Her Sweet Betrayal (7 page)

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Authors: Tywanda Brown

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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After a rough start, today’s date with my husband turned out to be pretty amazing. Walking into the house while texting I walked straight into the living room. And what I saw was enough to make a Pastor sin. “HONEY BEE JONES, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?”

“Oh my GOD! Mom please let me explain,” Honey said jumping up trying to put her clothes back on.

“Baby, why are you doing all this screaming?” Stephan asked walking into the living room, stopping upon seeing his daughter scrambling to get dressed as well as her guest.

“I’m screaming because your fast ass daughter was in here having sex on my living room couch, Stephan!” I yelled at him while tears were rolling down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe that my sweet baby girl is having sex.

Stephan advised the teens to sit down far apart from each other then he grabbed my arm and led me into the kitchen.

“How would you like to handle this?” he asked watching me grab two cups and filled them with gin.

“How the hell you think I want to handle this? I want him arrested for rape, and I want her ass. She thinks she’s grown, I’m going to show her grown!” I yelled as I began refilling my glass with gin; having swallowing it down whole the first time.

“Calm down and tell me what exactly did you see,” he responded now rubbing my back drinking his second glass of gin.

“Stephan! Stephan! Did you hear me?” I asked turning to look at him, who looked lost in thought.

“I heard you baby. Look, how about we don’t call the cops on Brent. I mean you did say Honey was on top. How about we call his parents and inform them about what has taken place, and we go from there on the Brent situation. As far as Honey goes, let’s take her electronics and ground her from going out for the rest of the summer,” he responded.

“Have you lost your mind? Taking her electronics and grounding her ain’t going to do anything other than piss her off.  We need to put the fear of GOD into her, so with that being said. We call and arrange a meeting with Brent’s parents, but Honey will be physically punished and have all privileges revoked,” I replied looking at Stephan like he had lost his mind.

“Ground her, my ass. Stephan must have bumped his head if he thought I wasn’t going to put my hands on her,”
I thought as more tears continued to roll down my face.

“Tina, go ahead and revoke her privileges but I will not allow you to put your hands on my daughter right now. You’re mad and definitely not thinking clearly. Yes she was wrong, however beating her will not solve the problem, it will only make it worse.”

“You know what Stephan…I don’t know why you’re not as irate as I am about this, but let’s look at the facts here. Honey is MY daughter and I will punish MY daughter any way I see fit. And as of right now, I think she deserves her ass beat,” I replied ending the conversation by walking out of the kitchen after wiping my tears away.



I was tired of Tina always throwing up the fact that Honey was not my daughter. So I went upstairs to the bedroom and packed a bag. I was not staying home tonight in fear of possibility hurting her if she says anything else stupid. After packing an overnight bag, I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

As I walked through the living room, Honey and my eyes connected. She was giving me a pleading look, but I could care less at the moment. I just continued to walk out the house. Next thing I knew Tina was outside yelling at me.

“Stephan, where the hell you running off to,” she yelled with her hands on her hip, watching me put my bag in the back seat.

I stopped and looked at her; all I could do was shake my head as she continued to yell at me.

“Go ahead and run away! We don’t need you. I can do bad by myself anyway!” she yelled as I got in my car and backed out of the driveway.

“I bet she is going to need me when the bills are due. I bet she is going to need me to not only service her car, but to service her ass. I mean how does she think we are able to afford the life we are providing for Honey?”
I thought as I headed towards the nearest hotel in town.

Forty minutes later, I had checked into a room at the Red Lounge, and was now sitting at the bar.

“What can I get for you,” a tall blonde barmaid asked.

“A bottle of Hennessey please,” I ordered pulling out my bank card.

A few seconds later she returned with the bottle and a glass.

“What brings you to the Red Lounge handsome?” she asked leaning against the bar.

“Needed a stress free night,” I answered pouring myself a shot.

“Care to talk to Sugar about it?”

“No I’d rather drink my problems away,” I replied grabbing my bottle and walking away.

I could tell by the way she was talking that she had been around the block a couple of times. Finding a table in the back of the bar, I sat down by a pretty red head that couldn’t be any more than seventeen. Shaking my head I continued to drink by my lonesome before wobbling to my room about one in morning; after realizing that the Red Lounge wasn’t your typical hotel, it was more of a sex empire.

After taking a shower I passed out.



“Mrs. Jones my mom will be here at 10:00 a.m. like you asked. Is there anything else you would like for me to do? I’m so sorry about what happened here tonight,” pleaded Brent as soon he saw my mom walk back into the living room.

“Yes Brent, you can’t get the hell out of my house. Honey you can go to your room and bring me all your gadgets!” mom yelled before leaving the living room.

“Honey I’m sorry I caused so much drama tonight,” Brent said while he leaned up against his car.

“No need to apologize, it was really my fault about tonight. I shouldn’t have come on to you,” I responded holding my head down in shame.

Walking up to me, Brent lifted my head up and kissed me softly on the lips.

“Technically it was my fault, I should’ve thought with my big head and not my little one. It’s over and done with now, so no need to stress over things we cannot change,” Brent responded while releasing my face. He then turned and walked away, getting into his car and leaving. Leaving me to stand outside alone lost in my thoughts.

I stood there not knowing what to do as I watched him back out the driveway and drive off into the night. Once his car was out of sight, I turned around trying to mentally prepare myself for a long night of yelling.

“Stephan better be able to save me, or I’m singing like a canary,”
I thought as I walked into the house and headed towards my room to pack up all my electronics. Grabbing my cell phone and tablet I headed towards my parent’s bedroom.

I knocked on the door before walking in on my mother, crying while turning up the bottle of gin.

“Here’s all my stuff,” I said passing what I considered my life lines over towards my mother.

Looking up at me with fresh tears in her eyes she rolled them at me before taking the electronics, but never uttered a word to me.

“Where’s Stephan headed this time of night?” I noticed his car was gone,” I inquired slowly walking towards my mother.

“Oh now you want to be his keeper!” Yelled my mother as she stood up in my face, like she was daring me to say something she didn’t like.

“Look mom, I’m sorry for disrespecting you a couple weeks ago and here tonight. I deserve whatever punishment you see fit. All I ask is for you to be easy on Brent, you see…”

“Honey, you’re not sorry. You’re sorry you got caught, so don’t stand here and try to play the innocent daughter role, because it’s a little too late for that. And as for Brent, he will no longer be your concern after tomorrow,” she replied interrupting me as she walked towards the door signaling for me to leave.

I put my head down as the tears started to form in my eyes.

“Tomorrow maybe my last time seeing the man I fell in love with,”
I thought as I started heading out the door before my mom grabbed my arm.

“You disappoint me Honey Bee Jones,” mom said letting go of my arm and slamming the door in my face.

I ran to my room, closed my door, and grabbed the bear Brent gave me and cried myself to sleep.



Waking up with world’s biggest headache, I rolled over to send my wife’s call to voicemail for the fiftieth time. After hitting ignore, I got out the bed and headed towards the bathroom.

As I was closing the door I heard my phone going off again, knowing that it was just Tina calling again I decided not to answer the phone. I just pulled off my boxers and hopped into the shower.

While in the shower, I replayed yesterday’s events over in my head. Just thinking about everything that transpired the day before, I instantly got upset and repeatedly punched the tile in the shower until my hand started to bleed.

Unknowing to me, I had just broken the knuckles in my right hand. Yes I was in pain, but my emotional pain was over shadowing my physical pain.

Leaning against the shower; the same tile I just abused, I used to support me while I cried.

After crying for about ten minutes, the pain from the broken knuckles started to surface. I got out the shower and wrapped my bloody, now swollen hand in a towel.

Once I had my right hand securely wrapped in a towel, using my left hand to quickly dry off, knowing that I needed to leave the hotel now, or I would be late for the meeting at the house; according to the hundreds of text messages from Tina.

My phone began to ring again as I slowly got dressed. I stopped getting dressed and looked at the caller ID. I was shocked to see that it was Honey calling and not my wife.

“Hello,” I answered the phone all while trying to finish getting dressed.

“Now isn’t this some shit, you can’t answer the phone when your wife calls, but can answer when her daughter does,” Tina said into the phone.

“I answered the call thinking it was OUR daughter needing her father. And had you acted like the grown woman you are, you wouldn’t have to call your husband from your daughter’s phone, because he would be by your side,” I replied while throwing my stuff into my bag and heading out to the lobby to check out.

“What you mean had I acted like the grown woman I am? I think I handled that situation last night like any other grown woman would,” Tina said.

“If you believe the way you acted last night, was like a grown woman, you’re dumber than I thought. But let’s not get into that, why are you blowing up my phone,” I responded getting in my car and slowly making my way to the hospital.

“You’re right let’s not get into that. I was calling to remind you that Brent’s parents will be coming over at ten to discuss last night’s nightmare with us,” she replied.

“Why are you telling me this, it’s not like I’m her father remember. She’s YOUR daughter, if my memory services me correctly,” I said as I winced in pain, as the pain from my hand started to intensify.

“Stephan stop being so petty, that was said in the heat of the moment. I was mad you were going against my way of thinking, and I said something I didn’t mean,” Tina replied.

Pulling into a parking space at the emergency room entrance I took a deep breath and cut the car off.

“My mom used to tell me, only four people always tell the truth; God, kids, angry people and drunks. So with that being said, you meant every word you said last night. Just admit it, it don’t matter how much time and effort I put in with Honey, because in your eyes I will never be her dad,” I said before hanging up the phone and getting out the car.



Once again I woke up to the smell of bacon I rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. After freshening up, I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen.

I started to walk in and apologize to mom all over again, but stopped and listened to her conversation on the phone. It sounds like her and Stephan is having a disagreement about something serious.

“That’s it. I need to come up with a way to talk to Stephan before the meeting. If I could get him to agree to talk mom into being easy on Brent and not ban our relationship, I would be willing to do anything he asked. But the only question is how will I contact Stephan before the meeting?”
I thought silently watching as tears rolled down mom’s face.

“Morning mom, why are you crying,” I inquired making my presence known for the first time this morning.

“I’m crying because my fast ass daughter is going to be the end of my marriage,” she replied wiping the tears away and grabbing the three slices of bacon and biscuit she made.

“What you mean the end of your marriage? Is dad going to leave us over this?” I asked checking to see if she had put my plate in the stove because it was no more food in the pan.

“Now it’s dad? Why the sudden change? Just last night it was Stephan, and when did you start calling him Stephan?” she fired back angrily as she fixed herself a cup of coffee.

“It’s always been dad, I only call him Stephan when am mad at him, because I know it hurts his feelings,” I answered honestly now checking the fridge for a plate.

“If you’re looking for something to eat you might as well stop looking,” she replied taking a bite out of her biscuit.

“You didn’t put me a plate up?” I asked in disbelief because mom has always put me a plate up.

“I don’t fix breakfast for the grown women, they fix it for themselves,” mom replied sipping on her coffee as she picked the newspaper up blocking me out.

I continued to stare at her in shock as she sat there and ate her breakfast like she didn’t have a care in the world.

“If I was you I would make myself something to eat, because cleaning this house can be tiresome if you don’t eat something. If you would like to work on an empty stomach that is fine with me, just make sure it’s done by 9:30 so you can shower before company arrives.”

“Yeah, this confirms that I most definitely need to talk to Stephan before the meeting. Mom is losing her mind. I get her making me clean the house, but her not cooking is low,”
I thought getting up from the table and started cleaning up the kitchen.

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