once I knew who she was. Yet, even with the chain of events leading up to now… she’s fucking worth it.

I’m not saying what happened isn’t fucked up. I mean… fuck… Borya is my advisor. He’s deaf and speaks with his hands. So yeah, second and third degree burns on his hands is fucked up. That’s a long road to come back from. Toss in being Nestor’s son? That just adds to the need to retaliate.

Although it’s a classic ‘you grabbed one of ours, I’m snatching one of yours,’ so they have someone to trade and gain the advantage… Yeah, that shit doesn’t fly. No one tries to take one of my guys and walks away clean.

My eyes are still locked on the woman in question. I’m still trying to figure out how she got under my skin the moment she ran into me. Right now, she’s pacing back and forth in the foyer of my mansion. We picked up a small suitcase from her house and she changed into fucking black cargo pants and a tank top. It’s tight as hell and shows how perfect her rack is. Her hair is tied into a long tight braid that falls right above her ass. I need to wrap that shit around my fist and yank her down on my…

“Stop it.” Her voice rings out in the open space.

I’m leaning against the stairwell while enjoying the lust-filled vision before me. Feigning innocence, I throw out, “What?”

“You know exactly what I mean. We have business to take care of. When that’s over and done with, we’ll make an appointment to fuck our brains out every now and then. That way you and I won’t have t
worry about cleaning up after…well, you know. It’s much easier since I won’t have to go dick hunting anymore.”

Somewhere near the end of her statement a red blur intrudes my vision. “You never will be dick hunting again, am I clear?” I roar.

“Didn’t I just state that, Captain Obvious? Pay attention.” She turns on her heel to start pacing again.

“After this is all taken care of, I’m sure you won’t want to leave my side. So making an appointment is unnecessary; we could be fucking anytime and any moment since we’ll be living together.”

She freezes mid-step at my statement. The look on her face is fierce; scratch that, try scary. “So I take one guy out who wants my gang and my ass, only to trade it all for another one? Hell no.”

I stride toward her until I’m inches from her face. “Don’t fucking deny there isn’t a connection between us. And you better sure as fuck never compare me to Filippov.”

“I’m not denying anything. The connection is there, but it’s just fucking. No way will I give up or merge my gang. Besides that… I don’t need another guy living with me twenty-four-seven, and I damn sure won’t be living with you any time soon.”

We’re at a standoff and the blood boils inside my veins. “Another guy? You’re living with one now? You fucking told me earlier you didn’t have a guy.”

Her eyes narrow to slits just as Yegor’s two-way radio squawks. Apparently, Justice’s men are here. They were just cleared by my men so Yegor opens the door to let them in.

The first man who walks through stalks toward my Angel and wraps her in his arms. She grabs hold just as fucking tight. What the fuck? I’m doing everything I can to stay grounded and not drag her from his arms and place her behind me so I can throat punch the fucker for touching my woman. Yeah, that’s right, she’s mine alright.

Fuck it.

My hands wrap around her waist and pull. Her head whips back and she lets go of the guy. Smart fucking girl. Dragging her behind me, I swing my arm forward to wrap my fist tight in the fucker’s suit coat.

I don’t fucking care that the guy has a massive upper bod
or tattoos running up his neck. With his short hair and scruff, he might look tough, but I can have him in the ground within the next ten minutes. I won’t even fucking ruin my clothes or scrape my knuckles. Yeah, won’t be much of a fight if he goes up against me or if I want the guy to stop living on this fucking world.

The hot breath against my ear doesn’t make me lose focus but the words make my anger fade slightly.

“Calm down, Slick. You know very well that this is Afon, my right-hand. He’s like a brother to me. And yeah,
is the guy who lives with me but also the guy who has my back, so show a little respect if you please. Let’s make a formal introduction but I’m sure you guys have met in the past. Afon, Ford… Ford, Afon. Now play nice before I tie you both up.”

“Hell, no,” Afon and I say at the same time.

Justice snickers. “Thought so. Now let’s talk business.”

My hand falls away from the fucker and he moves toward my woman. I see his intentions to pull her close and the words leave my mouth before I can swallow them back. “Don’t fucking touch my woman again.”

Afon’s head turns back at me. Shock washes over his features but that’s quickly replaced with fury. He bares his fucking teeth at me.

“She’s not, nor will she ever be your woman.” He looks back at Justice. “Grigory Dudnik, former Krysha… the extremely violent enforcer of the Savin gang.” His eyes return to me. “Like I said, she will
be your woman. You fucking lost that chance the day she turned nineteen.”

What the fuck is this guy talking about? My eyes find Justice’s as fury and disgust wash over her. That look. I know I’ve lost her and I have no fucking clue why.

“I’m leaving,” she says, her voice cold with the promise of death. “If you ever try to contact me in any way, you will be met with a knife between the ribs. And if I were you, I’d watch your back from now on.”

Speechless, I watch as she signals for departure. When she’s almost through the door, I finally find my voice.

“What the fuck just happened,
Angel Moy
? You owe me some kind of explanation; don’t you think?”

She spins around and that fucker Afon tries to grab her wrist but she shrugs him off. Standing in front of me, she jabs a finger at my chest.

“I owe you nothing. If anything, you owe me. Be fucking glad I’m walking out of here without your fucking blood covering my clothes.” The vein on her forehead looks like it’s about to burst. “Didn’t your cock recognize my cunt? Three times it came near me. Those two times today were mutual itches scratched… The first encounter, not so much. Be glad you put your dick in your pants before you turned assault into rape and walked away, like I’m doing right now. We’re done.”

My breathing stops, as does my heart, for three seconds before I murmur in shock, “Murin?” She’s the girl I assaulted in front of her father? Why the fuck didn’t I recognize her?
. Back then I had my mind set on revenge and didn’t pay any fucking attention to the girl. All of it doesn’t make any fucking difference right now.

She doesn’t even turn around. “Glad to hear my father’s name is branded in that fucked-up brain of yours.”

For the second fucking time in my life, I feel regret for something I’ve done.





It takes every inch of strength I can muster to keep from grabbing Afon’s gun and killing that fucker on the spot. Why the hell didn’t I recognize him? He doesn’t even look like the guy… well maybe now that it all falls into place, but he was so young back then. Clean shaven, not the rough voice…such a strong contrast to the man he is now.

Apparently, Afon and I need to have a little chat later on. Why the fuck didn’t he tell me? Yeah, probably since he doesn’t want me to go kill the fucker who assaulted me in front of my father, especially considering the fucking idiot is now the head of one of the largest Russian gangs in the US.

Dammit, why did it have to be him? The first guy I connected with, the first guy who brought me to orgasm, the first guy… my first. Fuck. How messed up is that? My heart is battling with fury and hurt. This situation has me running while my mind slips to the memory of him filling my body with intense pleasure. Twisting, the memory slips back in time to our first encounter. Those two combined are tearing my heart apart.

Grabbing the sides of my face, my fingers slip into my hair and grab hold. I need to focus. Right now I need to dig a hole, throw my feelings in there, and cover that shit with freaking concrete. There are more important things going on right now, and personal vengeance has to be replaced with vengeance for my family. For my brother.

Although Nico isn’t my brother by blood, he’s still my family. My cousi
to be precise. His father, my uncle, took me under his wing when the Sevin gang killed my father. Since my mother was killed prior to that, I had nobody else to turn to. I grew up hard and fast. Ever since that day, I’ve had vengeance on my mind. I learned to defend myself with my fists, knives, guns, and rope. Obviously, rope became my favorite.

Back then, my uncle told me he’d captured the one who assaulted me and let me have him. I tortured the fucker every way I could imagine. Eventually, I hung him and even then that wasn’t enough, so I climbed the rope and stomped on his neck, holding on to the rope till my fingers bled. Swinging furiously until his body ripped from his head. That earned me the nickname ‘Tarzan.’

“Was the guy I kille
at th
construction site years ago even connected to what happened to me?” Throwing the words at Afon, I manage to keep the emotion swirling inside of me out of my voice. This is business, so I must get a handle on it.

He keeps his vision locked with mine. “He was the one who ordered it and at the time he was the head of the gang. Ford was…” He swallows the rest of his words.

“Ford was what, Afon? Don’t leave out a fucking thing since this should have been on the fucking table years ago instead of buried in mud in the backyard.”

“I don’t know the whole fucking story, but he switched gangs right after. What he did to you kind of made a statement. Either it caught Nestor’s eye, or Ford knew his gang was a sinking ship and left to team up with Nestor. I don’t know all the fucking details, all right? All I know is that he was the one who assaulted you. Your uncle wanted to bury it deep since he became the right hand and eventually the head of the Dudnik Circle. You need to stay away from him, Tarzan.”

“What I need is none of your business. This isn’t finished yet. I can’t believe you and my uncle  kept this from me. Fuck.”

Dammit, I need to pace to get this anger out of me. I can’t right now since we’re still in the fucking car. Taking deep breaths, I try to focus on the grief that I haven’t allowed myself to feel yet.

My voice changes as I address him yet again. “Update me on the car bomb.”

Afon’s gaze flicks down to the carpet of the limo. “He didn’t listen to me, like fucking always. Act first, think later.” He shakes his head. “Acer sent me a text. He dug up some information I needed to check. When I walked back into the room, he’d already left with Vlad. Boris went after them in a separate car. He witnessed but couldn’t do a fucking thing about it.”

My fingers wipe my thigh, plucking imaginary hairs off my pants. “You know I need to kill that asshole within the next few hours, right?”

Afon let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, I know… Wait, are we talking about Filippov, or Ford?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Both start with an F, and both need to be at my mercy.” The thought of killing Ford twists my gut, which tells me I need more information on Ford. “Since you just threw Ford at me… I would like to know
every fucking detail
. Who knows who else is involved now that I might need to kill first. So with that being said, Filippov gets my undivided attention.”

The car slows down and comes to a stop. Afon steps out and his hand comes up to assist me. Nice fucking offer, dick. Slapping his hand away, I get out myself and head for the house.

“I’m not gonna be forgiven that easily, am I? Is it that I kept information from you or the fact that you regret fucking him twice? Like you mentioned in the foyer earlier, and somehow blame me, since you never would have let him if you had known who he actually was?”

Spinning around, my fist connects with his jaw. “That’s for disrespecting me.” Bringing my knee up between his legs, he grunts and falls to the ground. “That’s for withholding information. Don’t fucking do it again or I’ll tie you up by the balls and decorate your skin using my knife, making art similar to fucking mosaic.”

“Fuck, Tarzan… You feel for the guy, don’t you?” Afon grunts.

No way am I going to admit that, to him or to myself. “You want more, Afon?”

“Shutting up now.” He grunts as he tries to get up with one hand while the other is still cupping his balls.

Thought so, fucker.

Walking inside, I make a beeline for the conference room. There’s a large oval table with more than twenty chairs around it. Only half of them are occupied since only my best men were paged for this meeting.

I grab my chair and place it behind me. Leaning down, I brace my hands on the table. That action sets all eyes on me. “Intel. Now. You’re up, Acer; let’s hear it.”

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