Her Sweet Betrayal (5 page)

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Authors: Tywanda Brown

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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After calling Grandpa in like Grandma said, I sat down knowing I had some explaining to do, but the problem was I was having problems remembering what all took place.

“Lord Jesus, if you get me out this one alive, I promise I will be good and stop hanging out with Amber, Amen,”
I thought sending up a quick prayer would get me out of this tough situation. I was serious as a heart attack too. If the Lord blesses me with an easy way out, I would no longer be friends with Amber.

“Honey, I’m sorry for throwing the bucket of ice on you earlier. I’m not used to a child telling me what they are going to do like they have a choice. You see in my household you do what you’re asked to do the first time, or be ready for the consequences. With that being said, last night my husband, your grandfather, told you to be home at eleven o’clock. Not only did you come in an hour late, you were carried in by a young man that didn’t pick you up from here. Plus you reeked of alcohol and were wearing clothes that didn’t belong to you. Luckily for you my husband is old and is being soft today. So Miss Honey, please enlighten us by telling us what happened last night,” Grandma stated as Grandpa walked into the kitchen.

“All I remember is leaving here with Amber and Alex, we picked up Brent and went to party and everything else is a blur,” I responded holding my head down in embarrassment.

After a couple seconds of silence I lifted my head up to see them staring at me.

“Are you telling me, you were too drunk to remember anything?” Grandma asked with her arms folded.

“I’m beginning to dislike Grandma Ruby more and more. First the water now this interrogation like she’s the police.”

“Don’t worry Honey; allow me to help refresh your memory,” Grandpa responded as he picked up his phone and told someone to come in.

I sat there trying to figure out who he called. Next thing I knew Brent was standing in the kitchen.

“Honey, this is Brent, just in case you forgot.

“I remember what he looks like, but why is he in handcuffs?” I asked while my mind was racing a million miles per hour as I tried to remember what happened last night.

My grandfather gave Brent a nod and Brent began to tell me about the events of last night. I was in tears by the end of story. I couldn’t believe my reckless behavior is the reason why Brent was in handcuffs.

“Honey, let this be a lesson to you. Your actions doesn’t just affect you, they affect everyone around you. Maybe next time you will think more carefully,” Grandpa said as the police led Brent out the room.

Once Brent was out the room, he spoke again, “The sad thing about this situation is that Brent had a promising future ahead of his self. He was on the Governor’s Honor Roll with a 4.0 GPA. Plus he was voted the best quarterback in the state, but I guess that doesn’t matter anymore because now he will be inmate number 98752121.”

“Grandpa, do something! I’m sorry! I promise it will never happen again. I learned my lesson!” I cried out as the thought of me ruining someone else’s life played over again in my head. “OMG, what will people say about me? I will be the talk of the town, people will hate me!”

“Calm down Honey, I mean at least you had fun,” Grandma said as she walked out the room with a smirk on her face. My grandfather left right after her leaving me to cry my heart out alone.

After about five minutes, I heard someone walk into the kitchen. I lifted my head up to see my Grandma standing over me.

“Honey, look at me darling. We called your parents and told them everything. Your father will be picking you up after he gets off. I need you to know that even though it may seem like your grandfather and I are being hard on you, we are just trying to keep you from making bad decisions in your life. Your actions at that party were horrible and ……”

“What about Brent?” I asked interrupting her as she wiped my tears off my face.

“Brent is not going to jail this time but he may not be lucky next time. I just hope that both of y’all learned a valuable lesson,” Grandma responded still wiping the tears off my face, suddenly she stop while still holding my face.

“Oh my goodness child how did you get this bruise on your face!”

“Oh I slipped in the tub a couple of nights ago,” I said saying the first thing that came to mind. Praying that she will buy it and leave me alone about it, but of course I wasn’t that lucky.

“Stephan you and that boy better get in here, and get in here quick!” she yelled looking at me with tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong dear?” asked Grandpa as he rushed in and rushed to Grandma’s side.

She pointed to my face and cried softly into her husband chest. He kissed her on the forehead before addressing Brent.

“Young man you better start talking before my hands do.”

“Mr. Harris sir, I swear she didn’t get that bruise last night, at least while I was around her,” Brent replied stepping towards Grandpa Harris. “I told you everything that happened last night, don’t you think if she would’ve gotten hurt I would’ve told you that too. Why would I hide that from you?”

“To protect yourself, you never planned on us seeing the bruises did you?” Grandpa yelled still holding his wife in his arms.

“Grandpa, Brent is telling the truth. I slipped coming out of the shower a couple of nights ago at home. Stephan got me the makeup so I can cover up my clumsy mistake,” I said walking up to my grandfather, but stopped to address Brent. “I’m sorry my actions have caused you so many problems. I hope that you can forgive me one day.”

I then exited the room to start packing. I can’t believe that I have only been at my grandparents one day and I have managed to cause so much trouble.

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I yelled never looking up as I continue to get ready to go home.

“I wanted to say bye before you left, I hope that’s okay,” Brent said walking towards me.

“Yes it’s okay and I’m sorry again for almost getting you arrested, embarrassing you at the party and throwing up on your shirt,” I said putting my head down in shame.

I waited for him to say something else but he didn’t. So I decided to find out as much about him as I could before returning home.

“So, was the rude girl from the party your girlfriend or something?”

“She’s my ex-girlfriend and as you can see, she has a pretty nasty attitude,” he responded picking up my notebook.

I rushed and grabbed it away from him.

“Dang girl, I wasn’t going to steal it. I was just looking in it.”

“I didn’t mean to snatch it, it’s just that it’s my poetry notebook and I’m not ready to share my poetry with anyone yet.”

“That’s cool I understand, I write too. Maybe one day we can sit down and compare poems,” he responded as he stood to leave. “Here’s my number just in case you want to discuss poetry or just to get know each other better as friends.”

I happily accepted his number and waited for him to leave the room before doing my happy dance. I can’t wait to go home and tell Justice about my luck. I grabbed my phone to add Brent’s number to it and realized it died over night. I plugged up the phone and turned it back on expecting messages from Amber being worried about me. To my surprise, no txt messages from Amber just a lot from my mom and dad.


Within thirty minutes Stephan was outside blowing the horn.

Grabbing my bag I walked out the guest room and out onto the patio where I knew my grandparents would be.

“I’m really sorry you guys for disrespecting you. I never meant to cause you any trouble.”

“We accept your apology sweetheart. Now go home and take good care of yourself. Call us if you need us,” Grandma said giving me a hug.

“Love you,” Grandpa said kissing me on the forehead.

“Love you guys too,” I said as they let me go and I headed towards the car.

As I was getting in the car, Stephan was hanging up the phone.

We began riding in silence until Stephan decided to break the ice.

“Honey, your mother and I were very disappointed when dad called this morning to inform us about of your actions. We understand you want to have fun and live a little bit, but to go get drunk! What were you thinking? Something bad could’ve happen to you.”

“Something bad did happen, but before I got drunk,”
I thought before addressing his concern.

“I wasn’t thinking, and I’m very sorry for disrespecting my grandparents. I was just trying to have a good time like everybody else. Amber goes out and drinks all the time with her brother. Nothing bad ever happens to her,” I responded with my head down expecting him to rip me a new one. Shockingly he didn’t, he sat there quietly finally reaching up into the visor and pulling down a black. He slowly lights it and starts inhaling the smoke.

“Let’s make a deal, I’ll keep your mother off your back if you promise to keep what happened between us a secret.”

“Okay but what if something comes up and you’re not there to bail me out?” I asked trying to see how far he was willing to go to keep this a secret.

“If it’s something minor like smoking, I’ll handle it by advising her that I allowed you to smoke with me, because I’d rather you do it with someone you can trust than a stranger. But, if it’s something like you shoplifting, I’ll do my best to make sure the punishment is less severe.”

I sat back and began making my plans to live a little bit, now that I know Stephan is willing to take the heat. As I began thinking about what all I could get away with, I remembered that Amber still hasn’t called or texted to check on me. I picked up my phone and texted Amber thinking maybe she wasn’t feeling good like I wasn’t this morning. No response, so I laid back and closed my eyes mentally preparing to hear my mom going off on me.




Two Weeks Later

“Honey, it’s been two weeks since you and Amber fell out. You should call her and apologize,” Justice said while we were window shopping for dresses.

“Justice, I know how long it’s been because every day you remind me. I hope you are pressing her to apologize as much as you are pressing me to,” I said admiring a pink dress in the window.

“Yes I have been pressing her, but you know she isn’t going to do it. So I think you should be the bigger person and approach her.”

“Hell no, what do I have to be sorry for? She didn’t call or nothing when all that stuff went down. I tried reaching out to her the next day and she never responded. For all she knew I could’ve died and she wouldn’t have cared,” I said walking away from the dress.

I couldn’t believe that Amber didn’t even care to reach out to me and when Justice finally forced her talk to me, she acted like that night never happened. I wanted to kick her ass so bad I could taste it. Now I have to listen to Justice trying to convince me to call her and apologize.

“You know that’s a lie! She would have cared if you were dead. You know how selfish she can be, so I don’t even know why you mad. Nothing serious happened that night, so what you got in trouble with your family. At least you and Brent were able to connect afterwards,” Justice said catching up with me.

I smiled at the mentioned of his name; Brent Samuel Michaels was officially my new best friend. We connected on a level that most people search their whole lives for. I still have a crush on him and plan on telling him tonight when he comes over.  My mom and stepdad are leaving us alone for the first time, I plan on Brent being my first actual consensual sex partner.

“Meeting Brent was the only good thing that came out of that night. I mean my parents weren’t just mad, they were also disappointed in me,” I replied walking in the store.

“I understand that, but I miss having both my best friends together,” she said walking in the store behind me.

“Whatever let’s try on a couple of these dresses before getting something to eat.”

Twenty minutes later we were walking into Subway. Once we ordered our food, Justice texted her mom advising her we will be ready in twenty minutes.

“Damn y’all I love to eat fresh, why wasn’t I invited?” Amber said standing beside our table with her hands on her hips.

“You weren’t invited because I’m done with you,” I said taking a bite of my cold cut sub.

“So I heard, but I doubt that you’re done with me. I mean according to this video you loved it when I eat fresh,” she said pressing play on her cell phone.

And sure enough there I was lying on the floor with Amber in between my legs. Spitting my sub out into my tray, I jumped up and tried to grab her phone. However she saw it coming and pushed me back down in the booth.

“Justice, get your girlfriend,” I said as Amber leaned over me and began caressing my thigh.

“I doubt Justice will be any assistance to you since she was the one that texted me your location and recorded the video.”

“Really Justice,” I said kicking Amber in the stomach.

As she hit the floor I grabbed my purse and ran out of there. It wasn’t because I was scared to fight Amber; I was scared of getting jumped.

I stopped running once I thought the close was clear. I sat down on the sidewalk and pulled out my cell phone. I needed a ride home because I was officially done with both Amber and Justice.

Texting my eighteen year old neighbor, I got up and sat on the grass as I waited for her to pick me up.

Ten minutes later I was walking up the steps to my house. Opening the door I saw mom and Stephan making out in the living room.

“Ewww get a room you two,” I called out to them in a joking manner.

“I bet you won’t be saying that tonight if Brent tries to kiss you,” my mom fired back while placing her head on Stephan’s shoulder.

I just smiled while Stephan on the other hand looked pissed.

I didn’t care though, because tonight was the night Brent becomes my boyfriend. I ran upstairs to go take a shower and prepare for tonight’s event; leaving Stephan and my mom alone again.

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