Misty Moon: Book 1 (9 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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I turned and looked at him hesitantly.
He wanted me to meet him away from the safety of the town. I wasn’t
sure if I liked the idea. I would have to get Danny and Marie to
come with me. They were the only two I trusted not to go to
Dominic. “I want to bring two friends with me.”

He smiled. “Bring who you like love,
my intentions are pure.”

I knew he had nothing to gain by
hurting me unless he thought it would get to Dominic. If he just
wanted to hurt me he could do that now with no problem. “I am going
to hold you too that.”

You can hold me to
whatever you want love,” he said amused.

I’m not your love,” I
countered then shifted and ran toward home.


I returned to Maggie’s at dark. My
impending meeting with Brayden was weighing on me. I hoped he would
do what he agreed. The thought of what he wanted in return was at
the back of my mind. He was very clear about his interest in me

I stood near the sink in the kitchen.
I was cleaning up after going around and checking on

Kylie.” Danny’s voice
startled me out of my thoughts. Marie followed him in the kitchen.
They were both looking at me expectantly. It was a little after ten
and I had asked them to meet me.

Hey guys thanks for
coming. I needed some help, but it has to stay between us,” I said
quietly as I checked the hall to make sure no one was

I’m in, I don’t care what
it is,” Danny said grinning.

Marie looked a little more hesitant as
she looked at Danny. “You should find out what it is first she
could be asking us to do a suicide pact or something,” Marie said

I glanced from him to Marie. I was
hoping it wasn’t a suicide mission. “I am meeting Brayden tonight
and I need backup,” I said softly.

Danny’s eyes widened, but he didn’t

What!” Marie
squeaked. “Are you insane?”

Shhh, I’m not insane. I
talked to him earlier today and he agreed to give me Ally. He is
going to meet me outside town to turn her over,” I whispered as I
peeked back down the hall to make sure no one was

Marie crossed her arms and glared at
me. “I told you suicide.”

Kylie, Marie is right.
Brayden can easily kill all three of us,” Danny said sounding

He didn’t kill me earlier
so I doubt he will kill me tonight. I told him I was bringing
friends and he didn’t care. I think he is really going to
cooperate,” I said looking from Marie to Danny.

Whoa he was in Luna?”
Danny asked annoyed.

He wants something; what
did he ask for?” Marie asked watching me. She was smart and she
knew how the alpha males worked better than I did.

He was here scouting not
far from here. I ran into him on my way home. I didn’t even know
who he was at first. He didn’t ask for anything in particular,” I
said quietly.

Kylie you have to know he
wants something.” Marie sounded hesitant as she spoke.

I nodded. “I agree he does, but I will
worry about that later. Right now I would like to get Ally back.”
Marie looked at Danny. Danny looked like he was caught between
wanting to help me, and his own fear of Brayden. “Look I don’t want
to pressure you. I can go alone. It would just be safer if I had
more people with me.”

Damn I’ll do it,” Danny
said softly.

Marie sighed. “Me too, but when
Dominic finds out, you take the punishment.”

I nodded and smiled. “I will handle
Dominic. We have to leave around eleven thirty. I will meet you two
up the road, once I can get away.”

They agreed and left me to make plans.
Dominic was going to be a problem once he found out. I was going to
have to tell Maggie what was going on so she wouldn’t be caught off

I hurried up the stairs to Maggie’s
bedroom. I knocked gently and Maggie opened the door. She was in a
robe, but she didn’t look like she was asleep. “Is something
wrong?” she asked looking me over.

I shook my head. “I am going somewhere
around midnight. I just wanted to let you know, but please don’t
tell Dominic anything.”

She looked at me for a minute like she
was trying to decide what to say. “I have a feeling you are going
to do something incredibly stupid, but I trust you. If you need me
just call.”

Relief washed over me. She wasn’t
going to be difficult. I knew deep down she wouldn’t be, but it was
nice to be proved right every once in a while. “Thank you Maggie,”
I said softly and hugged her.

She sighed. “Just be careful and trust
your judgment.”

I nodded and hurried downstairs. I was
going to bring supplies just in case.


The three of us sat on the bridge
outside of town. We were in Danny’s truck and the tension was so
thick it could be cut with a knife. Danny was gripping the steering
wheel and I could see the tension in his jaw. Marie was sitting in
the back seat waiting nervously. I was nervous too even though I
tried to hide it.

Headlights appeared down the road in
front of us. A large black SUV pulled up not far from us. “Stay
behind me and don’t instigate anyone,” I ordered as I climbed

I walked to the front of the truck as
Brayden got out of the driver’s seat and walked around the front of
the truck. He was dressed in tight fitting jeans, and a leather
jacket. He looked the part and I hated to admit it, but he looked
good. “I didn’t think you would show up love. I suppose my judge of
character is a little off these days.”

Where is she?” I asked
brushing off his comment. I was surprised I sounded braver then I

Patience darling, I am
attempting to be pleasant,” he said as he waved his

Three other males got out of the SUV.
One of them was leading a woman with curly bright red hair. She
looked disgruntled, but unharmed. They released the woman and she
hurried over to us. Marie helped her to the backseat of the

Let’s get out of here
Kylie,” Danny said backing away.

Go, I’ll be right behind
you,” I said quietly. Danny hesitated and I looked at him. He
backed away and climbed in the front seat of the truck.

I find it amusing that
such a young woman shows no fear. You really must be something
special,” Brayden said amused.

I am not special I am just
not afraid. Thank you for keeping your end,” I said

He smiled and moved closer to me.
“Normally I wouldn’t be so accommodating, but who could deny a face
like this,” he whispered as he brushed his fingertips down my

A lot of people. I have to
go,” I said before he got any closer. I went to move away and he
caught my arm.

Before you do, may I?” he
asked as he produced a silver necklace. It had a solid ruby heart
encased in silver. He wanted to put it on me. I wasn’t sure if I
should accept, but I didn’t want to anger him.

This is not necessary, but
if you insist,” I said in almost a whisper. I turned and moved my
hair aside. He put the necklace on me then traced a spot on my

Perfect just as I
thought,” he whispered. I stiffened as he pulled me against him.
Danny went to get out and I shook my head and Danny hesitated. “I
will put this little I-owe-you away for now, but you do owe me love
and I will collect eventually.”

I felt my cheeks redden and my pulse
raced. “I never thought any less,” I said softly.

He laughed softly and nuzzled my neck.
“Go tend to your baby wolves. They are getting antsy,” he growled
then released me and walked back to his car.

I felt like I could breathe again. I
hurried back to the truck and climbed in the passenger

What the hell was that?”
Danny asked horrified. “He was all over you no wonder he gave her
up so easy!”

I know just forget it, and
let’s go,” I said softly trying not to think about it.

My water broke,” a small
voice from the back seat squeaked.

Uh oh,” Marie said looking
at me.

I looked at Ally and I could see the
fear in her eyes. “It’s ok, I will help you. Marie switch with me.
Danny drive like hell to Maggie’s,” I ordered as I climbed out and
switched with Marie.

Ally was crying and clutching her
belly. I had her lay across the back seat while Danny sped down the
road. We were probably fifteen minutes from Maggie and by the looks
of things the baby would be here by then.

Marie hold this blanket.
You may have to hold the baby,” I said as I checked her. The baby
was already crowning.

I want my husband!” she

I know, but he isn’t here
so you have to focus on the baby. Marie is going to call Maggie and
make sure Malcom is waiting for you,” I said trying to sooth

I looked at Marie and she looked at me
wide eyed. “Oh,” she said startled and pulled her phone

Ally screamed and pushed and within
minutes I had a baby boy in my hands. I clamped and cut his cord
and handed it to Marie. “Oh ok,” Marie said startled as I handed
her the wailing baby.

Ok Ally it is over,” I
said trying to sooth her.

She looked relieved for a minute then
she cried out. “There’s something wrong!” she cried and grasped her

What? What is it?” Danny
asked worried.

I checked her and there was a little
foot. “Damn!” I muttered.

What?” Ally asked

There’s another baby,” I
said softly. It was backwards. I had no clue what to do.

Should I push?” she asked

No, it’s backwards. We
have to wait until we get to Maggie’s,” I said and tried to smile

She started crying and clutching her
belly. “Hurry Danny,” Marie growled.

Almost there,” Danny said
quickly. “Uh oh Dominic doesn’t look happy,” Danny said as he
pulled up to Maggie’s house.

I don’t care just get
around here and get her in the house,” I snapped as I climbed out
of the truck.

Where is she?” Malcom
asked looking worried as he rushed over to me.

In the truck Danny is
getting her out,” I said and he rushed over to Danny.

Maggie came rushing up to me. “Tell
me,” she said obviously sensing something was wrong.

She had one, but the other
is coming out feet first. I think it’s stuck,” I said

Oh boy, let’s hurry. I’ll
need your help so stay close,” she said as she followed Danny and

I followed Maggie and Marie followed
me carrying the screaming healthy baby. I caught Dominic’s gaze and
quickly looked away. He was angry, and I didn’t have time to deal
with him. I knew he had questions and I hadn’t decided what answers
I wanted to give him. I wanted to focus on Ally and the stuck

I followed Maggie in the room and she
examined Alley. She gave me a list of things she would need and I
hurried to the kitchen. I got everything and went back in the

Maggie gave Alley something and it
knocked her out cold.

What are you doing?”
Malcom asked terrified.

We have to cut the baby
out. If we don’t he or she may die. You need to leave until we are
done,” Maggie ordered ushering him out.

He didn’t look like he wanted to
leave. “She will be fine, I promise,” I said softly as I showed him
out so Maggie could get back to Ally. “Go stay with your other
baby, he is in the other room with Marie.”

He looked at me terrified. “Please
don’t let anything happen to her,” he said softly.

Believe me she will be
fine,” I said and smiled reassuringly.

Come on Malcom, let’s go
look at this boy of yours,” Dominic said slapping him on the back
and leading him to the other room.

I turned back to Maggie. “Is Ally and
the baby going to be ok?” I asked as I watched her prepare to cut
Ally open.

Yes, I think so. Our
babies are resilient and Ally will heal. I am going to get the baby
out and you take the baby to Malcom so he feels a little better,”
she said sounding pretty positive considering the

I nodded and assisted Maggie while she
removed the baby. It only took about ten minutes once she was able
to operate. She handed me the screaming baby girl and I wrapped her
in a blanket and took her out of the room while Maggie stitched
Ally up.

I walked into the room with the baby
and Malcom looked relieved as he took her from me. “How is Ally?”
he asked worried.

She is fine. Maggie is
finishing up and then I am sure you will be allowed back in,” I
said and smiled.

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