Misty Moon: Book 1 (11 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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No, don’t say anything.
This is it,” he said as he stood and buttoned his pants. “No more.
We have to remain platonic from now on. I promised Audrey I would
at least try.”

I didn’t speak. I had nothing to say.
He looked at me for a minute then turned and walked out. I groaned
and closed my eyes. He was always making things so much more
complicated. He couldn’t just break up with me and


I stood in the kitchen and tried to
focus on mixing the herbs like Maggie wanted. “Hey Kylie what’s
up?” Marie asked as she came in the kitchen.

I shrugged. “Nothing much, just
sorting these stupid herbs.”

Oh, you sound upset. Do
you want to talk?” she asked as she took a seat across from

No, it’s pointless,” I
said quietly.

Well if you want to talk;
I am here,” she said sounding as chipper as possible.

I nodded. “Thanks,” I said softly. She
shifted nervously as she watched me like she wanted to ask me
something. “Do you have something to say?”

She smiled weakly. “I wanted to ask
you about Danny. I wanted to know if you were seeing

I shook my head. “We are just friends.
Other than you, he is the only friend I have here.”

Do you think it would be
weird if I asked him out? I mean I don’t want to seem desperate
because I’m not…” She kept mumbling on and it was kind of funny. I
could tell she really liked him.

Marie just ask him,” I
said cutting her off. “He doesn’t ask anyone out because he thinks
every girl views him as weak.”

Oh,” she said softly like
she never considered that a possibility.

Hey guys, starting any
trouble tonight?” Danny asked coming in. He was grinning like
usual. Looking at him made me kind of wish I was into him like
Marie was. I probably wouldn’t feel as horrible as I did now; all
because of Dominic.

Not tonight. I have some
things to check on,” I said and glanced at Marie. She blushed a
little and I walked out. Hopefully she would take the hint and ask
him out.

Maggie was out for the night at the
council meeting which was apparently separate from the pack meeting
I attended. Only the high ups could attend the council meeting. I
went through every room restocking and trying to keep myself

After about an hour I walked back down
to the kitchen. Marie and Danny were gone. I was kind of glad, I
was hoping they would at least be happy.

There was a knock on the back door and
I looked up. There was a guy I didn’t recognize looking in at me. I
opened the door and he looked at me nervously. “Are you

That’s her.” I recognized
Brayden’s voice. He was being supported by another male wolf and he
was injured. His side was bloody and I couldn’t help, but feel a
slight bit of panic.

What happened?” I asked
worried as I went to him.

Run in with a hunter
love,” he was trying to sound amused, but I could hear the pain in
his voice.

I knew he wasn’t supposed to be here,
but I couldn’t turn him away. “Bring him in here,” I said quickly.
The wolf supporting him brought him into the kitchen. I gathered
supplies. “We are going upstairs. If anyone sees him here it will
be my ass,” I said annoyed.

Wouldn’t want that, there
would be less for me,” Brayden said amused.

I rolled my eyes. “You are injured and
you still don’t stop.”

It’s not my style love,”
he said grinning.

They followed me upstairs to one of
the spare bedrooms. “Lay him on the bed,” I said as I laid my
supplied on the dresser.

Already trying to get me
in bed love,” Brayden teased then winced as they laid him

I rolled my eyes. “You really are
ridiculous,” I said as I peeled his blood soaked shirt

You two get lost, alert
the pack about the hunter. Come back in a few hours, make sure you
aren’t seen,” he ordered. He sounded so cruel when he was giving
orders. The two wolves hurried out. I pressed my lips together to
keep from commenting. The injury consisted of several angry red
holes. It looked like a shotgun blast. He sighed. “What?” he

I looked at him confused. “What?” I
asked innocently.

He smiled. “I am not an idiot I can
see you wanted to say something. Say it.” He was smiling, but he
sounded slightly angry.

I did not,” I countered
and went back to cleaning his wound.

He caught my wrist and I looked at him
annoyed. He matched my expression. “I don’t appreciate the snide
looks especially in front of my wolves,” he growled.

I am not one of your
wolves you can’t tell me what to do,” I growled and pushed on his

He cussed and released my wrist. I
stood and walked to the dresser to get the tools I would need. I
was going to have to dig the pellets out.

You’re going to enjoy this
aren’t you?” he asked amused as I sat back down next to

Maybe a little,” I said
and smiled. “Cooperate or I will tie you up.”

You are making me not want
to cooperate love,” he said playfully.

I am not your love,” I
countered and began.

He cussed as I dug for each silver
pellet. “Please, darling could you perhaps do this faster?” he

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t have a ton
of experience digging pellets out of people. You should have went
to a real healer,” I countered. I finally got the last one out and
smiled. “There done.”

He seemed to relax. I cleaned the area
one more time. Then put a salve and gauze pad over it. He watched
me smiling. “You like doing this don’t you, love?”

I glanced at him then shrugged. “It
keeps me busy and I am ok at it, and I am not your love,” I growled
as I leaned over him to get the tape. He pulled me close to him and
I caught my breath. I was only inches from his face.

Why do you fight so hard,”
he whispered.

I’m not fighting
anything,” I said trying to keep my voice calm.

His eyes went to my mouth as his he
ran his thumb over my lower lip. He wanted to kiss me and I hated
to admit it, but I wanted him to kiss me. I felt bad because I kept
thinking about Dominic, then I thought about how he just walked
away from me so he could be with Audrey. According to him we were
no longer seeing each other at all so this technically this wasn’t
wrong. It didn’t feel wrong. I leaned into him and he smiled then
pressed his lips to mine aggressively. His tongue touched mine and
I felt my body come to life. He quickly rolled pinning me to the
bed below him. His kisses were aggressive and needy. His hands were
all over me. The sensations running through me were incredible. I
felt his hunger for me, and it was driving me insane. His mouth
kept me distracted as he undid his pants. He pushed my dress up and
pushed his hard cock inside me.

I sucked in air. The tingling
sensations startled me. I looked at him wide eyed. He smiled as he
pushed forward filling me even more. “What the hell is that?” My
voice was higher pitched than normal. It felt like he had silver
piercings in his cock, I could feel it. The sensations were
overwhelming, but pleasurable.

His smile widened. “You’re not the
only one with fun piercings darling.” His mouth covered mine again
and I moaned in ecstasy as he began to move against me.

Part of me wanted to stop him and
another part of me wanted it to never end. Every place the silver
in his cock touched tingled with pleasure. It felt like the entire
underside of his cock was covered in silver. I dug my nails in his
back and he growled low in his throat. His mouth moved to my neck
then the tops of my breasts. I relaxed and let the pleasure
overwhelm me. I moaned and bucked against him. He groaned, then
half cried, half howled as he released.

It was over as quickly as it had begun
and it was amazing. I laid under him trying to catch my breath. I
could feel him still inside me. He was in no hurry. He laid gentle
kisses across my chest and neck. “I have a feeling you will be
regretting this in the morning,” he said amused.

I scoffed. “I am already regretting
it.” He laughed and withdrew his cock making me gasp. He winced as
he went to his knees and buttoned his pants. His bandage had blood
spots where he was bleeding through. “You shouldn’t be moving so
much,” I growled as I went to adjust his bandage.

He caught my hands to keep me from
messing with it. “I had fun love, but I am fine, and I need to get
out of here.”

I scowled. “So that’s it, you get what
you want then you leave?” I asked annoyed.

He smiled. “Did you expect any less of
me love?”

I scoffed as I climbed off the bed. “I
am not your love,” I muttered.

Of course not. I will see
you next time love,” he said amused. He ducked out of the room as I
chucked the roll of gauze at his head. He was annoying the hell out
of me.

I sighed and sat back down on the bed.
I was back to thinking about Dominic and second guessing what I did
with Brayden. I was beginning to wish I had fought harder to stay
away from Luna. Everything had gotten so complicated so


I was being shaken awake. Maggie was
looking down at me. “Get up girl, we’ve got work to do.”

I could tell by the tone of her voice
something was wrong. “What’s going on?” I asked groggily as I
climbed out of the bed.

Dominic brought in a
younger wolf in. He was injured in a fight with another wolf. He
was injured pretty badly,” she said as she rushed around and
collected supplies I had been using earlier.

Did Dominic say how it
happened?” I asked as I pinned my hair up and checked my reflection
in the mirror.

He is downstairs, you can
ask him,” she said and hurried out.

I felt a knot form in my stomach. I
didn’t want to see Dominic. A slight fear that he would be able to
smell Brayden on me made my stomach turn. I took a deep breath and
followed Maggie downstairs. It didn’t matter what he could tell, he
dumped me.

I followed Maggie into one of the
rooms downstairs and Dominic had a young wolf pinned to the bed.
The wolf was screaming in agony. He had claw marks and what looked
like stab wounds. His face was bloodied as well.

I will give him
something,” Maggie said quickly as she began mixing herbs. “Kylie
get ready to clean and dress his injuries.”

I nodded. I could feel Dominic staring
at me. I made it a point to avoid eye contact. I had bigger things
to worry about. Once the guy on the bed was passed out I started
helping Maggie clean and dress his wounds.

Who did this?” Maggie
asked as she looked the wounds over.

Dominic shook his head. “Michael
doesn’t remember, but whoever it was got a chest full of

I felt my stomach twist and I focused
on dressing the wound. I knew it was Brayden. I should have known
better than to trust him. He had attacked Michael, and Brayden’s
wounds were from the Michael defending himself. I had helped him
then had sex with him. I felt like such an idiot.

Kylie go to the kitchen
and get more salve,” Maggie said softly.

I nodded and hurried out. I walked
quickly to the kitchen. I was furious and I could barely focus. I
didn’t know why I expected any less from Brayden.

You moved on awful quick.”
There was a hint of anger in Dominic’s voice. He was leaning on the
door jamb. His voice startled me slightly.

I glanced at him then looked back at
what I was doing. I didn’t want to fight and I didn’t want to talk
about Brayden. “You moved on before you broke up with me and why do
you even care?” I asked curtly. I was beginning to think he didn’t
know I was with Brayden. I had a feeling he would be so much
angrier if he did.

I don’t,” he muttered. I
could tell by his tone he was lying, but I didn’t want to care.
“Who is he? Is it Danny?”

I looked at him not really sure what
to say. I didn’t know why he was even asking. “Dominic I don’t
think discussing it would be a good idea,” I said softly as I
walked past him and hurried down the hall.

I don’t want it to be
weird between us Kylie. Maybe talking will make things a little
better,” he argued as he followed me.

I turned abruptly and he almost ran
into me. “Talking won’t do anything, but remind me of all my
mistakes, and make everything hurt more. It is less painful if it
isn’t discussed,” I said angrily then walked in the

Maggie gave me a questioning look and
I looked away quickly. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of

I was relieved when Dominic stayed
silent while Maggie and I worked to bandage Michael. Once we were
finished I walked back out to the kitchen to put things

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