Misty Moon: Book 1 (6 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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Maggie!” I yelled hoping
she would hurry.

The young man that brought Mary hurried
in. “Maggie went to town for something. She said we still had a
little bit.”

What?” I asked

He blushed and looked at Mary. “William
the baby is coming!” Mary cried.

He look pale as he hurried to her side
and took her hand. “Can’t you help?” William asked looking at

I looked at the doorway wanting to run.
I sighed. I knew what to do. I had a feeling Maggie did this on
purpose. “I can,” I said softly as I moved to the end of the bed.
“Slide her down and support her,” I ordered William. I really
didn’t want to do this, but Mary was freaking out and William
looked like he was going to pass out. I could see the baby
crowning. “Alright Mary when you feel a contraction push,” I said
looking at her.

She nodded and within seconds she was
pushing. I encouraged her as the baby continued to come out further
with each push. “Ok last push,” I said when the baby was almost

She was breathing hard and she looked
tired, but she pushed and I was suddenly holding a baby. It started
wailing as soon as it was free.

What is it?” William asked
snapping me out of it.

A girl,” I said and smiled.
Mary looked relieved. I clamped and cut the cord then wrapped the
little girl up into a blanket and handed her to Mary. I smiled as I
watched them look at the little screaming girl. They looked so
happy. I cleaned the area and checked Mary. She was already healing
thanks to her werewolf genes. Delivering the baby was nowhere near
as hard as I thought it would be.

After about thirty minutes Maggie came
in. “I’m back,” she said happily then hesitated when she saw Mary
holding the baby.

Ya she didn’t have a
while,” I muttered as I walked past Maggie and out into the
kitchen. I needed a drink or something. That was something I never
thought I would see.

Maggie came in the kitchen after a few
minutes. “That little girl is perfect. You did great. You really do
seem suited for this job and Mary was so happy with how you helped

Whoa I said I would help I
didn’t know you were going to ditch me and make me deliver a baby,”
I said slightly annoyed.

She sighed. “I had this feeling you
don’t do anything unless you have no choice so I gave you no
choice. You can’t tell me holding that baby wasn’t an awesome
feeling,” she said smiling.

I rolled my eyes. “It was ok,” I said
and smiled.

Ha! See you are meant for
this. This is where you will fit in,” she said happily as she
walked out.

I shook my head. I would have to keep
an eye on her if she thought she knew me so well. I poured Mary
some juice and walked back to the room. I knocked gently then went
in. I was a little surprised to see Dominic was there and he was
holding the baby. I suppose he was pack master so he had to show
support to the new members being born. He looked startled to see me
as well. I ignored him and offered Mary the drink. “Thank you,” she
said smiling as she accepted the drink.

What are you doing here
Kylie?” he asked as he handed the baby back to William.

She is helping me. She
actually delivered little Abagail. Silly me I thought I had more
time, but little miss was in a hurry,” Maggie said

I could feel Dominic watching me, but I
couldn’t bring myself to look at him. I slipped back out of the
room while everyone discussed how pretty Abagail was. I went to the
kitchen to find something to do.

I didn’t picture you as the
healer type,” Dominic said as he watched me.

I looked up at him and he was leaning
on the door jamb. “There is a lot you don’t know about me,” I said
softly and went back to smashing herbs.

He smiled. “Well I am glad you found
something you like.”

I nodded. “It will keep me busy for a
while I guess.”

He didn’t move to leave even though I
was making it a point to ignore him. “Are you ok? You seem
different,” he said softly after a few minutes of

I looked at him for a second then
looked back at what I was doing. “I’m fine,” I lied. The truth was
I was in hell. I didn’t understand what I was feeling and I felt
like I couldn’t breathe every time I looked at him.

Good, Abagail is
beautiful, great job on the delivery,” he said amused.

I smiled. “It’s more of a wait and
catch sort of thing.”

He grinned. “I could see that. Well I
will leave you alone. If you need me just call.”

I nodded and he left. I felt horrible.
I didn’t want him to leave. I wished he wasn’t such an


Over the next week I went back to
Maggie’s. Working and learning from her kept me busy. It kept my
mind off of Dominic as much as possible until I saw one of his
pictures or Maggie mentioned him. I stood at the counter making
Maggie and me a cup of tea. I hadn’t seen Dominic since the night
in Maggie’s kitchen. It was probably for the best. I didn’t want to
know who he was seeing or what he was doing. Another woman had just
had her baby, a little boy this time. I found out that Maggie was
also the healer for surrounding packs not just Dominic’s pack which
I thought was neat. The woman we had tonight was from one of the
other packs.

Maggie came into the kitchen and
smiled. “Oh tea sounds so nice. It gets so hectic this time of
year.” She made it sound like it was difficult, but I could hear
the happiness in her voice. She loved what she did.

I agree,” I said and

She looked over at me. “What is wrong
with you?” she asked and her smile faltered a little.

I shook my head. “I’m a little tired
lately that’s all.” I had been tired. I figured working all the
time and barely sleeping was the cause.

Well you can go home early
tonight, if you like,” she said and smiled as she hurried back out
of the kitchen.

Knock, knock,” Dominic’s
voice startled me a little.

I looked up and smiled. “Hey

He smiled back at me. “You look pretty
did you change your hair?”

I looked at him confused. “No, hair is
the same as always. Do you want some tea?”

Why not. I don’t think I
have ever seen you in a dress,” he said amused.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing
a pretty pink floral dress. It clung to my body and looked awesome
on me. “I was trying something new,” I said smiling.

So I take it you
still like it here?” he asked changing the subject.

I nodded as I retrieved a third cup.
“It keeps me busy.”

You know you can come to
town every now and then and say hi. I only come out here when a
baby is born; so after next month you will see me even less if you
don’t come to town,” he said playfully.

I smiled. “I know you are busy and I’m
busy so I haven’t even attempted it. Maybe after it calms down a
little I will do that.” I didn’t see the point of seeing him. He
didn’t want anything to do with me.

Hi Kylie,” Audrey said
coming into the room.

I hadn’t realized she was even here. I
hadn’t seen her since the diner. “Hi Audrey,” I said politely. “I’m
making tea, if you want some.”

Oh no thanks, I am not a
fan of tea. Nick did you go in and see the baby yet?” she asked
looking at Dominic.

I have and he is beautiful
like the rest,” he said smiling.

Maggie came in the kitchen smiling. She
hugged Dominic. “It’s good to see you Audrey.”

You too Maggie,” Audrey
said smiling back at Maggie.

I am going to check on
them, here is your tea Maggie,” I said as I handed Maggie a cup. I
wanted out of the awkward situation. I walked to the room and
checked on Dana and the baby. Once I was sure they were ok, I
walked out to the front porch. I hopped up on the railing and
looked out toward the woods.

Audrey came rushing out the front door.
She looked angry and upset as she rushed to her car. I hadn’t heard
them fighting, but it was obvious something happened. Dominic came
out on the porch and cussed when he saw Audrey’s car pull

Girl problems?” I asked

He looked at me as if he just realized
I was there. “You have no idea,” he muttered. He came to stand next
to me. He had his hands flat on the railing and he was looking down
like he was stressed.

I had the urge to touch him. I knew I
shouldn’t, but I didn’t care I wanted to. I ran my hand gently down
his back and he stiffened and looked at me. “It can’t be that bad,”
I said softly.

He watched me for a second. I moved my
hand and went back to looking out toward the woods and sipping my
tea. I felt him move up behind me. “I am in need, Kylie,” he
whispered against my ear. I felt my skin tingle and come to life.
He wanted me again, and I hated that I wanted him.

So am I,” I said

He took my hand and helped me off the
railing. I left my tea on the railing and he led me off the porch
and into the woods. He stopped near a large tree and pinned me to
the tree. His mouth covered mine and his kiss was hungry and
desperate. His mouth went to my neck and lower to the tops of my
breasts. He began to unbutton the front of my dress. I wasn’t
wearing a bra so my breasts fell free. His mouth was on my breasts
as he slid my panties down. I reached down and undid the button of
his pants and freed his hard cock. He slid his hands up my thighs
to by rear and he lifted me. I closed my eyes and moaned as he
slowly sunk into me. He began to move against me and every feeling
I had been trying to forget came rushing back. My nipples hardened
and I moaned in ecstasy. I tangled my fingers in his hair and
kissed him aggressively. He looked at me and his eyes were the
green and gold they turned when he was excited.

Dominic…” I started, but he
pressed his mouth to mine to stop me from speaking. I broke the
kiss and cried out in ecstasy as he slowly pushed me over the edge.
He felt so good I dug my nails into his back and he howled. I
caught my breath when his ear piecing howl broke the silence. I
felt him let go. He supported himself with the tree and I clung to

He rested against me for a few minutes
then he shifted. “I should go,” he whispered.

The same disappointment I had felt the
last time we were together came creeping up on me. “Ok,” I said
softly. I had nothing to offer him and he made it clear. I was too
young. I was good for sex whenever he felt like having me. He set
me on my feet and I wouldn’t meet his gaze as I buttoned my

He caught me under my chin and I looked
at him. He pressed his mouth to mine in a quick chaste kiss, then
he walked off leaving me alone.

I sighed and leaned against the tree. I
didn’t know what I was going to do. He was impossible and I knew I
was falling for him even harder than before. I cussed and walked
back to Maggie’s house. I stood looking at the house and decided I
really didn’t want to go back in there. I decided to go home and go
to bed. It was getting close to dawn anyway.


The next night I got up early. I had
slept a lot better than I thought I would. I put on another dress.
I knew it was stupid, but Dominic liked the dress so I wore another
one. This one was blue like my eyes.

I walked downstairs. My father was
still in bed. He had a new girlfriend that he was always with. I
barely saw him anymore. I went out the back door and made my way to

I went in her back door and she was in
the kitchen. She smiled up at me from where she was sitting. “You
disappeared last night.”

I nodded as I walked over to start tea.
“Ya I was tired so I went home a little early,” I said

She smiled like she knew better. “Are
you sure it had nothing to do with Dominic. I couldn’t help but
notice he disappeared with you.”

I sighed. “Maybe, I don’t really want
to talk about it.” I knew Maggie wouldn’t press me she never did.
It was one of the reasons I liked going to Maggie’s

Dominic isn’t ready to
settle down. Audrey is finding that out. She keeps trying to push
him to mate with her next year, and I just don’t see him doing it.
He has other things to worry about.” She smiled as she spoke like
she was happy about those other things. I was wondering if she was
starting to think he and I were a couple. I didn’t want her to
think that even though that was what it looked like.

Maggie, I hope you aren’t
saying that because of Dominic and me. He and I aren’t a
couple.”  I didn’t know why it bothered me so much to say it,
but it did.

She made a dismissing noise. “I am
saying it because I know my Dominic better than he knows himself
and despite the fact that he thinks he has everything figured out;
he is wrong. He will get thrown a curve ball.”

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