Her Sweet Betrayal (2 page)

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Authors: Tywanda Brown

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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Approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim.



“Hey girl I’m glad I caught you before you left,” Vista said getting on the elevator with me.

“Hey girl how have you been? We missed you at Honey’s birthday party yesterday,” I responded.

“That’s why I was trying to catch up with you today. I got called in to work last night because lazy ass Teka didn’t come to work, but that’s another story for another day. I got Honey’s gift in the car.”

“I don’t understand why Stan’s ass won’t fire Teka. She’s never at work and when she shows up it’s never on time. None of the patients like her ass. If you ask me she is a waste of good time and money, but anyway, why don’t you stop by the house before you go home. We got plenty of cake and ice cream leftover, plus you’ll get to see Honey’s face when she opens your gift,” I suggested as the doors opened.

“I can’t today. I promised mom that I would take her to the Bingo Hall, but how about a rain check later this week,” she replied.

“Sure,” I responded as we headed towards her car.

“But did she enjoy herself?”

“Yes she did. Stephan made sure she got everything she wanted and more. After the party we let her girlfriends stay over and they shot fireworks.”

“Girl you got lucky with that man. He’s hard working, faithful, caring, understanding, loving and respectful…”

“Now if I could just get him to leave the seat down,” I joked.

“If he did that I would question his sexuality,” she responded as we reached her car.

“Oh honey trust and believe he is nowhere near gay.”

“I hear you talking, but if y’all are sexing like you say y’all are, why is Honey still an only child?”

“Because I enjoy the life I currently have.”

“Does he enjoy the life you guys currently have? Don’t get me wrong, I know he loves Honey, but at some point he is going to want a child of his own…”

“Vista, Honey is his child, so what are you talking about?” I asked getting frustrated.

“Honey is not his biological child. And at some point he is going to want a biological child…”

“Why are you talking like you know something I don’t, but should know?”

“Because it’s something everyone knows sweetie. No man wants to play step daddy all his life. At some point he is going to want to be someone’s dad, but honey I got to go. We’ll finish this conversation some other time. You know how mom is about her BINGO.”

“Yea I do,” I said hugging her and quickly walked away with a lot on my mind now.


“Hey baby, how was your day?” I asked tiredly walking into the house after working three hours at the nursing home.

“It was bittersweet, I’m about to go for a drive,” Stephan replied.

He kissed me on the forehead grabbed his keys and left. Sitting my purse on the counter, I kicked off my shoes and headed towards Honey’s room to give her the gift.

Knocking on the door I received no answer, so I knocked again still no answer. After knocking for the third time and no answer, I decided to walk in. Walking into the room I saw Honey lying down with her head under the covers.

“Honey, is everything okay baby? Why are you in here in the dark with your head under the covers?” I asked sitting on the foot of the bed and placing her gift on the floor.

Honey said nothing just laid there not moving.

“I’m waiting young lady,” I said pulling the covers down.

“Me and a friend had a misunderstanding, that’s all,” she responded turning over with her back facing me.

“What type of misunderstanding?” I asked moving closer and began rubbing her back.

“Really mom it was nothing. I just want to be alone right now,” she replied.

“Honey you know you can talk to me about anything right?”

“Something tells me that you wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me,” I replied.

“Mom I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Well I ran into Vista on the way to the car after work and she gave me a gift for you. Do you want it now or later?” I asked trying to soften the mood.

“Later,” she responded dryly.

“Baby, are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’ll be fine mom. I just need some time alone.”

“Okay, well I’m about to take a shower and make dinner. Maybe by the time I’m out you will feel like helping me bake a pie.” I said before standing up and leaving the room.



I wanted to tell her, but I knew she couldn’t handle being without Stephan. Stephan had become her life and I was just her life support.

“Well, I’m here if you need me,” mom said leaving the room. I turned over and grabbed my phone off the dresser and saw a text from Stephan.

DAD 7/5/12 3:30PM:
I’m so sorry for what I have done to you. You have every right to tell your mother. It’s killing me to know that I have caused you pain. Honey if you wish to forgive me, I’ll try every day to make it up to you. I went for a walk please respond with your answer.

ME 7/5/2012 3:35PM:
Stephan I probably could never forgive you but I didn’t tell mom just bring back makeup to cover up the bruises.

DAD 7/5/2012 3:37PM:
Honey I promise I will never touch you again. Thanks for giving me a chance to make it up to you.

ME 7/5/2012 3:38PM:
Don’t forget the makeup

DAD 7/5/2012 3:39PM:
Of course not, love you

ME 7/5/2012 3:40PM:

About five minutes later, I heard a knock at my door.

“Honey, Stephan is about to order us some movies. Any movie you want to see?” mom asked from the other side of the door.

“No ma’am, I just want to stay in my room and relax.”

“Are you sure? Baby let’s just talk about whatever is bothering you,” she pleaded.

Once I thought she was gone, I pulled myself up and groaned in pain.

“I don’t see how women can have sex voluntarily, that shit hurts,”
I thought sliding out the bed and walked slowly towards the full length mirror.

I just stood in there staring at my reflection. I couldn’t believe that this much damage was done by the hands of someone I loved. My face was badly bruised along with my stomach and back. I cried as the images replayed in my head. My thoughts were broken when my cell phone beeped announcing a new message.

Justice 7/5/2012 3:50PM:
Did you really enjoy what happened last night or did Amber bully you into saying you did?

Me 7/5/2012 3:50PM:

Justice 7/5/2012 3:51PM:
Would you be up for a repeat?

Me 7/5/2012 3:51PM:

Justice 7/5/2012 3:52PM:
Why not? You just said you enjoyed it.

The sound of someone knocking at my door caught my attention, and interrupted me from finishing my text to Justice.

“Who is it,” I asked silently praying that it wasn’t my momma again.

“It’s me your father,” Stephan replied.

“I don’t have a father,” I said opening the door in just my bra and panties.

“Put some clothes on,” Stephan demanded as he walked in the room handing me the CVS bag.

“Why because you don’t like your handy work Stephan? Look at me; look at what you did to me. Why did you do this to me? Why? Why?” I sobbed while hitting him in his chest.

He grabbed and hugged me tight while backing me up towards the bed.

“I don’t know why Babygirl. I don’t know. But I do know that I’m very sorry,” he responded with tears in his eyes as he studied the damage he inflicted on my body.

“Honey, I’ll spend every day trying to make it up to you. I’ll do whatever you need me to do sweetheart, just don’t tell your mother,” Stephan said as he gently rubbed my back.

“You can start by getting out my room and never touching me again,” I replied pushing him off of me.

“Honey, calm down or…” Stephan replied standing up facing me.

“Or what? Huh? You’re going to rape me again?” I yelled interrupting him as I backed away from him with tears still running down my face.



I finally made it home from a hot day at work, so I decided to grab a beer. Walking up the stairs to my bedroom’s bathroom, I began to undress so I could start my shower. Turning on the radio, ‘Motivation’, the R. Kelly remix started playing through the speakers. Taking a sip of my beer, I stepped into the shower with thoughts of Honey.

“Damn,” I said as the song reminded me of how watching Honey in action motivated me to go fuck my wife last night. Just that vision alone, made me instantly hard.

By the time I stepped out the shower, ‘Ready’ by Mario was playing. Instantly my mind went to Honey, and I knew I wanted to be her first. Drying off, I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out the bathroom into the bedroom. Remembering that Tina had to go into work today for a meeting, I smiled thinking today is about to be my lucky day.

“I know you wanna bite this, it’s so enticing, nothing else like this,” Honey sung stepping out the bathroom naked, looking like America’s next top model.

“You have no idea how bad I want to bite it,” I responded leaning against the wall taking in the view.

“Dad, what are you doing?” she asked as I pulled her into my chest.

I knew right then that I should stop while I was ahead, being that I’m the only father that she’s ever known; but the sight of her harden nipples wouldn’t let me stop.

“That’s right, call me daddy. I always loved it when you called daddy,” I said while using my free hand to roam her body.

“Damn her skin is soft,”
I thought, enjoying the feel of her wet skin.

“Stephan, get off of me and I’m telling mom,” She said while trying to push me off of her.

“Oh she’s a feisty one,”
I thought as I grabbed her by the throat. Pushing her up against the wall, I decided to address her last statement.

“Sure go ahead and tell her, and I’ll make sure she knows about your little after party,” I advised her as I began to massage her right tittie.

“I wonder if they taste as good as they look,”
I thought licking my lips.

I noticed tears started rolling down her face as my hand left her tittie and made its way to her tight, virgin pussy.

“Yeah, I saw y’all tasting each other. Let me tell you my favorite part…My favorite part was watching you cum,” I said, before leaning in and kissing her on her juicy lips.

Next thing I knew this heffa bit my bottom lip, causing me to loosen my grip and dropping her to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

“You ungrateful BITCH, you bit me!!!” I yelled out in pain as I pulled her up by her hair.

Once I got her up on her feet, I slapped her across the face knocking her back to the floor.

“I know this bitch don’t call herself running away from me. I mean after all the time and money I put in her ass I can’t even sample the goodies,”
I thought watching her trying to escape.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I yelled as I brought my size twelve down to kick her in the back as she tried to crawl away from me.

“Help me!!! Somebody help me!!!”

“Shut up bitch, you want to be a woman. I’m about to make you one today,” I said bending down picking her up and throwing her over my shoulders.

All her kicking and screaming was starting to get on my damn nerves. Walking into her room I threw her across the bed and pulled the towel off around my waist. Just as I did that she hopped off the bed in attempt to escape again.

Getting frustrated I grabbed her by her hair again throwing her back on the bed. Testing my patience again she tried to get up again, so I countered by punching her in the stomach and pulling her down towards my throbbing dick. Using one hand to grip her neck and the other to guide my eight inch dick into her tight opening, I worked my way in slowly going inch by inch.

“Stop…your hurting me,” Honey whined.

“Oh my god Honey this is some good pussy…I see why your friends wanted to taste it…I wanted to taste…it too but you was tripping…Ugh,” I moaned while continuing to pound away.

Remembering that she said I was hurting her, I loosened my grip around her neck and started kissing on it.

“Oh my god Honey, I’m about to cum…Ugh,” I groaned as I released my hot load inside her.



“Listen to me Honey. This here pussy is now mines and I will get it whenever I want. Do you understand me?” I said after slapping her in order to get her attention.

“Yes,” she mumbled.

“Good. Now stop all that damn crying and go clean up this mess before your mother gets home,” I replied grabbing my towel off the floor.

Heading back downstairs to take another shower, that’s when all the excitement wore out and fear stepped in. If she tells her mother I’ll go to jail for a long time. Damn I really messed up this time.

After taking my second shower, I grabbed another beer out the fridge and tried to come up with ways to keep Honey from opening her mouth; unless she was going to be using it to suck my dick.

As I was finishing my beer, Tina came in from work. Worried that Honey might tell Tina, I grabbed my keys and left. Hopping in my car, I let the windows down and did the best thing a guy in my situation could do come up with a quick solution.

“Think Stephan think…Money, money is the answer to everything. I wonder how much her silence is going to cost me,” I said talking to myself as I drove around.

Pulling over in a vacant parking lot, I began texting her to see where her head was. And fortunately for me all she wanted was makeup. Placing my car in drive I headed over to the local CVS. Just as I was checking out my wife called.


“Hey baby where are you and why did you run out the house so quick,” she asked.

“I’m leaving CVS and the reason why I ran out the house so quick, was because I forgot I was supposed to pick up Tom’s meds for him,” I replied telling the first lie that came to my mind.

“Oh okay. Well how about you pick up some movies for us to watch tonight.”

“No problem anything you want to see?”

“A comedy,” she quickly replied.

“Okay, well I’ll see you when I get home,” I said before hanging up the phone.

After arriving home, I found Tina in the shower. So I went back out to the car and grabbed the CVS bag and ran it up to Honey’s room. Disappointed that she won’t talk to me, I backed out of her room with my head hanging down in defeat. Once outside her room, I went to check on my wife who was still in the bathroom. Tonight I don’t want to have sex with her, I just want to be held and told everything is going to be alright. Tina came out the bedroom dressed in a matching all white Victoria secret bra and panties set. When I saw Tina all dressed up my dick instantly got hard, and thoughts of being held went straight out the door.

“I see big daddy likes what he sees,” Tina said as she got on all fours and crawled towards me.

Once making her way in between my legs, she reached up and kissed me while unbuckling my pants. My hands started roaming her body. I reached behind her and unstrapped her bra; freeing her girls.

“Hello ladies, did you miss me?” I asked before starting to suck on her breasts.

She moaned as I pulled her panties to the side and stuck my fingers into her pussy. After two minutes of fingering her. I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I pulled her panties off and began eating her pussy with all my might. After cuming in my mouth, she was ready to ride. I laid on my back as she slid down my pole going slow at first then speeding up.

“Yes honey, ride this dick baby,” I said gripping her ass, but she stopped in mid stride.

“Honey?” she asked shocked that he called her that during sex.

“What’s wrong baby? Why you stop?”

“Because, you called me honey during sex, we agreed that you could never call me honey during sex.”

“I’m sorry baby, I wasn’t thinking. It will never happen again. How about letting daddy hit this shit from the back?”

“Okay boo,” she turned over and placed her face down and ass up. I entered her from behind with one deep long stroke before I started pounding hard into her juicy pussy.

“Take this dick Honey. Take this dick for daddy. Who pussy is this? This daddy’s pussy ain’t it?” I yelled picturing my fifteen year old daughter taken my dick not Tina, just that thought alone made me bust fast.

Shortly after, I noticed that my pissed off wife had put on her robe and left. However I continued to lay there for ten minutes before getting up to go check on her. Heading towards the guest room knowing that’s where she was, I thought I heard someone crying. Taking a deep breath I opened the door.

“What the hell is wrong with you now?” I asked walking into the room without knocking.

“Don’t act like you don’t know,” Tina responded rolling her eyes.

“All know is that I called you honey during sex, and you’re taking it all out of proportion. I said sorry, damn what you want me to do?” I said raising my voice as I walked closer toward her.

“You know what I want you to do for me Stephan,” asked Tina as she stood up on the bed, so she could be face to face with me.

“What,” I responded while rubbing on her thighs.

“I want you to get the fuck out my face and my room,” Tina said pushing my hands off her.

I just stood there in shock. I watched as she hopped off the bed and went and opened the door.  I continued to stand there and watch as she crossed her arms across her chest and poke her lips out. Not saying anything I walked passed her shaking my head, I went downstairs and grabbed the bottle of gin. Grabbing the remote I turned to ESPN, and start drinking my problems away.

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