Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1 (15 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1
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My hands go to his neck and slide up to wrap around his fists that are still in his hair. Then I tilt his face toward me and trail his bottom lip with my tongue.

I bite down soft before I let go and place my lips near his ear. “Let the boys handle it here so we can get you cleaned up.”

Pulling back, I see his eyes are still blazing. Before he can deny me, I make sure he knows I’m not fucking kidding. My hand leaves his as I poke my finger in the bullet hole. He flinches and growls.

“Hmmm, that got your attention, huh?” A smile tugs at my lips and his eyes track to my mouth.

He leans in closer. “I’ll give you some fucking attention the second we’re home.”

The fiery promise in his eyes makes me shiver. “Not until you rest that shoulder. If you don’t, I’ll tie you down.”

“No,” He interrupts with a growl.

Acting as if I didn’t hear him, I continue, “and ride you until your dick gives me what my pussy needs.”

His head tilts to the left. “Yeah, you’re still not tying me up. But you will be riding me till your pussy squeezes the orgasm out of my balls and sprays cum from my cock that’s lodged deep inside you.”

Oh, wow. I need that, like right now. Fire swirls low in my belly and the longer I stand here will only postpone that moment. “Can you run?”

Ford chuckles at my train of thought as Peacock says, “I told you to calm him the fuck down and you ask if he can fucking run? Marlon is two minutes out, he went to get the car.”

Ford leans in and nibbles at my ear. “Sounds like I get to save my energy for later.”

“Oh, for fucks sake.” Peacock mumbles as he stalks away.

Chapter Eighteen


Ready to start plucking.




I grit my teeth. My shoulder is throbbing like crazy and so is my dick. Justice rolls her hips, and that’s all I can take. My mouth moves forward as my teeth surround her left nipple and bite down.

Her pussy spasms around me, welcoming the cum that bursts free in hot strokes. There’s a moment of intense pleasure that washes through my body that even numbs the pain in my shoulder. My head falls back as I moan out her name.

Her lips land on mine, giving me a lazy kiss while she slowly keeps rocking her hips.

Pulling slightly back, I let Justice know, “You need to stop. You didn’t even give my dick a chance to soften,
Angel Moy
. I’m already half hard. I’ll be ready for action in a few seconds if you keep this up. Remember what Nathan said?”

She groans. “Don’t remind me.”

My laughter fills the room. Seriously, her doctor literally told me, “Fuck once and let her do all the work. Then rest or I will sedate you.”

Technically, he’s my doc now as well, with our gangs merging. This shit has brought us all closer together.

Afon took it upon himself to check out of the hospital and take a cab here. He’s settled in one of the spare bedrooms, and we’ve got the nurse we hired for Borya also keeping an eye on him. But with the way Borya calls out every time she leaves his room, it’s obvious he doesn’t want to share her.

Justice lifts her body off mine and leaves the bed. I watch her naked ass as she saunters from the room, disappearing into the bathroom. Not a moment later, she reappears with a warm damp cloth in her hand to clean me up. Great, I’ve got my own personal…

I groan. “Are you going to wear a short white…”

She cuts me off mid-sentence and glares at me. “Not a chance, Slick.” The smile she bites back reaches my heart.

Justice pulls a pair of sweatpants from one of my drawers and helps me get into them. When she turns to walk off, I smack her bare ass. “I could get used to a naked nurse.”

I can see her struggling not to laugh at my statement, going for a glare but failing miserably. Walking to her duffle bag, she pulls out black yoga pants and a tight tank. I watch as she pulls them on.

“Wear a bra.” I all but snarl.

Come the fuck on, my men… our men, live in the same fucking house. I cannot deal with her walking around showing off her nipples. Nipples that belong to me.

She looks down at herself and then flicks her gaze back up to me. “Why?” She acts all innocent while she continues, “I fight my guys wearing this.”

“What?” The throbbing in my shoulder fades when a flash of pain hit my throat due to the force of screaming out that one word.

The bitch fucking bursts out laughing. Between snorts she manages to say, “You should have seen your face.”

“Oh, you just fucking wait. I’ve got two words for you: crotch rope. The moment my shoulder is back up to speed, I am going to tie you up and make sure you almost die from me not giving you the orgasm you beg for. Then I will wait some more till the rope is dripping with your cum before I mix it with mine.” Fuck. I cannot believe this shit. “Open your fucking eyes and stop rubbing your damn legs together. Fuck.”

She pouts and walks toward me as I scrub a hand down my face. Placing a hand on my good arm, she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me softly on the lips. “I’m so lucky to have you, Ford. You’re my perfect match.”

My good arm wraps around her waist as I pull her against my body. “Definitely stole my line there. I fucking love you with every fiber of my soul.”

I’m about to kiss the living shit out of her when my phone chimes. Reaching over, I grab it off the bedside table and see I’ve got a message. “Peacock’s girl is five minutes out. Let’s get downstairs to warn his ass.”

Justice bounces on her feet as she walks to the door. Half way down the stairs, she can’t contain her excitement as she yells out for Peacock. A few seconds later, he strolls out the living room as we see him walk into the foyer.

“Are you ready?” The smile on her face is huge. As if she knows what’s coming. Now she already told me she went through the file she got when our computer team ran a background check. Funny, how Peacock declined it. Something about not needing it and taking shit how it comes.

“I was born ready.” Peacock grumbles.

Justice tsks-tsks. “Not for this you’re not.” Her sing song voice flames up his anger.

“All the woman needs to have is a mouth, a cunt, an ass, and hair to pull so she doesn’t screw things up. What fucking more do I need?” He barks.

The door opens and one of my men steps in, carrying a suitcase followed closely by a chick. As soon as Peacock sees her, he curses while Justice laughs.

She’s wearing very short black jean shorts that are hanging low on her hips and held up by black suspenders. The black and white low-cut shirt is leaning down along one shoulder and she’s got a red and black lumberjack shirt tied around her waist. Her army boots are unlaced, and she’s wearing red socks that sit just below her knee.

As she clears the door I can see the reason Justice is still laughing her ass off. The delicate creature, hidden beneath a defensive mask, with a nose piercing I might add…is lacking hair. Or at least it’s so fucking short not even Peacock can get a hold of it if he needed it to save his life.

Who fucking cares if my shoulder throbs? My head falls back as the bark of laughter bursts free. I am simply overwhelmed with joy. This moment right here… I’m gonna treasure the fuck out of life right now because nothing is for sure.

Although knowing I’ve got the only thing I need living with me, sharing my life… That’s all I will ever fucking need.

Oh, and maybe enjoy seeing Peacock get grabbed by the hair or balls for that matter.

Screaming from the top of the stairs have all eyes turning toward the second floor.

Tori runs down the stairs, she stops and looks straight at Borya who’s following close behind. “I quit!”

“You can’t fucking quit if you’re fired.” His strangled voice rings out harder as we see the scene in front of us.

She doesn’t even glance behind her as she storms out the door. Borya seems clearly torn, but he doesn’t take a step to follow her. He just turns and disappears while we spin our gaze back to the door where Tory slips out, sidestepping Yegor.

Even he looks back and forth between Tori and the inside of the house.

Yegor’s hands come up. “What the fuck is wrong with women? Are they all fucking leaving us? Always pissed and without any fucking reason? Fuck this shit; I’m taking a room here, Ford. I just got kicked out of my own fucking house.”

As Justice meets my eyes, they twinkle with laughter.

“Well… seems like more are pairing up, huh?” I wink at my woman.

“Yeah, except one of those loves her man… the other might not survive the night.” She looks at Peacock’s girl and back at Peacock. “Better watch it Peacock, she looks ready to start plucking.”

His growl fills the foyer as Justice and I make a run for the stairs.




The Dudnik Circle series will continue in Yegor’s story!


I love hearing from my readers.

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Or contact my PA Christi Durbin for any questions you might have

Special Thanks!

To you as my reader, my pimp team (especially Neringa), my beta team; Fran Gray, Cathy, Neringa, Tracy, Jolanda, Judy, Rebecca, and let’s not forget a very important one…my editor… thanks so much! You guys rock!

Books By Esther E. Schmidt



Areion Fury MC Series




Tyler (Coming soon)



Broken Deeds MC




Depay (coming soon)



The Dudnik Circle






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