Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (4 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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Acer, our computer guy can get every kind of information that’s available in the digital world. The guy is tiny as fuck, but huge in his work.

“I checked security cameras of the store where the car was parked before it blew up. We identified the two guys who placed the device, they are a straight connection to Filippov. Not that we needed proof since this was delivered about twenty minutes ago.” Acer shoves a black jewelry box my way.

Leaning forward, I grab the velvet box and open it, knowing it’s already been checked out or it wouldn’t be here in this room.

If I was angry before, I am furious right now. I read it again, this time out loud. “Take the ring or I’ll take your life.”

The box and the ring goes flying through the room and bounces off the wall. “Where the fuck is he?” I snarl.

“He’s off the grid.” Afon replies.

Jerking my chin up, I let my mind ponder over everything. Strong emotions are flowing through my veins; rage, frustration, fear. I need to push them back. Closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths. Opening them, I let my gaze travel over my men.

“We’re going to pay our respects to Nico and Vlad.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I continue. “Acer, you’ll reach out to Filippov’s gang and tell him that he will get my answer two weeks from now.” Voices sound out in disapproval, and I bring one hand up to silence them. “Giving false security so he surfaces. This will allow us the time to find him and end him within the next seven days.”

My men slap their hands on the table in agreement.

Afon stands. “And the meeting Saturday?”

Shit. I forgot about that one. Twice a year there’s a meeting, disguised as a party where all the heads of the Russian gangs come to connect. Well, the ones who are standing on mutual ground that is. I always accompany as arm-candy for Afon, or so they think... for me that’s the perfect cover to attend.

Rubbing the tip of my finger along my bottom lip, I think things over. “The meeting will go through as planned. You and me, Afon… we’re attending.”

I see the question in his eyes so I add, “That will leave less room for questions and I can give Filippov the impression he’s getting what he wants.” Before I tie a rope around each body part and let cars rip him apart, I mentally add.

Afon smiles as if he can hear my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I let my men know. “That’s it for tonight. I need a few hours to myself.”

I march out of the room before I show any signs of emotion.

Chapter Five


Please hear me out before you kill me.




Talk about the past coming back to haunt you. I brace both hands on the counter as I stare in the mirror. It takes all of my strength not to plant my fist in the cente
of my reflection. Because that’s what it feels like inside my chest. Shattered.

What are the fucking odds of us meeting like that? The odds of her never having a dick inside her just like I’ve never taken a cunt. For me to hear her voice shake over our first encounter…chills run down my spine.

All those years, all the people we both took pleasure from without actually satisfying our needs. Yet the reminder of the first time our lives crossed, shoved in my face. The hurt, pain, and shame that I feel do not fucking compare to a fraction of what she went through.


Pushing away from the counter, I wrap my hands around the back of my neck as I walk into the massive living room.

I live in a huge mansion that’s been renovated but managed to keep the old Victorian style. Most things are ornamental wood with hand-painted elements decorating the walls and ceilings. I’ve got several couches throughout the open space with tiny tables. Near the end a large dining room table sits with five chairs left and right. Two sides of the room are filled with huge book cases and four chandeliers hang from the ceiling. It radiates family and warmth and yet I’ve never felt so fucking cold.

“I’m sorry, boss.” Yegor’s voice rings out from behind me.

“Yeah, not as much as I am. Fuck.” I walk around the table as my phone vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see a text message.

“Borya is out of surgery. Evgeni is keeping watch. We’ll swing by tomorrow.”

Yegor gives a grunt of acknowledgment as my gaze is still fixed on the phone. A thought comes to mind.

“Can you get me a new iPhone delivered within the hour?”

“Yeah, Boss. On it.”

He leaves the room and I stretch out on one of the couches, the one closest to the fireplace. With my phone still in my hand, I send a message to my intel guy, telling him that I want everything there is to know about Filippov.
I’m going to find the fucker and tie him up as a gift.

There’s no way I can sit back in defeat. I will either get her to come to me or I’ll go to her. We need to fucking talk. Even if it’s with a knife between my ribs, she needs to understand the complete story. Start to finish. But mostly? She needs to know the reason. The turning point. The motivation behind my actions. This isn’t for me to have a clear fucking conscience; that ship sailed a long time ago and sunk to the bottom of the fucking ocean. No. It’s for her. I’m sure she was never told or never knew the fucking reasons. The story needs to be complete so she can have closure.

It takes Yegor forty minutes to walk back in the room with the new phone in his hand. After I’ve activated it, I punched the new number inside my phone before I place it back in the box. I head upstairs to my bedroom, grab the rope that’s still on my bed, and wrap it tightly around the box that holds the phone.

Walking to the closet, I retrieve one of the golden Versace gift boxes I keep in there. Didn’t I already confess I have a robe addiction? Opening it up, I see  a brand new robe inside. I place the tied-up phone in the box. Finished, I make my way to the living room and make a beeline for the desk in the corner. I reach over and grab a pen and a piece of paper. Scribbling down a message before I throw it inside there too, I close the gift box and hand it to Yegor.

“Make sure that’s hand delivered to Tarzan.” Yegor nods and walks off at the same time Kolya walks into the room with an iPad in his hand. He’s one of my most trusted guys. I take it from his outstretched hand and sit back on the couch in front of the fireplace.

I have to swipe a few times to skim through all the information about Filippov. Without taking my eyes off the screen I ask, “Do we know where the fucker is right now?”

“Nah, Boss. He’s been off the grid since yesterday morning. From what we can tell, he’s been planning this for a few weeks. Abram traced a purchase for explosives that could be linked to him. Also…”

Lifting my gaze, I find him studying me. “Go on.”

Kolya takes a deep breath. “Also… the fucker had a ring delivered to Tarzan. There was a note along with it that read; Take the ring or I’ll take your life.”

Standing up, I throw the iPad on the couch behind me. “Fuck!” As soon as the word shoots out of my mouth, a questions pops into my mind. “How the fuck do you know this shit?”

He stares straight down at his shoes. “Because my sister works in that fucking house, okay? I called her before I stepped inside the room. I had to call my fucking mother to ask for her number. My sister and I haven’t spoken for over eight year
over a stupid fucking argument. But with all this shit going on… with what Yegor said… I had to make that call for you. She’s a cook in the main house of the Rybin gang and has a friend-with-benefits thing going on with one of the men there. My mom likes to fucking talk and even if I don’t want to hear about my sister, she tells me anyway.”

Shaking my head, I chuckle. Fuck me, that guy is so fucking loyal. He’s been one of my best men for years now. But shit, I never expected that. “I appreciate you reaching out for me, Kolya. But tell me…what the fuck did Yegor say to you?”

He takes a step in my direction. “Yegor told Abram, Evgeni, Vanya and me about Tarzan. Now we don’t know every detail, but we all agreed you shouldn’t let go. She’s a legend, like you. You guys make quite a pair. ”

“Shouldn’t let go, huh?” I rub my temples with two fingers on each side. “We have a history. One she might not easily overcome. I’ve already set things in motion since she needs to know my side of the story, but I fucking doubt I’ll get the stubborn woman to listen.”

Kolya groans. “Don’t talk about stubborn women. Between my mom and my sister, I don’t fucking need one any time soon.” His eyebrow rises as if he’s caught himself on a mistake. “Well, not for more than a good dick pounding anyway.”

“Right. Well. Thanks for that little piece of advice, man.” My attention goes to the iPad on the couch. Kolya leaves the room as I grab it and plant my ass on a cushion.

Going through the information I can only imagine how this guy forced himself on my Angel time and time again. She’s got a solid gang and a merger with her would only benefit him. His gang needs the fusion, not hers.

I wouldn’t need it either, but fuck… right now I’d give my left nut for our families to become one. Standing strong together will make Filippov’s gang fall away and hell… we would even be able to squash the new gang that keeps popping up.

That new gang is bad fucking news. Not only do they deal drugs, but they use that shit to drug the women they use to make snuff-movies. My stomach turns at the thought. That’s the main thing on the agenda for the next meeting, when all the heads of the gangs meet up.

Normally, we all work alongside each other without interference. As close to ignoring one another; each of us going our own way. But a few times a year, we all meet up at a party. That way we can discuss shit that needs to be handled together, something that benefits us all.

One of those meetings is coming up soon. Just two of each gang goes into a small office. Usually, it’s the head and his right hand. My mind automatically goes to my Angel. I’ve never seen her there or I never noticed, and I fucking wonder how she deals with this big shit. The heads of gangs are guys, sometimes they have chicks in there but that’s either entertainment or to sit and take notes. There are some major decisions made in there, and I can’t imagine Justice letting someone else decide.

Dammit. Yet again, she enters my thoughts. From the moment she literally ran into me,
… She takes over my mind. It’s like she’s been thrown in my path for a reason. Making waves from the past… like the future knows ripples need to settle before you can grab hold and enjoy life.

My mind still can’t wrap around the fact that I came inside her. I’ve never fucked a woman like that. Never sprayed my cum inside a cunt. I set them off with my hands, touch pussy, tits, and make them come that way, yeah. But when it comes to me and orgasms? I take care of business in the shower… by myself. It’s something that started the moment I assaulted her.

All those years ago… It was something I didn’t plan. The circumstances turned into a heat of the moment thing. Vengeance turned me blind, which led to me tearing a person up by hurting someone they loved. I’d tucked my dick back into my pants the moment I realized what I was about to do. But it was too fucking late, even if my dick never came near her pussy. Nothing will justify my actions back then. Not to her and not to myself. Fuck. Her name… Justice. All I remember are her heart-cutting sobs. The moment another guy in the room called out; “Fuck her good, show that fucker of a father what he did… See that, fucker? Your daughter is now the one who’s being used, want us to videotape that shit? Fuck no, we’re not like you, asshole.” Ice bucket. Realization had hit with what I was about to do.






The hard knock on the door makes me jump. Dammit. I was deep in my thoughts about losing my last family member.
The last of the Rybin family.

“Come in.” My voice cracks, and I remind myself to swallow back the grief. I’m head of this gang and need to stay focused.

Afon walks in, holding a box. “It’s been scanned. Not sure if you want this, but that’s up to you.”

He gives me a once-over and places the box on the bed. With a tiny sympathetic smile, he leaves the room and closes the door. The golden box on my bed says Versace on the lid. Opening it, I see a bundle of rope and the exact same robe Ford owns. Fuck. My pussy tightens at the reminder. Damn that man. Why, why did he have to be the guy who traumatized me? The guy who wanted to punish my father by hurting me.

Closing my eyes at the memory, the black behind my eyelids fade and I’m back inside that room, years ago…

My mind is still struggling; why am I in this room? My body is aching all over because my dad beat the shit out of me a few hours ago. I still don’t understand why my father would do that to me. He wanted to pack up and leave, so sudden and without any explanation. When I asked where my mother was, he hit me. The moment I fell to the ground, he started to kick and punch me. If it wasn’t for those guys barging into the house, I’m sure my father would have killed me. That’s how hard he was beating me. And yet… maybe he should have since it only got worse.

My father is tied to a chair. The man I now know as Ford is leaning over a table and right in my father’s face. He’s angry. At nineteen I’ve never seen a person that angry. Not even my dad’s face had that kind of anger when he beat me up before these guys came and took us.

“Thought you could slip through, did you? Unnoticed. Without consequences. Did you really think we wouldn’t know? Wouldn’t catch up? Even with the mask, we fucking knew it was you. Judgement day, fucker. Your time is now.” Ford’s voice is like ice. He’s the youngest guy in the room. Maybe a few years older than I am.

I whimper as I hug my own body. The beating I took is taking its toll and this weird situation isn’t helping. There are two guys behind me; they look to be a few years older than Ford. There’s an older guy in the corner, sitting in a chair. He’s just observing. Like Ford is right now. His gaze seems to drill right through me.

I swallow my next sob, as I should have with the one that got his attention.

“Leave her out of this.” My father growls.

Ford’s head whips to my dad. Before I can react my belly hits the table and I’m staring at my father’s shocked face. Ford is leaning over me, trapping my body between his chest and the table. I try to push up but he grabs my wrists and places them in front of me, pinning them to the table with one hand.

His other hand goes to my yoga pants and in one smooth move he rips my pants and underwear down to my knees. He slides his palm over my butt cheek and I freeze while I hold my breath. This is not happening. These last few hours are a nightmare and I need to wake up.

Staring at my father, Ford’s hard voice snaps out, “This tight pussy is mine for the taking. I will rip it in half and after that you will see your own blood pump out of your body while I’m still pumping my cock deep inside you. My cock will enjoy every vibration till your life ebbs away and your soul leaves this earth.” His breath is ragged. “That’s what you said to her. Your last fucking words. The last thing she heard… The last your fucking daughter will hear.”

What is he talking about? Is he going to? I swallow hard while tears stream down my face. “Please don’t… please. No… please.”

His hand leaves my ass for a moment. There’s a sound of a zipper and I feel heated skin touch my back. His hand is back on my hip, sliding down my front. I try to buckle at his touch but can’t do anything pressed over this table with my hands pinned in front of me.

My father moves forward, regret and guilt in his eyes. “Take me, leave her out of this. She didn’t do anything. Kill me, just…”

My screams fill the room. I’ve never had sex. Never had a boyfriend. Never been touched there. I was saving that part of my body for one person… the right person. The one who would treasure me. Love me… Not create the fear that slices through my body… through my mind… both body and mind shut down. Unable to comprehend the horror, humiliation, panic, despair… a loud speed train of emotions is tearing me apart.

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