Her Sweet Betrayal (3 page)

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Authors: Tywanda Brown

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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When I woke up to the smell of pancakes, sausage and eggs, I knew mom was apologizing for something. I rolled out the bed and limped over to the mirror to check my battle scars. While looking in the mirror there was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I asked still staring in the mirror.

“Honey, can I come in? I think we need to talk about what happened yesterday,” Stephan replied as he leaned against the wall.

“No, you cannot Stephan. You have done enough, why don’t you go downstairs and let mom apologize for whatever happened last night between you two,” I responded with tears in my eyes as the events from yesterday replayed in my head like a horror movie.

“Honey, I’m going to get counseling. I know what I did to you was wrong, and I’m man enough to admit it. I just need you to be willing to forgive me,” he said before walking away from the door.

Instead of responding, I went back to my bed and poured the makeup Stephan brought me on the bed.  Picking out the closest shade of foundation, I sat down in front on the mirror and started applying it.

After a few minutes of applying makeup I heard the front door close. Getting up and walking over to my window, I watched as my stepdad pulled out the driveway. I was hoping that he was going to be gone all day so I wouldn’t have to see him again.

“Honey, it’s time for breakfast sweetheart!” mom yelled.

“Coming,” I replied as I finished putting the finishing touches of make up on. I prayed that mom didn’t ask me why I’m wearing make up at 9:00 a.m. I walked down the stairs to find that mom has prepared a feast for Stephan, who of course has gone ghost.

“Good morning Honey, do you know where your father ran off to?” mom asked while putting her husband up a plate.

“Nope, I’m not his keeper,” I responded grabbing some bacon and making myself a bacon and syrup sandwich.

“Excuse me?”

“I said I’m not his keeper mom, so why are you asking me about his whereabouts,” I responded as I started eating my breakfast. I mean here I am wearing makeup first thing in the morning and the only thing she is worried about is Stephan.

“I don’t know which friend licked the red off your candy, but if you disrespect me again I’m going to knock some sense into you. Do you understand me?” mom replied as she stood in front of me.

“Yea whatever, Amber is picking me up at twelve so we can get our hair done for tonight,” I said finishing my breakfast and placing the plate in the sink.

“Well you can go ahead and call Amber and cancel. That way you will be saving her the trip,” replied mom as she took a sip of her orange juice.

“And what should I tell her is the reason for my cancellation? Huh? Should I say hey girl I know we been planning on going to the movies for weeks now, however, my mom is pissed because Stephan left before eating her guilt breakfast. Is that what you want me to tell her?” I responded walking towards her.

“You can tell her, that you’re not going because you’re a disrespectful, ungrateful heffa. That thinks because she turned fifteen, that she is grown and she is not. Tell her that,” she replied matching my glare.

“I can’t wait to move out of this house,” I mumbled as I walked out of the kitchen heading to my room. I sat on the bed and began to plot on a way out of the house, because I was not going to be punished because of something her husband did.

“Maybe I can go stay over at Grandma and Grandpa’s house,”
I thought picking up the phone calling my grandfather.

“Hey Paw-Paw,” I said into the phone sadly, hoping he would fall for the bait.

“Hey Angel, what’s wrong?” asked Grandpa Harris.

“Nothing really Paw-Paw, I just miss staying over at you and Grandma’s and would really like to come spend a couple of days with you guys,” I responded trying my best to sound down, even though I was happy he was buying my act.

“Honey, I was born at night, not last night. Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or you going to continue to jerk my chain?” Grandpa Harris replied.

“Okay, okay, mom and I aren’t seeing eye-to-eye and Stephan and I had a disagreement. I want to stay over there for a while to escape the madness. Can I please Paw-Paw,” I pleaded with my fingers crossed.

“Sure, I’ll be there in an hour or two, sweetheart,” Grandpa Harris said ending the call.

I took one of the pain pills Stephan gave me yesterday, because I was still hurting. After about fifteen minutes, the pill started working and I started drifting off to sleep.



When I walked in the kitchen, I stopped and admired my wife dancing around in her pajamas making breakfast. After watching her for two minutes, I started to feel guilty for taking advantage of Honey. I started thinking back to the first time, my dick got hard for Honey.

August 4, 2003

“Stephan, can you give Honey a Popsicle? I’m about to be late for class!” yelled Tina as she grabbed her books and rushed out the door. I shook my head and walked to the fridge and grabbed my five year old stepdaughter a Popsicle. I walked into the living room where she was watching TV. I smiled because she was so beautiful in her ‘Dora the Explorer’ dress and pig tails.

“Honey, look what daddy got for you!” I called out to her in a singing manner. She hopped up and ran to me and grabbed the Popsicle. Without saying a word she took the Popsicle in her mouth and began sucking on it. After watching to make sure she wasn’t moving from that spot, I went into the next room and popped in a DVD called ‘Big Daddy Likes Young Tender Pussies’. I had the volume all the way turned down to make sure Honey doesn’t hear it and comes to see what it is.  Every once in a while she made a slurping sound with her Popsicle. I found myself getting hard and it wasn’t from the movie, it was from the slurping sounds that could be heard from the next room. I unbuttoned my pants and started jacking my dick to those sounds.


“Yes dear,” I responded as I continued to jack my dick to the thoughts of her lips sucking on it like it was her Popsicle.

“I want another popsicle,” she responded as she walked in the room where I was.

“Ok baby I’ll get you another one.” I said while standing up with my dick still in my hand.

“Daddy, what’s that in your hand?” she asked upon seeing my dick.

I looked down in my hand and couldn’t believe that I had been so caught up, that I didn’t put my dick up.

“This is daddy’s personal Popsicle, so go watch cartoons while daddy finishes his Popsicle,” I said hoping she would just leave so I could finish jacking off.

“Can I try daddy’s popsicle?” Honey asked giving me her puppy dog eyes.

“No Honey!!” I responded verbally, but physically my dick was throbbing with anticipation. I really wanted to her to suck my dick, but couldn’t risk her telling.

“Please daddy, I just really want another one. I don’t mind finishing yours,” she pleaded.

“Fine, come here!” I replied as I sat back down in the chair ready to enjoy the sweet pleasure I knew was sure to come.

Honey walked over to her daddy ready to taste the biggest Popsicle she ever seen.

“Why is it so big daddy?”

“Honey, this is dad’s special Popsicle. You see this Popsicle has cream filling on the inside. You can’t let your teeth touch the outside or you will never get the cream filing,” I instructed her while pulling her closer until I could feel her breath on the head of my dick.

She innocently took my dick into her mouth and started sucking on it like I had advised.

I couldn’t believe how good it was feeling.

Calm down man or you’re going to bust too fast. I thought as the fear of cumming early and not being able to enjoy the special treat Honey was giving me.

She started slowing down as her jaws started to hurt from sucking hard and fast.

“Daddy, my jaws are starting to hurt and I haven’t got the cream filling to come out yet,” she whined as she stopped sucking my dick and looked me in the face.

I sat there looking at her trying to think of the right words to say.

“It’s okay baby. You can try again tomorrow, however, you cannot tell mommy about daddy’s special Popsicle,” I responded as I zipped up my pants and pulled her up on my lap.

“Why not, daddy?” Honey asked laying her head on my chest rubbing her jaw.

“Because it’s our little secret baby doll, if mommy finds out she’ll try to get the cream filling for herself and you won’t have any. Do you want that?” I responded praying that it works or that she forgets it ever happened.

“Okay daddy it’s our little secret, but let’s go to the park.”


The Present

I backed out the kitchen without being spotted by Tina grabbing my keys and leaving the house. Once in the car, I called my dad and arranged a meeting for later that day. Hanging up the phone I looked up towards Honey’s window and saw her watching me, so I decided to go to the gym and work off some stress.

As I was heading towards the gym, I decided to just head on over to my parent’s house.


“Look what the cat dragged in,” my father said as I walked up the steps.

“What’s up old timer,” I replied as I made it up the steps.

“What’s up or how you doing,” he responded.

“Oh I forgot that you are ancient,” I said before I started laughing. Looking at his face I could see that he wasn’t laughing so I quickly stopped. “Sorry pops, I meant how are you doing?”

“I’m better now that you have found some respect. So tell me son what brings you to the countryside?”

“I need some advice for a friend of mines,” was all I was able to get out before his phone rang.

“Excuse me,” he said walking into the house and leaving me on the patio.

He returned a few minutes later with a more serious face than usual.

“Now, where were we? Oh you needed some advice for a friend. What seems to be the problem son?” he asked looking me dead in the eyes.

“Well pops, my friend has a thing for his stepdaughter. He had this silly crush on her since she was little. He’s been able to hide his feelings for her, but lately he has this urge to sleep with her. I advised him that it’s wrong to look at her that way but he states he can’t help it. What else can I do?” I asked as I tried to keep my father’s eye contact, but knew I couldn’t because he would see right through my lie.

“First of all, you need to try to talk this friend into getting help. If he keeps denying help, then you need to address the mother of the child so she can protect her daughter from this animal. And if all else fails, you need to beat his ass and turn him in to the police…Stephan, look at me son, nothing is more important than protecting a kid’s innocence. I know it’s tough on your friend because like most men, he likes the idea of young, sweet, untouched, tight pussy. Your friend needs to remember that he can buy young pussy on the corner. It may not be as sweet or tight, and he can bet his bottom dollar it’s been touched, but at least there, no harm is done.”

“Thanks dad, I’ll let you know how things go after talking to him,” I responded thankful that father was unable to read through my lie.

I got up and walked towards the end of the patio. I stood and watched as my mom continued working in her rose garden. Next thing I knew father walked up and put his hands on my shoulder.

“What else is on your mind? And don’t even think about lying to me,” my father questioned me.

“I miss her dad, “I said turning towards my father. “I can’t help but think what if.”

“What if, what son? What if you hadn’t been a little boy pretending to be a man? Would you two still be together? Yes it was possible, but it wasn’t likely. You were young, dumb and full of cum. Stacey was a great young lady and we loved her. However, Tina is an amazing woman, the right woman for you,” my father answered, stopping to take another sip of his beer before speaking again. “All I’m trying to say is let your past stay the past. Take what you learned from your relationship with Stacey and use it to make your marriage to Tina a great one.”

“What you two up to?” my mother Rudy asked as she came and stood by her husband.

“I was just asking pops here for some advice for a friend momma. We aren’t plotting anything. I do however need you to teach your daughter-in-law how to garden like you, so our yard can be as pretty as yours,” I said addressing momma before finishing my beer.

“Speaking of daughter-in-law, are you hiding from Tina? She just called me sounding upset looking for you. I told her you were here and will be there shortly, so we will see you later,” she responded crossing her arms.

“Momma, I’m not hiding from Tina. I just left in such a hurry that I forgot to tell her where I was going, but since you kicking me out, I guess I’ll be heading home,” I responded kissing her on the cheek then leave.



After waking from my short nap, I started packing my overnight bag. I was so excited to be getting out of the house because my grandparents allowed me more freedom. I already called and informed Amber of the change of pick up locations. I still hadn’t told mom or Stephan about my plans because I know mom would try to stop me.

“Stephan on the other hand better have my back,”
I thought as I finished packing my bags. Just as I finished zipping up my last bag I heard a car door, alerting me that someone has arrived. I decided to double check and make sure I have everything before going downstairs to deal with everyone, silently praying that it was my Paw-Paw and not Stephan.

“Tina!!! Where are you honey? What’s going on?” Stephan yelled as he walked in house.

After hearing Stephan come in yelling, I tip toed down the stairs to hear what was going on.

“I’m in the kitchen,” mom responded taking a sip of her wine.

“Baby, what’s going on my momma said you sounded upset when you called?” he asked.

“You tell me what’s going on! I wake up this morning and you’re nowhere to be found. I made you breakfast and was ready to apologize to you about last night, but you were too busy sneaking out without receiving either of the two,” mom snapped then paused for a second before starting back up. “And on top of you sneaking around, your daughter was here talking to me like I was one of her little friends.”

“Baby, you needed to apologize after last night’s performance. You over reacted to an honest mistake, and me getting a hot home cooked breakfast shouldn’t come out of guilt. I should get a hot breakfast every morning. For the record I didn’t sneak out, I left MY home in MY car. I didn’t know I needed your permission to leave,” he responded, pausing before saying, “As far as Honey disrespecting you, I will handle that.”

“Of course Stephan make this about you, you always do. I’m sorry I can’t afford to stay at home and tend to your every need, and I never said that you needed permission to leave. I would like to know where my husband is without calling everybody in the phonebook. As far as this being YOUR house and YOUR car, I helped pay for them too. So don’t stand there and act like I don’t do anything around here, because I do just as much as you, maybe even more...And don’t worry about handling Honey, I will handle MY daughter, with or without you. So you can go back to whatever hoe you were with this morning.”

“Oh now she is your daughter. It’s funny how you weren’t saying that while I’ve been taking care of her all these years,” Stephan responded not hearing or seeing Grandpa and me step into the kitchen. “And I have no needed to see a hoe because I married one, maybe that’s why William left your ass.”

“Stephan Ryan Harris Jr., have you lost your mind?” Grandpa asked as his deep voice boomed through the house.

Instead answering Paw-Paw’s question, he looked back at mom then back at us. Mom excused herself and walked out the kitchen.

“Honey, why do you have your overnight bags? Dad, what are you doing here?”

“Honey, go wait in the car, obviously I need to have a talk with my son,” Grandpa Harris said to his granddaughter without taking his eyes off his son, who has taken a seat at the kitchen table.

I slowly began walking out the kitchen, because I still wanted to hear what’s going on.

“She has her overnight bags because she will be visiting, your mother and I for a while. She called me earlier begging to visit because she didn’t want to be here any longer. And who can blame her. You and Tina in here arguing like two fools with her right upstairs. Now I don’t know what’s going with you two, but one thing I do know is that my grandbaby will not suffer. Do you understand me?”

“Dad, Honey is staying here. She disrespected her mother, so she doesn’t need to be rewarded for it with a get out of jail free card,” Stephan responded as he started walking towards the door I was standing behind.

Grandpa Harris grabbed him by the arms and pulled him back.

I decided to go ahead and head to the car before getting caught.

“She will be punished at my house. You need time alone with your wife. Honey is in good hands. Is your marriage?” Stephan Sr. replied, letting his son go and headed out the door to leave.

“Go comfort your wife,” he said getting in his car.

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