Her Sweet Betrayal

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Authors: Tywanda Brown

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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Her Sweet Betrayal


Tywanda Brown

Her Sweet Betrayal


Tywanda Brown

Copyright © 2015 Creative Flow Publications





[email protected]



              Cover Design:
KandT Graphics


Shawnna Robinson

This novella is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organizations, establishments or locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the author




First and foremost I’ll like to give thanks to GOD for blessing me with the talent used to write these stories.              Second of all I’ll like to thank my equally beautiful and strong mother Earnest Brown and Beloved father Seymour Bowie, who is gone but not forgotten.

Special thanks goes out to the loves of my life Charles Johnson Jr, David McNeal Smith Jr., Tyshawn Desmond Smith, Charles Johnson III and Amiah Williams. I’ll like to give thanks to all my sisters (Sue, ShaRonda, Trina, Deborah, Demetra and Patricia) my brothers (Seymour, Ricardo and Antonio) for all the love and support.

Last but not least I’ll like to give thanks to my loyal supporters and fans: Marie Phillips, KR Bankston, Jamie Dossie, Paula Milan, LaToya Fowler, Sade L Collins, Kosha Jordan, Robert Gibson, Jeanette Charrette and Ryan Todman.

If I forgot your name charge to my mind and not my heart.

Thank you to Coco Mixon and Nikki for giving me the opportunity to share my passion with the world.

Thank you to the members of Creative Flow Playhouse, Sisters into Reading and Reviewing and DBP bookclubs.



According to rain.org, every 107 seconds another American is sexually assaulted.


Honey Bee

July 4, 2012

“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Honey, happy birthday to you!” the crowd sang to me as I sat by my two layer, pink zebra striped cake. Once they finished singing, I blew out my candles and thanked the crowd. Instead of opening my gifts, I hugged my mom and stepdad then ran off to spend time with my two best friends, Justice and Amber.

“Why didn’t you open your gifts yet,” Amber asked as we made it to the picnic table.

“Because I already know I got everything I wanted,” I responded.

“It must be nice to be spoiled,” Amber replied, before taking a sip out of her orange soda can.

“I’m not spoiled.”

“Honey if we looked up the definition of spoiled, your picture would be there,” she said laughing.

“Amber you seem jealous,” my cousin Peaches said taking a seat beside me.

“Me jealous of her,” she said pointing at me then busted out laughing.

“I don’t see what’s so funny. Is it because you are laughing to keep from crying,” Peaches replied.

“Cool it you two. It’s Honey’s birthday and it’s supposed to be fun. So let’s stop doing all this arguing and start dancing,” Justice said pulling me towards the dance floor.

“Thanks for helping me out back there,” I said as we reached the dance floor.

“That’s what friends are for,” she said as Michael Jackson’s hit Thriller started playing.

As soon as it got dark my guest started leaving.  So mom made me stand by the door and tell everyone goodbye and thanks for coming. 

“Honey, ask your momma if can we spend the night,” Justice whispered in my ear, when it was my turn to tell her and goodbye.

I nodded yes and turned to my mom with puppy dog eyes and asked. Needless to say mom approved. So I hugged her and ran to my room to prepare for my sleepover, while my friends went home to get their things.

I heard a knock on my door. I assumed it was my stepdad and he was finished helping my mom cleanup. He usually comes to check on me before bed.

“Come in,” I answered excitedly.

“Baby girl, did you enjoy your party?” Stephan, my stepdad asked as he took a seat on the bed.

“Yes, dad I did,” I responded as I took a seat on his lap.

“Did you get everything that you asked for?” he asked.

“Yes and more,” I answered thinking about all the gifts I received.

“That’s good but why didn’t you open them during the party like most people?”

“Because I’m not like most people and I already knew I got everything I wanted.”

“Well baby girl, by not opening them in front of the guest. It made you seem ungrateful…spoiled…even…”

“Let me guess, you talked to Amber.”

“Actually a couple of guest complained…”

“I’m starting to think Peaches is right about Amber.”

“What do you mean,” he asked giving me his full attention. This is why I liked talking to him over mom, because he actually listened, where mom pretended to listen, then apologized for not listening by blaming it on work.

“Peaches said that Amber is jealous of me and I’m starting to believe her.”

“Well whether or not she is jealous of you, she was right in this case. Honey I’m not asking you to change who you are because you are a beautiful young lady. I’m just asking that you be considerate of others.

“I hear you dad but let’s change the subject,” I said not wanting to talk about it anymore.

“Are you ready for the fireworks,” he asked.

“Duh, that’s my favorite part of my birthday.”

“Oh is it now, because I always thought it was receiving gifts,” he responded.

“I love receiving gifts, but I also love the fact that the world is shooting fireworks because of me,” I said.

“Well what’s going to happen when you turn twenty one and no one wants to shoot fireworks for your birthday, because you will be too old?”

“Then I will shoot them for myself,” I said proudly.

“Okay superwoman,” he said before he started tickling me.



I stopped and admired the view, as my fifteen year old daughter was sitting on my husband of thirteen years lap. I remember our first encounter like it was yesterday. I was sitting in the DSS office crying with my head in my hands about my boyfriend running off with my best friend, and leaving me to raise Honey alone. I realized that I hadn’t heard a peep from Honey in about five minutes. I looked over to the area where my two year old was playing. Realizing that not only was she no longer playing with her toys, she was no longer in the room with me. I ran out into the hallway and still didn’t see her. As panic began to sit in I heard a noise coming from a room at the other end of the hall. I ran as fast as I could and once I reached the doorway I saw a strange man playing a game with my baby. I ran up quickly grabbing her away from the man. After verifying that Honey was not harmed, I turned to the man letting him have it. The man returned the gesture and yelled back at me; telling me it was my fault for not keeping an eye on her.  After I explained myself to the man, he introduced himself as Stephan Harris. Stephan was a newly divorced, construction worker. Eventually he asked for my number and the rest is history. What I loved the most about him was his Colgate smile. The fact that he stood at 6’4 with a muscular build, and his smooth dark chocolate skin didn’t hurt his case either.

“Awww look at my babies having a father daughter moment.  After while sweetheart, you’re going to have start chasing guys away from the house. Our baby is turning into such a fine young lady,” I said finally coming back to the present.

Just then Honey jumped up and walked towards me. “I’m a fine woman ain’t I momma?” Honey said playfully as she twirled around to give me a 360 view of her body. Honey was 5’2, 150 lbs., dark complexion, and wore her hair in a short cut. I on the hand was 4’11, 200 lbs., honey brown complexion and had shoulder length hair.

“First of all young lady, speak proper grammar and second and most of all, you’re not a woman. You’re nowhere near to being a woman. Now go take a bath and get ready for your company. Stephan dear, come on let’s go to bed,” I responded.

“Tina my dear, our little girl is growing up so fast,” he said closing the door.

“I know, I think it’s about time I have the talk with her.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too early for that? I mean she just turned fifteen.”

“I think you forget that I was a fifteen year old girl at some point…”

“How can I forget when it was just yesterday,” he replied kissing me on my neck.

“Flattery will get you nowhere sir,” I said turning around and unbuttoning his pants.

“Where would this get me,” he asked sliding his fingers into my flaming inferno.

“How about we go shower and find out,” I said in between moans of pleasure.

Freeing his now wet fingers out from between my legs, he placed them in his mouth before pulling me into a deep kiss.

“I have a better idea. How about I take you right here, right now then we take a shower.”

“How can you take something that is given to you willingly,” I asked as I stepped out my clothes.

“So you are willing to please your master,” he asked wearing a sexy smirk.

“Of course I…”

“Get in position,” he demanded locking the door and walking towards the closet.

Doing as I was told I got down on all fours, waiting for him to put the leash on me so the fun can begin.

“I’m going to take it easy on you tonight since you been a good girl,” he said using the flogger to slap me on my ass.

Being careful not to move an inch or make a sound without permission, I discreetly bit my tongue as he removed his clothes and stood directly in front of me.

“Do you want to suck daddy’s dick?” he asked stroking his thick long tool.

Knowing that I couldn’t speak without his permission, I held my position like a good girl.

“I see someone is trying to earn extra credit…You may speak.”

“Yes,” I simply replied.

“Yes what?”

“Yes I want to suck your dick sir.”

“Make daddy proud,” he responded grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling me closer.

An hour later, I was showered and on my way to sleep. My body ached and I was just plain exhausted from the party, but if I don’t please my man someone else will.

“Baby, make sure you check in on the girls before coming to bed,” I said before drifting off to sleep.



After taking my shower and putting up my gifts, my friends had showed back up with their things. My dad came out after his shower and shot fireworks for us to enjoy from the window. Now we are in my room, getting ready to go to bed.

“Let’s play truth or dare,” Justice suggested.

I hated playing this game with them, last time I ended up calling my crush Sam and confessing my love for him. Let’s just say it didn’t end well.

“I’m down,” responded Amber, as she put her phone down.

I didn’t want to seem uncool so like a wimp I nodded in agreement. I just hope and pray I’m not going to regret this decision.

“Truth or Dare Honey,” Justice asked

“Truth,” I replied taking the easy way out.

“Is it true that you never been kissed,” responded Justice as she was typing away on her phone.

“Duh, you already knew that stupid,” I said looking at my best friend like she was crazy. Justice is my main best friend, I tell her everything.

“Truth or Dare Justice” Amber asked as she picked up her phone as soon as Justice sat hers down. Leaving me to think that they are texting each other.

“Dare baby,” Justice responded playfully still playing with her phone.

“I dare you to kiss Honey,” Amber commanded like she was the chief and we’re her Indians.

“WHAT!” I responded as grape soda shot out my mouth.

“It’s just a kiss Honey. Don’t get your panties in a wad,” Justice said as she walked towards me.

My heart started beating really fast. Justice placed her hand on my neck and pulled me into her and the next thing I knew, her lips were on mine and mine were on hers. After what seemed like forever she pulled away. I just stood there not believing my first kiss was with a girl. I mean I’ve been kissed by relatives, but not on my lips.

“Honey, it’s your turn,” said Justice as she picked up her phone and started back typing away.

“Truth or Dare Amber,” I asked hoping that she’ll pick dare.

“Truth,” Amber said crushing all my hopes of payback.

“Is it true that you enjoyed the show,” I asked.

“Not at all, it was a little weak if you ask me, but truth or dare, Honey,” asked Amber as she sat her phone down.

“Dare,” I responded praying that I wouldn’t regret it.

“I dare you to make out with me,” Amber stated while applying lip gloss to her lips.

“Oh hell no, I’m not gay,” I responded staring at her like she had lost her mind. I looked to Justice who was looking at me.

“Honey, we know you’re not gay. It’s that you’re starting to get boring to us. All you ever do is go to school, come home, study, then repeat,” Amber said walking towards me.

“Yeah, Honey people are starting to talk about you. All we are trying to do is help you liven up a little bit,” said Justice as she came and sat by me.

“People are talking about me?” I asked teary eyed.

“Yes, so let us help you boost your street credit. All we’re going to do is make out. Then when we go to the skating rink this weekend, everyone will know you’re not boring,” responded Amber as she started playing in my hair.

“How will they know?” I asked wiping my face.

“Just post on Facespace stating you got the best thing any girl could ask for, for her birthday. And when they asked what, tell them you got a hot make out session. They don’t have to know it was with Amber,” Justice answered as she picked up her phone.

“I don’t know about this you guys, I mean what if they want proof?” I responded still cleaning up my tears.

“My brother will be there just make out with him, he wouldn’t mind. The question is Honey, are you ready to become popular or ready to get left behind?” Amber said as she began kissing on my neck.

Before I could respond Justice began to kiss and suck on my ear. It felt so good I didn’t want it to stop. Amber turned my face towards hers and placed her lips on mine while her hands went under my shirt. I pushed Amber away long enough to pull my shirt off and see Justice on the floor playing with herself.

“Mmm,” I moaned as Amber took my left nipple into her mouth and placed a hand in my underwear. All of a sudden I started feeling wet in between my legs.

“Amber, come get some of your favorite candy!!” Justice said while spreading her legs. Amber left me and crawled in between her legs and started licking her pussy. I just stood as I watched my best friend please my other best friend.

“Come on Honey,” Amber said before diving back in between Justice’s legs.

“This is definitely a birthday I wouldn’t forget,” I thought as I took my clothes off and crawled over to my friends.

Early the next day, we were outside sitting on the picnic table eating some leftover ice cream.

“Last night was amazing,” Amber said licking her lips.

“I enjoyed myself too, but nobody else can find out about it,” I said embarrassed that I actually enjoyed the girl on girl action.

“Don’t worry you sissy, nobody will ever find out that you enjoyed eating my pussy and letting Justice eat yours at the same time,” Amber replied with a smirk on her face.

“I hope not,” I replied eating the last spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

“Girls time for you to get ready to go!” mom yelled out the kitchen window.

“I thought you didn’t have to go to work today,” I replied walking into the kitchen as my friends went upstairs to pack their things.

“I got called in for an impromptu meeting. It should only last an hour,” she said grabbing her clipboard off the table.

“Well if it’s just going to be an hour, why can’t they stay until you get back?”

“Because your father should be arriving home shortly, and I don’t want to hear nobody’s mouth about leaving their daughters alone with a grown man,” she replied as she grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge.

“Why would they say something about you leaving them with Stephan? It’s not like they are going to be here with him alone,” I replied mad I wasn’t getting my way.

“You’ll understand once you get older,” she said as Amber and Justice came back with their bags.

“See y’all later,” I said sadly pulling them into a group hug.

“I’ll call you later,” Justice said before they walked out the house behind mom.

Once they were gone, I went into my room and started dancing to my new Rihanna CD. After dancing to the whole CD, I had worked up a sweat, so I decided to take a bubble bath in the guest bathroom since the tub was bigger than mines.


“I know you wanna bite this, it’s so enticing, nothing else like this,” I sung stepping out the bathroom naked, still thinking I was alone.

“You have no idea how bad I want to bite it,” Stephan responded as he stood against the wall.

“Dad, what are you doing?” I asked as he pulled me up against his brick wall body. I looked up at him with fear in my eyes.

“That’s right, call me daddy. I always loved it when you called daddy,” he said while using his free hand to roam my body.

“Stephan, get off of me and I’m telling mom,” I said while trying to push him off.

He brought his hand to my throat and started squeezing it tightly. He then pushed me up against the wall before addressing my last statement.

“Sure go ahead and tell her, and I’ll make sure she knows about your little after party,” he said as he used his free hand to massage my right breast.

Tears started rolling down my face as his hand left my breast and made its way in between my legs.

“Yeah, I saw y’all tasting each other. Let me tell you my favorite part. My favorite part was watching you cum,” he said as the tears started falling from my eyes, then without warning he leaned in and kissed me.

I took the opportunity to bite his bottom lip, causing him to loosen his grip around my neck. I dropped to the floor painfully, gasping for air.

“You ungrateful BITCH, you bit me!!!” he yelled as he pulled me up by my hair.

I gasped in pain. Once I was facing him, he slapped me across my face knocking me back to the floor.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he yelled as he kicked me in the back as I tried to crawl away from him.

“Help me!!! Somebody help me!!!” I yelled as blood flowed freely from my mouth, while once again I tried to crawl away.

“Shut up bitch. You want to be a woman. I’m about to make you one today,” he said bending down picking me up and throwing me over his broad shoulders.

I kicked and screamed as he took me into my room and threw me on the bed. As he ripped the towel away from his body, I jumped off the bed in attempt to escape him. Catching me by my hair, he threw me back on the bed.  I tried to get up again, but he countered by punching me in the stomach and pulled me down towards his crotch. He used one hand to guide his erect eight inch shaft into my vagina and the other was placed on my throat. He worked his way in slowly, going inch by inch.

“Stop…your hurting me,” I groaned in pain.

“Oh my god Honey this is some good pussy…I see why your friends wanted to taste it…I wanted to taste…it too, but you was tripping…ugh,” Stephan moaned while continuing to pound away.

I groaned in pain as I watched the only father I’ve known rape me. He loosened his grip around my neck and started kissing on it. The tears continued to roll down my face as I lay still afraid to move because I didn’t want to get hit again.

“Oh my god Honey, I’m about to cum…ugh,” he groaned as he shot his hot load inside my aching vagina.



“Listen to me Honey. This here pussy is now mines and I will get it whenever I want. Do you understand me?” he said after slapping the shit out of me.

“Yes,” I mumbled.

“Good. Now stop all that damn crying and go clean up this mess before your mother gets home,” he said grabbing his towel off the floor.

I waited until he walked out the room before I decided to move. I got up wincing in pain and went to take another bath. No matter how long and hard I scrubbed I couldn’t wash the pain or memory away. I continued to cry as I wrapped my arms around myself and rocked.

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