Her Sweet Betrayal (4 page)

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Authors: Tywanda Brown

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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I walked into the house and was met by the smell of my Grandma Ruby’s cooking. I immediately sat my bag down and tiptoed to the kitchen, wanting to surprise her. I turned the corner and saw her bending over to take something out the stove. I decided to seize the moment, so I tiptoed in, got behind her and grabbed her. She jumped but didn’t drop the pan of cornbread she was holding.

“Stephan you play…”she paused realizing it wasn’t her husband, but her granddaughter. “Oh my god Honey, please say you’re staying a while!” Grandma inquired while hugging me.

“Yes ma’am, I miss you guys and I hate that y’all missed my birthday party,” I replied taking a seat at the kitchen table.

“We hate that we missed it too sweetheart, but don’t worry we will make it up to you while you’re here. Would you like to hear about our cruise?” Grandma asked as she placed a plate in front of me.

I shook my head yes and she began telling me all about their cruise. I was barely listening to her because I was thinking about the argument I witnessed at home. How could he call mom a hoe when he is a monster.

“Honey, are you listening?” Grandma asked shaking me from my thoughts.

“I’m sorry Grandma, I was thinking about the argument I overheard at home before coming here. That’s all, please start over I promise to listen this time,” I honestly responded hoping my mind don’t wander off again.

“What argument?” Grandma responded putting her fork down and giving me her undivided attention.

I began telling her the bits and pieces I heard while eating my plate she fixed for me. She was listening attentively and wasn’t responding. Before I could finish telling her everything my Grandpa walked in.

“Honey, how about you go make yourself comfortable before leaving with your friend,” Grandpa Harris told me.

I nodded quickly putting my dish in the sink and exiting the room. I decided to stick around to hear what was about to be said. I know I needed to stop eavesdropping but with everything going on right now I couldn’t.

“Ruby, why are questioning her about what’s going on in their house? It is none of our business,” Grandpa Harris asked Grandma while standing directly in front of her.

“I asked because she wasn’t listening to me and I could tell that whatever was on her mind was bothering the poor child…Besides she is my granddaughter and I would like to know what is bothering her, and if I could help. Did you know what our son said to his wife tonight? I’m worried about their marriage,” Grandma responded looking up at him.

“I will handle this, and yes I heard what he said to his wife. I advised him to apologize to her. Baby I’m worried about our son. Today he came to me for advice for his friend, who has a thing for his stepdaughter.”

“Oh my GOD Stephan!!! You don’t think that He and Honey?” Grandma asked with tears starting run down her cheek.

Grandpa Harris walked around and hugged his wife. Pulling away he wiped the tears from her face with his hand.

“I think that Stephan has a thing for Honey, but from the way he talked, nothing has happened yet. I advised him that his friend needs to get help. Baby I will get to the bottom of this. I just need you to pray for our family. It seems like a storm is brewing and it’s going to cause a lot of damage,” Grandpa Harris said comforting his sobbing wife.

I didn’t want to hear any more so I crept down the hall toward my temporary bedroom. I pulled out the pain pills Stephan gave me. My body was aching like I was run over by a bus. I really didn’t want to go with Amber tonight. I would have preferred it better if it was just Justice and me. However, I knew that never was going to happen, so I took two pain pills and went and got in the shower. While in the shower I found myself crying as I washed over the bruises.

“How could he do this to me?”
was the question that kept my mind distracted.

“Honey, when you finish I would like to have a talk with you before you go out. I’ll be outside on the patio,” Grandpa Harris said standing outside the bathroom door.

“Yes sir,” I responded as I began drying off

“I hope he just wants to give me the rules before I leave, and not talk about Stephan,”
I thought as I continued drying off.

Once I was dry I carefully applied my make up making sure it’s not too heavy or light. I got dressed in the bathroom and walked out to the patio to meet Grandpa.

“Honey, you will be expected back in at eleven o’clock tonight. Please note that the only reason I’m letting you go out is because of the drama at home. I think you do need an outlet, and hanging out with your friends will be good for you. However, tomorrow you will sit down with Ruby and me, and have a talk about all the drama that is unfolding at home. Do you understand everything I just told you?” stated Grandpa Harris as he took a pull of his cigar.

“Yes sir I do and I want to thank you for taking me in on a short notice. I promise that I will be home by eleven o’clock tonight,” I responded, grateful that I didn’t have to talk about my home life just yet. Now I need Amber and her brother to hurry their butts up so we can go to the movies.

“Good, and you don’t need to thank me sweetheart. Your grandmother and our door are always open for you anytime you need it,” Grandpa Harris said as he turned his attention towards the green Ford Taurus pulling in his driveway. “Honey there goes your friends. Now I want you to have fun, but remember to be here no later than eleven o’clock.”

“I love you Grandpa.”

“I love you too sweetie, now go before I change my mind,” he playful replied.

“Honey, why did we have to drive all the way out to the country to pick you up?” asked Amber as soon as I closed the door.

“My mom and I got into; I knew she wasn’t going to let me go out with you, so I called my Grandpa to come get me so I can still go out with you guys,” I answered while looking out the window. “Where is Justice,” I asked noticing my best friend wasn’t there.

“She couldn’t make it, but don’t worry we’ll have fun without her,” Amber said as she smirked and turned around.

“What kind of fun,” I asked not knowing if I was ready for the answer.

Amber didn’t respond she just turned the music up and boy was I grateful for that. I closed my eyes preparing to take a nap before arriving at our surprised destination. My nap was short lived because we pulled up to a house that was just twenty minutes away from my grandparents. Amber’s brother, Alex got out the car and knocked on the door. Shortly after knocking a cute guy came out greeted him and headed towards the car.

“Brent, you remember my sister Amber, and this is her friend Honey. They will be hanging with the big boys tonight,” Alex said introducing his friend to us.

Brent flashed what to me appeared to be a million dollar smile. All I could do was blush and smile back. Brent and Alex talked the rest of the trip while I texted Justice.

“We are here ladies, and this is the thing; I’ve already told everyone that I was bringing my little sister and friend to the party. So the guys may dance with you but they know that’s as far as it better go. With that being said, please don’t go in there and embarrass me and more importantly yourselves,” Alex commanded as we got out the car.

Brent didn’t say anything; he just nodded at his friends words.

I decided that I wasn’t going to dance with anyone other than him tonight; if he gives me the time of day. But as soon as we stepped inside the house party they dropped us like bad habits.

“Amber, I thought we were going to the movies! I got to be home by eleven,” I informed my friend who was now making herself something to drink.

She nodded her head acknowledging the comment while taking a sip of her drink. She handed me a cup of the same thing. I put the cup up to my nose checking for alcohol which was clearly present.

“This has alcohol in it, I can’t drink this.”

“Look Honey, I didn’t invite you here so I can babysit. Stop acting like a goody two-shoes and live a little bit. Now I’m about to go find me some cute guy to dance with. I suggest you take a drink, loosen up, and do the same,” Amber responded walking off leaving me there alone.

“Man, I got to stop hanging out with her,”
I thought before deciding that she was right and began sipping my drink.

The drink was shockingly good. It tasted like strawberries, my favorite, so after finishing my first cup I grabbed another. Before I knew it I was on my fourth cup and was feeling good. I made my way into the living room where I saw Amber dancing with some guy; I smiled and headed towards her when I bumped into someone.

“Bitch, you better watch where you’re going!” yelled the girl I bumped into.

“I’m sorry, no need to get all nasty,” I responded, still feeling good from my drinks, so I got in her face.

“You better get out my face before I fuck you up; drunk bitch,” the girl replied pushing me, knocking me into what I thought was a brick wall until the cold liquid from the cup hit me. My white sheer top was now soaked and showing my bra. I was mad and embarrassed at the same time, but before I could react my knight in shining armor grabbed me.

“Keisha, stop being a bitch. It was an accident, Honey didn’t mean any harm,” my knight said while pulling me towards the hallway.

“Accident my ass Brent; that bitch better be careful before I have to tap that ass,” Keisha said high fiving her friends and walking away.

“Honey, are you okay?” Brent asked finding a towel and started wiping my face.

“Yes I’m okay, but would be better once I get out this wet shirt and go find that girl,” I said as my speech start to slur.

Brent pulled my face into his. I closed my eyes expecting a kiss, which never came. Instead he smelled my breath and pulled away.

“Honey, you are drunk! So we need to get you cleaned up and home,” he said taking his shirt off.

“If this is his way of cleaning me off, I wish I was dirtier,”
I thought while watching him take his shirt off.

“Honey I need you to listen to me okay? I’m going to take your shirt off and put my shirt on you. I need to do this so everyone won’t see your goodies. Do you understand?”

“Do whatever you want to me, baby,” I responded while giggling like the drunken school girl I was. Brent shook his head and left me alone for a sec. When he came back, he had Alex and some girl with him. I could see their mouths moving, but I couldn’t hear a thing. Next thing I knew this mystery girl was washing me up with a towel. The girl looked like she wasn’t happy to be helping me. After using another towel to dry me off with, she put Brent’s white t-shirt on me. She left me and before I knew it, I was throwing up. When she came back Brent was with her. I heard her tell Brent that she was not going to clean me again, and that he needed to get me out of there. She left me and Brent alone again.

“Brent, I don’t feel good,” I said while he took his tank top off and laid it on the table. He grabbed the same wet towel the girl had and cleaned me up again. This time he put the tank top on me and picked me up. He carried me to the car and placed me in the back seat. The cold seat felt so good on my face. After that, all I remember was seeing Brent getting in the driver’s seat.


“Young lady, wake up the sun is shining in your ass!” Grandma Ruby yelled as she knocked on the door.

I sat up but quickly lied back down. I felt like death warmed over. I decided to call my Grandma on the phone and tell her no thank you. Before I could pick up my phone it was ringing. I reached over to grab it and noticed I wasn’t wearing the shirt I left the house in last night.

“Honey, if I have to come back to this door it will not be pretty.”

“Grandma, I don’t feel good and just need to lie down a little longer,” I replied laying back down throwing the covers over my head.

“You got five minutes to be up and in the kitchen young lady, I’m not Tina,” Grandma Ruby responded.

Turning over I closed my eyes and began to drift back to sleep when…SPLASH.

“Ahhhhhhh Grandma, have you lost your mind?” I yelled as I jumped up and out of the bed; shocked that she just threw a bucket of ice cold water on me.

Grandpa came running in the room.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Grandpa asked a little out of breath.

“She threw a bucket of water on me Grandpa,” I responded now mad as hell. My head is pounding, I feel like vomiting, and now I’m soaking wet.

“I see. Honey, why don’t you go and get cleaned up, while I have a word with my wife,” Grandpa said while turning to face Grandma Ruby.

I slowly got out the bed, rolling my eyes at my grandmother.

“I see why Stephan’s crazy, his mom is crazy,”
I thought as I started looking for something for me to wear. Grabbing some basketball shorts and a tank top I went to the bathroom to freshen up.


Grandpa Harris

“Did you really have to throw a bucket of ice water on the child? I know she broke the rules, but we haven’t even taken time to sit her down and talk about it,” I said addressing my wife while walking into the kitchen, heading towards the fridge.

“Yes, I had to throw the bucket of ice water on her. In my house she will learn to listen and obey the first time. I shouldn’t have to tell her two times to get out of the bed. I can care less about her not feeling well, because she had too much to drink last night. What I care about is that she disrespected us. I know she is going through a lot at home, but if we keep babying her she will grow up thinking its okay to disrespect us because we won’t punish her,” Ruby responded defending herself.

“You’re absolutely right dear, but I think we should have talked to her first before throwing the ice on her. She is still young. All she needs is someone to talk to that has time for her. I’m sure she will have a good reason for everything.”

“You are getting soft old man. I don’t care what her reason is, but I know that it’s not good enough. There is no good reason for disrespecting an elder, especially one that’s doing you a favor.”

“You’re right Rudy, but your method was wrong; but what’s done is done. I’m heading out to the stables; send for me when she’s ready,” I said kissing her on the cheek before walking out.

Now I didn’t approve of my wife throwing ice on our granddaughter but she was right. We can’t let Honey get away with disrespect, because if you do, more will continue to follow.

Walking towards the stable I thought back to the day I first realized Stephen had a problem.

“Dad, doesn’t Cindy look amazing in that outfit,” Stephen said as Cindy got in the swimming pool.

“She looks like any normal five year old in a swimming suit,” I responded as I put some steaks on the grill.

“No dad she looks better in a swimming suit than most women twice her age,” he said sipping on his beer.

Closing the grill, I slapped him upside the head.

“I don’t know if it’s the beer or what, but you’re sounding like you have a crush on your future stepdaughter…And because I know I didn’t raise a pervert, I’ll tell Stacey to lower your beer intake,” I said taking the beer out his hand and pouring it out.

“You can take my beer, but you can’t take her beauty,” he replied walking away towards the pool.

Next thing I knew he was in the swimming pool with her playing Marco Polo.

After having Rudy to watch over the grill, I walked over towards Stacey and pulled her to the side.

“Stacey don’t you think it’s time for Cindy to get out the pool and get dressed. The guest should be arriving shortly,” I said trying to defuse the situation.

“I’ll get her in a few minutes. She’s having so much fun with Stephan.

“Stephan will be getting out in a minute to help his mother.”

Leaving her standing there I walked over towards the pool.

“Cindy sweetheart it’s time you help Grandma Rudy bake some cookies,” I said leaning over the pool.

“Yay!” she yelled before swimming into my arms.

“Now go upstairs with your mother and get dressed. Grandma will meet you in the kitchen,” I said putting her down.

“Damn dad, you know how to mess up a wet dream,” he said while stepping out the pool.

Without thinking twice I socked him in the mouth, causing him to fall back into the water.

“Grandpa we’re ready for you!” Honey yelled causing me to come back to the present and head back to the house.

Damn she didn’t take long to get dressed, I’m glad I already had everything I needed set up.

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